commit ed779513528f1274ef856544e85e01537389271d Author: Simon Klüttermann Date: Tue Sep 14 20:17:38 2021 +0200 initial push diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a8de50 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +# Benutzerhandbuch + +Dieses Handbuch dokumentiert die Installation und Nutzung der AQUA-Vorlage für Präsentationen mit der LaTeX Beamer Class. Ergänzungen an Handbuch und Vorlage sind immer willkommen und können gerne per [EMail]( eingereicht werden. + +## Voraussetzungen + +Um die Vorlage zu nutzen, sind mehrere Komponenten nötig, die vom Nutzer installiert werden müssen. + +#### TeX + +Die Vorlage ist zur Verwendung mit einer aktuellen TeX-Distribution gedacht und wird nicht mit alten TeX-Compilern oder -Paketen funktionieren. Empfohlen wird eine der folgenden Distributionen: + +- [MacTeX]( 2019 oder höher für Mac OS +- [MiKTeX]( für Windows oder Linux +- [TeXLive]( 2019 oder höher für Windows oder Linux + +Wichtig ist, dass die vollständige TeX-Distribution installiert wird. Insbesondere in Linux-Distributionen ist es möglich, nur einen Teil der Distribution zu installieren. In diesem Fall funktioniert die Vorlage nicht und die fehlenden Teile müssen installiert werden. + +Unter Linux-Distributionen wie Ubuntu werden leider oft nur veraltete TeXLive-Versionen durch die Paketverwaltung bereitgestellt. In diesem Fall ist ein Update des Betriebssystems nötig oder TeXLive muss manuell installiert werden. Für Debian und Ubuntu stellt die TUG dazu einen [Leitfaden]( bereit. + +#### Pygments + +Zum Setzen von Quellcode müssen das Python-Paket Pygments (sowie ein Python-Interpreter) auf dem System installiert sein. Pygments übernimmt dann das Parsen und syntaktische Auszeichnen der Codeelemente. + +Auf Linux-Distributionen sollte das Paket durch den Paketmanager installiert werden, hier ist darauf zu achten, dass das Programm `pygmentize` ebenfalls installiert wird (einige Distributionen trennen Bibliothek und Programm). + +Auf anderen Betriebssystemen ist die Verwendung des Python-Paketmanagers `pip` notwendig. Dazu wird auf einer Kommandozeile `pip install Pygments` ausgeführt. + +## Kompilieren des Dokumentes + +Das Kompilieren eines TeX-Dokuments erfordert mehrere Schritte, um u.A. Hilfsdateien zu erzeugen, zu verarbeiten und Referenzen im Text korrekt aufzulösen. Üblicherweise wird dazu die lokale TeX-Installation genutzt, es existieren aber auch Alternativen. + +#### Lokale TeX-Installation + +Viele TeX-Editoren wie [TeXStudio]( automatisieren den Kompiliervorgang, ohne dass weitere Konfiguration nötig ist. In TeXStudio ist es allerdings nötig, die Erzeugung des Glossars manuell durchzuführen. + +Zur Automatisierung des Kompiliervorgangs sind bereits folgende Werkzeuge eingerichtet, die mit TeXLive ausgeliefert werden: + +1. [Arara]( wird über `% arara:`-Direktiven in der `thesis.tex` konfiguriert. In der mitgelieferten Konfiguration wird allerdings bei jedem Kompiliervorgang jeder Schritt durchgeführt, was zu langen Bauzeiten führt. Im Wurzelverzeichnis der Vorlage kann ein Bauvorgang mit `arara thesis` ausgelöst werden. +2. [Latexmk]( wird in der `latexmkrc` konfiguriert und ist selbstständig in der Lage, den Kompiliervorgang auf notwendige Schritte zu reduzieren. Im Wurzelverzeichnis der Vorlage kann ein Bauvorgang mit `latexmk` ausgelöst werden. + +Manuelles Kompilieren der Vorlage erfordert folgende Schritte im Wurzelverzeichnis der Vorlage: + +1. `lualatex --shell-escape slides` kompiliert das Dokument. Hier ist zu beachten, dass der LuaLaTeX-Compiler genutzt wird, ein Kompilieren mit dem veralteten pdfLaTeX-Compiler ist *nicht* möglich. Die Option `--shell-escape` ermöglicht es, aus dem Dokument beliebige Programme aufzurufen. In der Vorlage wird dies nur zum Aufruf von `pygmentize` genutzt. +2. `biber slides` verarbeitet die Bibliografie. Biber gehört zum modernen BibLaTeX-Paket, welches anstelle das alten BibTeX genutzt wird. +4. `lualatex --shell-escape slides` kompiliert das Dokument erneut. In diesem Schritt werden die Bibliografie, der Glossar usw. korrekt eingebunden. +5. `lualatex --shell-escape slides` kompiliert das Dokument ein letztes Mal, um alle Referenzen zu bereinigen. + +Sollte sich die Bibliografie nicht geändert haben, kann auf die entsprechenden Schritte verzichtet werden. Auch können wiederholte Kompiliervorgänge eingespart werden, wenn sich Referenzen in einem früheren Schritt stabilisieren. + +#### Nutzung von GitLab CI + +Wenn die Arbeit auf einem GitLab (wie z.B. [dem des LS14]( entwickelt wird, kann die CI-Unterstützung des GitLabs benutzt werden, um die Versionsstände im Git zu bauen. Eine entsprechende Steuerdatei, die `.gitlab-ci.yml`, ist in der Vorlage enthalten. Die Vorlage muss dazu in der Wurzel des Git-Repositorys liegen. + +Der Kompiliervorgang wird von Latexmk gesteuert. Veränderungen an der Latexmk-Konfiguration wirken sich also unmittelbar auf die CI-seitige Kompilierung aus. + +Für andere CI-Systeme muss eine entsprechende Datei selber verfasst werden, entsprechende Patches sind willkommen. + +#### Lokales Docker-Image + +Das Docker-Image, welches zum CI-seitigen Kompilieren genutzt wird, kann auch lokal verwendet werden. Das Image umfasst allerdings mehrere GB und der Kompiliervorgang kann mehrere Minuten dauern. Eine lokale TeX-Installation ist also vorzuziehen. + +Im Wurzelverzeichnis der Vorlage kann ein Docker-Bauvorgang mit `docker run -v $(realpath .):/doc nopreserveroot/texlive-full latexmk` ausgelöst werden, wobei statt `$(realpath .)` auch der *absolute* Pfad des aktuellen Verzeichnisses angegeben werden kann. + +## Konfigurieren der Metadaten + +Die Metadaten des Dokumentes werden in der `config.tex` eingerichtet. Die Hilfsdatei `configsupport.tex` sollte dabei nicht verändert werden. + +In der Datei werden zunächst die eigentlichen Metadaten definiert: + +- Der Title des Vortrags wird mit `\settalktitle{Titel}` definiert. +- Der oder die Autoren können auf zwei Weisen definiert werden: + - `\settalkauthor{Autor}` definiert einen einzelnen Autor und überschreibt dabei die bisherige Liste, + - `\addtalkauthor{Autor}` fügt einen weiteren Autor hinzu. Dieses Kommando kann mehrfach benutzt werden. +- Das Vortragsdatum wird via `\settalkisodate{YYYY-MM-DD}` gesetzt und muss dazu im ISO-Format YYYY-MM-DD angegeben werden. + +Nun müssen noch die Daten des zugeordneten Lehrstuhls bzw. der betreuenden Arbeitsgruppe angegeben werden. Für die Arbeitsgruppe AQUA kann einfach der Befehl `\aquaheader` verwendet werden. Ansonsten müssen folgende Variablen gesetzt werden: + +- `\setfaculty{Fakultät}` definiert den Namen der Fakultät, +- `\setchair{Lehrstuhl}` den des Lehrstuhles, +- `\setworkgroup{Arbeitsgruppe}` den der Arbeitsgruppe (so vorhanden). + +Als letztes wird ausgewählt, ob der Vortrag auf Deutsch (`\germantalk`) oder englisch (`\englishtalk`) verfasst wird. + +## Konfiguration und Nutzung der eingebundenen Pakete + +Die Vorlage bindet in der `header.tex` eine große Menge Pakete ein und nimmt einige notwendige Konfigurationsschritte bereits vor. Es empfiehlt sich, die Handbücher der Pakete zumindest zu überfliegen. Dies kann über die aufgeführten Links geschehen, in einer vollständigen TeX-Installation können die Handbücher für ein Paket aber auch über den Befehl `texdoc Paketname` aufgerufen werden. In TeXstudio öffnet ein Control-Klick auf den Paketnamen die Dokumentation in der PDF-Vorschau. + +Die Pakete und Konfigurationsoptionen sind hier in der Reihenfolge ihrer Verwendung in der `header.tex` aufgeführt. + +- [`beamer`]( stellt das Grundgerüst des Dokumentes bereit. Dazu gehören Kommandos wie `\section` und das Format der Folien. Änderungen an der Konfiguration können in den Optionen der `\documentclass` vorgenommen werden. Folgende Pakete werden dabei mit geladen: + - [`hyperref`]( ermöglicht das Setzen von Hyperlinks und wandelt Referenzen automatisch in Hyperlinks um. + - [`xcolor`]( ermöglicht die farbige Gestaltung von Dokumenten. Die Option `svgnames` ermöglicht die Verwendung von [SVG-Farbnamen]( +- [`fontspec`]( dient zum Laden von Schriftarten. Konfiguration ist nicht nötig. +- [`amsmath`]( und [`unicode-math`]( stellen mathematische Symbole bereit. +- [`libertinus`]( ersetzt die Standardschriftarten durch die [Libertinus-Schriftenfamilie]( +- [`polyglossia`]( dient zur Unterstützung nicht-englischer Dokumente. Das Kommando `\languagesetup` konfiguriert das Paket passend zur Schriftenauswahl in der `config.tex`. +- [`datetime2`]( ist für die sprachspezifische Formatierung von Datumsangaben zuständig. Es wird primär innerhalb der Vorlage verwendet. +- [`algorithm2e`]( ermöglicht den Satz von Algorithmen in Pseudocode. Dazu stehen zahlreiche Konfigurationsoptionen bereit, auch die Verwendung deutscher Schlüsselwörter ist möglich. +- [`authoraftertitle`]( ermöglicht die Nutzung von Autor, Titel und Datum durch die Makros `\MyAuthor`, `\MyTitle` und `\MyDate` im Textkörper. +- [`biblatex`]( ist eine moderne Alternative zum Setzen von Literaturverzeichnissen und bietet zahllose Konfigurationsoptionen. Hier gilt es zu beachten, dass die von Verlagen bereitgestellten BibTeX-Exporte oft die Möglichkeiten von BibLaTeX nicht ausnutzen. Hier empfiehlt sich ein Nachbearbeiten des Exportes. Das Handbuch dokumentiert im Detail die möglichen Eintragstypen und Felder sowie Zitierkommandos. Eine Lektüre ist ratsam. Das zugehörige Kommandozeilentool ist [`biber`]( +- [`booktabs`]( stellt Kommandos bereits, um Tabellen für Druckerzeugnisse zu setzen. Üblicherweise missachten LaTeX-Tabellen gängige typographische Leitsätze durch zu geringe Abstände der Linien sowie die Verwendung vertikaler Linien. Das Handbuch dokumentiert die Verwendung und gibt eine Einführung in den korrekten Satz von Tabellen. +- [`draftwatermark`]( versieht Seiten mit einem Wasserzeichen. Das Paket wird standardmäßig nicht geladen, kann aber zusammen mit der Beispielkonfiguration einkommentiert werden, um *ENTWURF α.1* in den Seitenhintergrund zu setzen. Dies kann helfen, Ausdrucke schnell auseinander zu halten. +- [`graphicx`]( ermöglicht das Einbinden diverser Grafikdateien in das Dokument. +- [`microtype`]( aktiviert die LaTeX-eigene Unterstützung für Mikrotypographie. Dabei werden unsichtbare Veränderungen der Schrift (z.B. Skalieren auf 99% der