""" Bind to a Linux netfilter queue. Send packets to a user-specified callback function. Copyright: (c) 2011, Kerkhoff Technologies Inc. License: MIT; see LICENSE.txt """ VERSION = (0, 6, 0) # Constants for module users COPY_NONE = 1 COPY_META = 2 COPY_PACKET = 3 DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUELEN = 1024 # Packet copying defaults DEF MaxPacketSize = 0xFFFF DEF BufferSize = 4096 DEF MetadataSize = 80 DEF MaxCopySize = BufferSize - MetadataSize cdef int global_callback(nfq_q_handle *qh, nfgenmsg *nfmsg, nfq_data *nfa, void *data) with gil: """Create a Packet and pass it to appropriate callback.""" cdef NetfilterQueue nfqueue = <NetfilterQueue>data cdef object user_callback = <object>nfqueue.user_callback packet = Packet() packet.set_nfq_data(qh, nfa) user_callback(packet) return 1 cdef class Packet: """A packet received from NetfilterQueue.""" def __cinit__(self): self._verdict_is_set = False self._mark_is_set = False self._given_payload = None def __str__(self): cdef iphdr *hdr = <iphdr*>self.payload protocol = PROTOCOLS.get(hdr.protocol, "Unknown protocol") return "%s packet, %s bytes" % (protocol, self.payload_len) cdef set_nfq_data(self, nfq_q_handle *qh, nfq_data *nfa): """ Assign a packet from NFQ to this object. Parse the header and load local values. """ self._qh = qh self._nfa = nfa self._hdr = nfq_get_msg_packet_hdr(nfa) self.id = ntohl(self._hdr.packet_id) self.hw_protocol = ntohs(self._hdr.hw_protocol) self.hook = self._hdr.hook self.payload_len = nfq_get_payload(self._nfa, &self.payload) if self.payload_len < 0: raise OSError("Failed to get payload of packet.") nfq_get_timestamp(self._nfa, &self.timestamp) self.mark = nfq_get_nfmark(nfa) cdef void verdict(self, u_int8_t verdict): """Call appropriate set_verdict... function on packet.""" if self._verdict_is_set: raise RuntimeWarning("Verdict already given for this packet.") cdef u_int32_t modified_payload_len = 0 cdef unsigned char *modified_payload = NULL if self._given_payload: modified_payload_len = len(self._given_payload) modified_payload = self._given_payload if self._mark_is_set: nfq_set_verdict_mark( self._qh, self.id, verdict, htonl(self._given_mark), modified_payload_len, modified_payload) else: nfq_set_verdict( self._qh, self.id, verdict, modified_payload_len, modified_payload) self._verdict_is_set = True def get_payload(self): """Return payload as Python string.""" cdef object py_string = PyString_FromStringAndSize(self.payload, self.payload_len) return py_string cpdef Py_ssize_t get_payload_len(self): return self.payload_len cpdef double get_timestamp(self): return self.timestamp.tv_sec + (self.timestamp.tv_usec/1000000.0) cpdef set_payload(self, bytes payload): """Set the new payload of this packet.""" self._given_payload = payload cpdef set_mark(self, u_int32_t mark): self._given_mark = mark self._mark_is_set = True cpdef get_mark(self): if self._mark_is_set: return self._given_mark return self.mark cpdef accept(self): """Accept the packet.""" self.verdict(NF_ACCEPT) cpdef drop(self): """Drop the packet.""" self.verdict(NF_DROP) cpdef repeat(self): """Repeat the packet.""" self.verdict(NF_REPEAT) cdef class NetfilterQueue: """Handle a single numbered queue.""" def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.af = kwargs.get("af", PF_INET) self.h = nfq_open() if self.h == NULL: raise OSError("Failed to open NFQueue.") nfq_unbind_pf(self.h, self.af) # This does NOT kick