cdef extern from "sys/types.h":
    ctypedef unsigned char u_int8_t
    ctypedef unsigned short int u_int16_t
    ctypedef unsigned int u_int32_t

cdef extern from "netinet/ip.h":
    struct iphdr:
        u_int8_t tos
        u_int16_t tot_len
        u_int16_t id
        u_int16_t frag_off
        u_int8_t ttl
        u_int8_t protocol
        u_int16_t check
        u_int32_t saddr
        u_int32_t daddr

# Dummy defines from netinet/in.h:
cdef enum:
    IPPROTO_IP = 0        # Dummy protocol for TCP.
    IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0   # IPv6 Hop-by-Hop options.
    IPPROTO_ICMP = 1      # Internet Control Message Protocol.
    IPPROTO_IGMP = 2      # Internet Group Management Protocol. */
    IPPROTO_IPIP = 4      # IPIP tunnels (older KA9Q tunnels use 94).
    IPPROTO_TCP = 6       # Transmission Control Protocol.
    IPPROTO_EGP = 8       # Exterior Gateway Protocol.
    IPPROTO_PUP = 12      # PUP protocol.
    IPPROTO_UDP = 17      # User Datagram Protocol.
    IPPROTO_IDP = 22      # XNS IDP protocol.
    IPPROTO_TP = 29       # SO Transport Protocol Class 4.
    IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41     # IPv6 header.
    IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43  # IPv6 routing header.
    IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44 # IPv6 fragmentation header.
    IPPROTO_RSVP = 46     # Reservation Protocol.
    IPPROTO_GRE = 47      # General Routing Encapsulation.
    IPPROTO_ESP = 50      # encapsulating security payload.
    IPPROTO_AH = 51       # authentication header.
    IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58   # ICMPv6.
    IPPROTO_NONE = 59     # IPv6 no next header.
    IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60  # IPv6 destination options.
    IPPROTO_MTP = 92      # Multicast Transport Protocol.
    IPPROTO_ENCAP = 98    # Encapsulation Header.
    IPPROTO_PIM = 103     # Protocol Independent Multicast.
    IPPROTO_COMP = 108    # Compression Header Protocol.
    IPPROTO_SCTP = 132    # Stream Control Transmission Protocol.
    IPPROTO_RAW = 255     # Raw IP packets.

cdef extern from "Python.h":
    object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char *s, Py_ssize_t len)

cdef extern from "sys/time.h":
    ctypedef long time_t
    struct timeval:
        time_t tv_sec
        time_t tv_usec
    struct timezone:

cdef extern from "netinet/in.h":
    u_int32_t ntohl (u_int32_t __netlong) nogil
    u_int16_t ntohs (u_int16_t __netshort) nogil
    u_int32_t htonl (u_int32_t __hostlong) nogil
    u_int16_t htons (u_int16_t __hostshort) nogil

cdef extern from "libnfnetlink/linux_nfnetlink.h":
    struct nfgenmsg:
        u_int8_t nfgen_family
        u_int8_t version
        u_int16_t res_id

cdef extern from "libnetfilter_queue/linux_nfnetlink_queue.h":
    enum nfqnl_config_mode:
    struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr:
        u_int32_t packet_id
        u_int16_t hw_protocol
        u_int8_t hook
cdef extern from "libnetfilter_queue/libnetfilter_queue.h":
    struct nfq_handle:
    struct nfq_q_handle:
    struct nfq_data:
    struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hw:
        u_int8_t hw_addr[8]
    nfq_handle *nfq_open()
    int nfq_close(nfq_handle *h)
    int nfq_bind_pf(nfq_handle *h, u_int16_t pf)
    int nfq_unbind_pf(nfq_handle *h, u_int16_t pf)
    ctypedef int *nfq_callback(nfq_q_handle *gh, nfgenmsg *nfmsg,
                       nfq_data *nfad, void *data)
    nfq_q_handle *nfq_create_queue(nfq_handle *h,
                                    u_int16_t num,
                                    nfq_callback *cb,
                                    void *data)
    int nfq_destroy_queue(nfq_q_handle *qh)
    int nfq_handle_packet(nfq_handle *h, char *buf, int len)
    int nfq_set_mode(nfq_q_handle *qh,
                       u_int8_t mode, unsigned int len)
    q_set_queue_maxlen(nfq_q_handle *qh,
                     u_int32_t queuelen)
    int nfq_set_verdict(nfq_q_handle *qh,
                          u_int32_t id,
                          u_int32_t verdict,
                          u_int32_t data_len,
                          unsigned char *buf) nogil
    int nfq_set_verdict_mark(nfq_q_handle *qh,
                            u_int32_t id,
                            u_int32_t verdict,
                            u_int32_t mark,
                            u_int32_t datalen,
                            unsigned char *buf) nogil
    int nfq_set_queue_maxlen(nfq_q_handle *qh, u_int32_t queuelen)

    int nfq_fd(nfq_handle *h)
    nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *nfq_get_msg_packet_hdr(nfq_data *nfad)
    int nfq_get_payload(nfq_data *nfad, char **data)
    int nfq_get_timestamp(nfq_data *nfad, timeval *tv)
    nfqnl_msg_packet_hw *nfq_get_packet_hw(nfq_data *nfad)
# Dummy defines from linux/socket.h:
cdef enum: #  Protocol families, same as address families.
    PF_INET = 2
    PF_INET6 = 10

cdef extern from "sys/socket.h":
    ssize_t recv(int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __n, int __flags) nogil
# Dummy defines from linux/netfilter.h
cdef enum:

cdef class NFPacket:
    cdef nfq_q_handle *_qh
    cdef nfq_data *_nfa
    cdef nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *_hdr
    cdef bint _verdict_is_set # True if verdict has been issued, 
        # false otherwise
    cdef bint _mark_is_set # True if a mark has been given, false otherwise
    cdef u_int32_t _given_mark # Mark given to packet
    cdef unsigned char *_given_payload # New payload of packet, or null
    # From NFQ packet header:
    cdef readonly u_int32_t id
    cdef readonly u_int16_t hw_protocol
    cdef readonly u_int8_t hook
    # Packet details:
    cdef Py_ssize_t payload_len
    cdef readonly char *payload
    cdef timeval timestamp
    # TODO: implement these
    #cdef u_int8_t hw_addr[8] # A eui64-formatted address?
    #cdef readonly u_int32_t nfmark
    #cdef readonly u_int32_t indev
    #cdef readonly u_int32_t physindev
    #cdef readonly u_int32_t outdev
    #cdef readonly u_int32_t physoutdev
    cdef set_nfq_data(self, nfq_q_handle *qh, nfq_data *nfa)
    cdef void verdict(self, u_int8_t verdict)
    cpdef Py_ssize_t get_payload_len(self)
    cpdef double get_timestamp(self)
    cpdef set_mark(self, u_int32_t mark)
    cpdef accept(self)
    cpdef drop(self)
cdef class NFQueue:
    cdef nfq_handle *h # Handle to NFQueue library
    cdef nfq_q_handle *qh # A handle to the queue
    cdef u_int16_t af # Address family
    cdef packet_copy_size # Amount of packet metadata + data copied to buffer