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//===- MustExecute.h - Is an instruction known to execute--------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Contains a collection of routines for determining if a given instruction is
/// guaranteed to execute if a given point in control flow is reached. The most
/// common example is an instruction within a loop being provably executed if we
/// branch to the header of it's containing loop.
/// There are two interfaces available to determine if an instruction is
/// executed once a given point in the control flow is reached:
/// 1) A loop-centric one derived from LoopSafetyInfo.
/// 2) A "must be executed context"-based one implemented in the
/// MustBeExecutedContextExplorer.
/// Please refer to the class comments for more information.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/EHPersonalities.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/InstructionPrecedenceTracking.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace {
template <typename T> using GetterTy = std::function<T *(const Function &F)>;
class BasicBlock;
class DominatorTree;
class Instruction;
class Loop;
class LoopInfo;
class PostDominatorTree;
/// Captures loop safety information.
/// It keep information for loop blocks may throw exception or otherwise
/// exit abnormally on any iteration of the loop which might actually execute
/// at runtime. The primary way to consume this information is via
/// isGuaranteedToExecute below, but some callers bailout or fallback to
/// alternate reasoning if a loop contains any implicit control flow.
/// NOTE: LoopSafetyInfo contains cached information regarding loops and their
/// particular blocks. This information is only dropped on invocation of
/// computeLoopSafetyInfo. If the loop or any of its block is deleted, or if
/// any thrower instructions have been added or removed from them, or if the
/// control flow has changed, or in case of other meaningful modifications, the
/// LoopSafetyInfo needs to be recomputed. If a meaningful modifications to the
/// loop were made and the info wasn't recomputed properly, the behavior of all
/// methods except for computeLoopSafetyInfo is undefined.
class LoopSafetyInfo {
// Used to update funclet bundle operands.
DenseMap<BasicBlock *, ColorVector> BlockColors;
/// Computes block colors.
void computeBlockColors(const Loop *CurLoop);
/// Returns block colors map that is used to update funclet operand bundles.
const DenseMap<BasicBlock *, ColorVector> &getBlockColors() const;
/// Copy colors of block \p Old into the block \p New.
void copyColors(BasicBlock *New, BasicBlock *Old);
/// Returns true iff the block \p BB potentially may throw exception. It can
/// be false-positive in cases when we want to avoid complex analysis.
virtual bool blockMayThrow(const BasicBlock *BB) const = 0;
/// Returns true iff any block of the loop for which this info is contains an
/// instruction that may throw or otherwise exit abnormally.
virtual bool anyBlockMayThrow() const = 0;
/// Return true if we must reach the block \p BB under assumption that the
/// loop \p CurLoop is entered.
bool allLoopPathsLeadToBlock(const Loop *CurLoop, const BasicBlock *BB,
const DominatorTree *DT) const;
/// Computes safety information for a loop checks loop body & header for
/// the possibility of may throw exception, it takes LoopSafetyInfo and loop
/// as argument. Updates safety information in LoopSafetyInfo argument.
/// Note: This is defined to clear and reinitialize an already initialized
/// LoopSafetyInfo. Some callers rely on this fact.
virtual void computeLoopSafetyInfo(const Loop *CurLoop) = 0;
/// Returns true if the instruction in a loop is guaranteed to execute at
/// least once (under the assumption that the loop is entered).
virtual bool isGuaranteedToExecute(const Instruction &Inst,
const DominatorTree *DT,
const Loop *CurLoop) const = 0;
LoopSafetyInfo() = default;
virtual ~LoopSafetyInfo() = default;
/// Simple and conservative implementation of LoopSafetyInfo that can give
/// false-positive answers to its queries in order to avoid complicated
/// analysis.
class SimpleLoopSafetyInfo: public LoopSafetyInfo {
bool MayThrow = false; // The current loop contains an instruction which
// may throw.
bool HeaderMayThrow = false; // Same as previous, but specific to loop header
bool blockMayThrow(const BasicBlock *BB) const override;
bool anyBlockMayThrow() const override;
void computeLoopSafetyInfo(const Loop *CurLoop) override;
bool isGuaranteedToExecute(const Instruction &Inst,
const DominatorTree *DT,
const Loop *CurLoop) const override;
/// This implementation of LoopSafetyInfo use ImplicitControlFlowTracking to
/// give precise answers on "may throw" queries. This implementation uses cache
/// that should be invalidated by calling the methods insertInstructionTo and
/// removeInstruction whenever we modify a basic block's contents by adding or
/// removing instructions.
class ICFLoopSafetyInfo: public LoopSafetyInfo {
bool MayThrow = false; // The current loop contains an instruction which
// may throw.
