Nils Hölscher 3500bf8dde first commit
2022-04-25 10:02:23 +02:00

467 lines
17 KiB

//===-- SnippetGeneratorTest.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "../Common/AssemblerUtils.h"
#include "LlvmState.h"
#include "MCInstrDescView.h"
#include "ParallelSnippetGenerator.h"
#include "RegisterAliasing.h"
#include "SerialSnippetGenerator.h"
#include "TestBase.h"
#include "X86InstrInfo.h"
#include <unordered_set>
namespace llvm {
namespace exegesis {
void InitializeX86ExegesisTarget();
namespace {
using testing::AnyOf;
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::Gt;
using testing::HasSubstr;
using testing::Not;
using testing::SizeIs;
using testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
MATCHER(IsInvalid, "") { return !arg.isValid(); }
MATCHER(IsReg, "") { return arg.isReg(); }
class X86SnippetGeneratorTest : public X86TestBase {
X86SnippetGeneratorTest() : InstrInfo(State.getInstrInfo()) {}
const MCInstrInfo &InstrInfo;
template <typename SnippetGeneratorT>
class SnippetGeneratorTest : public X86SnippetGeneratorTest {
SnippetGeneratorTest() : Generator(State, SnippetGenerator::Options()) {}
std::vector<CodeTemplate> checkAndGetCodeTemplates(unsigned Opcode) {
randomGenerator().seed(0); // Initialize seed.
const Instruction &Instr = State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
auto CodeTemplateOrError = Generator.generateCodeTemplates(
&Instr, State.getRATC().emptyRegisters());
EXPECT_FALSE(CodeTemplateOrError.takeError()); // Valid configuration.
return std::move(CodeTemplateOrError.get());
SnippetGeneratorT Generator;
using SerialSnippetGeneratorTest = SnippetGeneratorTest<SerialSnippetGenerator>;
using ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest =
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, ImplicitSelfDependencyThroughImplicitReg) {
// - ADC16i16
// - Op0 Explicit Use Immediate
// - Op1 Implicit Def Reg(AX)
// - Op2 Implicit Def Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Op3 Implicit Use Reg(AX)
// - Op4 Implicit Use Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - hasAliasingImplicitRegisters (execution is always serial)
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::ADC16i16;
EXPECT_THAT(InstrInfo.get(Opcode).getImplicitDefs()[0], X86::AX);
EXPECT_THAT(InstrInfo.get(Opcode).getImplicitDefs()[1], X86::EFLAGS);
EXPECT_THAT(InstrInfo.get(Opcode).getImplicitUses()[0], X86::AX);
EXPECT_THAT(InstrInfo.get(Opcode).getImplicitUses()[1], X86::EFLAGS);
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(1)); // Imm.
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[0], IsInvalid()) << "Immediate is not set";
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, ImplicitSelfDependencyThroughTiedRegs) {
// - ADD16ri
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(GR16)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(GR16) TiedToOp0
// - Op2 Explicit Use Immediate
// - Op3 Implicit Def Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Var0 [Op0,Op1]
// - Var1 [Op2]
// - hasTiedRegisters (execution is always serial)
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::ADD16ri;
EXPECT_THAT(InstrInfo.get(Opcode).getImplicitDefs()[0], X86::EFLAGS);
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(2));
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[0], IsInvalid()) << "Operand 1 is not set";
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[1], IsInvalid()) << "Operand 2 is not set";
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, ImplicitSelfDependencyThroughExplicitRegs) {
// - VXORPSrr
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(VR128)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(VR128)
// - Op2 Explicit Use RegClass(VR128)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
// - Var2 [Op2]
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::VXORPSrr;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(3));
AnyOf(ElementsAre(IsReg(), IsInvalid(), IsReg()),
ElementsAre(IsReg(), IsReg(), IsInvalid())))
<< "Op0 is either set to Op1 or to Op2";
ImplicitSelfDependencyThroughExplicitRegsForbidAll) {
// - VXORPSrr
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(VR128)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(VR128)
// - Op2 Explicit Use RegClass(VR128)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
// - Var2 [Op2]
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::VXORPSrr;
randomGenerator().seed(0); // Initialize seed.
const Instruction &Instr = State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
auto AllRegisters = State.getRATC().emptyRegisters();
auto Error =
Generator.generateCodeTemplates(&Instr, AllRegisters).takeError();
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, DependencyThroughOtherOpcode) {
// - CMP64rr
// - Op0 Explicit Use RegClass(GR64)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(GR64)
// - Op2 Implicit Def Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
const unsigned Opcode = X86::CMP64rr;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(Gt(1U))) << "Many templates are available";
for (const auto &CT : CodeTemplates) {
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(2));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(2));
AnyOf(ElementsAre(IsReg(), IsInvalid()),
ElementsAre(IsInvalid(), IsReg())));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Instructions[1].getOpcode(), Not(Opcode));
// TODO: check that the two instructions alias each other.
