Christian Rossow 958920d130 moved to subdir
2023-12-14 14:14:14 +01:00

25 lines
672 B

Build these executables typing
All programs have a software breakpoint (int3) at the very beginning.
Then you can debug each of them with:
gdbtui -ex run ./ex01.runme
Then single-step typing `si` once and pressing ENTER. Pressing ENTER
yet another time repeats the last command (in this case, step into).
As soon as you encounter 4 consecuvite NOP instructions you have reached
the end of the code (just before calling sys_exit(42)).
To enjoy gdbtui's beauty, you should create ~/.gdbinit with this config:
layout asm
layout regs
set disassembly-flavor intel
winheight REGS -10
winheight CMD -5
winheight ASM +15