// Contains information about implicit control flow in this loop's blocks.
mutable ImplicitControlFlowTracking ICF;
// Contains information about instruction that may possibly write memory.
mutable MemoryWriteTracking MW;
bool blockMayThrow(const BasicBlock *BB) const override;
bool anyBlockMayThrow() const override;
void computeLoopSafetyInfo(const Loop *CurLoop) override;
bool isGuaranteedToExecute(const Instruction &Inst,
const DominatorTree *DT,
const Loop *CurLoop) const override;
/// Returns true if we could not execute a memory-modifying instruction before
/// we enter \p BB under assumption that \p CurLoop is entered.
bool doesNotWriteMemoryBefore(const BasicBlock *BB, const Loop *CurLoop)
/// Returns true if we could not execute a memory-modifying instruction before
/// we execute \p I under assumption that \p CurLoop is entered.
bool doesNotWriteMemoryBefore(const Instruction &I, const Loop *CurLoop)
/// Inform the safety info that we are planning to insert a new instruction
/// \p Inst into the basic block \p BB. It will make all cache updates to keep
/// it correct after this insertion.
void insertInstructionTo(const Instruction *Inst, const BasicBlock *BB);
/// Inform safety info that we are planning to remove the instruction \p Inst
/// from its block. It will make all cache updates to keep it correct after
/// this removal.
void removeInstruction(const Instruction *Inst);
bool mayContainIrreducibleControl(const Function &F, const LoopInfo *LI);
struct MustBeExecutedContextExplorer;
/// Enum that allows us to spell out the direction.
enum class ExplorationDirection {
/// Must be executed iterators visit stretches of instructions that are
/// guaranteed to be executed together, potentially with other instruction
/// executed in-between.
/// Given the following code, and assuming all statements are single
/// instructions which transfer execution to the successor (see
/// isGuaranteedToTransferExecutionToSuccessor), there are two possible
/// outcomes. If we start the iterator at A, B, or E, we will visit only A, B,
/// and E. If we start at C or D, we will visit all instructions A-E.
/// \code
/// A;
/// B;
/// if (...) {
/// C;
/// D;
/// }
/// E;
/// \endcode
/// Below is the example extneded with instructions F and G. Now we assume F
/// might not transfer execution to it's successor G. As a result we get the
/// following visit sets:
/// Start Instruction | Visit Set
/// A | A, B, E, F
/// B | A, B, E, F
/// C | A, B, C, D, E, F
/// D | A, B, C, D, E, F
/// E | A, B, E, F
/// F | A, B, E, F
/// G | A, B, E, F, G
/// \code
/// A;
/// B;
/// if (...) {
/// C;
/// D;
/// }
/// E;
/// F; // Might not transfer execution to its successor G.
/// G;
/// \endcode
/// A more complex example involving conditionals, loops, break, and continue
/// is shown below. We again assume all instructions will transmit control to
/// the successor and we assume we can prove the inner loop to be finite. We
/// omit non-trivial branch conditions as the exploration is oblivious to them.
/// Constant branches are assumed to be unconditional in the CFG. The resulting
/// visist sets are shown in the table below.
/// \code
/// A;
/// while (true) {
/// B;
/// if (...)
/// C;
/// if (...)
/// continue;
/// D;
/// if (...)
/// break;
/// do {
/// if (...)
/// continue;
/// E;
/// } while (...);
/// F;
/// }
/// G;
/// \endcode
/// Start Instruction | Visit Set
/// A | A, B
/// B | A, B
/// C | A, B, C
/// D | A, B, D
/// E | A, B, D, E, F
/// F | A, B, D, F
/// G | A, B, D, G
/// Note that the examples show optimal visist sets but not necessarily the ones
/// derived by the explorer depending on the available CFG analyses (see
/// MustBeExecutedContextExplorer). Also note that we, depending on the options,
/// the visit set can contain instructions from other functions.
struct MustBeExecutedIterator {
/// Type declarations that make his class an input iterator.
typedef const Instruction *value_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const Instruction **pointer;
typedef const Instruction *&reference;
typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;
using ExplorerTy = MustBeExecutedContextExplorer;
MustBeExecutedIterator(const MustBeExecutedIterator &Other)
: Visited(Other.Visited), Explorer(Other.Explorer),
CurInst(Other.CurInst), Head(Other.Head), Tail(Other.Tail) {}
MustBeExecutedIterator(MustBeExecutedIterator &&Other)
: Visited(std::move(Other.Visited)), Explorer(Other.Explorer),
CurInst(Other.CurInst), Head(Other.Head), Tail(Other.Tail) {}
MustBeExecutedIterator &operator=(MustBeExecutedIterator &&Other) {
if (this != &Other) {
std::swap(Visited, Other.Visited);
std::swap(CurInst, Other.CurInst);
std::swap(Head, Other.Head);
std::swap(Tail, Other.Tail);
return *this;
~MustBeExecutedIterator() {}
/// Pre- and post-increment operators.