Breite) vorgenommen, um Silbentrennungen oder das Bedrucken des Seitenrandes zu vermeiden. +- [`minted`]( dient zum Satz von syntaktisch ausgezeichnetem Quellcode. Zur Verarbeitung des Quellcodes wird das Werkzeug [Pygments]( genutzt. +- [`mleftright`]( stellt Makros `\mleft` und `\mright` bereit, die einige Probleme im mathematischen Textsatz mit `\left` und `\right` beseitigen. +- [`pdfpages`]( ermöglicht das Einbinden externer PDF-Dokumente als komplette Seite. +- [`relsize`]( stellt Befehle bereit, um die Schriftgröße relativ zur aktuell genutzten zu verändern. +- [`tikz`]( ermöglicht das programmatische Erzeugen komplexer Grafiken aus LaTeX heraus. Das Handbuch dokumentiert die Möglichkeiten des Paketes, im Internet lassen sich zahllose Beispiele für die Verwendung des Paketes finden. Wird der Befehl `\tikzexternalize` einkommentiert, werden TikZ-Grafiken in einem separaten Prozess gerendert und dann eingebunden. Dies funktioniert jedoch nicht, wenn ein Text z.B. eine Referenz oder einen Abkürzungsverweis enthält. Folgende Bibliotheken werden in der Vorlage aktiviert: + - `babel` beseitigt einen Fehler in TikZ, der bei der Verwendung von Umlauten auftreten kann, + - `calc` erweitert Koordinatenausdrücke um Berechnungen, + - `external` erlaubt das externe Rendern von Bildern, um die Kompilation zu beschleunigen und + - `positioning` erweitert die zulässige Syntax für relative Positionen. +- [`pgfplots`]( ermöglicht das Setzen von Diagrammen auf Basis von TikZ. +- [`csquotes`]( stellt den Befehl `\enquote` bereit, der korrekte Anführungszeichen für die gewählte Sprache um ein Stück Text setzt. Dies wird auch von `biblatex` genutzt. +- `\def\UrlBreaks{\do\/\do-}` erlaubt das Umbrechen von URLs an `/` und `-`. Diese Liste kann nach Belieben erweitert werden. +- Im Block `% Neat + for et al` wird das Plus-Zeichen für lange Autorenlisten (z.B. *[ABC+03]*) verkleinert. Eine ähnliche Technik lässt sich nutzen, um z.B. den Namen *C++* zu setzen. +- Die Blöcke `% Remove algorithm captions, see examples` und `% Use minted's line numbers for algorithm2e` vereinheitlichen die Gestaltung von Algorithmen und Quellcode. +- Der Befehl `\usemintedstyle` wählt ein Farbschema für die Syntaxauszeichnung in Quellcode aus. `friendly` eignet sich zum Druck besser als die leuchtenden Standardfarben. +- Der Befehl `\addbibresource` teilt `biblatex` die verwendeten Bibliographien mit. Standard ist die `bibliography.bib`. +- Im Abschnitt `% Internal metadata setup` werden die in der `config.tex` gewählten Metadaten geladen. diff --git a/beamercolorthemeTUDo.sty b/beamercolorthemeTUDo.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e354cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/beamercolorthemeTUDo.sty @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +% Basierend auf dem LaTeX-Beamer-Theme der TU Dortmund +% Erstellt von Maximilian Nöthe +% Version 1.1 vom 27.5.2014 +% Vielen Dank an Carsten Raas für seine Mithilfe + +\mode + +\xdefinecolor{TUgreen}{RGB}{132, 186, 26} % 0 +\xdefinecolor{TUdarkgreen}{RGB}{75, 98, 44} % 1 +\xdefinecolor{TUolive}{RGB}{83, 145, 45} % 2 +\xdefinecolor{TUorange}{RGB}{227, 105, 19} % 3 +\xdefinecolor{TUyellow}{RGB}{242, 189, 0} % 4 +\xdefinecolor{TUcitron}{RGB}{249, 219, 0} % 5 +\xdefinecolor{TUlime}{RGB}{215, 215, 0} % 6 +\xdefinecolor{TUlightgreen}{RGB}{226, 241, 195} % 7 + +\setbeamercolor*{author}{fg=black, bg=white} +\setbeamercolor*{institute}{fg=black, bg=white} + 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+\setbeamercolor*{block title example}{fg=black, bg=TUyellow} +\setbeamercolor*{block body example}{fg=black, bg=TUlightgreen} + +\mode diff --git a/beamerfontthemeTUDo.sty b/beamerfontthemeTUDo.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9898597 --- /dev/null +++ b/beamerfontthemeTUDo.sty @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +% Basierend auf dem LaTeX-Beamer-Theme der TU Dortmund +% Erstellt von Maximilian Nöthe +% Version 1.1 vom 27.5.2014 +% Vielen Dank an Carsten Raas für seine Mithilfe + +\mode + +\RequirePackage{libertinus} + +\setbeamerfont{author}{size=\footnotesize} +\setbeamerfont{date}{size=\footnotesize} +\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\footnotesize} + +\setbeamerfont{institute}{size=\footnotesize} + +\setbeamerfont{section in head/foot}{size=\footnotesize} +\setbeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}{size=\footnotesize} + +\mode diff --git a/beamerinnerthemeTUDo.sty b/beamerinnerthemeTUDo.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aade43 --- /dev/null +++ b/beamerinnerthemeTUDo.sty @@ 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/dev/null +++ b/bibliography.bib @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +@article{bib:photoelectric-effect, + author = {Einstein, Albert}, + title = {Über einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt}, + journaltitle = {Annalen der Physik}, + volume = {322}, + number = {6}, + pages = {132-148}, + date = {1905}, + doi = {10.1002/andp.19053220607}, + publisher = {Johann Ambrosius Barth}, + location = {Leipzig, Deutschland}, + langid = {german} +} + +@inproceedings{bib:learnlib, + author = {Raffelt, Harald and Steffen, Bernhard and Berg, Therese}, + title = {LearnLib: A Library for Automata Learning and Experimentation}, + booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems}, + pages = {62-71}, + date = {2005-09-05}, + isbn = {1-59593-148-1}, + doi = {10.1145/1081180.1081189}, + publisher = {ACM}, + address = {New York, NY, USA}, + langid = {english} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/clock/ b/clock/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d961b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/clock/ @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +from __future__ import division +#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from plt import * +import numpy as np +from numpy import pi + + + +def gen(hour=None): + staticmode=False + + mult=1.0 + my_dpi=96*mult + siz=768 + fig=plt.figure(figsize=(siz/my_dpi,siz/my_dpi),dpi=my_dpi) + fig.patch.set_facecolor("white") + + angles = 2*pi*np.random.randint(0,864000,100)/86400 + ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) + #ax.set_facecolor("white") + + #ax.figure(figsize=(10,10)) + #plt.polar() + #ax.scatter(angles, np.ones(100)*1) +, np.full(100, 0.9), width=0.1, bottom=0.0, color='r', linewidth=0) + +, np.full(100, 0.9), width=0.05, bottom=0.89, color='r', linewidth=0) + + ax.grid(b=False) + + + alpha=pi/6 + + def ophase(x,y,c):ax.plot([x*alpha,y*alpha],[8,8],color=c) + + + ophase(0,3,"red") + ophase(3,8.5,"blue") + ophase(8.5,10.5,"yellow") + ophase(10.5,12,"green") + + ax.text(2.8*alpha,0.4,"Datasets",{"size":18,"color":"red"},rotation=0) + ax.text(6.5*alpha,0.5,"Algorithms",{"size":18,"color":"blue"},rotation=8) + ax.text(8.6*alpha,0.8,"Analysis",{"size":18,"color":"yellow"},rotation=15) + ax.text(10.7*alpha,0.8,"Application",{"size":18,"color":"green"},rotation=20) + + + labels=["Video Data","Text Data","Graph Data","High dim Data","Density OD","Subspace preprocessing","Transformations","Ensembles","Active AD","Explainability","Interpretation","Device Failure"] + + + # suppress the radial labels + plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) + + # set the circumference labels + if staticmode: + ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 2*pi, 12, endpoint=False)) + ax.set_xticklabels([12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) + ax.set_xticklabels(labels) + else: + ax.set_xticks([]) + + + data=[ + [1.04,0.16], + [0.91,0.08], + [0.88,-0.05], + [1.03,-0.17], + [1.05,-0.20], + [1.11,-0.30], + [1.10,-0.20], + [1.20,-0.10], + [1.20,0.05], + [1.10,0.14], + [1.10,0.19], + [1.07,0.22], + ] + + + + radii=[d[0] for d in data] + deltap=[d[1] for d in data] + for i,(lab,rad,dp) in enumerate(zip(labels,radii,deltap)): + theta=alpha*i + theta90=theta*180/pi + ax.text(theta-dp,rad,lab,{"size":13,"color":"black"},rotation=-theta90) + + def line(hour): + plt.plot([hour*alpha,hour*alpha],[0.0,1.0],color="black") + def sline(hour): + plt.plot([hour*alpha,hour*alpha],[1.00,1.0],color="black") + + if not hour is None: + line(hour) + for i in range(12): + sline(i) + + + try: + mplcyberpunk.add_underglow() + mplcyberpunk.add_glow_effects() + except:pass + + + plt.plot([7*alpha,8*alpha],[1.0,1.0],color="blue") + + # make the labels go clockwise + ax.set_theta_direction(-1) + + # place 0 at the top + ax.set_theta_offset(pi/2.0) + + # plt.grid('off') + + # put the points on the circumference + plt.ylim(0,1) + + + + if hour is None: + plt.savefig(f"output.png",facecolor="white",format="png") + plt.savefig(f"output.pdf",facecolor="white",format="pdf") + else: + plt.savefig(f"output{hour}.png",facecolor="white",format="png") + plt.savefig(f"output{hour}.pdf",facecolor="white",format="pdf") + + + try: + + except: + + + +gen() +for i in range(1,13): + gen(i) + diff --git a/clock/output.pdf b/clock/output.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..937f321 Binary files /dev/null and b/clock/output.pdf differ diff --git a/clock/output.png b/clock/output.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9474f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/clock/output.png differ diff --git a/clock/output1.pdf b/clock/output1.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a4550b Binary files /dev/null and b/clock/output1.pdf differ diff --git a/clock/output1.png b/clock/output1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ea6d8b Binary files /dev/null and b/clock/output1.png differ diff --git a/clock/output10.pdf b/clock/output10.