out previous # running queues if nfq_bind_pf(self.h, self.af) < 0: raise OSError("Failed to bind family %s. Are you root?" % self.af) def __dealloc__(self): if self.qh != NULL: nfq_destroy_queue(self.qh) # Don't call nfq_unbind_pf unless you want to disconnect any other # processes using this libnetfilter_queue on this protocol family! nfq_close(self.h) def bind(self, int queue_num, object user_callback, u_int32_t max_len=DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUELEN, u_int8_t mode=NFQNL_COPY_PACKET, u_int32_t range=MaxPacketSize): """Create and bind to a new queue.""" self.user_callback = user_callback self.qh = nfq_create_queue(self.h, queue_num, <nfq_callback*>global_callback, <void*>self) if self.qh == NULL: raise OSError("Failed to create queue %s." % queue_num) if range > MaxCopySize: range = MaxCopySize if nfq_set_mode(self.qh, mode, range) < 0: raise OSError("Failed to set packet copy mode.") nfq_set_queue_maxlen(self.qh, max_len) def unbind(self): """Destroy the queue.""" if self.qh != NULL: nfq_destroy_queue(self.qh) self.qh = NULL # See warning about nfq_unbind_pf in __dealloc__ above. def run(self): """Begin accepting packets.""" cdef int fd = nfq_fd(self.h) cdef char buf[BufferSize] cdef int rv with nogil: rv = recv(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0) while rv >= 0: nfq_handle_packet(self.h, buf, rv) with nogil: rv = recv(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0) PROTOCOLS = { 0: "HOPOPT", 1: "ICMP", 2: "IGMP", 3: "GGP", 4: "IP", 5: "ST", 6: "TCP", 7: "CBT", 8: "EGP", 9: "IGP", 10: "BBN-RCC-MON", 11: "NVP-II", 12: "PUP", 13: "ARGUS", 14: "EMCON", 15: "XNET", 16: "CHAOS", 17: "UDP", 18: "MUX", 19: "DCN-MEAS", 20: "HMP", 21: "PRM", 22: "XNS-IDP", 23: "TRUNK-1", 24: "TRUNK-2", 25: "LEAF-1", 26: "LEAF-2", 27: "RDP", 28: "IRTP", 29: "ISO-TP4", 30: "NETBLT", 31: "MFE-NSP", 32: "MERIT-INP", 33: "DCCP", 34: "3PC", 35: "IDPR", 36: "XTP", 37: "DDP", 38: "IDPR-CMTP", 39: "TP++", 40: "IL", 41: "IPv6", 42: "SDRP", 43: "IPv6-Route", 44: "IPv6-Frag", 45: "IDRP", 46: "RSVP", 47: "GRE", 48: "DSR", 49: "BNA", 50: "ESP", 51: "AH", 52: "I-NLSP", 53: "SWIPE", 54: "NARP", 55: "MOBILE", 56: "TLSP", 57: "SKIP", 58: "IPv6-ICMP", 59: "IPv6-NoNxt", 60: "IPv6-Opts", 61: "any host internal protocol", 62: "CFTP", 63: "any local network", 64: "SAT-EXPAK", 65: "KRYPTOLAN", 66: "RVD", 67: "IPPC", 68: "any distributed file system", 69: "SAT-MON", 70: "VISA", 71: "IPCV", 72: "CPNX", 73: "CPHB", 74: "WSN", 75: "PVP", 76: "BR-SAT-MON", 77: "SUN-ND", 78: "WB-MON", 79: "WB-EXPAK", 80: "ISO-IP", 81: "VMTP", 82: "SECURE-VMTP", 83: "VINES", 84: "TTP", 85: "NSFNET-IGP", 86: "DGP", 87: "TCF", 88: "EIGRP", 89: "OSPFIGP", 90: "Sprite-RPC", 91: "LARP", 92: "MTP", 93: "AX.25", 94: "IPIP", 95: "MICP", 96: "SCC-SP", 97: "ETHERIP", 98: "ENCAP", 99: "any private encryption scheme", 100: "GMTP", 101: "IFMP", 102: "PNNI", 103: "PIM", 104: "ARIS", 105: "SCPS", 106: "QNX", 107: "A/N", 108: "IPComp", 109: "SNP", 110: "Compaq-Peer", 111: "IPX-in-IP", 112: "VRRP", 113: "PGM", 114: "any 0-hop protocol", 115: "L2TP", 116: "DDX", 117: "IATP", 118: "STP", 119: "SRP", 120: "UTI", 121: "SMP", 122: "SM", 123: "PTP", 124: "ISIS", 125: "FIRE", 126: "CRTP", 127: "CRUDP", 128: "SSCOPMCE", 129: "IPLT", 130: "SPS", 131: "PIPE", 132: "SCTP", 133: "FC", 134: "RSVP-E2E-IGNORE", 135: "Mobility", 136: "UDPLite", 137: "MPLS-in-IP", 138: "manet", 139: "HIP", 140: "Shim6", 255: "Reserved", }