# RUN: not --crash llc -mtriple=aarch64-- -run-pass=legalizer %s -o - 2>&1 | FileCheck %s

# This is to demonstrate what kind of bugs we're missing w/o some kind
# of validation for LegalizerInfo: G_INTTOPTR could only be legal /
# could be legalized if its destination operand has a pointer type and
# its source - a scalar type. This is reversed in this test and the
# legalizer is expected to fail on it with an appropriate error
# message. Prior to LegalizerInfo::verify AArch64 legalizer had a
# subtle bug in its definition that caused it to accept the following
# MIR as legal. Namely, it checked that type index 0 is either s64 or
# p0 (in that order) and implicitly declared any type for type index 1
# as legal. As LegalizerInfo::verify asserts on such a definition due
# to type index 1 not being covered it forces to review the definition
# and fix the mistake: check that type index 0 is p0 and type index 1
# is s64 (in that order).

# CHECK:  Bad machine code: inttoptr result type must be a pointer
# CHECK: Bad machine code: inttoptr source type must not be a pointer
# CHECK: LLVM ERROR: Found 2 machine code errors.

name:            broken
alignment:       4
tracksRegLiveness: true
  - { id: 0, class: _ }
  - { id: 1, class: _ }
body:             |
    liveins: $x0

    %0:_(p0) = COPY $x0
    %1:_(s64) = G_INTTOPTR %0(p0)
    $x0 = COPY %1(s64)
    RET_ReallyLR implicit $x0
