Nils Hölscher 3500bf8dde first commit
2022-04-25 10:02:23 +02:00

349 lines
11 KiB

//===- llvm/MC/MCAsmParser.h - Abstract Asm Parser Interface ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SMLoc.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
class MCAsmInfo;
class MCAsmParserExtension;
class MCContext;
class MCExpr;
class MCInstPrinter;
class MCInstrInfo;
class MCStreamer;
class MCTargetAsmParser;
class SourceMgr;
struct InlineAsmIdentifierInfo {
enum IdKind {
IK_Invalid, // Initial state. Unexpected after a successful parsing.
IK_Label, // Function/Label reference.
IK_EnumVal, // Value of enumeration type.
IK_Var // Variable.
// Represents an Enum value
struct EnumIdentifier {
int64_t EnumVal;
// Represents a label/function reference
struct LabelIdentifier {
void *Decl;
// Represents a variable
struct VariableIdentifier {
void *Decl;
bool IsGlobalLV;
unsigned Length;
unsigned Size;
unsigned Type;
// An InlineAsm identifier can only be one of those
union {
EnumIdentifier Enum;
LabelIdentifier Label;
VariableIdentifier Var;
bool isKind(IdKind kind) const { return Kind == kind; }
// Initializers
void setEnum(int64_t enumVal) {
assert(isKind(IK_Invalid) && "should be initialized only once");
Kind = IK_EnumVal;
Enum.EnumVal = enumVal;
void setLabel(void *decl) {
assert(isKind(IK_Invalid) && "should be initialized only once");
Kind = IK_Label;
Label.Decl = decl;
void setVar(void *decl, bool isGlobalLV, unsigned size, unsigned type) {
assert(isKind(IK_Invalid) && "should be initialized only once");
Kind = IK_Var;
Var.Decl = decl;
Var.IsGlobalLV = isGlobalLV;
Var.Size = size;
Var.Type = type;
Var.Length = size / type;
InlineAsmIdentifierInfo() : Kind(IK_Invalid) {}
// Discriminate using the current kind.
IdKind Kind;
// Generic type information for an assembly object.
// All sizes measured in bytes.
struct AsmTypeInfo {
StringRef Name;
unsigned Size = 0;
unsigned ElementSize = 0;
unsigned Length = 0;
struct AsmFieldInfo {
AsmTypeInfo Type;
unsigned Offset = 0;
/// Generic Sema callback for assembly parser.
class MCAsmParserSemaCallback {
virtual ~MCAsmParserSemaCallback();
virtual void LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(StringRef &LineBuf,
InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
bool IsUnevaluatedContext) = 0;
virtual StringRef LookupInlineAsmLabel(StringRef Identifier, SourceMgr &SM,
SMLoc Location, bool Create) = 0;
virtual bool LookupInlineAsmField(StringRef Base, StringRef Member,
unsigned &Offset) = 0;
/// Generic assembler parser interface, for use by target specific
/// assembly parsers.
class MCAsmParser {
using DirectiveHandler = bool (*)(MCAsmParserExtension*, StringRef, SMLoc);
using ExtensionDirectiveHandler =
std::pair<MCAsmParserExtension*, DirectiveHandler>;
struct MCPendingError {
SMLoc Loc;
SmallString<64> Msg;
SMRange Range;
MCTargetAsmParser *TargetParser = nullptr;
protected: // Can only create subclasses.
SmallVector<MCPendingError, 0> PendingErrors;
/// Flag tracking whether any errors have been encountered.
bool HadError = false;
bool ShowParsedOperands = false;
MCAsmParser(const MCAsmParser &) = delete;
MCAsmParser &operator=(const MCAsmParser &) = delete;
virtual ~MCAsmParser();
virtual void addDirectiveHandler(StringRef Directive,
ExtensionDirectiveHandler Handler) = 0;
virtual void addAliasForDirective(StringRef Directive, StringRef Alias) = 0;
virtual SourceMgr &getSourceManager() = 0;
virtual MCAsmLexer &getLexer() = 0;
const MCAsmLexer &getLexer() const {
return const_cast<MCAsmParser*>(this)->getLexer();
virtual MCContext &getContext() = 0;
/// Return the output streamer for the assembler.
virtual MCStreamer &getStreamer() = 0;
MCTargetAsmParser &getTargetParser() const { return *TargetParser; }
void setTargetParser(MCTargetAsmParser &P);
virtual unsigned getAssemblerDialect() { return 0;}
virtual void setAssemblerDialect(unsigned i) { }
bool getShowParsedOperands() const { return ShowParsedOperands; }
void setShowParsedOperands(bool Value) { ShowParsedOperands = Value; }
/// Run the parser on the input source buffer.
virtual bool Run(bool NoInitialTextSection, bool NoFinalize = false) = 0;
virtual void setParsingMSInlineAsm(bool V) = 0;
virtual bool isParsingMSInlineAsm() = 0;
virtual bool isParsingMasm() const { return false; }
virtual bool defineMacro(StringRef Name, StringRef Value) { return true; }
virtual bool lookUpField(StringRef Name, AsmFieldInfo &Info) const {
return true;
virtual bool lookUpField(StringRef Base, StringRef Member,
AsmFieldInfo &Info) const {
return true;
virtual bool lookUpType(StringRef Name, AsmTypeInfo &Info) const {
return true;
/// Parse MS-style inline assembly.
