653 lines
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653 lines
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//===- MicrosoftDemangle.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines a demangler for MSVC-style mangled symbols.
#include "llvm/Demangle/MicrosoftDemangleNodes.h"
#include "llvm/Demangle/DemangleConfig.h"
#include "llvm/Demangle/Utility.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace ms_demangle;
#define OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(Enum, Value, Desc) \
case Enum::Value: \
OS << Desc; \
// Writes a space if the last token does not end with a punctuation.
static void outputSpaceIfNecessary(OutputStream &OS) {
if (OS.empty())
char C = OS.back();
if (std::isalnum(C) || C == '>')
OS << " ";
static void outputSingleQualifier(OutputStream &OS, Qualifiers Q) {
switch (Q) {
case Q_Const:
OS << "const";
case Q_Volatile:
OS << "volatile";
case Q_Restrict:
OS << "__restrict";
static bool outputQualifierIfPresent(OutputStream &OS, Qualifiers Q,
Qualifiers Mask, bool NeedSpace) {
if (!(Q & Mask))
return NeedSpace;
if (NeedSpace)
OS << " ";
outputSingleQualifier(OS, Mask);
return true;
static void outputQualifiers(OutputStream &OS, Qualifiers Q, bool SpaceBefore,
bool SpaceAfter) {
if (Q == Q_None)
size_t Pos1 = OS.getCurrentPosition();
SpaceBefore = outputQualifierIfPresent(OS, Q, Q_Const, SpaceBefore);
SpaceBefore = outputQualifierIfPresent(OS, Q, Q_Volatile, SpaceBefore);
SpaceBefore = outputQualifierIfPresent(OS, Q, Q_Restrict, SpaceBefore);
size_t Pos2 = OS.getCurrentPosition();
if (SpaceAfter && Pos2 > Pos1)
OS << " ";
static void outputCallingConvention(OutputStream &OS, CallingConv CC) {
switch (CC) {
case CallingConv::Cdecl:
OS << "__cdecl";
case CallingConv::Fastcall:
OS << "__fastcall";
case CallingConv::Pascal:
OS << "__pascal";
case CallingConv::Regcall:
OS << "__regcall";
case CallingConv::Stdcall:
OS << "__stdcall";
case CallingConv::Thiscall:
OS << "__thiscall";
case CallingConv::Eabi:
OS << "__eabi";
case CallingConv::Vectorcall:
OS << "__vectorcall";
case CallingConv::Clrcall:
OS << "__clrcall";
std::string Node::toString(OutputFlags Flags) const {
OutputStream OS;
initializeOutputStream(nullptr, nullptr, OS, 1024);
this->output(OS, Flags);
OS << '\0';
return {OS.getBuffer()};
void PrimitiveTypeNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
switch (PrimKind) {
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Void, "void");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Bool, "bool");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Char, "char");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Schar, "signed char");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Uchar, "unsigned char");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Char8, "char8_t");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Char16, "char16_t");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Char32, "char32_t");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Short, "short");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Ushort, "unsigned short");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Int, "int");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Uint, "unsigned int");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Long, "long");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Ulong, "unsigned long");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Int64, "__int64");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Uint64, "unsigned __int64");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Wchar, "wchar_t");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Float, "float");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Double, "double");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Ldouble, "long double");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(PrimitiveKind, Nullptr, "std::nullptr_t");
outputQualifiers(OS, Quals, true, false);
void NodeArrayNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
output(OS, Flags, ", ");
void NodeArrayNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags,
StringView Separator) const {
if (Count == 0)
if (Nodes[0])
Nodes[0]->output(OS, Flags);
for (size_t I = 1; I < Count; ++I) {
OS << Separator;
Nodes[I]->output(OS, Flags);
void EncodedStringLiteralNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
switch (Char) {
case CharKind::Wchar:
OS << "L\"";
case CharKind::Char:
OS << "\"";
case CharKind::Char16:
OS << "u\"";
case CharKind::Char32:
OS << "U\"";
OS << DecodedString << "\"";
if (IsTruncated)
OS << "...";
void IntegerLiteralNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (IsNegative)
