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//===- llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeConvenience.h - Convenience Wrappers -*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file Convenience wrappers for the LLVM bitcode format and bitstream APIs.
/// This allows you to use a sort of DSL to declare and use bitcode
/// abbreviations and records. Example:
/// \code
/// using Metadata = BCRecordLayout<
/// BCFixed<16>, // Module format major version
/// BCFixed<16>, // Module format minor version
/// BCBlob // misc. version information
/// >;
/// Metadata metadata(Out);
/// metadata.emit(ScratchRecord, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, Data);
/// \endcode
/// For details on the bitcode format, see
/// http://llvm.org/docs/BitCodeFormat.html
#include "llvm/Bitstream/BitCodes.h"
#include "llvm/Bitstream/BitstreamWriter.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace llvm {
namespace detail {
/// Convenience base for all kinds of bitcode abbreviation fields.
/// This just defines common properties queried by the metaprogramming.
template <bool Compound = false> class BCField {
static const bool IsCompound = Compound;
/// Asserts that the given data is a valid value for this field.
template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {}
/// Converts a raw numeric representation of this value to its preferred
/// type.
template <typename T> static T convert(T rawValue) { return rawValue; }
} // namespace detail
/// Represents a literal operand in a bitcode record.
/// The value of a literal operand is the same for all instances of the record,
/// so it is only emitted in the abbreviation definition.
/// Note that because this uses a compile-time template, you cannot have a
/// literal operand that is fixed at run-time without dropping down to the
/// raw LLVM APIs.
template <uint64_t Value> class BCLiteral : public detail::BCField<> {
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
assert(data == Value && "data value does not match declared literal value");
/// Represents a fixed-width value in a bitcode record.
/// Note that the LLVM bitcode format only supports unsigned values.
template <unsigned Width> class BCFixed : public detail::BCField<> {
static_assert(Width <= 64, "fixed-width field is too large");
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, Width));
static void assertValid(const bool &data) {
assert(llvm::isUInt<Width>(data) &&
"data value does not fit in the given bit width");
template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
assert(data >= 0 && "cannot encode signed integers");
assert(llvm::isUInt<Width>(data) &&
"data value does not fit in the given bit width");
/// Represents a variable-width value in a bitcode record.
/// The \p Width parameter should include the continuation bit.
/// Note that the LLVM bitcode format only supports unsigned values.
template <unsigned Width> class BCVBR : public detail::BCField<> {
static_assert(Width >= 2, "width does not have room for continuation bit");
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::VBR, Width));
template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
assert(data >= 0 && "cannot encode signed integers");
/// Represents a character encoded in LLVM's Char6 encoding.
/// This format is suitable for encoding decimal numbers (without signs or
/// exponents) and C identifiers (without dollar signs), but not much else.
/// \sa http://llvm.org/docs/BitCodeFormat.html#char6-encoded-value
class BCChar6 : public detail::BCField<> {
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
assert(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::isChar6(data) && "invalid Char6 data");
template <typename T> char convert(T rawValue) {
return static_cast<char>(rawValue);
/// Represents an untyped blob of bytes.
/// If present, this must be the last field in a record.
class BCBlob : public detail::BCField<true> {
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
/// Represents an array of some other type.
/// If present, this must be the last field in a record.
template <typename ElementTy> class BCArray : public detail::BCField<true> {
static_assert(!ElementTy::IsCompound, "arrays can only contain scalar types");
static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
namespace detail {
/// Attaches the last field to an abbreviation.
/// This is the base case for \c emitOps.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitAbbrev
template <typename FieldTy> static void emitOps(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
/// Attaches fields to an abbreviation.
