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2024-08-05 09:32:03 +02:00
Scalable learning with polynomial kernel approximation
.. currentmodule:: sklearn.kernel_approximation
This example illustrates the use of :class:`PolynomialCountSketch` to
efficiently generate polynomial kernel feature-space approximations.
This is used to train linear classifiers that approximate the accuracy
of kernelized ones.
We use the Covtype dataset [2], trying to reproduce the experiments on the
original paper of Tensor Sketch [1], i.e. the algorithm implemented by
First, we compute the accuracy of a linear classifier on the original
features. Then, we train linear classifiers on different numbers of
features (`n_components`) generated by :class:`PolynomialCountSketch`,
approximating the accuracy of a kernelized classifier in a scalable manner.
# Author: Daniel Lopez-Sanchez <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
# %%
# Preparing the data
# ------------------
# Load the Covtype dataset, which contains 581,012 samples
# with 54 features each, distributed among 6 classes. The goal of this dataset
# is to predict forest cover type from cartographic variables only
# (no remotely sensed data). After loading, we transform it into a binary
# classification problem to match the version of the dataset in the
# LIBSVM webpage [2], which was the one used in [1].
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_covtype
X, y = fetch_covtype(return_X_y=True)
y[y != 2] = 0
y[y == 2] = 1 # We will try to separate class 2 from the other 6 classes.
# %%
# Partitioning the data
# ---------------------
# Here we select 5,000 samples for training and 10,000 for testing.
# To actually reproduce the results in the original Tensor Sketch paper,
# select 100,000 for training.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
X, y, train_size=5_000, test_size=10_000, random_state=42
# %%
# Feature normalization
# ---------------------
# Now scale features to the range [0, 1] to match the format of the dataset in
# the LIBSVM webpage, and then normalize to unit length as done in the
# original Tensor Sketch paper [1].
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, Normalizer
mm = make_pipeline(MinMaxScaler(), Normalizer())
X_train = mm.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = mm.transform(X_test)
# %%
# Establishing a baseline model
# -----------------------------
# As a baseline, train a linear SVM on the original features and print the
# accuracy. We also measure and store accuracies and training times to
# plot them later.
import time
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
results = {}
lsvm = LinearSVC()
start = time.time(), y_train)
lsvm_time = time.time() - start
lsvm_score = 100 * lsvm.score(X_test, y_test)
results["LSVM"] = {"time": lsvm_time, "score": lsvm_score}
print(f"Linear SVM score on raw features: {lsvm_score:.2f}%")
# %%
# Establishing the kernel approximation model
# -------------------------------------------
# Then we train linear SVMs on the features generated by
# :class:`PolynomialCountSketch` with different values for `n_components`,
# showing that these kernel feature approximations improve the accuracy
# of linear classification. In typical application scenarios, `n_components`
# should be larger than the number of features in the input representation
# in order to achieve an improvement with respect to linear classification.
# As a rule of thumb, the optimum of evaluation score / run time cost is
# typically achieved at around `n_components` = 10 * `n_features`, though this
# might depend on the specific dataset being handled. Note that, since the
# original samples have 54 features, the explicit feature map of the
# polynomial kernel of degree four would have approximately 8.5 million
# features (precisely, 54^4). Thanks to :class:`PolynomialCountSketch`, we can
# condense most of the discriminative information of that feature space into a
# much more compact representation. While we run the experiment only a single time
# (`n_runs` = 1) in this example, in practice one should repeat the experiment several
# times to compensate for the stochastic nature of :class:`PolynomialCountSketch`.
from sklearn.kernel_approximation import PolynomialCountSketch
n_runs = 1
N_COMPONENTS = [250, 500, 1000, 2000]
for n_components in N_COMPONENTS:
ps_lsvm_time = 0
ps_lsvm_score = 0
for _ in range(n_runs):
pipeline = make_pipeline(
PolynomialCountSketch(n_components=n_components, degree=4),
start = time.time(), y_train)
ps_lsvm_time += time.time() - start
ps_lsvm_score += 100 * pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
ps_lsvm_time /= n_runs
ps_lsvm_score /= n_runs
results[f"LSVM + PS({n_components})"] = {
"time": ps_lsvm_time,
"score": ps_lsvm_score,
f"Linear SVM score on {n_components} PolynomialCountSketch "
+ f"features: {ps_lsvm_score:.2f}%"
# %%
# Establishing the kernelized SVM model
# -------------------------------------
# Train a kernelized SVM to see how well :class:`PolynomialCountSketch`
# is approximating the performance of the kernel. This, of course, may take
# some time, as the SVC class has a relatively poor scalability. This is the
# reason why kernel approximators are so useful:
from sklearn.svm import SVC
ksvm = SVC(C=500.0, kernel="poly", degree=4, coef0=0, gamma=1.0)
start = time.time(), y_train)
ksvm_time = time.time() - start
ksvm_score = 100 * ksvm.score(X_test, y_test)
results["KSVM"] = {"time": ksvm_time, "score": ksvm_score}
print(f"Kernel-SVM score on raw features: {ksvm_score:.2f}%")
# %%
# Comparing the results
# ---------------------
# Finally, plot the results of the different methods against their training
# times. As we can see, the kernelized SVM achieves a higher accuracy,
# but its training time is much larger and, most importantly, will grow
# much faster if the number of training samples increases.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7))
label="Linear SVM",
results["LSVM + PS(250)"]["time"],
results["LSVM + PS(250)"]["score"],
label="Linear SVM + PolynomialCountSketch",
for n_components in N_COMPONENTS:
results[f"LSVM + PS({n_components})"]["time"],
results[f"LSVM + PS({n_components})"]["score"],
results[f"LSVM + PS({n_components})"]["time"],
results[f"LSVM + PS({n_components})"]["score"],
xytext=(-30, 10),
textcoords="offset pixels",
label="Kernel SVM",
ax.set_xlabel("Training time (s)")
ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy (%)")
# %%
# References
# ==========
# [1] Pham, Ninh and Rasmus Pagh. "Fast and scalable polynomial kernels via
# explicit feature maps." KDD '13 (2013).
# [2] LIBSVM binary datasets repository