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2022-04-19 10:56:42 +02:00
/* 2012/09/28, Jan Gustafsson <jan.gustafsson@mdh.se>
* Changes:
* - This program redefines the C standard functions log, fabs, sqrt, and sin. Therefore, these function has been renamed with prefix lms_.
* - Warning: explicitly assigning a variable of type 'float' to itself
* x =x;
* removed.
* - Unused variables removed.
/* */
/* SNU-RT Benchmark Suite for Worst Case Timing Analysis */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Collected and Modified by S.-S. Lim */
/* sslim@archi.snu.ac.kr */
/* Real-Time Research Group */
/* Seoul National University */
/* */
/* */
/* < Features > - restrictions for our experimental environment */
/* */
/* 1. Completely structured. */
/* - There are no unconditional jumps. */
/* - There are no exit from loop bodies. */
/* (There are no 'break' or 'return' in loop bodies) */
/* 2. No 'switch' statements. */
/* 3. No 'do..while' statements. */
/* 4. Expressions are restricted. */
/* - There are no multiple expressions joined by 'or', */
/* 'and' operations. */
/* 5. No library calls. */
/* - All the functions needed are implemented in the */
/* source file. */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* FILE: lms.c */
/* SOURCE : C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP by P. M. Embree */
/* */
/* */
/* An LMS adaptive signal enhancement. The input signal is a sine */
/* wave with added white noise. */
/* The detailed description is in the program source code. */
/* */
/* REMARK : */
/* */
/* */
/* */
#define RAND_MAX 32768
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
/* function prototypes for fft and filter functions */
static float gaussian(void);
#define N 201
#define L 20 /* filter order, (length L+1) */
/* set convergence parameter */
float mu = 0.01;
int lms_rand()
static unsigned long next = 1;
next = next * 1103515245 + 12345;
return (unsigned int)(next/65536) % 32768;
static float lms_log(r)
float r;
return 4.5;
static float lms_fabs(float n)
float f;
if (n >= 0) f = n;
else f = -n;
return f;
static float lms_sqrt(val)
float val;
float x = val/10;
float dx;
double diff;
double min_tol = 0.00001;
int i, flag;
flag = 0;
if (val == 0 ) x = 0;
else {
for (i=1;i<20;i++)
if (!flag) {
dx = (val - (x*x)) / (2.0 * x);
x = x + dx;
diff = val - (x*x);
if (lms_fabs(diff) <= min_tol) flag = 1;
else { } /* JG */
/* x =x; */
return (x);
static float lms_sin(rad)
float rad;
float app;
float diff;
int inc = 1;
while (rad > 2*PI)
rad -= 2*PI;
while (rad < -2*PI)
rad += 2*PI;
app = diff = rad;
diff = (diff * (-(rad*rad))) /
((2.0 * inc) * (2.0 * inc + 1.0));
app = app + diff;
while(lms_fabs(diff) >= 0.00001) {
diff = (diff * (-(rad*rad))) /
((2.0 * inc) * (2.0 * inc + 1.0));
app = app + diff;
static float gaussian()
static int ready = 0; /* flag to indicated stored value */
static float gstore; /* place to store other value */
static float rconst1 = (float)(2.0/RAND_MAX);
static float rconst2 = (float)(RAND_MAX/2.0);
float v1,v2,r,fac;
float gaus;
/* make two numbers if none stored */
if(ready == 0) {
v1 = (float)lms_rand() - rconst2;
v2 = (float)lms_rand() - rconst2;
v1 *= rconst1;
v2 *= rconst1;
r = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
while (r > 1.0f) {
v1 = (float)lms_rand() - rconst2;
v2 = (float)lms_rand() - rconst2;
v1 *= rconst1;
v2 *= rconst1;
r = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
} /* make radius less than 1 */
/* remap v1 and v2 to two Gaussian numbers */
fac = lms_sqrt(-2.0f*lms_log(r)/r);
gstore = v1*fac; /* store one */
gaus = v2*fac; /* return one */
ready = 1; /* set ready flag */
else {
ready = 0; /* reset ready flag for next pair */
gaus = gstore; /* return the stored one */
int main()
float lms(float,float,float *,int,float,float);
static float d[N],b[21];
float signal_amp,noise_amp,arg,x/*,y*/; /* JG */
int k;
/* create signal plus noise */
signal_amp = lms_sqrt(2.0);
noise_amp = 0.2*lms_sqrt(12.0);
arg = 2.0*PI/20.0;
for(k = 0 ; k < N ; k++) {
d[k] = signal_amp*lms_sin(arg*k) + noise_amp*gaussian();
/* scale based on L */
mu = 2.0*mu/(L+1);
x = 0.0;
for(k = 0 ; k < N ; k++) {
/* delay x one sample */
x = d[k];
return 0;
function lms(x,d,b,l,mu,alpha)
Implements NLMS Algorithm b(k+1)=b(k)+2*mu*e*x(k)/((l+1)*sig)
x = input data
d = desired signal
b[0:l] = Adaptive coefficients of lth order fir filter
l = order of filter (> 1)
mu = Convergence parameter (0.0 to 1.0)
alpha = Forgetting factor sig(k)=alpha*(x(k)**2)+(1-alpha)*sig(k-1)
(>= 0.0 and < 1.0)
returns the filter output
float lms(float x,float d,float *b,int l,
float mu,float alpha)
int ll;
float e,mu_e,/*lms_const,*/y; /* JG */
static float px[51]; /* max L = 50 */
static float sigma = 2.0; /* start at 2 and update internally */
/* calculate filter output */
#ifdef DEBUG
for(ll = 1 ; ll <= l ; ll++)
/* error signal */
/* update sigma */
/* update coefficients */
for(ll = 0 ; ll <= l ; ll++)
/* update history */
for(ll = l ; ll >= 1 ; ll--)