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1a5c70 Binary files /dev/null and b/clock/output10.pdf differ diff --git a/clock/output10.png b/clock/output10.png new 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flushbuffer readstring pop pop} for end }if dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or /DataSource load xcheck and { Height Width BitsPerComponent mul 8 BitsPerComponent sub add 8 idiv Decode length 2 idiv mul mul { DataSource length dup 0 eq {pop exit}if sub dup 0 le {exit}if }loop pop }if }ifelse end }bdf /addprocs { 2{/exec load}repeat 3 1 roll [ 5 1 roll ] bind cvx }def /modify_halftone_xfer { currenthalftone dup length dict copy begin currentdict 2 index known{ 1 index load dup length dict copy begin currentdict/TransferFunction known{ /TransferFunction load }{ currenttransfer }ifelse addprocs /TransferFunction xdf currentdict end def currentdict end sethalftone }{ currentdict/TransferFunction known{ /TransferFunction load }{ currenttransfer }ifelse addprocs /TransferFunction xdf currentdict end sethalftone pop }ifelse }def /clonearray { dup xcheck exch dup length array exch Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_tmp -1 ddf { Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_tmp 2 copy get 1 add ddf dup type /dicttype 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/currentcolorspace exch AGMCORE_gput false } { true }ifelse } { true } ifelse } { true } ifelse } bdf /base_colorspace_type { dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if } bdf /currentdistillerparams where { pop currentdistillerparams /CoreDistVersion get 5000 lt}{true}ifelse { /pdfmark_5 {cleartomark} bind def }{ /pdfmark_5 {pdfmark} bind def }ifelse /ReadBypdfmark_5 { 2 dict begin /makerString exch def string /tmpString exch def { currentfile tmpString readline pop makerString anchorsearch { pop pop cleartomark exit }{ 3 copy /PUT pdfmark_5 pop 2 copy (\n) /PUT pdfmark_5 } ifelse }loop end } bdf /doc_setup{ Adobe_AGM_Utils begin }bdf /doc_trailer{ currentdict Adobe_AGM_Utils eq{ end }if }bdf systemdict /setpacking known { setpacking } if %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_AGM_Core 2.0 0 %%Version: 2.0 0 %%Copyright: Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Adobe Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. %% Note: This procset assumes Adobe_AGM_Utils is opened on the stack below it, for %% definitions of some fundamental procedures. systemdict /setpacking known { currentpacking true setpacking } if userdict /Adobe_AGM_Core 201 dict dup begin put /Adobe_AGM_Core_Id /Adobe_AGM_Core_2.0_0 def /AGMCORE_str256 256 string def /AGMCORE_save nd /AGMCORE_graphicsave nd /AGMCORE_c 0 def /AGMCORE_m 0 def /AGMCORE_y 0 def /AGMCORE_k 0 def /AGMCORE_cmykbuf 4 array def /AGMCORE_screen [currentscreen] cvx def /AGMCORE_tmp 0 def /AGMCORE_&setgray nd /AGMCORE_&setcolor nd /AGMCORE_&setcolorspace nd /AGMCORE_&setcmykcolor nd /AGMCORE_cyan_plate nd /AGMCORE_magenta_plate nd /AGMCORE_yellow_plate nd /AGMCORE_black_plate nd /AGMCORE_plate_ndx nd /AGMCORE_get_ink_data nd /AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep nd /AGMCORE_host_sep nd /AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space nd /AGMCORE_distilling nd /AGMCORE_composite_job nd /AGMCORE_producing_seps nd /AGMCORE_ps_level -1 def /AGMCORE_ps_version -1 def /AGMCORE_environ_ok nd /AGMCORE_CSD_cache 0 dict def /AGMCORE_currentoverprint false def /AGMCORE_deltaX nd /AGMCORE_deltaY nd /AGMCORE_name nd /AGMCORE_sep_special nd /AGMCORE_err_strings 4 dict def /AGMCORE_cur_err nd /AGMCORE_current_spot_alias false def /AGMCORE_inverting false def /AGMCORE_feature_dictCount nd /AGMCORE_feature_opCount nd /AGMCORE_feature_ctm nd /AGMCORE_ConvertToProcess false def /AGMCORE_Default_CTM matrix def /AGMCORE_Default_PageSize nd /AGMCORE_currentbg nd /AGMCORE_currentucr nd /AGMCORE_in_pattern false def /AGMCORE_currentpagedevice nd /knockout_unitsq nd currentglobal true setglobal [/CSA /Gradient /Procedure] { /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy /Category defineresource pop } forall setglobal /AGMCORE_key_known { where{ /Adobe_AGM_Core_Id known }{ false }ifelse }ndf /flushinput { save 2 dict begin /CompareBuffer 3 -1 roll def /readbuffer 256 string def mark { currentfile readbuffer {readline} stopped {cleartomark mark} { not {pop exit} if CompareBuffer eq {exit} if }ifelse }loop cleartomark end restore }bdf /getspotfunction { AGMCORE_screen exch pop exch pop dup type /dicttype eq{ dup /HalftoneType get 1 eq{ /SpotFunction get }{ dup /HalftoneType get 2 eq{ /GraySpotFunction get }{ pop { abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt{ 1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }{ dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse }bind }ifelse }ifelse }if } def /clp_npth { clip newpath } def /eoclp_npth { eoclip newpath } def /npth_clp { newpath clip } def /graphic_setup { /AGMCORE_graphicsave save def concat 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin 1 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 10 setmiterlimit newpath false setoverprint false setstrokeadjust //Adobe_AGM_Core/spot_alias get exec /Adobe_AGM_Image where { pop Adobe_AGM_Image/spot_alias 2 copy known{ get exec }{ pop pop }ifelse } if 100 dict begin /dictstackcount countdictstack def /showpage {} def mark } def /graphic_cleanup { cleartomark dictstackcount 1 countdictstack 1 sub {end}for end AGMCORE_graphicsave restore } def /compose_error_msg { grestoreall initgraphics /Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont setfont /AGMCORE_deltaY 100 def /AGMCORE_deltaX 310 def clippath pathbbox newpath pop pop 36 add exch 36 add exch moveto 0 AGMCORE_deltaY rlineto AGMCORE_deltaX 0 rlineto 0 AGMCORE_deltaY neg rlineto AGMCORE_deltaX neg 0 rlineto closepath 0 AGMCORE_&setgray gsave 1 AGMCORE_&setgray fill grestore 1 setlinewidth gsave stroke grestore currentpoint AGMCORE_deltaY 15 sub add exch 8 add exch moveto /AGMCORE_deltaY 12 def /AGMCORE_tmp 0 def AGMCORE_err_strings exch get { dup 32 eq { pop AGMCORE_str256 0 AGMCORE_tmp getinterval stringwidth pop currentpoint pop add AGMCORE_deltaX 28 add gt { currentpoint AGMCORE_deltaY sub exch pop clippath pathbbox pop pop pop 44 add exch moveto } if AGMCORE_str256 0 AGMCORE_tmp getinterval show ( ) show 0 1 AGMCORE_str256 length 1 sub { AGMCORE_str256 exch 0 put }for /AGMCORE_tmp 0 def } { AGMCORE_str256 exch AGMCORE_tmp xpt /AGMCORE_tmp AGMCORE_tmp 1 add def } ifelse } forall } bdf /doc_setup{ Adobe_AGM_Core begin /AGMCORE_ps_version xdf /AGMCORE_ps_level xdf errordict /AGM_handleerror known not{ errordict /AGM_handleerror errordict /handleerror get put errordict /handleerror { Adobe_AGM_Core begin $error /newerror get AGMCORE_cur_err null ne and{ $error /newerror false put AGMCORE_cur_err compose_error_msg }if $error /newerror true put end errordict /AGM_handleerror get exec } bind put }if /AGMCORE_environ_ok ps_level AGMCORE_ps_level ge ps_version AGMCORE_ps_version ge and AGMCORE_ps_level -1 eq or def AGMCORE_environ_ok not {/AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_bad_environ def} if /AGMCORE_&setgray systemdict/setgray get def level2{ /AGMCORE_&setcolor systemdict/setcolor get def /AGMCORE_&setcolorspace systemdict/setcolorspace get def }if /AGMCORE_currentbg currentblackgeneration def /AGMCORE_currentucr currentundercolorremoval def /AGMCORE_distilling /product where{ pop systemdict/setdistillerparams known product (Adobe PostScript Parser) ne and }{ false }ifelse def /AGMCORE_GSTATE AGMCORE_key_known not{ /AGMCORE_GSTATE 21 dict def /AGMCORE_tmpmatrix matrix def /AGMCORE_gstack 32 array def /AGMCORE_gstackptr 0 def /AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr 0 def /AGMCORE_gstackframekeys 10 def /AGMCORE_&gsave /gsave ldf /AGMCORE_&grestore /grestore ldf /AGMCORE_&grestoreall /grestoreall ldf /AGMCORE_&save /save ldf /AGMCORE_&setoverprint /setoverprint ldf /AGMCORE_gdictcopy { begin { def } forall end }def /AGMCORE_gput { AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get 3 1 roll put }def /AGMCORE_gget { AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get exch get }def /gsave { AGMCORE_&gsave AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 add dup 32 ge {limitcheck} if /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch store AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get AGMCORE_gdictcopy }def /grestore { AGMCORE_&grestore AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 sub dup AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr lt {1 add} if dup AGMCORE_gstack exch get dup /AGMCORE_currentoverprint known {/AGMCORE_currentoverprint get setoverprint}{pop}ifelse /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch store }def /grestoreall { AGMCORE_&grestoreall /AGMCORE_gstackptr AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr store }def /save { AGMCORE_&save AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get AGMCORE_gstackptr 1 add dup 32 ge {limitcheck} if /AGMCORE_gstackptr exch store /AGMCORE_gstacksaveptr AGMCORE_gstackptr store AGMCORE_gstack AGMCORE_gstackptr get AGMCORE_gdictcopy }def /setoverprint{ dup /AGMCORE_currentoverprint exch AGMCORE_gput AGMCORE_&setoverprint }def 0 1 AGMCORE_gstack length 1 sub { AGMCORE_gstack exch AGMCORE_gstackframekeys dict put } for }if level3 /AGMCORE_&sysshfill AGMCORE_key_known not and { /AGMCORE_&sysshfill systemdict/shfill get def /AGMCORE_&sysmakepattern systemdict/makepattern get def /AGMCORE_&usrmakepattern /makepattern load def }if /currentcmykcolor [0 0 0 0] AGMCORE_gput /currentstrokeadjust false AGMCORE_gput /currentcolorspace [/DeviceGray] AGMCORE_gput /sep_tint 0 AGMCORE_gput /devicen_tints [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] AGMCORE_gput /sep_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput /devicen_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput /indexed_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput /currentcolor_intent () AGMCORE_gput /customcolor_tint 1 AGMCORE_gput << /MaxPatternItem currentsystemparams /MaxPatternCache get >> setuserparams end }def /page_setup { /setcmykcolor where{ pop Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_&setcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load put }if Adobe_AGM_Core begin /setcmykcolor { 4 copy AGMCORE_cmykbuf astore /currentcmykcolor exch AGMCORE_gput 1 sub 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add neg dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if 3 1 roll } repeat setrgbcolor pop }ndf /currentcmykcolor { /currentcmykcolor AGMCORE_gget aload pop }ndf /setoverprint { pop }ndf /currentoverprint { false }ndf /AGMCORE_cyan_plate 1 0 0 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def /AGMCORE_magenta_plate 0 1 0 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def /AGMCORE_yellow_plate 0 0 1 0 test_cmyk_color_plate def /AGMCORE_black_plate 