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241 lines
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" Vim syntax file
" Language: llvm
" Maintainer: The LLVM team, http://llvm.org/
" Version: $Revision$
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case match
" Types.
" Types also include struct, array, vector, etc. but these don't
" benefit as much from having dedicated highlighting rules.
syn keyword llvmType void half bfloat float double x86_fp80 fp128 ppc_fp128
syn keyword llvmType label metadata x86_mmx
syn keyword llvmType type label opaque token
syn match llvmType /\<i\d\+\>/
" Instructions.
" The true and false tokens can be used for comparison opcodes, but it's
" much more common for these tokens to be used for boolean constants.
syn keyword llvmStatement add addrspacecast alloca and arcp ashr atomicrmw
syn keyword llvmStatement bitcast br catchpad catchswitch catchret call callbr
syn keyword llvmStatement cleanuppad cleanupret cmpxchg eq exact extractelement
syn keyword llvmStatement extractvalue fadd fast fcmp fdiv fence fmul fpext
syn keyword llvmStatement fptosi fptoui fptrunc free frem fsub fneg getelementptr
syn keyword llvmStatement icmp inbounds indirectbr insertelement insertvalue
syn keyword llvmStatement inttoptr invoke landingpad load lshr malloc max min
syn keyword llvmStatement mul nand ne ninf nnan nsw nsz nuw oeq oge ogt ole
syn keyword llvmStatement olt one or ord phi ptrtoint resume ret sdiv select
syn keyword llvmStatement sext sge sgt shl shufflevector sitofp sle slt srem
syn keyword llvmStatement store sub switch trunc udiv ueq uge ugt uitofp ule ult
syn keyword llvmStatement umax umin une uno unreachable unwind urem va_arg
syn keyword llvmStatement xchg xor zext
" Keywords.
syn keyword llvmKeyword
\ acq_rel
\ acquire
\ addrspace
\ alias
\ align
\ alignstack
\ alwaysinline
\ appending
\ argmemonly
\ arm_aapcscc
\ arm_aapcs_vfpcc
\ arm_apcscc
\ asm
\ atomic
\ available_externally
\ blockaddress
\ builtin
\ byref
\ byval
\ c
\ catch
\ caller
\ cc
\ ccc
\ cleanup
\ coldcc
\ comdat
\ common
\ constant
\ datalayout
\ declare
\ default
\ define
\ deplibs
\ dereferenceable
\ distinct
\ dllexport
\ dllimport
\ dso_local
\ dso_preemptable
\ except
\ external
\ externally_initialized
\ extern_weak
\ fastcc
\ tailcc
\ filter
\ from
\ gc
\ global
\ hhvmcc
\ hhvm_ccc
\ hidden
\ immarg
\ initialexec
\ inlinehint
\ inreg
\ inteldialect
\ intel_ocl_bicc
\ internal
\ linkonce
\ linkonce_odr
\ localdynamic
\ localexec
\ local_unnamed_addr
\ minsize
\ module
\ monotonic
\ msp430_intrcc
\ mustprogress
\ musttail
\ naked
\ nest
\ noalias
\ nobuiltin
\ nocapture
\ noimplicitfloat
\ noinline
\ nonlazybind
\ nonnull
\ norecurse
\ noredzone
\ noreturn
\ noundef
\ nounwind
\ optnone
\ optsize
\ personality
\ private
\ protected
\ ptx_device
\ ptx_kernel
\ readnone
\ readonly
\ release
\ returned
\ returns_twice
\ sanitize_address
\ sanitize_memory
\ sanitize_thread
\ section
\ seq_cst
\ sideeffect
\ signext
\ syncscope
\ source_filename
\ speculatable
\ spir_func
\ spir_kernel
\ sret
\ ssp
\ sspreq
\ sspstrong
\ strictfp
\ swiftcc
\ swiftself
\ tail
\ target
\ thread_local
\ to
\ triple
\ unnamed_addr
\ unordered
\ uselistorder
\ uselistorder_bb
\ uwtable
\ volatile
\ weak
\ weak_odr
\ within
\ writeonly
\ x86_64_sysvcc
\ win64cc
\ x86_fastcallcc
\ x86_stdcallcc
\ x86_thiscallcc
\ zeroext
" Obsolete keywords.
syn keyword llvmError getresult begin end
" Misc syntax.
syn match llvmNoName /[%@!]\d\+\>/
syn match llvmNumber /-\?\<\d\+\>/
syn match llvmFloat /-\?\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\d\+\)\?\>/
syn match llvmFloat /\<0x\x\+\>/
syn keyword llvmBoolean true false
syn keyword llvmConstant zeroinitializer undef null none
syn match llvmComment /;.*$/
syn region llvmString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
syn match llvmLabel /[-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*:/
syn match llvmIdentifier /[%@][-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*/
" Named metadata and specialized metadata keywords.
syn match llvmIdentifier /![-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*\ze\s*$/
syn match llvmIdentifier /![-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*\ze\s*[=!]/
syn match llvmType /!\zs\a\+\ze\s*(/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DW_TAG_[a-z_]\+\>/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DW_ATE_[a-zA-Z_]\+\>/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DW_OP_[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\>/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DW_LANG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\>/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DW_VIRTUALITY_[a-z_]\+\>/
syn match llvmConstant /\<DIFlag[A-Za-z]\+\>/
" Syntax-highlight lit test commands and bug numbers.
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*PR\d*\s*$/
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*REQUIRES:.*$/
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*RUN:.*$/
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*ALLOW_RETRIES:.*$/
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*CHECK:.*$/
syn match llvmSpecialComment "\v;\s*CHECK-(NEXT|NOT|DAG|SAME|LABEL):.*$"
syn match llvmSpecialComment /;\s*XFAIL:.*$/
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_c_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink llvmType Type
HiLink llvmStatement Statement
HiLink llvmNumber Number
HiLink llvmComment Comment
HiLink llvmString String
HiLink llvmLabel Label
HiLink llvmKeyword Keyword
HiLink llvmBoolean Boolean
HiLink llvmFloat Float
HiLink llvmNoName Identifier
HiLink llvmConstant Constant
HiLink llvmSpecialComment SpecialComment
HiLink llvmError Error
HiLink llvmIdentifier Identifier
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "llvm"