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195 lines
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; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -wasm-disable-explicit-locals -wasm-keep-registers -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s
; Test varargs constructs.
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
; Test va_start.
; TODO: Test va_start.
; CHECK-LABEL: start:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype start (i32, i32) -> ()
; CHECK-NOT: __stack_pointer
define void @start(i8** %ap, ...) {
%0 = bitcast i8** %ap to i8*
; Store the second argument (the hidden vararg buffer pointer) into ap
; CHECK: i32.store 0($0), $1
call void @llvm.va_start(i8* %0)
ret void
; Test va_end.
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype end (i32) -> (){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: return{{$}}
define void @end(i8** %ap) {
%0 = bitcast i8** %ap to i8*
call void @llvm.va_end(i8* %0)
ret void
; Test va_copy.
; CHECK-LABEL: copy:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype copy (i32, i32) -> (){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load $push0=, 0($1){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.store 0($0), $pop0{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: return{{$}}
define void @copy(i8** %ap, i8** %bp) {
%0 = bitcast i8** %ap to i8*
%1 = bitcast i8** %bp to i8*
call void @llvm.va_copy(i8* %0, i8* %1)
ret void
; Test va_arg with an i8 argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: arg_i8:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype arg_i8 (i32) -> (i32){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, 0($0){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: local.tee $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, $1=, $pop[[NUM0]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, 4{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add $push[[NUM3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM1]], $pop[[NUM2]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.store 0($0), $pop[[NUM3]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load $push[[NUM4:[0-9]+]]=, 0($1){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[NUM4]]{{$}}
define i8 @arg_i8(i8** %ap) {
%t = va_arg i8** %ap, i8
ret i8 %t
; Test va_arg with an i32 argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: arg_i32:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype arg_i32 (i32) -> (i32){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, 0($0){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, 3{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add $push[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM0]], $pop[[NUM1]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[NUM3:[0-9]+]]=, -4{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.and $push[[NUM4:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM2]], $pop[[NUM3]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: local.tee $push[[NUM5:[0-9]+]]=, $1=, $pop[[NUM4]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[NUM6:[0-9]+]]=, 4{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add $push[[NUM7:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM5]], $pop[[NUM6]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.store 0($0), $pop[[NUM7]]{{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load $push[[NUM8:[0-9]+]]=, 0($1){{$}}
; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[NUM8]]{{$}}
define i32 @arg_i32(i8** %ap) {
%t = va_arg i8** %ap, i32
ret i32 %t
; Test va_arg with an i128 argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: arg_i128:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype arg_i128 (i32, i32) -> (){{$}}
; CHECK: i32.and
; CHECK: i64.load
; CHECK: i64.load
; CHECK: return{{$}}
define i128 @arg_i128(i8** %ap) {
%t = va_arg i8** %ap, i128
ret i128 %t
; Test a varargs call with no actual arguments.
declare void @callee(...)
; CHECK-LABEL: caller_none:
; CHECK: i32.const $push0=, 0
; CHECK-NEXT: call callee, $pop0
; CHECK-NEXT: return{{$}}
define void @caller_none() {
call void (...) @callee()
ret void
; Test a varargs call with some actual arguments.
; Note that the store of 2.0 is converted to an i64 store; this optimization
; is not needed on WebAssembly, but there isn't currently a convenient hook for
; disabling it.
; CHECK-LABEL: caller_some
; CHECK-DAG: i32.store
; CHECK-DAG: i64.store
define void @caller_some() {
call void (...) @callee(i32 0, double 2.0)
ret void
; Test a va_start call in a non-entry block
; CHECK-LABEL: startbb:
; CHECK: .functype startbb (i32, i32, i32) -> ()
define void @startbb(i1 %cond, i8** %ap, ...) {
br i1 %cond, label %bb0, label %bb1
ret void
%0 = bitcast i8** %ap to i8*
; Store the second argument (the hidden vararg buffer pointer) into ap
; CHECK: i32.store 0($1), $2
call void @llvm.va_start(i8* %0)
ret void
; Test a call to a varargs function with a non-legal fixed argument.
declare void @callee_with_nonlegal_fixed(fp128, ...) nounwind
; CHECK-LABEL: call_nonlegal_fixed:
; CHECK: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0
; CHECK: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0
; CHECK: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 0
; CHECK: call callee_with_nonlegal_fixed, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
define void @call_nonlegal_fixed() nounwind {
call void (fp128, ...) @callee_with_nonlegal_fixed(fp128 0xL00000000000000000000000000000000)
ret void
; Test a definition a varargs function with a non-legal fixed argument.
; CHECK-LABEL: nonlegal_fixed:
; CHECK-NEXT: .functype nonlegal_fixed (i64, i64, i32) -> (){{$}}
define void @nonlegal_fixed(fp128 %x, ...) nounwind {
ret void
; Test that an fp128 argument is properly aligned and allocated
; within a vararg buffer.
; CHECK-LABEL: call_fp128_alignment:
; CHECK: global.get $push7=, __stack_pointer
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push8=, 32
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.sub $push12=, $pop7, $pop8
; CHECK-NEXT: local.tee $push11=, $1=, $pop12
; CHECK-NEXT: global.set __stack_pointer, $pop11
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push0=, 24
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add $push1=, $1, $pop0
; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push2=, -9223372036854775808
; CHECK-NEXT: i64.store 0($pop1), $pop2
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push3=, 16
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add $push4=, $1, $pop3
; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push5=, 1
; CHECK-NEXT: i64.store 0($pop4), $pop5
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push6=, 7
; CHECK-NEXT: i32.store 0($1), $pop6
; CHECK-NEXT: call callee, $1
define void @call_fp128_alignment(i8* %p) {
call void (...) @callee(i8 7, fp128 0xL00000000000000018000000000000000)
ret void
declare void @llvm.va_start(i8*)
declare void @llvm.va_end(i8*)
declare void @llvm.va_copy(i8*, i8*)