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434 lines
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//===- llvm/TextAPI/MachO/IntefaceFile.h - TAPI Interface File --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// A generic and abstract interface representation for linkable objects. This
// could be an MachO executable, bundle, dylib, or text-based stub file.
#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/Architecture.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/ArchitectureSet.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/PackedVersion.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/Platform.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/Symbol.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/MachO/Target.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace MachO {
/// Defines a list of Objective-C constraints.
enum class ObjCConstraintType : unsigned {
/// No constraint.
None = 0,
/// Retain/Release.
Retain_Release = 1,
/// Retain/Release for Simulator.
Retain_Release_For_Simulator = 2,
/// Retain/Release or Garbage Collection.
Retain_Release_Or_GC = 3,
/// Garbage Collection.
GC = 4,
// clang-format off
/// Defines the file type this file represents.
enum FileType : unsigned {
/// Invalid file type.
Invalid = 0U,
/// Text-based stub file (.tbd) version 1.0
TBD_V1 = 1U << 0,
/// Text-based stub file (.tbd) version 2.0
TBD_V2 = 1U << 1,
/// Text-based stub file (.tbd) version 3.0
TBD_V3 = 1U << 2,
/// Text-based stub file (.tbd) version 4.0
TBD_V4 = 1U << 3,
All = ~0U,
// clang-format on
/// Reference to an interface file.
class InterfaceFileRef {
InterfaceFileRef() = default;
InterfaceFileRef(StringRef InstallName) : InstallName(InstallName) {}
InterfaceFileRef(StringRef InstallName, const TargetList Targets)
: InstallName(InstallName), Targets(std::move(Targets)) {}
StringRef getInstallName() const { return InstallName; };
void addTarget(const Target &Target);
template <typename RangeT> void addTargets(RangeT &&Targets) {
for (const auto &Target : Targets)
using const_target_iterator = TargetList::const_iterator;
using const_target_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_target_iterator>;
const_target_range targets() const { return {Targets}; }
ArchitectureSet getArchitectures() const {
return mapToArchitectureSet(Targets);
PlatformSet getPlatforms() const { return mapToPlatformSet(Targets); }
bool operator==(const InterfaceFileRef &O) const {
return std::tie(InstallName, Targets) == std::tie(O.InstallName, O.Targets);
bool operator!=(const InterfaceFileRef &O) const {
return std::tie(InstallName, Targets) != std::tie(O.InstallName, O.Targets);
bool operator<(const InterfaceFileRef &O) const {
return std::tie(InstallName, Targets) < std::tie(O.InstallName, O.Targets);
std::string InstallName;
TargetList Targets;
} // end namespace MachO.
struct SymbolsMapKey {
MachO::SymbolKind Kind;
StringRef Name;
SymbolsMapKey(MachO::SymbolKind Kind, StringRef Name)
: Kind(Kind), Name(Name) {}
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<SymbolsMapKey> {
static inline SymbolsMapKey getEmptyKey() {
return SymbolsMapKey(MachO::SymbolKind::GlobalSymbol, StringRef{});
static inline SymbolsMapKey getTombstoneKey() {
return SymbolsMapKey(MachO::SymbolKind::ObjectiveCInstanceVariable,
static unsigned getHashValue(const SymbolsMapKey &Key) {
return hash_combine(hash_value(Key.Kind), hash_value(Key.Name));
static bool isEqual(const SymbolsMapKey &LHS, const SymbolsMapKey &RHS) {
return std::tie(LHS.Kind, LHS.Name) == std::tie(RHS.Kind, RHS.Name);
namespace MachO {
/// Defines the interface file.
class InterfaceFile {
/// Set the path from which this file was generated (if applicable).
/// \param Path_ The path to the source file.
void setPath(StringRef Path_) { Path = std::string(Path_); }
/// Get the path from which this file was generated (if applicable).
/// \return The path to the source file or empty.
StringRef getPath() const { return Path; }
/// Set the file type.