MustBeExecutedIterator &operator++() {
CurInst = advance();
return *this;
MustBeExecutedIterator operator++(int) {
MustBeExecutedIterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
/// Equality and inequality operators. Note that we ignore the history here.
bool operator==(const MustBeExecutedIterator &Other) const {
return CurInst == Other.CurInst && Head == Other.Head && Tail == Other.Tail;
bool operator!=(const MustBeExecutedIterator &Other) const {
return !(*this == Other);
/// Return the underlying instruction.
const Instruction *&operator*() { return CurInst; }
const Instruction *getCurrentInst() const { return CurInst; }
/// Return true if \p I was encountered by this iterator already.
bool count(const Instruction *I) const {
return Visited.count({I, ExplorationDirection::FORWARD}) ||
Visited.count({I, ExplorationDirection::BACKWARD});
using VisitedSetTy =
DenseSet<PointerIntPair<const Instruction *, 1, ExplorationDirection>>;
/// Private constructors.
MustBeExecutedIterator(ExplorerTy &Explorer, const Instruction *I);
/// Reset the iterator to its initial state pointing at \p I.
void reset(const Instruction *I);
/// Reset the iterator to point at \p I, keep cached state.
void resetInstruction(const Instruction *I);
/// Try to advance one of the underlying positions (Head or Tail).
/// \return The next instruction in the must be executed context, or nullptr
/// if none was found.
const Instruction *advance();
/// A set to track the visited instructions in order to deal with endless
/// loops and recursion.
VisitedSetTy Visited;
/// A reference to the explorer that created this iterator.
ExplorerTy &Explorer;
/// The instruction we are currently exposing to the user. There is always an
/// instruction that we know is executed with the given program point,
/// initially the program point itself.
const Instruction *CurInst;
/// Two positions that mark the program points where this iterator will look
/// for the next instruction. Note that the current instruction is either the
/// one pointed to by Head, Tail, or both.
const Instruction *Head, *Tail;
friend struct MustBeExecutedContextExplorer;
/// A "must be executed context" for a given program point PP is the set of
/// instructions, potentially before and after PP, that are executed always when
/// PP is reached. The MustBeExecutedContextExplorer an interface to explore
/// "must be executed contexts" in a module through the use of
/// MustBeExecutedIterator.
/// The explorer exposes "must be executed iterators" that traverse the must be
/// executed context. There is little information sharing between iterators as
/// the expected use case involves few iterators for "far apart" instructions.
/// If that changes, we should consider caching more intermediate results.
struct MustBeExecutedContextExplorer {
/// In the description of the parameters we use PP to denote a program point
/// for which the must be executed context is explored, or put differently,
/// for which the MustBeExecutedIterator is created.
/// \param ExploreInterBlock Flag to indicate if instructions in blocks
/// other than the parent of PP should be
/// explored.
/// \param ExploreCFGForward Flag to indicate if instructions located after
/// PP in the CFG, e.g., post-dominating PP,
/// should be explored.
/// \param ExploreCFGBackward Flag to indicate if instructions located
/// before PP in the CFG, e.g., dominating PP,
/// should be explored.
bool ExploreInterBlock, bool ExploreCFGForward, bool ExploreCFGBackward,
GetterTy<const LoopInfo> LIGetter =
[](const Function &) { return nullptr; },
GetterTy<const DominatorTree> DTGetter =
[](const Function &) { return nullptr; },
GetterTy<const PostDominatorTree> PDTGetter =
[](const Function &) { return nullptr; })
: ExploreInterBlock(ExploreInterBlock),
ExploreCFGBackward(ExploreCFGBackward), LIGetter(LIGetter),
DTGetter(DTGetter), PDTGetter(PDTGetter), EndIterator(*this, nullptr) {}
/// Iterator-based interface. \see MustBeExecutedIterator.
using iterator = MustBeExecutedIterator;
using const_iterator = const MustBeExecutedIterator;
/// Return an iterator to explore the context around \p PP.