0 0 0 1 test_cmyk_color_plate def /AGMCORE_plate_ndx AGMCORE_cyan_plate{ 0 }{ AGMCORE_magenta_plate{ 1 }{ AGMCORE_yellow_plate{ 2 }{ AGMCORE_black_plate{ 3 }{ 4 }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse def /AGMCORE_have_reported_unsupported_color_space false def /AGMCORE_report_unsupported_color_space { AGMCORE_have_reported_unsupported_color_space false eq { (Warning: Job contains content that cannot be separated with on-host methods. This content appears on the black plate, and knocks out all other plates.) == Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_have_reported_unsupported_color_space true ddf } if }def /AGMCORE_composite_job AGMCORE_cyan_plate AGMCORE_magenta_plate and AGMCORE_yellow_plate and AGMCORE_black_plate and def /AGMCORE_in_rip_sep /AGMCORE_in_rip_sep where{ pop AGMCORE_in_rip_sep }{ AGMCORE_distilling { false }{ userdict/Adobe_AGM_OnHost_Seps known{ false }{ level2{ currentpagedevice/Separations 2 copy known{ get }{ pop pop false }ifelse }{ false }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse def /AGMCORE_producing_seps AGMCORE_composite_job not AGMCORE_in_rip_sep or def /AGMCORE_host_sep AGMCORE_producing_seps AGMCORE_in_rip_sep not and def /AGM_preserve_spots /AGM_preserve_spots where{ pop AGM_preserve_spots }{ AGMCORE_distilling AGMCORE_producing_seps or }ifelse def /AGM_is_distiller_preserving_spotimages { currentdistillerparams/PreserveOverprintSettings known { currentdistillerparams/PreserveOverprintSettings get { currentdistillerparams/ColorConversionStrategy known { currentdistillerparams/ColorConversionStrategy get /sRGB ne }{ true }ifelse }{ false }ifelse }{ false }ifelse }def /convert_spot_to_process where {pop}{ /convert_spot_to_process { //Adobe_AGM_Core begin dup map_alias { /Name get exch pop } if dup dup (None) eq exch (All) eq or { pop false }{ AGMCORE_host_sep { gsave 1 0 0 0 setcmykcolor currentgray 1 exch sub 0 1 0 0 setcmykcolor currentgray 1 exch sub 0 0 1 0 setcmykcolor currentgray 1 exch sub 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor currentgray 1 exch sub add add add 0 eq { pop false }{ false setoverprint current_spot_alias false set_spot_alias 1 1 1 1 6 -1 roll findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor set_spot_alias currentgray 1 ne }ifelse grestore }{ AGMCORE_distilling { pop AGM_is_distiller_preserving_spotimages not }{ //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_name xddf false //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_in_pattern known {//Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_in_pattern get}{false} ifelse not AGMCORE_currentpagedevice/OverrideSeparations known and { AGMCORE_currentpagedevice/OverrideSeparations get { /HqnSpots /ProcSet resourcestatus { pop pop pop true }if }if }if { AGMCORE_name /HqnSpots /ProcSet findresource /TestSpot get exec not }{ gsave [/Separation AGMCORE_name /DeviceGray {}]AGMCORE_&setcolorspace false AGMCORE_currentpagedevice/SeparationColorNames 2 copy known { get { AGMCORE_name eq or}forall not }{ pop pop pop true }ifelse grestore }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse end }def }ifelse /convert_to_process where {pop}{ /convert_to_process { dup length 0 eq { pop false }{ AGMCORE_host_sep { dup true exch { dup (Cyan) eq exch dup (Magenta) eq 3 -1 roll or exch dup (Yellow) eq 3 -1 roll or exch dup (Black) eq 3 -1 roll or {pop} {convert_spot_to_process and}ifelse } forall { true exch { dup (Cyan) eq exch dup (Magenta) eq 3 -1 roll or exch dup (Yellow) eq 3 -1 roll or exch (Black) eq or and }forall not }{pop false}ifelse }{ false exch { dup (Cyan) eq exch dup (Magenta) eq 3 -1 roll or exch dup (Yellow) eq 3 -1 roll or exch dup (Black) eq 3 -1 roll or {pop} {convert_spot_to_process or}ifelse } forall }ifelse }ifelse }def }ifelse /AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space version cvr 2012 lt level2 and AGMCORE_producing_seps not and def /AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep AGMCORE_cyan_plate AGMCORE_magenta_plate or AGMCORE_yellow_plate or AGMCORE_black_plate or def /AGM_avoid_0_cmyk where{ pop AGM_avoid_0_cmyk }{ AGM_preserve_spots userdict/Adobe_AGM_OnHost_Seps known userdict/Adobe_AGM_InRip_Seps known or not and }ifelse { /setcmykcolor[ { 4 copy add add add 0 eq currentoverprint and{ pop 0.0005 }if }/exec cvx /AGMCORE_&setcmykcolor load dup type/operatortype ne{ /exec cvx }if ]cvx def }if /AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor { dup (Cyan) eq exch dup (Magenta) eq exch dup (Yellow) eq exch (Black) eq or or or }def AGMCORE_host_sep{ /setcolortransfer { AGMCORE_cyan_plate{ pop pop pop }{ AGMCORE_magenta_plate{ 4 3 roll pop pop pop }{ AGMCORE_yellow_plate{ 4 2 roll pop pop pop }{ 4 1 roll pop pop pop }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse settransfer } def /AGMCORE_get_ink_data AGMCORE_cyan_plate{ {pop pop pop} }{ AGMCORE_magenta_plate{ {4 3 roll pop pop pop} }{ AGMCORE_yellow_plate{ {4 2 roll pop pop pop} }{ {4 1 roll pop pop pop} }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse def /AGMCORE_RemoveProcessColorNames { 1 dict begin /filtername { dup /Cyan eq 1 index (Cyan) eq or {pop (_cyan_)}if dup /Magenta eq 1 index (Magenta) eq or {pop (_magenta_)}if dup /Yellow eq 1 index (Yellow) eq or {pop (_yellow_)}if dup /Black eq 1 index (Black) eq or {pop (_black_)}if }def dup type /arraytype eq {[exch {filtername}forall]} {filtername}ifelse end }def level3 { /AGMCORE_IsCurrentColor { dup AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor { AGMCORE_plate_ndx 0 eq {dup (Cyan) eq exch /Cyan eq or}if AGMCORE_plate_ndx 1 eq {dup (Magenta) eq exch /Magenta eq or}if AGMCORE_plate_ndx 2 eq {dup (Yellow) eq exch /Yellow eq or}if AGMCORE_plate_ndx 3 eq {dup (Black) eq exch /Black eq or}if AGMCORE_plate_ndx 4 eq {pop false}if }{ gsave false setoverprint current_spot_alias false set_spot_alias 1 1 1 1 6 -1 roll findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor set_spot_alias currentgray 1 ne grestore }ifelse }def /AGMCORE_filter_functiondatasource { 5 dict begin /data_in xdf data_in type /stringtype eq { /ncomp xdf /comp xdf /string_out data_in length ncomp idiv string def 0 ncomp data_in length 1 sub { string_out exch dup ncomp idiv exch data_in exch ncomp getinterval comp get 255 exch sub put }for string_out }{ string /string_in xdf /string_out 1 string def /component xdf [ data_in string_in /readstring cvx [component /get cvx 255 /exch cvx /sub cvx string_out /exch cvx 0 /exch cvx /put cvx string_out]cvx [/pop cvx ()]cvx /ifelse cvx ]cvx /ReusableStreamDecode filter }ifelse end }def /AGMCORE_separateShadingFunction { 2 dict begin /paint? xdf /channel xdf dup type /dicttype eq { begin FunctionType 0 eq { /DataSource channel Range length 2 idiv DataSource AGMCORE_filter_functiondatasource def currentdict /Decode known {/Decode Decode channel 2 mul 2 getinterval def}if paint? not {/Decode [1 1]def}if }if FunctionType 2 eq { paint? { /C0 [C0 channel get 1 exch sub] def /C1 [C1 channel get 1 exch sub] def }{ /C0 [1] def /C1 [1] def }ifelse }if FunctionType 3 eq { /Functions [Functions {channel paint? AGMCORE_separateShadingFunction} forall] def }if currentdict /Range known {/Range [0 1] def}if currentdict end}{ channel get 0 paint? AGMCORE_separateShadingFunction }ifelse end }def /AGMCORE_separateShading { 3 -1 roll begin currentdict /Function known { currentdict /Background known {[1 index{Background 3 index get 1 exch sub}{1}ifelse]/Background xdf}if Function 3 1 roll AGMCORE_separateShadingFunction /Function xdf /ColorSpace [/DeviceGray] def }{ ColorSpace dup type /arraytype eq {0 get}if /DeviceCMYK eq { /ColorSpace [/DeviceN [/_cyan_ /_magenta_ /_yellow_ /_black_] /DeviceCMYK {}] def }{ ColorSpace dup 1 get AGMCORE_RemoveProcessColorNames 1 exch put }ifelse ColorSpace 0 get /Separation eq { { [1 /exch cvx /sub cvx]cvx }{ [/pop cvx 1]cvx }ifelse ColorSpace 3 3 -1 roll put pop }{ { [exch ColorSpace 1 get length 1 sub exch sub /index cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx ColorSpace 1 get length 1 add 1 /roll cvx ColorSpace 1 get length{/pop cvx} repeat]cvx }{ pop [ColorSpace 1 get length {/pop cvx} repeat cvx 1]cvx }ifelse ColorSpace 3 3 -1 roll bind put }ifelse ColorSpace 2 /DeviceGray put }ifelse end }def /AGMCORE_separateShadingDict { dup /ColorSpace get dup type /arraytype ne {[exch]}if dup 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq { exch begin currentdict AGMCORE_cyan_plate {0 true}if AGMCORE_magenta_plate {1 true}if AGMCORE_yellow_plate {2 true}if AGMCORE_black_plate {3 true}if AGMCORE_plate_ndx 4 eq {0 false}if dup not currentoverprint and {/AGMCORE_ignoreshade true def}if AGMCORE_separateShading currentdict end exch }if dup 0 get /Separation eq { exch begin ColorSpace 1 get dup /None ne exch /All ne and { ColorSpace 1 get AGMCORE_IsCurrentColor AGMCORE_plate_ndx 4 lt and ColorSpace 1 get AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor not and { ColorSpace 2 get dup type /arraytype eq {0 get}if /DeviceCMYK eq { /ColorSpace [ /Separation ColorSpace 1 get /DeviceGray [ ColorSpace 3 get /exec cvx 4 AGMCORE_plate_ndx sub -1 /roll cvx 4 1 /roll cvx 3 [/pop cvx]cvx /repeat cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx ]cvx ]def }{ AGMCORE_report_unsupported_color_space AGMCORE_black_plate not { currentdict 0 false AGMCORE_separateShading }if }ifelse }{ currentdict ColorSpace 1 get AGMCORE_IsCurrentColor 0 exch dup not currentoverprint and {/AGMCORE_ignoreshade true def}if AGMCORE_separateShading }ifelse }if currentdict end exch }if dup 0 get /DeviceN eq { exch begin ColorSpace 1 get convert_to_process { ColorSpace 2 get dup type /arraytype eq {0 get}if /DeviceCMYK eq { /ColorSpace [ /DeviceN ColorSpace 1 get /DeviceGray [ ColorSpace 3 get /exec cvx 4 AGMCORE_plate_ndx sub -1 /roll cvx 4 1 /roll cvx 3 [/pop cvx]cvx /repeat cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx ]cvx ]def }{ AGMCORE_report_unsupported_color_space AGMCORE_black_plate not { currentdict 0 false AGMCORE_separateShading /ColorSpace [/DeviceGray] def }if }ifelse }{ currentdict false -1 ColorSpace 1 get { AGMCORE_IsCurrentColor { 1 add exch pop true exch exit }if 1 add }forall exch dup not currentoverprint and {/AGMCORE_ignoreshade true def}if AGMCORE_separateShading }ifelse currentdict end exch }if dup 0 