OS << '-';
OS << Value;
void TemplateParameterReferenceNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (ThunkOffsetCount > 0)
OS << "{";
else if (Affinity == PointerAffinity::Pointer)
OS << "&";
if (Symbol) {
Symbol->output(OS, Flags);
if (ThunkOffsetCount > 0)
OS << ", ";
if (ThunkOffsetCount > 0)
OS << ThunkOffsets[0];
for (int I = 1; I < ThunkOffsetCount; ++I) {
OS << ", " << ThunkOffsets[I];
if (ThunkOffsetCount > 0)
OS << "}";
void IdentifierNode::outputTemplateParameters(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (!TemplateParams)
OS << "<";
TemplateParams->output(OS, Flags);
OS << ">";
void DynamicStructorIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (IsDestructor)
OS << "`dynamic atexit destructor for ";
OS << "`dynamic initializer for ";
if (Variable) {
OS << "`";
Variable->output(OS, Flags);
OS << "''";
} else {
OS << "'";
Name->output(OS, Flags);
OS << "''";
void NamedIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << Name;
outputTemplateParameters(OS, Flags);
void IntrinsicFunctionIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
switch (Operator) {
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, New, "operator new");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Delete, "operator delete");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Assign, "operator=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, RightShift, "operator>>");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LeftShift, "operator<<");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LogicalNot, "operator!");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Equals, "operator==");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, NotEquals, "operator!=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ArraySubscript,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Pointer, "operator->");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Increment, "operator++");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Decrement, "operator--");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Minus, "operator-");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Plus, "operator+");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Dereference, "operator*");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseAnd, "operator&");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, MemberPointer,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Divide, "operator/");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Modulus, "operator%");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LessThan, "operator<");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LessThanEqual, "operator<=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, GreaterThan, "operator>");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, GreaterThanEqual,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Comma, "operator,");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Parens, "operator()");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseNot, "operator~");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseXor, "operator^");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseOr, "operator|");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LogicalAnd, "operator&&");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LogicalOr, "operator||");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, TimesEqual, "operator*=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, PlusEqual, "operator+=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, MinusEqual, "operator-=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, DivEqual, "operator/=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ModEqual, "operator%=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, RshEqual, "operator>>=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LshEqual, "operator<<=");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseAndEqual,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseOrEqual,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, BitwiseXorEqual,
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VbaseDtor, "`vbase dtor'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VecDelDtor,
"`vector deleting dtor'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, DefaultCtorClosure,
"`default ctor closure'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ScalarDelDtor,
"`scalar deleting dtor'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VecCtorIter,
"`vector ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VecDtorIter,
"`vector dtor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VecVbaseCtorIter,