/// This is used by the YAML writer to identify the specification it should
/// use for writing the file.
/// \param Kind The file type.
void setFileType(FileType Kind) { FileKind = Kind; }
/// Get the file type.
/// \return The file type.
FileType getFileType() const { return FileKind; }
/// Get the architectures.
/// \return The applicable architectures.
ArchitectureSet getArchitectures() const {
return mapToArchitectureSet(Targets);
/// Get the platforms.
/// \return The applicable platforms.
PlatformSet getPlatforms() const { return mapToPlatformSet(Targets); }
/// Set and add target.
/// \param Target the target to add into.
void addTarget(const Target &Target);
/// Set and add targets.
/// Add the subset of llvm::triples that is supported by Tapi
/// \param Targets the collection of targets.
template <typename RangeT> void addTargets(RangeT &&Targets) {
for (const auto &Target_ : Targets)
using const_target_iterator = TargetList::const_iterator;
using const_target_range = llvm::iterator_range<const_target_iterator>;
const_target_range targets() const { return {Targets}; }
using const_filtered_target_iterator =
std::function<bool(const Target &)>>;
using const_filtered_target_range =
const_filtered_target_range targets(ArchitectureSet Archs) const;
/// Set the install name of the library.
void setInstallName(StringRef InstallName_) {
InstallName = std::string(InstallName_);
/// Get the install name of the library.
StringRef getInstallName() const { return InstallName; }
/// Set the current version of the library.
void setCurrentVersion(PackedVersion Version) { CurrentVersion = Version; }
/// Get the current version of the library.
PackedVersion getCurrentVersion() const { return CurrentVersion; }
/// Set the compatibility version of the library.
void setCompatibilityVersion(PackedVersion Version) {
CompatibilityVersion = Version;
/// Get the compatibility version of the library.
PackedVersion getCompatibilityVersion() const { return CompatibilityVersion; }
/// Set the Swift ABI version of the library.
void setSwiftABIVersion(uint8_t Version) { SwiftABIVersion = Version; }
/// Get the Swift ABI version of the library.
uint8_t getSwiftABIVersion() const { return SwiftABIVersion; }
/// Specify if the library uses two-level namespace (or flat namespace).
void setTwoLevelNamespace(bool V = true) { IsTwoLevelNamespace = V; }
/// Check if the library uses two-level namespace.
bool isTwoLevelNamespace() const { return IsTwoLevelNamespace; }
/// Specify if the library is application extension safe (or not).
void setApplicationExtensionSafe(bool V = true) { IsAppExtensionSafe = V; }
/// Check if the library is application extension safe.
bool isApplicationExtensionSafe() const { return IsAppExtensionSafe; }
/// Set the Objective-C constraint.
void setObjCConstraint(ObjCConstraintType Constraint) {
ObjcConstraint = Constraint;
/// Get the Objective-C constraint.
ObjCConstraintType getObjCConstraint() const { return ObjcConstraint; }
/// Specify if this file was generated during InstallAPI (or not).
void setInstallAPI(bool V = true) { IsInstallAPI = V; }
/// Check if this file was generated during InstallAPI.
bool isInstallAPI() const { return IsInstallAPI; }
/// Set the parent umbrella frameworks.
/// \param Target_ The target applicable to Parent
/// \param Parent The name of Parent
void addParentUmbrella(const Target &Target_, StringRef Parent);
/// Get the list of Parent Umbrella frameworks.
/// \return Returns a list of target information and install name of parent
/// umbrellas.
const std::vector<std::pair<Target, std::string>> &umbrellas() const {
return ParentUmbrellas;
/// Add an allowable client.
/// Mach-O Dynamic libraries have the concept of allowable clients that are
/// checked during static link time. The name of the application or library
/// that is being generated needs to match one of the allowable clients or the
/// linker refuses to link this library.
/// \param InstallName The name of the client that is allowed to link this library.
/// \param Target The target triple for which this applies.
void addAllowableClient(StringRef InstallName, const Target &Target);
/// Get the list of allowable clients.