get dup /DeviceCMYK eq exch dup /Separation eq exch /DeviceN eq or or not { exch begin ColorSpace dup type /arraytype eq {0 get}if /DeviceGray ne { AGMCORE_report_unsupported_color_space AGMCORE_black_plate not { ColorSpace 0 get /CIEBasedA eq { /ColorSpace [/Separation /_ciebaseda_ /DeviceGray {}] def }if ColorSpace 0 get dup /CIEBasedABC eq exch dup /CIEBasedDEF eq exch /DeviceRGB eq or or { /ColorSpace [/DeviceN [/_red_ /_green_ /_blue_] /DeviceRGB {}] def }if ColorSpace 0 get /CIEBasedDEFG eq { /ColorSpace [/DeviceN [/_cyan_ /_magenta_ /_yellow_ /_black_] /DeviceCMYK {}] def }if currentdict 0 false AGMCORE_separateShading }if }if currentdict end exch }if pop dup /AGMCORE_ignoreshade known { begin /ColorSpace [/Separation (None) /DeviceGray {}] def currentdict end }if }def /shfill { AGMCORE_separateShadingDict dup /AGMCORE_ignoreshade known {pop} {AGMCORE_&sysshfill}ifelse }def /makepattern { exch dup /PatternType get 2 eq { clonedict begin /Shading Shading AGMCORE_separateShadingDict def Shading /AGMCORE_ignoreshade known currentdict end exch {pop <>}if exch AGMCORE_&sysmakepattern }{ exch AGMCORE_&usrmakepattern }ifelse }def }if }if AGMCORE_in_rip_sep{ /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop dup 7 1 roll inRip_spot_has_ink not { 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll} repeat /DeviceCMYK setcolorspace 6 -2 roll pop pop }{ //Adobe_AGM_Core begin /AGMCORE_k xdf /AGMCORE_y xdf /AGMCORE_m xdf /AGMCORE_c xdf end [/Separation 4 -1 roll /DeviceCMYK {dup AGMCORE_c mul exch dup AGMCORE_m mul exch dup AGMCORE_y mul exch AGMCORE_k mul} ] setcolorspace }ifelse setcolor }ndf /setseparationgray { [/Separation (All) /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace_opt 1 exch sub setcolor }ndf }{ /setseparationgray { AGMCORE_&setgray }ndf }ifelse /findcmykcustomcolor { 5 makereadonlyarray }ndf /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop pop 4 {4 index mul 4 1 roll} repeat setcmykcolor pop }ndf /has_color /colorimage where{ AGMCORE_producing_seps{ pop true }{ systemdict eq }ifelse }{ false }ifelse def /map_index { 1 index mul exch getinterval {255 div} forall } bdf /map_indexed_devn { Lookup Names length 3 -1 roll cvi map_index } bdf /n_color_components { base_colorspace_type dup /DeviceGray eq{ pop 1 }{ /DeviceCMYK eq{ 4 }{ 3 }ifelse }ifelse }bdf level2{ /mo /moveto ldf /li /lineto ldf /cv /curveto ldf /knockout_unitsq { 1 setgray 0 0 1 1 rectfill }def level2 /setcolorspace AGMCORE_key_known not and{ /AGMCORE_&&&setcolorspace /setcolorspace ldf /AGMCORE_ReplaceMappedColor { dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or { /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 where { begin dup 0 get dup /Separation eq { pop dup length array copy dup dup 1 get current_spot_alias { dup map_alias { false set_spot_alias dup 1 exch setsepcolorspace true set_spot_alias begin /sep_colorspace_dict currentdict AGMCORE_gput pop pop pop [ /Separation Name CSA map_csa MappedCSA /sep_colorspace_proc load ] dup Name end }if }if map_reserved_ink_name 1 xpt }{ /DeviceN eq { dup length array copy dup dup 1 get [ exch { current_spot_alias{ dup map_alias{ /Name get exch pop }if }if map_reserved_ink_name } forall ] 1 xpt }if }ifelse end } if }if }def /setcolorspace { dup type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or { dup 0 get /Indexed eq { AGMCORE_distilling { /PhotoshopDuotoneList where { pop false }{ true }ifelse }{ true }ifelse { aload pop 3 -1 roll AGMCORE_ReplaceMappedColor 3 1 roll 4 array astore }if }{ AGMCORE_ReplaceMappedColor }ifelse }if DeviceN_PS2_inRip_seps {AGMCORE_&&&setcolorspace} if }def }if }{ /adj { currentstrokeadjust{ transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform }if }def /mo{ adj moveto }def /li{ adj lineto }def /cv{ 6 2 roll adj 6 2 roll adj 6 2 roll adj curveto }def /knockout_unitsq { 1 setgray 8 8 1 [8 0 0 8 0 0] {} image }def /currentstrokeadjust{ /currentstrokeadjust AGMCORE_gget }def /setstrokeadjust{ /currentstrokeadjust exch AGMCORE_gput }def /setcolorspace { /currentcolorspace exch AGMCORE_gput } def /currentcolorspace { /currentcolorspace AGMCORE_gget } def /setcolor_devicecolor { base_colorspace_type dup /DeviceGray eq{ pop setgray }{ /DeviceCMYK eq{ setcmykcolor }{ setrgbcolor }ifelse }ifelse }def /setcolor { currentcolorspace 0 get dup /DeviceGray ne{ dup /DeviceCMYK ne{ dup /DeviceRGB ne{ dup /Separation eq{ pop currentcolorspace 3 get exec currentcolorspace 2 get }{ dup /Indexed eq{ pop currentcolorspace 3 get dup type /stringtype eq{ currentcolorspace 1 get n_color_components 3 -1 roll map_index }{ exec }ifelse currentcolorspace 1 get }{ /AGMCORE_cur_err /AGMCORE_invalid_color_space def AGMCORE_invalid_color_space }ifelse }ifelse }if }if }if setcolor_devicecolor } def }ifelse /sop /setoverprint ldf /lw /setlinewidth ldf /lc /setlinecap ldf /lj /setlinejoin ldf /ml /setmiterlimit ldf /dsh /setdash ldf /sadj /setstrokeadjust ldf /gry /setgray ldf /rgb /setrgbcolor ldf /cmyk /setcmykcolor ldf /sep /setsepcolor ldf /devn /setdevicencolor ldf /idx /setindexedcolor ldf /colr /setcolor ldf /csacrd /set_csa_crd ldf /sepcs /setsepcolorspace ldf /devncs /setdevicencolorspace ldf /idxcs /setindexedcolorspace ldf /cp /closepath ldf /clp /clp_npth ldf /eclp /eoclp_npth ldf /f /fill ldf /ef /eofill ldf /@ /stroke ldf /nclp /npth_clp ldf /gset /graphic_setup ldf /gcln /graphic_cleanup ldf /AGMCORE_def_ht currenthalftone def /clonedict Adobe_AGM_Utils begin /clonedict load end def /clonearray Adobe_AGM_Utils begin /clonearray load end def currentdict{ dup xcheck 1 index type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or and { bind }if def }forall /getrampcolor { /indx exch def 0 1 NumComp 1 sub { dup Samples exch get dup type /stringtype eq {indx get} if exch Scaling exch get aload pop 3 1 roll mul add } for ColorSpaceFamily /Separation eq {sep} { ColorSpaceFamily /DeviceN eq {devn} {setcolor}ifelse }ifelse } bdf /sssetbackground {aload pop setcolor} bdf /RadialShade { 40 dict begin /ColorSpaceFamily xdf /background xdf /ext1 xdf /ext0 xdf /BBox xdf /r2 xdf /c2y xdf /c2x xdf /r1 xdf /c1y xdf /c1x xdf /rampdict xdf /setinkoverprint where {pop /setinkoverprint{pop}def}if gsave BBox length 0 gt { newpath BBox 0 get BBox 1 get moveto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub 0 rlineto 0 BBox 3 get BBox 1 get sub rlineto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub neg 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath } if c1x c2x eq { c1y c2y lt {/theta 90 def}{/theta 270 def} ifelse } { /slope c2y c1y sub c2x c1x sub div def /theta slope 1 atan def c2x c1x lt c2y c1y ge and { /theta theta 180 sub def} if c2x c1x lt c2y c1y lt and { /theta theta 180 add def} if } ifelse gsave clippath c1x c1y translate theta rotate -90 rotate { pathbbox } stopped { 0 0 0 0 } if /yMax xdf /xMax xdf /yMin xdf /xMin xdf grestore xMax xMin eq yMax yMin eq or { grestore end } { /max { 2 copy gt { pop } {exch pop} ifelse } bdf /min { 2 copy lt { pop } {exch pop} ifelse } bdf rampdict begin 40 dict begin background length 0 gt { background sssetbackground gsave clippath fill grestore } if gsave c1x c1y translate theta rotate -90 rotate /c2y c1x c2x sub dup mul c1y c2y sub dup mul add sqrt def /c1y 0 def /c1x 0 def /c2x 0 def ext0 { 0 getrampcolor c2y r2 add r1 sub 0.0001 lt { c1x c1y r1 360 0 arcn pathbbox /aymax exch def /axmax exch def /aymin exch def /axmin exch def /bxMin xMin axmin min def /byMin yMin aymin min def /bxMax xMax axmax max def /byMax yMax aymax max def bxMin byMin moveto bxMax byMin lineto bxMax byMax lineto bxMin byMax lineto bxMin byMin lineto eofill } { c2y r1 add r2 le { c1x c1y r1 0 360 arc fill } { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill r1 r2 eq { /p1x r1 neg def /p1y c1y def /p2x r1 def /p2y c1y def p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto p2x yMin lineto p1x yMin lineto fill } { /AA r2 r1 sub c2y div def AA -1 eq { /theta 89.99 def} { /theta AA 1 AA dup mul sub sqrt div 1 atan def} ifelse /SS1 90 theta add dup sin exch cos div def /p1x r1 SS1 SS1 mul SS1 SS1 mul 1 add div sqrt mul neg def /p1y p1x SS1 div neg def /SS2 90 theta sub dup sin exch cos div def /p2x r1 SS2 SS2 mul SS2 SS2 mul 1 add div sqrt mul def /p2y p2x SS2 div neg def r1 r2 gt { /L1maxX p1x yMin p1y sub SS1 div add def /L2maxX p2x yMin p2y sub SS2 div add def } { /L1maxX 0 def /L2maxX 0 def } ifelse p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto L2maxX L2maxX p2x sub SS2 mul p2y add lineto L1maxX L1maxX p1x sub SS1 mul p1y add lineto fill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } if c1x c2x sub dup mul c1y c2y sub dup mul add 0.5 exp 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add 0.5 exp 72 div 0 72 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 index 1 index lt { exch } if pop /hires xdf hires mul /numpix xdf /numsteps NumSamples def /rampIndxInc 1 def /subsampling false def numpix 0 ne { NumSamples numpix div 0.5 gt { /numsteps numpix 2 div round cvi dup 1 le { pop 2 } if def /rampIndxInc NumSamples 1 sub numsteps div def /subsampling true def } if } if /xInc c2x c1x sub numsteps div def /yInc c2y c1y sub numsteps div def /rInc r2 r1 sub numsteps div def /cx c1x def /cy c1y def /radius r1 def newpath xInc 0 eq yInc 0 eq rInc 0 eq and and { 0 getrampcolor cx cy radius 0 360 arc stroke NumSamples 1 sub getrampcolor cx cy radius 72 hires div add 0 360 arc 0 setlinewidth stroke } { 0 numsteps { dup subsampling { round cvi } if getrampcolor cx cy radius 0 360 arc /cx cx xInc add def /cy cy yInc add def /radius radius rInc add def cx cy radius 360 0 arcn eofill rampIndxInc add } repeat pop } ifelse ext1 { c2y r2 add r1 lt { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill } { c2y r1 add r2 sub 0.0001 le { c2x c2y r2 360 0 arcn pathbbox /aymax exch def /axmax exch def /aymin exch def /axmin exch def /bxMin xMin axmin min def /byMin yMin aymin min def /bxMax xMax axmax max def /byMax yMax aymax max def bxMin byMin moveto bxMax byMin lineto bxMax byMax lineto bxMin byMax lineto bxMin byMin lineto eofill } { c2x c2y r2 0 360 arc fill r1 r2 eq { /p1x r2 neg def /p1y c2y def /p2x r2 def /p2y c2y def p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto p2x yMax lineto p1x yMax lineto fill } { /AA r2 r1 sub c2y div def AA -1 eq { /theta 89.99 