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2024-08-05 09:32:03 +02:00
Overview of multiclass training meta-estimators
In this example, we discuss the problem of classification when the target
variable is composed of more than two classes. This is called multiclass
In scikit-learn, all estimators support multiclass classification out of the
box: the most sensible strategy was implemented for the end-user. The
:mod:`sklearn.multiclass` module implements various strategies that one can use
for experimenting or developing third-party estimators that only support binary
:mod:`sklearn.multiclass` includes OvO/OvR strategies used to train a
multiclass classifier by fitting a set of binary classifiers (the
:class:`~sklearn.multiclass.OneVsOneClassifier` and
:class:`~sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier` meta-estimators). This example
will review them.
# %%
# The Yeast UCI dataset
# ---------------------
# In this example, we use a UCI dataset [1]_, generally referred as the Yeast
# dataset. We use the :func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_openml` function to load
# the dataset from OpenML.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
X, y = fetch_openml(data_id=181, as_frame=True, return_X_y=True)
# %%
# To know the type of data science problem we are dealing with, we can check
# the target for which we want to build a predictive model.
# %%
# We see that the target is discrete and composed of 10 classes. We therefore
# deal with a multiclass classification problem.
# Strategies comparison
# ---------------------
# In the following experiment, we use a
# :class:`~sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier` and a
# :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.RepeatedStratifiedKFold` cross-validation
# with 3 splits and 5 repetitions.
# We compare the following strategies:
# * :class:~sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier can handle multiclass
# classification without needing any special adjustments. It works by breaking
# down the training data into smaller subsets and focusing on the most common
# class in each subset. By repeating this process, the model can accurately
# classify input data into multiple different classes.
# * :class:`~sklearn.multiclass.OneVsOneClassifier` trains a set of binary
# classifiers where each classifier is trained to distinguish between
# two classes.
# * :class:`~sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier`: trains a set of binary
# classifiers where each classifier is trained to distinguish between
# one class and the rest of the classes.
# * :class:`~sklearn.multiclass.OutputCodeClassifier`: trains a set of binary
# classifiers where each classifier is trained to distinguish between
# a set of classes from the rest of the classes. The set of classes is
# defined by a codebook, which is randomly generated in scikit-learn. This
# method exposes a parameter `code_size` to control the size of the codebook.
# We set it above one since we are not interested in compressing the class
# representation.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold, cross_validate
from sklearn.multiclass import (
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, n_repeats=5, random_state=0)
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
ovo_tree = OneVsOneClassifier(tree)
ovr_tree = OneVsRestClassifier(tree)
ecoc = OutputCodeClassifier(tree, code_size=2)
cv_results_tree = cross_validate(tree, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ovo = cross_validate(ovo_tree, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ovr = cross_validate(ovr_tree, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ecoc = cross_validate(ecoc, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
# %%
# We can now compare the statistical performance of the different strategies.
# We plot the score distribution of the different strategies.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
scores = pd.DataFrame(
"DecisionTreeClassifier": cv_results_tree["test_score"],
"OneVsOneClassifier": cv_results_ovo["test_score"],
"OneVsRestClassifier": cv_results_ovr["test_score"],
"OutputCodeClassifier": cv_results_ecoc["test_score"],
ax = scores.plot.kde(legend=True)
ax.set_xlabel("Accuracy score")
ax.set_xlim([0, 0.7])
_ = ax.set_title(
"Density of the accuracy scores for the different multiclass strategies"
# %%
# At a first glance, we can see that the built-in strategy of the decision
# tree classifier is working quite well. One-vs-one and the error-correcting
# output code strategies are working even better. However, the
# one-vs-rest strategy is not working as well as the other strategies.
# Indeed, these results reproduce something reported in the literature
# as in [2]_. However, the story is not as simple as it seems.
# The importance of hyperparameters search
# ----------------------------------------
# It was later shown in [3]_ that the multiclass strategies would show similar
# scores if the hyperparameters of the base classifiers are first optimized.
# Here we try to reproduce such result by at least optimizing the depth of the
# base decision tree.
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
param_grid = {"max_depth": [3, 5, 8]}
tree_optimized = GridSearchCV(tree, param_grid=param_grid, cv=3)
ovo_tree = OneVsOneClassifier(tree_optimized)
ovr_tree = OneVsRestClassifier(tree_optimized)
ecoc = OutputCodeClassifier(tree_optimized, code_size=2)
cv_results_tree = cross_validate(tree_optimized, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ovo = cross_validate(ovo_tree, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ovr = cross_validate(ovr_tree, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
cv_results_ecoc = cross_validate(ecoc, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=2)
scores = pd.DataFrame(
"DecisionTreeClassifier": cv_results_tree["test_score"],
"OneVsOneClassifier": cv_results_ovo["test_score"],
"OneVsRestClassifier": cv_results_ovr["test_score"],
"OutputCodeClassifier": cv_results_ecoc["test_score"],
ax = scores.plot.kde(legend=True)
ax.set_xlabel("Accuracy score")
ax.set_xlim([0, 0.7])
_ = ax.set_title(
"Density of the accuracy scores for the different multiclass strategies"
# %%
# We can see that once the hyperparameters are optimized, all multiclass
# strategies have similar performance as discussed in [3]_.
# Conclusion
# ----------
# We can get some intuition behind those results.
# First, the reason for which one-vs-one and error-correcting output code are
# outperforming the tree when the hyperparameters are not optimized relies on
# fact that they ensemble a larger number of classifiers. The ensembling
# improves the generalization performance. This is a bit similar why a bagging
# classifier generally performs better than a single decision tree if no care
# is taken to optimize the hyperparameters.
# Then, we see the importance of optimizing the hyperparameters. Indeed, it
# should be regularly explored when developing predictive models even if
# techniques such as ensembling help at reducing this impact.
# Finally, it is important to recall that the estimators in scikit-learn
# are developed with a specific strategy to handle multiclass classification
# out of the box. So for these estimators, it means that there is no need to
# use different strategies. These strategies are mainly useful for third-party
# estimators supporting only binary classification. In all cases, we also show
# that the hyperparameters should be optimized.
# References
# ----------
# .. [1]
# .. [2] `"Reducing multiclass to binary: A unifying approach for margin classifiers."
# Allwein, Erin L., Robert E. Schapire, and Yoram Singer.
# Journal of machine learning research 1
# Dec (2000): 113-141.
# <>`_.
# .. [3] `"In defense of one-vs-all classification."
# Journal of Machine Learning Research 5
# Jan (2004): 101-141.
# <>`_.