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, LAHF) {
// - LAHF
// - Op0 Implicit Def Reg(AH)
// - Op1 Implicit Use Reg(EFLAGS)
const unsigned Opcode = X86::LAHF;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(Gt(1U))) << "Many templates are available";
for (const auto &CT : CodeTemplates) {
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(2));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(0));
TEST_F(SerialSnippetGeneratorTest, VCVTUSI642SDZrrb_Int) {
// - VCVTUSI642SDZrrb_Int
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(VR128X)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(VR128X)
// - Op2 Explicit Use STATIC_ROUNDING
// - Op2 Explicit Use RegClass(GR64)
// - Op4 Implicit Use Reg(MXSCR)
const unsigned Opcode = X86::VCVTUSI642SDZrrb_Int;
const Instruction &Instr = State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
std::vector<BenchmarkCode> Configs;
auto Error = Generator.generateConfigurations(
&Instr, Configs, State.getRATC().emptyRegisters());
ASSERT_THAT(Configs, SizeIs(1));
const BenchmarkCode &BC = Configs[0];
ASSERT_THAT(BC.Key.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, ParallelInstruction) {
// - BNDCL32rr
// - Op0 Explicit Use RegClass(BNDR)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(GR32)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
const unsigned Opcode = X86::BNDCL32rr;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Info, HasSubstr("parallel"));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Execution, ExecutionMode::UNKNOWN);
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(2));
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[0], IsInvalid());
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[1], IsInvalid());
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, SerialInstruction) {
// - CDQ
// - Op0 Implicit Def Reg(EAX)
// - Op1 Implicit Def Reg(EDX)
// - Op2 Implicit Use Reg(EAX)
// - hasAliasingImplicitRegisters (execution is always serial)
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::CDQ;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Info, HasSubstr("serial"));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Execution, ExecutionMode::UNKNOWN);
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(0));
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, StaticRenaming) {
// CMOV32rr has tied variables, we enumerate the possible values to execute
// as many in parallel as possible.
// - CMOV32rr
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(GR32)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(GR32) TiedToOp0
// - Op2 Explicit Use RegClass(GR32)
// - Op3 Explicit Use Immediate
// - Op3 Implicit Use Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Var0 [Op0,Op1]
// - Var1 [Op2]
// - hasTiedRegisters (execution is always serial)
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::CMOV32rr;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Info, HasSubstr("static renaming"));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Execution, ExecutionMode::UNKNOWN);
constexpr const unsigned kInstructionCount = 15;
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(kInstructionCount));
std::unordered_set<unsigned> AllDefRegisters;
for (const auto &IT : CT.Instructions) {
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(3));
EXPECT_THAT(AllDefRegisters, SizeIs(kInstructionCount))
<< "Each instruction writes to a different register";
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, NoTiedVariables) {
// CMOV_GR32 has no tied variables, we make sure def and use are different
// from each other.
// - CMOV_GR32
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(GR32)
// - Op1 Explicit Use RegClass(GR32)
// - Op2 Explicit Use RegClass(GR32)
// - Op3 Explicit Use Immediate
// - Op4 Implicit Use Reg(EFLAGS)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
// - Var2 [Op2]
// - Var3 [Op3]
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::CMOV_GR32;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Info, HasSubstr("no tied variables"));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Execution, ExecutionMode::UNKNOWN);
ASSERT_THAT(CT.Instructions, SizeIs(1));
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(4));
<< "Def is different from first Use";
<< "Def is different from second Use";
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues()[3], IsInvalid());
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, MemoryUse) {
// Mov32rm reads from memory.