def} { /theta AA 1 AA dup mul sub sqrt div 1 atan def} ifelse /SS1 90 theta add dup sin exch cos div def /p1x r2 SS1 SS1 mul SS1 SS1 mul 1 add div sqrt mul neg def /p1y c2y p1x SS1 div sub def /SS2 90 theta sub dup sin exch cos div def /p2x r2 SS2 SS2 mul SS2 SS2 mul 1 add div sqrt mul def /p2y c2y p2x SS2 div sub def r1 r2 lt { /L1maxX p1x yMax p1y sub SS1 div add def /L2maxX p2x yMax p2y sub SS2 div add def } { /L1maxX 0 def /L2maxX 0 def }ifelse p1x p1y moveto p2x p2y lineto L2maxX L2maxX p2x sub SS2 mul p2y add lineto L1maxX L1maxX p1x sub SS1 mul p1y add lineto fill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } if grestore grestore end end end } ifelse } bdf /GenStrips { 40 dict begin /ColorSpaceFamily xdf /background xdf /ext1 xdf /ext0 xdf /BBox xdf /y2 xdf /x2 xdf /y1 xdf /x1 xdf /rampdict xdf /setinkoverprint where {pop /setinkoverprint{pop}def}if gsave BBox length 0 gt { newpath BBox 0 get BBox 1 get moveto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub 0 rlineto 0 BBox 3 get BBox 1 get sub rlineto BBox 2 get BBox 0 get sub neg 0 rlineto closepath clip newpath } if x1 x2 eq { y1 y2 lt {/theta 90 def}{/theta 270 def} ifelse } { /slope y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div def /theta slope 1 atan def x2 x1 lt y2 y1 ge and { /theta theta 180 sub def} if x2 x1 lt y2 y1 lt and { /theta theta 180 add def} if } ifelse gsave clippath x1 y1 translate theta rotate { pathbbox } stopped { 0 0 0 0 } if /yMax exch def /xMax exch def /yMin exch def /xMin exch def grestore xMax xMin eq yMax yMin eq or { grestore end } { rampdict begin 20 dict begin background length 0 gt { background sssetbackground gsave clippath fill grestore } if gsave x1 y1 translate theta rotate /xStart 0 def /xEnd x2 x1 sub dup mul y2 y1 sub dup mul add 0.5 exp def /ySpan yMax yMin sub def /numsteps NumSamples def /rampIndxInc 1 def /subsampling false def xStart 0 transform xEnd 0 transform 3 -1 roll sub dup mul 3 1 roll sub dup mul add 0.5 exp 72 div 0 72 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 1 index 1 index lt { exch } if pop mul /numpix xdf numpix 0 ne { NumSamples numpix div 0.5 gt { /numsteps numpix 2 div round cvi dup 1 le { pop 2 } if def /rampIndxInc NumSamples 1 sub numsteps div def /subsampling true def } if } if ext0 { 0 getrampcolor xMin xStart lt { xMin yMin xMin neg ySpan rectfill } if } if /xInc xEnd xStart sub numsteps div def /x xStart def 0 numsteps { dup subsampling { round cvi } if getrampcolor x yMin xInc ySpan rectfill /x x xInc add def rampIndxInc add } repeat pop ext1 { xMax xEnd gt { xEnd yMin xMax xEnd sub ySpan rectfill } if } if grestore grestore end end end } ifelse } bdf }def /page_trailer { end }def /doc_trailer{ }def /capture_currentpagedevice { //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_currentpagedevice currentpagedevice ddf } def systemdict /findcolorrendering known{ /findcolorrendering systemdict /findcolorrendering get def }if systemdict /setcolorrendering known{ /setcolorrendering systemdict /setcolorrendering get def }if /test_cmyk_color_plate { gsave setcmykcolor currentgray 1 ne grestore }def /inRip_spot_has_ink { dup //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_name xddf convert_spot_to_process not }def /map255_to_range { 1 index sub 3 -1 roll 255 div mul add }def /set_csa_crd { /sep_colorspace_dict null AGMCORE_gput begin CSA get_csa_by_name setcolorspace_opt set_crd end } def /map_csa { currentdict/MappedCSA known{MappedCSA null ne}{false}ifelse {pop}{get_csa_by_name /MappedCSA xdf}ifelse } def /setsepcolor { /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin dup /sep_tint exch AGMCORE_gput TintProc end } def /setdevicencolor { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin Names length copy Names length 1 sub -1 0 { /devicen_tints AGMCORE_gget 3 1 roll xpt } for TintProc end } def /sep_colorspace_proc { /AGMCORE_tmp exch store /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin currentdict/Components known{ Components aload pop TintMethod/Lab eq{ 2 {AGMCORE_tmp mul NComponents 1 roll} repeat LMax sub AGMCORE_tmp mul LMax add NComponents 1 roll }{ TintMethod/Subtractive eq{ NComponents{ AGMCORE_tmp mul NComponents 1 roll }repeat }{ NComponents{ 1 sub AGMCORE_tmp mul 1 add NComponents 1 roll } repeat }ifelse }ifelse }{ ColorLookup AGMCORE_tmp ColorLookup length 1 sub mul round cvi get aload pop }ifelse end } def /sep_colorspace_gray_proc { /AGMCORE_tmp exch store /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin GrayLookup AGMCORE_tmp GrayLookup length 1 sub mul round cvi get end } def /sep_proc_name { dup 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or level2 not and has_color not and{ pop [/DeviceGray] /sep_colorspace_gray_proc }{ /sep_colorspace_proc }ifelse } def /setsepcolorspace { current_spot_alias{ dup begin Name map_alias{ exch pop }if end }if dup /sep_colorspace_dict exch AGMCORE_gput begin CSA map_csa /AGMCORE_sep_special Name dup () eq exch (All) eq or store AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space{ [/Indexed MappedCSA sep_proc_name 255 exch { 255 div } /exec cvx 3 -1 roll [ 4 1 roll load /exec cvx ] cvx ] setcolorspace_opt /TintProc { 255 mul round cvi setcolor }bdf }{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq currentdict/Components known and AGMCORE_sep_special not and{ /TintProc [ Components aload pop Name findcmykcustomcolor /exch cvx /setcustomcolor cvx ] cvx bdf }{ AGMCORE_host_sep Name (All) eq and{ /TintProc { 1 exch sub setseparationgray }bdf }{ AGMCORE_in_rip_sep MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and AGMCORE_host_sep or Name () eq and{ /TintProc [ MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{ cvx /setcmykcolor cvx }{ cvx /setgray cvx }ifelse ] cvx bdf }{ AGMCORE_producing_seps MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceCMYK eq exch /DeviceGray eq or and AGMCORE_sep_special not and{ /TintProc [ /dup cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch 0 get /DeviceGray eq{ 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx 0 0 0 4 -1 /roll cvx }if /Name cvx /findcmykcustomcolor cvx /exch cvx AGMCORE_host_sep{ AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep /Name cvx /AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor load /exec cvx /not cvx /and cvx }{ Name inRip_spot_has_ink not }ifelse [ /pop cvx 1 ] cvx /if cvx /setcustomcolor cvx ] cvx bdf }{ /TintProc {setcolor} bdf [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name load ] setcolorspace_opt }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse set_crd setsepcolor end } def /additive_blend { 3 dict begin /numarrays xdf /numcolors xdf 0 1 numcolors 1 sub { /c1 xdf 1 0 1 numarrays 1 sub { 1 exch add /index cvx c1 /get cvx /mul cvx }for numarrays 1 add 1 /roll cvx }for numarrays [/pop cvx] cvx /repeat cvx end }def /subtractive_blend { 3 dict begin /numarrays xdf /numcolors xdf 0 1 numcolors 1 sub { /c1 xdf 1 1 0 1 numarrays 1 sub { 1 3 3 -1 roll add /index cvx c1 /get cvx /sub cvx /mul cvx }for /sub cvx numarrays 1 add 1 /roll cvx }for numarrays [/pop cvx] cvx /repeat cvx end }def /exec_tint_transform { /TintProc [ /TintTransform cvx /setcolor cvx ] cvx bdf MappedCSA setcolorspace_opt } bdf /devn_makecustomcolor { 2 dict begin /names_index xdf /Names xdf 1 1 1 1 Names names_index get findcmykcustomcolor /devicen_tints AGMCORE_gget names_index get setcustomcolor Names length {pop} repeat end } bdf /setdevicencolorspace { dup /AliasedColorants known {false}{true}ifelse current_spot_alias and { 7 dict begin /names_index 0 def dup /names_len exch /Names get length def /new_names names_len array def /new_LookupTables names_len array def /alias_cnt 0 def dup /Names get { dup map_alias { exch pop dup /ColorLookup known { dup begin new_LookupTables names_index ColorLookup put end }{ dup /Components known { dup begin new_LookupTables names_index Components put end }{ dup begin new_LookupTables names_index [null null null null] put end } ifelse } ifelse new_names names_index 3 -1 roll /Name get put /alias_cnt alias_cnt 1 add def }{ /name xdf new_names names_index name put dup /LookupTables known { dup begin new_LookupTables names_index LookupTables names_index get put end }{ dup begin new_LookupTables names_index [null null null null] put end } ifelse } ifelse /names_index names_index 1 add def } forall alias_cnt 0 gt { /AliasedColorants true def /lut_entry_len new_LookupTables 0 get dup length 256 ge {0 get length}{length}ifelse def 0 1 names_len 1 sub { /names_index xdf new_LookupTables names_index get dup length 256 ge {0 get length}{length}ifelse lut_entry_len ne { /AliasedColorants false def exit } { new_LookupTables names_index get 0 get null eq { dup /Names get names_index get /name xdf name (Cyan) eq name (Magenta) eq name (Yellow) eq name (Black) eq or or or not { /AliasedColorants false def exit } if } if } ifelse } for lut_entry_len 1 eq { /AliasedColorants false def } if AliasedColorants { dup begin /Names new_names def /LookupTables new_LookupTables def /AliasedColorants true def /NComponents lut_entry_len def /TintMethod NComponents 4 eq {/Subtractive}{/Additive}ifelse def /MappedCSA TintMethod /Additive eq {/DeviceRGB}{/DeviceCMYK}ifelse def currentdict /TTTablesIdx known not { /TTTablesIdx -1 def } if end } if }if end } if dup /devicen_colorspace_dict exch AGMCORE_gput begin currentdict /AliasedColorants known { AliasedColorants }{ false } ifelse dup not { CSA map_csa } if /TintTransform load type /nulltype eq or { /TintTransform [ 0 1 Names length 1 sub { /TTTablesIdx TTTablesIdx 1 add def dup LookupTables exch get dup 0 get null eq { 1 index Names exch get dup (Cyan) eq { pop exch LookupTables length exch sub /index cvx 0 0 0 } { dup (Magenta) eq { pop exch LookupTables length exch sub /index cvx 0 /exch cvx 0 0 } { (Yellow) eq { exch LookupTables length exch sub /index cvx 0 0 3 -1 /roll cvx 0 } { exch LookupTables length exch sub /index cvx 0 0 0 4 -1 /roll cvx } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse 5 -1 /roll cvx /astore cvx } { dup length 1 sub LookupTables length 4 -1 roll sub 1 add /index cvx /mul cvx /round cvx /cvi cvx /get cvx } ifelse Names length TTTablesIdx add 1 add 1 /roll cvx } for Names length [/pop cvx] cvx /repeat cvx NComponents Names length TintMethod /Subtractive