"`vector vbase ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VdispMap,
"`virtual displacement map'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, EHVecCtorIter,
"`eh vector ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, EHVecDtorIter,
"`eh vector dtor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, EHVecVbaseCtorIter,
"`eh vector vbase ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, CopyCtorClosure,
"`copy ctor closure'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, LocalVftableCtorClosure,
"`local vftable ctor closure'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ArrayNew, "operator new[]");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ArrayDelete,
"operator delete[]");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ManVectorCtorIter,
"`managed vector ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ManVectorDtorIter,
"`managed vector dtor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, EHVectorCopyCtorIter,
"`EH vector copy ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, EHVectorVbaseCopyCtorIter,
"`EH vector vbase copy ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VectorCopyCtorIter,
"`vector copy ctor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, VectorVbaseCopyCtorIter,
"`vector vbase copy constructor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, ManVectorVbaseCopyCtorIter,
"`managed vector vbase copy constructor iterator'");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, CoAwait,
"operator co_await");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(IntrinsicFunctionKind, Spaceship, "operator<=>");
case IntrinsicFunctionKind::MaxIntrinsic:
case IntrinsicFunctionKind::None:
outputTemplateParameters(OS, Flags);
void LocalStaticGuardIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (IsThread)
OS << "`local static thread guard'";
OS << "`local static guard'";
if (ScopeIndex > 0)
OS << "{" << ScopeIndex << "}";
void ConversionOperatorIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "operator";
outputTemplateParameters(OS, Flags);
OS << " ";
TargetType->output(OS, Flags);
void StructorIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (IsDestructor)
OS << "~";
Class->output(OS, Flags);
outputTemplateParameters(OS, Flags);
void LiteralOperatorIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "operator \"\"" << Name;
outputTemplateParameters(OS, Flags);
void FunctionSignatureNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (!(Flags & OF_NoAccessSpecifier)) {
if (FunctionClass & FC_Public)
OS << "public: ";
if (FunctionClass & FC_Protected)
OS << "protected: ";
if (FunctionClass & FC_Private)
OS << "private: ";
if (!(Flags & OF_NoMemberType)) {
if (!(FunctionClass & FC_Global)) {
if (FunctionClass & FC_Static)
OS << "static ";
if (FunctionClass & FC_Virtual)
OS << "virtual ";
if (FunctionClass & FC_ExternC)
OS << "extern \"C\" ";
if (!(Flags & OF_NoReturnType) && ReturnType) {
ReturnType->outputPre(OS, Flags);
OS << " ";
if (!(Flags & OF_NoCallingConvention))
outputCallingConvention(OS, CallConvention);
void FunctionSignatureNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (!(FunctionClass & FC_NoParameterList)) {
OS << "(";
if (Params)
Params->output(OS, Flags);
OS << "void";
if (IsVariadic) {
if (OS.back() != '(')
OS << ", ";
OS << "...";
OS << ")";
if (Quals & Q_Const)
OS << " const";
if (Quals & Q_Volatile)
OS << " volatile";
if (Quals & Q_Restrict)
OS << " __restrict";
if (Quals & Q_Unaligned)
OS << " __unaligned";
if (IsNoexcept)
OS << " noexcept";
if (RefQualifier == FunctionRefQualifier::Reference)
OS << " &";
else if (RefQualifier == FunctionRefQualifier::RValueReference)
OS << " &&";
if (!(Flags & OF_NoReturnType) && ReturnType)
ReturnType->outputPost(OS, Flags);
void ThunkSignatureNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "[thunk]: ";
FunctionSignatureNode::outputPre(OS, Flags);
void ThunkSignatureNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (FunctionClass & FC_StaticThisAdjust) {
OS << "`adjustor{" << ThisAdjust.StaticOffset << "}'";
} else if (FunctionClass & FC_VirtualThisAdjust) {
if (FunctionClass & FC_VirtualThisAdjustEx) {
OS << "`vtordispex{" << ThisAdjust.VBPtrOffset << ", "
<< ThisAdjust.VBOffsetOffset << ", " << ThisAdjust.VtordispOffset
<< ", " << ThisAdjust.StaticOffset << "}'";
} else {
OS << "`vtordisp{" << ThisAdjust.VtordispOffset << ", "
<< ThisAdjust.StaticOffset << "}'";
FunctionSignatureNode::outputPost(OS, Flags);
void PointerTypeNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (Pointee->kind() == NodeKind::FunctionSignature) {
// If this is a pointer to a function, don't output the calling convention.