virtual bool parseMSInlineAsm(
void *AsmLoc, std::string &AsmString, unsigned &NumOutputs,
unsigned &NumInputs, SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<void *, bool>> &OpDecls,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Constraints,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &Clobbers, const MCInstrInfo *MII,
const MCInstPrinter *IP, MCAsmParserSemaCallback &SI) = 0;
/// Emit a note at the location \p L, with the message \p Msg.
virtual void Note(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) = 0;
/// Emit a warning at the location \p L, with the message \p Msg.
/// \return The return value is true, if warnings are fatal.
virtual bool Warning(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) = 0;
/// Return an error at the location \p L, with the message \p Msg. This
/// may be modified before being emitted.
/// \return The return value is always true, as an idiomatic convenience to
/// clients.
bool Error(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None);
/// Emit an error at the location \p L, with the message \p Msg.
/// \return The return value is always true, as an idiomatic convenience to
/// clients.
virtual bool printError(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None) = 0;
bool hasPendingError() { return !PendingErrors.empty(); }
bool printPendingErrors() {
bool rv = !PendingErrors.empty();
for (auto Err : PendingErrors) {
printError(Err.Loc, Twine(Err.Msg), Err.Range);
return rv;
void clearPendingErrors() { PendingErrors.clear(); }
bool addErrorSuffix(const Twine &Suffix);
/// Get the next AsmToken in the stream, possibly handling file
/// inclusion first.
virtual const AsmToken &Lex() = 0;
/// Get the current AsmToken from the stream.
const AsmToken &getTok() const;
/// Report an error at the current lexer location.
bool TokError(const Twine &Msg, SMRange Range = None);
bool parseTokenLoc(SMLoc &Loc);
bool parseToken(AsmToken::TokenKind T, const Twine &Msg = "unexpected token");
/// Attempt to parse and consume token, returning true on
/// success.
bool parseOptionalToken(AsmToken::TokenKind T);
bool parseEOL(const Twine &ErrMsg);
bool parseMany(function_ref<bool()> parseOne, bool hasComma = true);
bool parseIntToken(int64_t &V, const Twine &ErrMsg);
bool check(bool P, const Twine &Msg);
bool check(bool P, SMLoc Loc, const Twine &Msg);
/// Parse an identifier or string (as a quoted identifier) and set \p
/// Res to the identifier contents.
virtual bool parseIdentifier(StringRef &Res) = 0;
/// Parse up to the end of statement and return the contents from the
/// current token until the end of the statement; the current token on exit
/// will be either the EndOfStatement or EOF.
virtual StringRef parseStringToEndOfStatement() = 0;
/// Parse the current token as a string which may include escaped
/// characters and return the string contents.
virtual bool parseEscapedString(std::string &Data) = 0;
/// Parse an angle-bracket delimited string at the current position if one is
/// present, returning the string contents.
virtual bool parseAngleBracketString(std::string &Data) = 0;
/// Skip to the end of the current statement, for error recovery.
virtual void eatToEndOfStatement() = 0;
/// Parse an arbitrary expression.
/// \param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
/// on error.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) = 0;
bool parseExpression(const MCExpr *&Res);
/// Parse a primary expression.
/// \param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
/// on error.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool parsePrimaryExpr(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc,
AsmTypeInfo *TypeInfo) = 0;
/// Parse an arbitrary expression, assuming that an initial '(' has
/// already been consumed.
/// \param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
/// on error.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool parseParenExpression(const MCExpr *&Res, SMLoc &EndLoc) = 0;
/// Parse an expression which must evaluate to an absolute value.
/// \param Res - The value of the absolute expression. The result is undefined
/// on error.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool parseAbsoluteExpression(int64_t &Res) = 0;
/// Ensure that we have a valid section set in the streamer. Otherwise,
/// report an error and switch to .text.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool checkForValidSection() = 0;
/// Parse an arbitrary expression of a specified parenthesis depth,
/// assuming that the initial '(' characters have already been consumed.
/// \param ParenDepth - Specifies how many trailing expressions outside the
/// current parentheses we have to parse.
/// \param Res - The value of the expression. The result is undefined
/// on error.
/// \return - False on success.
virtual bool parseParenExprOfDepth(unsigned ParenDepth, const MCExpr *&Res,
SMLoc &EndLoc) = 0;
/// Create an MCAsmParser instance for parsing assembly similar to gas syntax
MCAsmParser *createMCAsmParser(SourceMgr &, MCContext &, MCStreamer &,
const MCAsmInfo &, unsigned CB = 0);
/// Create an MCAsmParser instance for parsing Microsoft MASM-style assembly
MCAsmParser *createMCMasmParser(SourceMgr &, MCContext &, MCStreamer &,
const MCAsmInfo &, unsigned CB = 0);
} // end namespace llvm