iterator &begin(const Instruction *PP) {
auto &It = InstructionIteratorMap[PP];
if (!It)
It.reset(new iterator(*this, PP));
return *It;
/// Return an iterator to explore the cached context around \p PP.
const_iterator &begin(const Instruction *PP) const {
return *InstructionIteratorMap.find(PP)->second;
/// Return an universal end iterator.
iterator &end() { return EndIterator; }
iterator &end(const Instruction *) { return EndIterator; }
const_iterator &end() const { return EndIterator; }
const_iterator &end(const Instruction *) const { return EndIterator; }
/// Return an iterator range to explore the context around \p PP.
llvm::iterator_range<iterator> range(const Instruction *PP) {
return llvm::make_range(begin(PP), end(PP));
/// Return an iterator range to explore the cached context around \p PP.
llvm::iterator_range<const_iterator> range(const Instruction *PP) const {
return llvm::make_range(begin(PP), end(PP));
/// Check \p Pred on all instructions in the context.
/// This method will evaluate \p Pred and return
/// true if \p Pred holds in every instruction.
bool checkForAllContext(const Instruction *PP,
function_ref<bool(const Instruction *)> Pred) {
for (auto EIt = begin(PP), EEnd = end(PP); EIt != EEnd; ++EIt)
if (!Pred(*EIt))
return false;
return true;
/// Helper to look for \p I in the context of \p PP.
/// The context is expanded until \p I was found or no more expansion is
/// possible.
/// \returns True, iff \p I was found.
bool findInContextOf(const Instruction *I, const Instruction *PP) {
auto EIt = begin(PP), EEnd = end(PP);
return findInContextOf(I, EIt, EEnd);
/// Helper to look for \p I in the context defined by \p EIt and \p EEnd.
/// The context is expanded until \p I was found or no more expansion is
/// possible.
/// \returns True, iff \p I was found.
bool findInContextOf(const Instruction *I, iterator &EIt, iterator &EEnd) {
bool Found = EIt.count(I);
while (!Found && EIt != EEnd)
Found = (++EIt).getCurrentInst() == I;
return Found;
/// Return the next instruction that is guaranteed to be executed after \p PP.
/// \param It The iterator that is used to traverse the must be
/// executed context.
/// \param PP The program point for which the next instruction
/// that is guaranteed to execute is determined.
const Instruction *
getMustBeExecutedNextInstruction(MustBeExecutedIterator &It,
const Instruction *PP);
/// Return the previous instr. that is guaranteed to be executed before \p PP.
/// \param It The iterator that is used to traverse the must be
/// executed context.
/// \param PP The program point for which the previous instr.
/// that is guaranteed to execute is determined.
const Instruction *
getMustBeExecutedPrevInstruction(MustBeExecutedIterator &It,
const Instruction *PP);
/// Find the next join point from \p InitBB in forward direction.
const BasicBlock *findForwardJoinPoint(const BasicBlock *InitBB);
/// Find the next join point from \p InitBB in backward direction.
const BasicBlock *findBackwardJoinPoint(const BasicBlock *InitBB);
/// Parameter that limit the performed exploration. See the constructor for
/// their meaning.
const bool ExploreInterBlock;
const bool ExploreCFGForward;
const bool ExploreCFGBackward;
/// Getters for common CFG analyses: LoopInfo, DominatorTree, and
/// PostDominatorTree.
GetterTy<const LoopInfo> LIGetter;
GetterTy<const DominatorTree> DTGetter;
GetterTy<const PostDominatorTree> PDTGetter;
/// Map to cache isGuaranteedToTransferExecutionToSuccessor results.
DenseMap<const BasicBlock *, Optional<bool>> BlockTransferMap;
/// Map to cache containsIrreducibleCFG results.
DenseMap<const Function*, Optional<bool>> IrreducibleControlMap;
/// Map from instructions to associated must be executed iterators.
DenseMap<const Instruction *, std::unique_ptr<MustBeExecutedIterator>>
/// A unique end iterator.
MustBeExecutedIterator EndIterator;
class MustExecutePrinterPass : public PassInfoMixin<MustExecutePrinterPass> {
raw_ostream &OS;
MustExecutePrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS) {}
PreservedAnalyses run(Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &AM);
class MustBeExecutedContextPrinterPass
: public PassInfoMixin<MustBeExecutedContextPrinterPass> {
raw_ostream &OS;
MustBeExecutedContextPrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS) {}
PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);
} // namespace llvm