// - MOV32rm
// - Op0 Explicit Def RegClass(GR32)
// - Op1 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(GR8)
// - Op2 Explicit Use Memory
// - Op3 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(GRH8)
// - Op4 Explicit Use Memory
// - Op5 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(SEGMENT_REG)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
// - Var2 [Op2]
// - Var3 [Op3]
// - Var4 [Op4]
// - Var5 [Op5]
// - hasMemoryOperands
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::MOV32rm;
const auto CodeTemplates = checkAndGetCodeTemplates(Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(CodeTemplates, SizeIs(1));
const auto &CT = CodeTemplates[0];
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Info, HasSubstr("no tied variables"));
EXPECT_THAT(CT.Execution, ExecutionMode::UNKNOWN);
const InstructionTemplate &IT = CT.Instructions[0];
EXPECT_THAT(IT.getOpcode(), Opcode);
ASSERT_THAT(IT.getVariableValues(), SizeIs(6));
EXPECT_EQ(IT.getVariableValues()[2].getImm(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(IT.getVariableValues()[3].getReg(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(IT.getVariableValues()[4].getImm(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(IT.getVariableValues()[5].getReg(), 0u);
TEST_F(ParallelSnippetGeneratorTest, MOV16ms) {
const unsigned Opcode = X86::MOV16ms;
const Instruction &Instr = State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
std::vector<BenchmarkCode> Benchmarks;
auto Err = Generator.generateConfigurations(&Instr, Benchmarks,
testing::HasSubstr("no available registers"));
class FakeSnippetGenerator : public SnippetGenerator {
FakeSnippetGenerator(const LLVMState &State, const Options &Opts)
: SnippetGenerator(State, Opts) {}
const Instruction &getInstr(unsigned Opcode) {
return State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
InstructionTemplate getInstructionTemplate(unsigned Opcode) {
return {&getInstr(Opcode)};
generateCodeTemplates(InstructionTemplate, const BitVector &) const override {
return make_error<StringError>("not implemented", inconvertibleErrorCode());
using FakeSnippetGeneratorTest = SnippetGeneratorTest<FakeSnippetGenerator>;
testing::Matcher<const RegisterValue &> IsRegisterValue(unsigned Reg,
APInt Value) {
return testing::AllOf(testing::Field(&RegisterValue::Register, Reg),
testing::Field(&RegisterValue::Value, Value));
TEST_F(FakeSnippetGeneratorTest, MemoryUse_Movsb) {
// MOVSB writes to scratch memory register.
// - MOVSB
// - Op0 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(GR8)
// - Op1 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(GR8)
// - Op2 Explicit Use Memory RegClass(SEGMENT_REG)
// - Op3 Implicit Def Reg(EDI)
// - Op4 Implicit Def Reg(ESI)
// - Op5 Implicit Use Reg(EDI)
// - Op6 Implicit Use Reg(ESI)
// - Op7 Implicit Use Reg(DF)
// - Var0 [Op0]
// - Var1 [Op1]
// - Var2 [Op2]
// - hasMemoryOperands
// - hasAliasingImplicitRegisters (execution is always serial)
// - hasAliasingRegisters
const unsigned Opcode = X86::MOVSB;
const Instruction &Instr = State.getIC().getInstr(Opcode);
std::vector<BenchmarkCode> Benchmarks;
auto Error = Generator.generateConfigurations(
&Instr, Benchmarks, State.getRATC().emptyRegisters());
TEST_F(FakeSnippetGeneratorTest, ComputeRegisterInitialValuesAdd16ri) {
// ADD16ri:
// explicit def 0 : reg RegClass=GR16
// explicit use 1 : reg RegClass=GR16 | TIED_TO:0
// explicit use 2 : imm
// implicit def : EFLAGS
InstructionTemplate IT = Generator.getInstructionTemplate(X86::ADD16ri);
IT.getValueFor(IT.getInstr().Variables[0]) = MCOperand::createReg(X86::AX);
std::vector<InstructionTemplate> Snippet;
const auto RIV = Generator.computeRegisterInitialValues(Snippet);
EXPECT_THAT(RIV, ElementsAre(IsRegisterValue(X86::AX, APInt())));
TEST_F(FakeSnippetGeneratorTest, ComputeRegisterInitialValuesAdd64rr) {
// ADD64rr:
// mov64ri rax, 42
// add64rr rax, rax, rbx
// -> only rbx needs defining.
std::vector<InstructionTemplate> Snippet;
InstructionTemplate Mov = Generator.getInstructionTemplate(X86::MOV64ri);
Mov.getValueFor(Mov.getInstr().Variables[0]) =
Mov.getValueFor(Mov.getInstr().Variables[1]) = MCOperand::createImm(42);
InstructionTemplate Add = Generator.getInstructionTemplate(X86::ADD64rr);
Add.getValueFor(Add.getInstr().Variables[0]) =
Add.getValueFor(Add.getInstr().Variables[1]) =
const auto RIV = Generator.computeRegisterInitialValues(Snippet);
EXPECT_THAT(RIV, ElementsAre(IsRegisterValue(X86::RBX, APInt())));
} // namespace
} // namespace exegesis
} // namespace llvm