eq { subtractive_blend } { additive_blend } ifelse ] cvx bdf } if AGMCORE_host_sep { Names convert_to_process { exec_tint_transform } { currentdict /AliasedColorants known { AliasedColorants not }{ false } ifelse 5 dict begin /AvoidAliasedColorants xdf /painted? false def /names_index 0 def /names_len Names length def AvoidAliasedColorants { /currentspotalias current_spot_alias def false set_spot_alias } if Names { AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep { dup (Cyan) eq AGMCORE_cyan_plate and exch dup (Magenta) eq AGMCORE_magenta_plate and exch dup (Yellow) eq AGMCORE_yellow_plate and exch (Black) eq AGMCORE_black_plate and or or or { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintProc [ Names names_index /devn_makecustomcolor cvx ] cvx ddf /painted? true def } if painted? {exit} if }{ 0 0 0 0 5 -1 roll findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor currentgray 0 eq { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintProc [ Names names_index /devn_makecustomcolor cvx ] cvx ddf /painted? true def exit } if } ifelse /names_index names_index 1 add def } forall AvoidAliasedColorants { currentspotalias set_spot_alias } if painted? { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /names_index names_index put }{ /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintProc [ names_len [/pop cvx] cvx /repeat cvx 1 /setseparationgray cvx 0 0 0 0 /setcmykcolor cvx ] cvx ddf } ifelse end } ifelse } { AGMCORE_in_rip_sep { Names convert_to_process not }{ level3 } ifelse { [/DeviceN Names MappedCSA /TintTransform load] setcolorspace_opt /TintProc level3 not AGMCORE_in_rip_sep and { [ Names /length cvx [/pop cvx] cvx /repeat cvx ] cvx bdf }{ {setcolor} bdf } ifelse }{ exec_tint_transform } ifelse } ifelse set_crd /AliasedColorants false def end } def /setindexedcolorspace { dup /indexed_colorspace_dict exch AGMCORE_gput begin currentdict /CSDBase known { CSDBase /CSD get_res begin currentdict /Names known { currentdict devncs }{ 1 currentdict sepcs } ifelse AGMCORE_host_sep{ 4 dict begin /compCnt /Names where {pop Names length}{1}ifelse def /NewLookup HiVal 1 add string def 0 1 HiVal { /tableIndex xdf Lookup dup type /stringtype eq { compCnt tableIndex map_index }{ exec } ifelse /Names where { pop setdevicencolor }{ setsepcolor } ifelse currentgray tableIndex exch HiVal mul cvi NewLookup 3 1 roll put } for [/Indexed currentcolorspace HiVal NewLookup] setcolorspace_opt end }{ level3 { currentdict /Names known { [/Indexed [/DeviceN Names MappedCSA /TintTransform load] HiVal Lookup] setcolorspace_opt }{ [/Indexed [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name load] HiVal Lookup] setcolorspace_opt } ifelse }{ [/Indexed MappedCSA HiVal [ currentdict /Names known { Lookup dup type /stringtype eq {/exch cvx CSDBase /CSD get_res /Names get length dup /mul cvx exch /getinterval cvx {255 div} /forall cvx} {/exec cvx}ifelse /TintTransform load /exec cvx }{ Lookup dup type /stringtype eq {/exch cvx /get cvx 255 /div cvx} {/exec cvx}ifelse CSDBase /CSD get_res /MappedCSA get sep_proc_name exch pop /load cvx /exec cvx } ifelse ]cvx ]setcolorspace_opt }ifelse } ifelse end set_crd } { CSA map_csa AGMCORE_host_sep level2 not and{ 0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor }{ [/Indexed MappedCSA level2 not has_color not and{ dup 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or{ pop [/DeviceGray] }if HiVal GrayLookup }{ HiVal currentdict/RangeArray known{ { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin Lookup exch dup HiVal gt{ pop HiVal }if NComponents mul NComponents getinterval {} forall NComponents 1 sub -1 0{ RangeArray exch 2 mul 2 getinterval aload pop map255_to_range NComponents 1 roll }for end } bind }{ Lookup }ifelse }ifelse ] setcolorspace_opt set_crd }ifelse }ifelse end }def /setindexedcolor { AGMCORE_host_sep { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget dup /CSDBase known { begin CSDBase /CSD get_res begin currentdict /Names known{ map_indexed_devn devn } { Lookup 1 3 -1 roll map_index sep }ifelse end end }{ /Lookup get 4 3 -1 roll map_index setcmykcolor } ifelse }{ level3 not AGMCORE_in_rip_sep and /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /CSDBase known and { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /CSDBase get /CSD get_res begin map_indexed_devn devn end } { setcolor } ifelse }ifelse } def /ignoreimagedata { currentoverprint not{ gsave dup clonedict begin 1 setgray /Decode [0 1] def /DataSource def /MultipleDataSources false def /BitsPerComponent 8 def currentdict end systemdict /image get exec grestore }if consumeimagedata }def /add_res { dup /CSD eq { pop //Adobe_AGM_Core begin /AGMCORE_CSD_cache load 3 1 roll put end }{ defineresource pop } ifelse }def /del_res { { aload pop exch dup /CSD eq { pop { //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_CSD_cache get exch undef }forall }{ exch { 1 index undefineresource }forall pop } ifelse } forall }def /get_res { dup /CSD eq { pop dup type dup /nametype eq exch /stringtype eq or { AGMCORE_CSD_cache exch get } if }{ findresource } ifelse }def /get_csa_by_name { dup type dup /nametype eq exch /stringtype eq or{ /CSA get_res } if }def /pattern_buf_init { /count get 0 0 put } def /pattern_buf_next { dup /count get dup 0 get dup 3 1 roll 1 add 0 xpt get } def /cachepattern_compress { 5 dict begin currentfile exch 0 exch /SubFileDecode filter /ReadFilter exch def /patarray 20 dict def /string_size 16000 def /readbuffer string_size string def currentglobal true setglobal patarray 1 array dup 0 1 put /count xpt setglobal /LZWFilter { exch dup length 0 eq { pop }{ patarray dup length 1 sub 3 -1 roll put } ifelse {string_size}{0}ifelse string } /LZWEncode filter def { ReadFilter readbuffer readstring exch LZWFilter exch writestring not {exit} if } loop LZWFilter closefile patarray end }def /cachepattern { 2 dict begin currentfile exch 0 exch /SubFileDecode filter /ReadFilter exch def /patarray 20 dict def currentglobal true setglobal patarray 1 array dup 0 1 put /count xpt setglobal { ReadFilter 16000 string readstring exch patarray dup length 1 sub 3 -1 roll put not {exit} if } loop patarray dup dup length 1 sub () put end }def /wrap_paintproc { statusdict /currentfilenameextend known{ clonedict begin /OldPaintProc /PaintProc load def /PaintProc { mark exch dup /OldPaintProc get stopped {closefile restore end} if cleartomark } def end } {pop} ifelse } def /make_pattern { exch clonedict exch dup matrix currentmatrix matrix concatmatrix 0 0 3 2 roll itransform exch 3 index /XStep get 1 index exch 2 copy div cvi mul sub sub exch 3 index /YStep get 1 index exch 2 copy div cvi mul sub sub matrix translate exch matrix concatmatrix 1 index begin BBox 0 get XStep div cvi XStep mul /xshift exch neg def BBox 1 get YStep div cvi YStep mul /yshift exch neg def BBox 0 get xshift add BBox 1 get yshift add BBox 2 get xshift add BBox 3 get yshift add 4 array astore /BBox exch def [ xshift yshift /translate load null /exec load ] dup 3 /PaintProc load put cvx /PaintProc exch def end 1 index dup /ID get exch /Pattern add_res gsave 0 setgray makepattern grestore }def /set_pattern { dup /PatternType get 1 eq{ dup /PaintType get 1 eq{ currentoverprint sop [/DeviceGray] setcolorspace 0 setgray }if }if setpattern }def /setcolorspace_opt { dup currentcolorspace eq{ pop }{ setcolorspace }ifelse }def /updatecolorrendering { currentcolorrendering/RenderingIntent known{ currentcolorrendering/RenderingIntent get }{null}ifelse Intent ne { Intent /ColorRendering {findresource} stopped { pop pop systemdict /findcolorrendering known { Intent findcolorrendering pop /ColorRendering findresource true } {false} ifelse } {true} ifelse { dup begin currentdict /TransformPQR known { currentdict /TransformPQR get aload pop 3 {{} eq 3 1 roll} repeat or or } {true} ifelse currentdict /MatrixPQR known { currentdict /MatrixPQR get aload pop 1.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 1.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 0.0 eq 9 1 roll 1.0 eq and and and and and and and and } {true} ifelse end or { clonedict begin /TransformPQR [ {4 -1 roll 3 get dup 3 1 roll sub 5 -1 roll 3 get 3 -1 roll sub div 3 -1 roll 3 get 3 -1 roll 3 get dup 4 1 roll sub mul add} bind {4 -1 roll 4 get dup 3 1 roll sub 5 -1 roll 4 get 3 -1 roll sub div 3 -1 roll 4 get 3 -1 roll 4 get dup 4 1 roll sub mul add} bind {4 -1 roll 5 get dup 3 1 roll sub 5 -1 roll 5 get 3 -1 roll sub div 3 -1 roll 5 get 3 -1 roll 5 get dup 4 1 roll sub mul add} bind ] def /MatrixPQR [ 0.8951 -0.7502 0.0389 0.2664 1.7135 -0.0685 -0.1614 0.0367 1.0296 ] def /RangePQR [-0.3227950745 2.3229645538 -1.5003771057 3.5003465881 -0.1369979095 2.136967392] def currentdict end } if setcolorrendering_opt } if }if } def /set_crd { AGMCORE_host_sep not level2 and{ currentdict /ColorRendering known{ ColorRendering /ColorRendering {findresource} stopped not {setcolorrendering_opt} if }{ currentdict/Intent known{ updatecolorrendering }if }ifelse currentcolorspace dup type /arraytype eq {0 get}if /DeviceRGB eq { currentdict/UCR known {/UCR}{/AGMCORE_currentucr}ifelse load setundercolorremoval currentdict/BG known {/BG}{/AGMCORE_currentbg}ifelse load setblackgeneration }if }if }def /setcolorrendering_opt { dup currentcolorrendering eq{ pop }{ clonedict begin /Intent Intent def currentdict end setcolorrendering }ifelse }def /cpaint_gcomp { convert_to_process //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_ConvertToProcess xddf //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_ConvertToProcess get not { (%end_cpaint_gcomp) flushinput }if }def /cpaint_gsep { //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_ConvertToProcess get { (%end_cpaint_gsep) flushinput }if }def /cpaint_gend { newpath }def /set_spot_alias_ary { dup inherit_aliases //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry xddf }def /set_spot_normalization_ary { dup inherit_aliases dup length /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry where{pop AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry length add} if array //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 xddf /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry where{ pop AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 0 AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry