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// microtest.h
// URL: https://github.com/torpedro/microtest.h
// Author: Pedro Flemming (http://torpedro.com/)
// License: MIT License (https://github.com/torpedro/microtest.h/blob/master/LICENSE)
// Copyright (c) 2017 Pedro Flemming
// This is a small header-only C++ unit testing framework.
// It allows to define small unit tests with set of assertions available.
#ifndef __MICROTEST_H__
#define __MICROTEST_H__
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
// Assertions //
#define ASSERT(cond)\
#define ASSERT_TRUE(cond)\
if (!(cond)) throw mt::AssertFailedException(#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#define ASSERT_FALSE(cond)\
if (cond) throw mt::AssertFailedException(#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#define ASSERT_NULL(value)\
#define ASSERT_NOTNULL(value)\
#define ASSERT_STREQ(a, b)\
if (std::string(a).compare(std::string(b)) != 0) {\
printf("%s{ info} %s", mt::yellow(), mt::def());\
std::cout << "Actual values: " << a << " != " << b << std::endl;\
throw mt::AssertFailedException(#a " == " #b, __FILE__, __LINE__);\
#define ASSERT_STRNEQ(a, b)\
if (std::string(a).compare(std::string(b)) !== 0) {\
printf("%s{ info} %s", mt::yellow(), mt::def());\
std::cout << "Actual values: " << a << " == " << b << std::endl;\
throw mt::AssertFailedException(#a " != " #b, __FILE__, __LINE__);\
#define ASSERT_EQ(a, b)\
if (a != b) {\
printf("%s{ info} %s", mt::yellow(), mt::def());\
std::cout << "Actual values: " << a << " != " << b << std::endl;\
ASSERT(a == b);
#define ASSERT_NEQ(a, b)\
if (a == b) {\
printf("%s{ info} %s", mt::yellow(), mt::def());\
std::cout << "Actual values: " << a << " == " << b << std::endl;\
ASSERT(a != b);
// Unit Tests //
#define TEST(name) \
void name();\
namespace {\
bool __##name = mt::TestsManager::AddTest(name, #name);\
void name()
// Framework //
namespace mt {
inline const char* red() {
return "\033[1;31m";
inline const char* green() {
return "\033[0;32m";
inline const char* yellow() {
return "\033[0;33m";
inline const char* def() {
return "\033[0m";
inline void printRunning(const char* message, FILE* file = stdout) {
fprintf(file, "%s{ running}%s %s\n", green(), def(), message);
inline void printOk(const char* message, FILE* file = stdout) {
fprintf(file, "%s{ ok}%s %s\n", green(), def(), message);
inline void printFailed(const char* message, FILE* file = stdout) {
fprintf(file, "%s{ failed} %s%s\n", red(), message, def());
// Exception that is thrown when an assertion fails.
class AssertFailedException : public std::exception {
AssertFailedException(std::string description, std::string filepath, int line) :
line_(line) {};
virtual const char* what() const throw() {
return description_.c_str();
inline const char* getFilepath() {
return filepath_.c_str();
inline int getLine() {
return line_;
std::string description_;
std::string filepath_;
int line_;
class TestsManager {
// Note: static initialization fiasco
// http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/static-init-order.html
// http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/static-init-order-on-first-use.html
struct Test {
const char* name;
void (*fn)(void);
static std::vector<Test>& tests() {
static std::vector<Test> tests_;
return tests_;
// Adds a new test to the current set of tests.
// Returns false if a test with the same name already exists.
inline static bool AddTest(void (*fn)(void), const char* name) {
tests().push_back({ name, fn });
return true;
// Run all tests that are registered.
// Returns the number of tests that failed.
inline static size_t RunAllTests(FILE* file = stdout) {
size_t num_failed = 0;
for (const Test& test : tests()) {
// Run the test.
// If an AsserFailedException is thrown, the test has failed.
try {
printRunning(test.name, file);
printOk(test.name, file);
} catch (AssertFailedException& e) {
printFailed(test.name, file);
fprintf(file, " %sAssertion failed: %s%s\n",
red(), e.what(), def());
fprintf(file, " %s%s:%d%s\n",
red(), e.getFilepath(), e.getLine(), def());
int return_code = (num_failed > 0) ? 1 : 0;
return return_code;
// Class that will capture the arguments passed to the program.
class Runtime {
static const std::vector<std::string>& args(int argc = -1, char** argv = NULL) {
static std::vector<std::string> args_;
if (argc >= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
return args_;
#define TEST_MAIN() \
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {\
mt::Runtime::args(argc, argv);\
size_t num_failed = mt::TestsManager::RunAllTests(stdout);\
if (num_failed == 0) {\
fprintf(stdout, "%s{ summary} All tests succeeded!%s\n", mt::green(), mt::def());\
return 0;\
} else {\
double percentage = 100.0 * num_failed / mt::TestsManager::tests().size();\
fprintf(stderr, "%s{ summary} %lu tests failed (%.2f%%)%s\n", mt::red(), num_failed, percentage, mt::def());\
return -1;\
#endif // __MICROTEST_H__