/// This is the recursive case for \c emitOps.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitAbbrev
template <typename FieldTy, typename Next, typename... Rest>
static void emitOps(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
"arrays and blobs may not appear in the middle of a record");
emitOps<Next, Rest...>(abbrev);
/// Helper class for dealing with a scalar element in the middle of a record.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout
template <typename ElementTy, typename... Fields> class BCRecordCoding {
template <typename BufferTy, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, ElementDataTy element, DataTy &&...data) {
"arrays and blobs may not appear in the middle of a record");
BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::emit(Stream, buffer, code,
template <typename T, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, ElementDataTy &element,
DataTy &&...data) {
assert(!buffer.empty() && "too few elements in buffer");
element = ElementTy::convert(buffer.front());
template <typename T, typename... DataTy>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType, DataTy &&...data) {
assert(!buffer.empty() && "too few elements in buffer");
/// Helper class for dealing with a scalar element at the end of a record.
/// This has a separate implementation because up until now we've only been
/// \em building the record (into a data buffer), and now we need to hand it
/// off to the BitstreamWriter to be emitted.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout
template <typename ElementTy> class BCRecordCoding<ElementTy> {
template <typename BufferTy, typename DataTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, const DataTy &data) {
"arrays and blobs need special handling");
Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, buffer);
template <typename T, typename DataTy>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, DataTy &data) {
assert(buffer.size() == 1 && "record data does not match layout");
data = ElementTy::convert(buffer.front());
template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType) {
assert(buffer.size() == 1 && "record data does not match layout");
template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) = delete;
/// Helper class for dealing with an array at the end of a record.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitRecord
template <typename ElementTy> class BCRecordCoding<BCArray<ElementTy>> {
template <typename BufferTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, StringRef data) {
// TODO: validate array data.
Stream.EmitRecordWithArray(code, buffer, data);
template <typename BufferTy, typename ArrayTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, const ArrayTy &array) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (auto &element : array)
buffer.reserve(buffer.size() + std::distance(array.begin(), array.end()));
std::copy(array.begin(), array.end(), std::back_inserter(buffer));
Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, buffer);
template <typename BufferTy, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, ElementDataTy element, DataTy... data) {
std::array<ElementDataTy, 1 + sizeof...(data)> array{{element, data...}};
emit(Stream, buffer, code, array);
template <typename BufferTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &Buffer,
unsigned code, NoneType) {
Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, Buffer);
template <typename T>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> Buffer, ArrayRef<T> &rawData) {
rawData = Buffer;
template <typename T, typename ArrayTy>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, ArrayTy &array) {
array.append(llvm::map_iterator(buffer.begin(), T::convert),
llvm::map_iterator(buffer.end(), T::convert));
template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType) {
template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) = delete;
/// Helper class for dealing with a blob at the end of a record.
/// \sa BCRecordLayout
template <> class BCRecordCoding<BCBlob> {
template <typename BufferTy>
static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned code, StringRef data) {
Stream.EmitRecordWithBlob(code, buffer, data);
template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) { (void)buffer; }
/// Blob data is not stored in the buffer if you are using the correct
/// accessor; this method should not be used.
template <typename T, typename DataTy>
static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, DataTy &data) = delete;
/// A type trait whose \c type field is the last of its template parameters.
template <typename Head, typename... Tail> struct last_type {
using type = typename last_type<Tail...>::type;
template <typename Head> struct last_type<Head> { using type = Head; };
/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the last type is BCBlob.
template <typename... Types>
using has_blob = std::is_same<BCBlob, typename last_type<int, Types...>::type>;
/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the given type is a
/// BCArray (of any element kind).
template <typename T> struct is_array {
template <typename E> static bool check(BCArray<E> *);
static int check(...);
typedef bool value_type;
static constexpr bool value = !std::is_same<decltype(check((T *)nullptr)),
/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the last type is a
/// BCArray (of any element kind).
template <typename... Types>
using has_array = is_array<typename last_type<int, Types...>::type>;
} // namespace detail
/// Represents a single bitcode record type.
/// This class template is meant to be instantiated and then given a name,
/// so that from then on that name can be used.
template <typename IDField, typename... Fields> class BCGenericRecordLayout {
llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
/// The abbreviation code used for this record in the current block.