/// \return Returns a list of allowable clients.
const std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> &allowableClients() const {
return AllowableClients;
/// Add a re-exported library.
/// \param InstallName The name of the library to re-export.
/// \param Target The target triple for which this applies.
void addReexportedLibrary(StringRef InstallName, const Target &Target);
/// Get the list of re-exported libraries.
/// \return Returns a list of re-exported libraries.
const std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> &reexportedLibraries() const {
return ReexportedLibraries;
/// Add an Target/UUID pair.
/// \param Target The target triple for which this applies.
/// \param UUID The UUID of the library for the specified architecture.
void addUUID(const Target &Target, StringRef UUID);
/// Add an Target/UUID pair.
/// \param Target The target triple for which this applies.
/// \param UUID The UUID of the library for the specified architecture.
void addUUID(const Target &Target, uint8_t UUID[16]);
/// Get the list of Target/UUID pairs.
/// \return Returns a list of Target/UUID pairs.
const std::vector<std::pair<Target, std::string>> &uuids() const {
return UUIDs;
/// Add a library for inlining to top level library.
///\param Document The library to inline with top level library.
void addDocument(std::shared_ptr<InterfaceFile> &&Document) {
/// Get the list of inlined libraries.
/// \return Returns a list of the inlined frameworks.
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<InterfaceFile>> &documents() const {
return Documents;
/// Add a symbol to the symbols list or extend an existing one.
void addSymbol(SymbolKind Kind, StringRef Name, const TargetList &Targets,
SymbolFlags Flags = SymbolFlags::None);
using SymbolMapType = DenseMap<SymbolsMapKey, Symbol *>;
struct const_symbol_iterator
: public iterator_adaptor_base<
const_symbol_iterator, SymbolMapType::const_iterator,
std::forward_iterator_tag, const Symbol *, ptrdiff_t,
const Symbol *, const Symbol *> {
const_symbol_iterator() = default;
template <typename U>
const_symbol_iterator(U &&u)
: iterator_adaptor_base(std::forward<U &&>(u)) {}
reference operator*() const { return I->second; }
pointer operator->() const { return I->second; }
using const_symbol_range = iterator_range<const_symbol_iterator>;
using const_filtered_symbol_iterator =
std::function<bool(const Symbol *)>>;
using const_filtered_symbol_range =
const_symbol_range symbols() const {
return {Symbols.begin(), Symbols.end()};
const_filtered_symbol_range exports() const {
std::function<bool(const Symbol *)> fn = [](const Symbol *Symbol) {
return !Symbol->isUndefined();
return make_filter_range(
make_range<const_symbol_iterator>({Symbols.begin()}, {Symbols.end()}),
const_filtered_symbol_range undefineds() const {
std::function<bool(const Symbol *)> fn = [](const Symbol *Symbol) {
return Symbol->isUndefined();
return make_filter_range(
make_range<const_symbol_iterator>({Symbols.begin()}, {Symbols.end()}),
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
StringRef copyString(StringRef String) {
if (String.empty())
return {};
void *Ptr = Allocator.Allocate(String.size(), 1);
memcpy(Ptr, String.data(), String.size());
return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Ptr), String.size());
TargetList Targets;
std::string Path;
FileType FileKind;
std::string InstallName;
PackedVersion CurrentVersion;
PackedVersion CompatibilityVersion;
uint8_t SwiftABIVersion{0};
bool IsTwoLevelNamespace{false};
bool IsAppExtensionSafe{false};
bool IsInstallAPI{false};
ObjCConstraintType ObjcConstraint = ObjCConstraintType::None;
std::vector<std::pair<Target, std::string>> ParentUmbrellas;
std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> AllowableClients;
std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> ReexportedLibraries;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<InterfaceFile>> Documents;
std::vector<std::pair<Target, std::string>> UUIDs;
SymbolMapType Symbols;
} // end namespace MachO.
} // end namespace llvm.