Nils Hölscher 3500bf8dde first commit
2022-04-25 10:02:23 +02:00

129 lines
4.1 KiB

; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py
; RUN: opt < %s -instsimplify -S | FileCheck %s
declare void @use(...)
define void @casts() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @casts(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i32 poison, i8 poison, float poison, float poison, float poison, float poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = trunc i32 poison to i8
%i2 = zext i4 poison to i8
%i3 = sext i4 poison to i8
%i4 = fptoui float poison to i8
%i5 = fptosi float poison to i8
%i6 = bitcast float poison to i32
%i7 = ptrtoint i8* poison to i8
%f1 = fptrunc double poison to float
%f2 = fpext half poison to float
%f3 = uitofp i8 poison to float
%f4 = sitofp i8 poison to float
call void (...) @use(i8 %i1, i8 %i2, i8 %i3, i8 %i4, i8 %i5, i32 %i6, i8 %i7, float %f1, float %f2, float %f3, float %f4)
ret void
define void @casts2() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @casts2(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i8* poison, i8* poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%p1 = inttoptr i8 poison to i8*
%p2 = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(1)* poison to i8*
call void (...) @use(i8* %p1, i8* %p2)
ret void
define void @unaryops() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @unaryops(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(float poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%f1 = fneg float poison
call void (...) @use(float %f1)
ret void
define void @binaryops_arith() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @binaryops_arith(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, float poison, float poison, float poison, float poison, float poison, float poison, float poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = add i8 poison, 1
%i2 = sub i8 poison, 1
%i3 = mul i8 poison, 2
%i4 = udiv i8 poison, 2
%i5 = udiv i8 2, poison
%i6 = sdiv i8 poison, 2
%i7 = sdiv i8 2, poison
%i8 = urem i8 poison, 2
%i9 = urem i8 2, poison
%i10 = srem i8 poison, 2
%i11 = srem i8 2, poison
%f1 = fadd float poison, 1.0
%f2 = fsub float poison, 1.0
%f3 = fmul float poison, 2.0
%f4 = fdiv float poison, 2.0
%f5 = fdiv float 2.0, poison
%f6 = frem float poison, 2.0
%f7 = frem float 2.0, poison
call void (...) @use(i8 %i1, i8 %i2, i8 %i3, i8 %i4, i8 %i5, i8 %i6, i8 %i7, i8 %i8, i8 %i9, i8 %i10, i8 %i11, float %f1, float %f2, float %f3, float %f4, float %f5, float %f6, float %f7)
ret void
define void @binaryops_bitwise() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @binaryops_bitwise(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = shl i8 poison, 1
%i2 = shl i8 1, poison
%i3 = lshr i8 poison, 1
%i4 = lshr i8 1, poison
%i5 = ashr i8 poison, 1
%i6 = ashr i8 1, poison
%i7 = and i8 poison, 1
%i8 = or i8 poison, 1
%i9 = xor i8 poison, 1
call void (...) @use(i8 %i1, i8 %i2, i8 %i3, i8 %i4, i8 %i5, i8 %i6, i8 %i7, i8 %i8, i8 %i9)
ret void
define void @vec_aggr_ops() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @vec_aggr_ops(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i8 poison, i8 poison, <2 x i8> poison, i8 poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = extractelement <2 x i8> poison, i64 0
%i2 = extractelement <2 x i8> zeroinitializer, i64 poison
%i3 = insertelement <2 x i8> zeroinitializer, i8 0, i64 poison
%i4 = extractvalue {i8, i8} poison, 0
call void (...) @use(i8 %i1, i8 %i2, <2 x i8> %i3, i8 %i4)
ret void
define void @other_ops(i8 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @other_ops(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i1 poison, i1 poison, i8 poison, i8 poison, i8* poison)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = icmp eq i8 poison, 1
%i2 = fcmp oeq float poison, 1.0
%i3 = select i1 poison, i8 1, i8 2
%i4 = select i1 true, i8 poison, i8 %x
call void (...) @use(i1 %i1, i1 %i2, i8 %i3, i8 %i4, i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* poison, i64 1))
ret void
; TODO: these must be folded into poison; D92270
define void @logicalops_i1(i1 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @logicalops_i1(
; CHECK-NEXT: call void (...) @use(i1 true, i1 false)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%i1 = or i1 %x, poison
%i2 = and i1 %x, poison
call void (...) @use(i1 %i1, i1 %i2)
ret void