/// Note that this is not the same as the semantic record code, which is the
/// first field of the record.
const unsigned AbbrevCode;
/// Create a layout and register it with the given bitstream writer.
explicit BCGenericRecordLayout(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream)
: Stream(Stream), AbbrevCode(emitAbbrev(Stream)) {}
/// Emit a record to the bitstream writer, using the given buffer for scratch
/// space.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here.
template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
void emit(BufferTy &buffer, unsigned id, Data &&...data) const {
emitRecord(Stream, buffer, AbbrevCode, id, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
/// Registers this record's layout with the bitstream reader.
/// eturns The abbreviation code for the newly-registered record type.
static unsigned emitAbbrev(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
auto Abbrev = std::make_shared<llvm::BitCodeAbbrev>();
detail::emitOps<IDField, Fields...>(*Abbrev);
return Stream.EmitAbbrev(std::move(Abbrev));
/// Emit a record identified by \p abbrCode to bitstream reader \p Stream,
/// using \p buffer for scratch space.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Blobs are passed
/// as StringRefs, while arrays can be passed inline, as aggregates, or as
/// pre-encoded StringRef data. Skipped values and empty arrays should use
/// the special Nothing value.
template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
static void emitRecord(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned abbrCode, unsigned recordID, Data &&...data) {
static_assert(sizeof...(data) <= sizeof...(Fields) ||
"Too many record elements");
static_assert(sizeof...(data) >= sizeof...(Fields),
"Too few record elements");
detail::BCRecordCoding<IDField, Fields...>::emit(
Stream, buffer, abbrCode, recordID, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
/// Extract record data from \p buffer into the given data fields.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Pass \c Nothing
/// if you don't care about a particular parameter. Blob data is not included
/// in the buffer and should be handled separately by the caller.
template <typename ElementTy, typename... Data>
static void readRecord(ArrayRef<ElementTy> buffer, Data &&...data) {
static_assert(sizeof...(data) <= sizeof...(Fields),
"Too many record elements");
static_assert(sizeof...(Fields) <=
sizeof...(data) + detail::has_blob<Fields...>::value,
"Too few record elements");
return detail::BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::read(buffer,
/// Extract record data from \p buffer into the given data fields.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Pass \c Nothing
/// if you don't care about a particular parameter. Blob data is not included
/// in the buffer and should be handled separately by the caller.
template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
static void readRecord(BufferTy &buffer, Data &&...data) {
return readRecord(llvm::makeArrayRef(buffer), std::forward<Data>(data)...);
/// A record with a fixed record code.
template <unsigned RecordCode, typename... Fields>
class BCRecordLayout
: public BCGenericRecordLayout<BCLiteral<RecordCode>, Fields...> {
using Base = BCGenericRecordLayout<BCLiteral<RecordCode>, Fields...>;
enum : unsigned {
/// The record code associated with this layout.
Code = RecordCode
/// Create a layout and register it with the given bitstream writer.
explicit BCRecordLayout(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream) : Base(Stream) {}
/// Emit a record to the bitstream writer, using the given buffer for scratch
/// space.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here.
template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
void emit(BufferTy &buffer, Data &&...data) const {
Base::emit(buffer, RecordCode, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
/// Emit a record identified by \p abbrCode to bitstream reader \p Stream,
/// using \p buffer for scratch space.
/// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Currently, arrays
/// and blobs can only be passed as StringRefs.
template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
static void emitRecord(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
unsigned abbrCode, Data &&...data) {
Base::emitRecord(Stream, buffer, abbrCode, RecordCode,
/// RAII object to pair entering and exiting a sub-block.
class BCBlockRAII {
llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
BCBlockRAII(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, unsigned block, unsigned abbrev)
: Stream(Stream) {
Stream.EnterSubblock(block, abbrev);
~BCBlockRAII() { Stream.ExitBlock(); }
} // namespace llvm