// It needs to go inside the parentheses.
const FunctionSignatureNode *Sig =
static_cast<const FunctionSignatureNode *>(Pointee);
Sig->outputPre(OS, OF_NoCallingConvention);
} else
Pointee->outputPre(OS, Flags);
if (Quals & Q_Unaligned)
OS << "__unaligned ";
if (Pointee->kind() == NodeKind::ArrayType) {
OS << "(";
} else if (Pointee->kind() == NodeKind::FunctionSignature) {
OS << "(";
const FunctionSignatureNode *Sig =
static_cast<const FunctionSignatureNode *>(Pointee);
outputCallingConvention(OS, Sig->CallConvention);
OS << " ";
if (ClassParent) {
ClassParent->output(OS, Flags);
OS << "::";
switch (Affinity) {
case PointerAffinity::Pointer:
OS << "*";
case PointerAffinity::Reference:
OS << "&";
case PointerAffinity::RValueReference:
OS << "&&";
outputQualifiers(OS, Quals, false, false);
void PointerTypeNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (Pointee->kind() == NodeKind::ArrayType ||
Pointee->kind() == NodeKind::FunctionSignature)
OS << ")";
Pointee->outputPost(OS, Flags);
void TagTypeNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (!(Flags & OF_NoTagSpecifier)) {
switch (Tag) {
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(TagKind, Class, "class");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(TagKind, Struct, "struct");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(TagKind, Union, "union");
OUTPUT_ENUM_CLASS_VALUE(TagKind, Enum, "enum");
OS << " ";
QualifiedName->output(OS, Flags);
outputQualifiers(OS, Quals, true, false);
void TagTypeNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {}
void ArrayTypeNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
ElementType->outputPre(OS, Flags);
outputQualifiers(OS, Quals, true, false);
void ArrayTypeNode::outputOneDimension(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags,
Node *N) const {
assert(N->kind() == NodeKind::IntegerLiteral);
IntegerLiteralNode *ILN = static_cast<IntegerLiteralNode *>(N);
if (ILN->Value != 0)
ILN->output(OS, Flags);
void ArrayTypeNode::outputDimensionsImpl(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
if (Dimensions->Count == 0)
outputOneDimension(OS, Flags, Dimensions->Nodes[0]);
for (size_t I = 1; I < Dimensions->Count; ++I) {
OS << "][";
outputOneDimension(OS, Flags, Dimensions->Nodes[I]);
void ArrayTypeNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "[";
outputDimensionsImpl(OS, Flags);
OS << "]";
ElementType->outputPost(OS, Flags);
void SymbolNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
Name->output(OS, Flags);
void FunctionSymbolNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
Signature->outputPre(OS, Flags);
Name->output(OS, Flags);
Signature->outputPost(OS, Flags);
void VariableSymbolNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
const char *AccessSpec = nullptr;
bool IsStatic = true;
switch (SC) {
case StorageClass::PrivateStatic:
AccessSpec = "private";
case StorageClass::PublicStatic:
AccessSpec = "public";
case StorageClass::ProtectedStatic:
AccessSpec = "protected";
IsStatic = false;
if (!(Flags & OF_NoAccessSpecifier) && AccessSpec)
OS << AccessSpec << ": ";
if (!(Flags & OF_NoMemberType) && IsStatic)
OS << "static ";
if (Type) {
Type->outputPre(OS, Flags);
Name->output(OS, Flags);
if (Type)
Type->outputPost(OS, Flags);
void CustomTypeNode::outputPre(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
Identifier->output(OS, Flags);
void CustomTypeNode::outputPost(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {}
void QualifiedNameNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
Components->output(OS, Flags, "::");
void RttiBaseClassDescriptorNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "`RTTI Base Class Descriptor at (";
OS << NVOffset << ", " << VBPtrOffset << ", " << VBTableOffset << ", "
<< this->Flags;
OS << ")'";
void LocalStaticGuardVariableNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
Name->output(OS, Flags);
void VcallThunkIdentifierNode::output(OutputStream &OS,
OutputFlags Flags) const {
OS << "`vcall'{" << OffsetInVTable << ", {flat}}";
void SpecialTableSymbolNode::output(OutputStream &OS, OutputFlags Flags) const {
outputQualifiers(OS, Quals, false, true);
Name->output(OS, Flags);
if (TargetName) {
OS << "{for `";
TargetName->output(OS, Flags);
OS << "'}";