putinterval AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry length }{0} ifelse AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 3 1 roll exch putinterval true set_spot_alias }def /inherit_aliases { {dup /Name get map_alias {/CSD put}{pop} ifelse} forall }def /set_spot_alias { /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 where{ /AGMCORE_current_spot_alias 3 -1 roll put }{ pop }ifelse }def /current_spot_alias { /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 where{ /AGMCORE_current_spot_alias get }{ false }ifelse }def /map_alias { /AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2 where{ begin /AGMCORE_name xdf false AGMCORE_SpotAliasAry2{ dup/Name get AGMCORE_name eq{ /CSD get /CSD get_res exch pop true exit }{ pop }ifelse }forall end }{ pop false }ifelse }bdf /spot_alias { true set_spot_alias /AGMCORE_&setcustomcolor AGMCORE_key_known not { //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_&setcustomcolor /setcustomcolor load put } if /customcolor_tint 1 AGMCORE_gput //Adobe_AGM_Core begin /setcustomcolor { currentdict/TintProc known currentdict/CSA known and 3 1 roll //Adobe_AGM_Core begin dup /customcolor_tint exch AGMCORE_gput 1 index aload pop pop 1 eq exch 1 eq and exch 1 eq and exch 1 eq and not current_spot_alias and{1 index 4 get map_alias}{false}ifelse { false set_spot_alias 4 -1 roll{ exch pop /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget exch }if mark 3 1 roll setsepcolorspace counttomark 0 ne{ setsepcolor }if pop pop true set_spot_alias }{ AGMCORE_&setcustomcolor pop }ifelse end }bdf end }def /begin_feature { Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_dictCount countdictstack put count Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_opCount 3 -1 roll put {Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_ctm matrix currentmatrix put}if }def /end_feature { 2 dict begin /spd /setpagedevice load def /setpagedevice { get_gstate spd set_gstate } def stopped{$error/newerror false put}if end count Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_opCount get sub dup 0 gt{{pop}repeat}{pop}ifelse countdictstack Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_dictCount get sub dup 0 gt{{end}repeat}{pop}ifelse {Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_feature_ctm get setmatrix}if }def /set_negative { //Adobe_AGM_Core begin /AGMCORE_inverting exch def level2{ currentpagedevice/NegativePrint known{ currentpagedevice/NegativePrint get //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_inverting get ne{ true begin_feature true{ << /NegativePrint //Adobe_AGM_Core/AGMCORE_inverting get >> setpagedevice }end_feature }if /AGMCORE_inverting false def }if }if AGMCORE_inverting{ [{1 exch sub}/exec load dup currenttransfer exch]cvx bind settransfer gsave newpath clippath 1 /setseparationgray where{pop setseparationgray}{setgray}ifelse /AGMIRS_&fill where {pop AGMIRS_&fill}{fill} ifelse grestore }if end }def /lw_save_restore_override { /md where { pop md begin initializepage /initializepage{}def /pmSVsetup{} def /endp{}def /pse{}def /psb{}def /orig_showpage where {pop} {/orig_showpage /showpage load def} ifelse /showpage {orig_showpage gR} def end }if }def /pscript_showpage_override { /NTPSOct95 where { begin showpage save /showpage /restore load def /restore {exch pop}def end }if }def /driver_media_override { /md where { pop md /initializepage known { md /initializepage {} put } if md /rC known { md /rC {4{pop}repeat} put } if }if /mysetup where { /mysetup [1 0 0 1 0 0] put }if Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_CTM matrix currentmatrix put level2 {Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_PageSize currentpagedevice/PageSize get put}if }def /driver_check_media_override { /PrepsDict where {pop} { Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_CTM get matrix currentmatrix ne Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_PageSize get type /arraytype eq { Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_PageSize get 0 get currentpagedevice/PageSize get 0 get eq and Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_PageSize get 1 get currentpagedevice/PageSize get 1 get eq and }if { Adobe_AGM_Core /AGMCORE_Default_CTM get setmatrix }if }ifelse }def AGMCORE_err_strings begin /AGMCORE_bad_environ (Environment not satisfactory for this job. Ensure that the PPD is correct or that the PostScript level requested is supported by this printer. ) def /AGMCORE_color_space_onhost_seps (This job contains colors that will not separate with on-host methods. ) def /AGMCORE_invalid_color_space (This job contains an invalid color space. ) def end /set_def_ht { AGMCORE_def_ht sethalftone } def end systemdict /setpacking known { setpacking } if %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_CoolType_Core 2.25 0 %%Copyright: Copyright 1997-2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. %%Version: 2.25 0 10 dict begin /Adobe_CoolType_Passthru currentdict def /Adobe_CoolType_Core_Defined userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Core known def Adobe_CoolType_Core_Defined { /Adobe_CoolType_Core userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Core get def } if userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Core 60 dict dup begin put /Adobe_CoolType_Version 2.25 def /Level2? systemdict /languagelevel known dup { pop systemdict /languagelevel get 2 ge } if def Level2? not { /currentglobal false def /setglobal /pop load def /gcheck { pop false } bind def /currentpacking false def /setpacking /pop load def /SharedFontDirectory 0 dict def } if currentpacking true setpacking currentglobal false setglobal userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Data 2 copy known not { 2 copy 10 dict put } if get begin /@opStackCountByLevel 32 dict def /@opStackLevel 0 def /@dictStackCountByLevel 32 dict def /@dictStackLevel 0 def end setglobal /@_SaveStackLevels { Adobe_CoolType_Data begin /@vmState currentglobal def false setglobal @opStackCountByLevel @opStackLevel 2 copy known not { 2 copy 3 dict dup /args 7 index 5 add array put put get } { get dup /args get dup length 3 index lt { dup length 5 add array exch 1 index exch 0 exch putinterval 1 index exch /args exch put } { pop } ifelse } ifelse begin count 1 sub 1 index lt { pop count } if dup /argCount exch def dup 0 gt { args exch 0 exch getinterval astore pop } { pop } ifelse count /restCount exch def end /@opStackLevel @opStackLevel 1 add def countdictstack 1 sub @dictStackCountByLevel exch @dictStackLevel exch put /@dictStackLevel @dictStackLevel 1 add def @vmState setglobal end } bind def /@_RestoreStackLevels { Adobe_CoolType_Data begin /@opStackLevel @opStackLevel 1 sub def @opStackCountByLevel @opStackLevel get begin count restCount sub dup 0 gt { { pop } repeat } { pop } ifelse args 0 argCount getinterval {} forall end /@dictStackLevel @dictStackLevel 1 sub def @dictStackCountByLevel @dictStackLevel get end countdictstack exch sub dup 0 gt { { end } repeat } { pop } ifelse } bind def /@_PopStackLevels { Adobe_CoolType_Data begin /@opStackLevel @opStackLevel 1 sub def /@dictStackLevel @dictStackLevel 1 sub def end } bind def /@Raise { exch cvx exch errordict exch get exec stop } bind def /@ReRaise { cvx $error /errorname get errordict exch get exec stop } bind def /@Stopped { 0 @#Stopped } bind def /@#Stopped { @_SaveStackLevels stopped { @_RestoreStackLevels true } { @_PopStackLevels false } ifelse } bind def /@Arg { Adobe_CoolType_Data begin @opStackCountByLevel @opStackLevel 1 sub get begin args exch argCount 1 sub exch sub get end end } bind def currentglobal true setglobal /CTHasResourceForAllBug Level2? { 1 dict dup /@shouldNotDisappearDictValue true def Adobe_CoolType_Data exch /@shouldNotDisappearDict exch put begin count @_SaveStackLevels { (*) { pop stop } 128 string /Category resourceforall } stopped pop @_RestoreStackLevels currentdict Adobe_CoolType_Data /@shouldNotDisappearDict get ne dup { /@shouldNotDisappearDictValue known { { end currentdict 1 index eq { pop exit } if } loop } if } if end } { false } ifelse def true setglobal /CTHasResourceStatusBug Level2? { mark { /steveamerige /Category resourcestatus } stopped { cleartomark true } { cleartomark currentglobal not } ifelse } { false } ifelse def setglobal /CTResourceStatus { mark 3 1 roll /Category findresource begin ({ResourceStatus} stopped) 0 () /SubFileDecode filter cvx exec { cleartomark false } { { 3 2 roll pop true } { cleartomark false } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /CTWorkAroundBugs { Level2? { /cid_PreLoad /ProcSet resourcestatus { pop pop currentglobal mark { (*) { dup /CMap CTHasResourceStatusBug { CTResourceStatus } { resourcestatus } ifelse { pop dup 0 eq exch 1 eq or { dup /CMap findresource gcheck setglobal /CMap undefineresource } { pop CTHasResourceForAllBug { exit } { stop } ifelse } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } 128 string /CMap resourceforall } stopped { cleartomark } stopped pop setglobal } if } if } bind def /doc_setup { Adobe_CoolType_Core begin CTWorkAroundBugs /mov /moveto load def /nfnt /newencodedfont load def /mfnt /makefont load def /sfnt /setfont load def /ufnt /undefinefont load def /chp /charpath load def /awsh /awidthshow load def /wsh /widthshow load def /ash /ashow load def /sh /show load def end currentglobal false setglobal userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Data 2 copy known not { 2 copy 10 dict put } if get begin /AddWidths? false def /CC 0 def /charcode 2 string def /@opStackCountByLevel 32 dict def /@opStackLevel 0 def /@dictStackCountByLevel 32 dict def /@dictStackLevel 0 def /InVMFontsByCMap 10 dict def /InVMDeepCopiedFonts 10 dict def end setglobal } bind def /doc_trailer { currentdict Adobe_CoolType_Core eq { end } if } bind def /page_setup { Adobe_CoolType_Core begin } bind def /page_trailer { end } bind def /unload { systemdict /languagelevel known { systemdict/languagelevel get 2 ge { userdict/Adobe_CoolType_Core 2 copy known { undef } { pop pop } ifelse } if } if } bind def /ndf { 1 index where { pop pop pop } { dup xcheck { bind } if def } ifelse } def /findfont systemdict begin userdict begin /globaldict where { /globaldict get begin } if dup where pop exch get /globaldict where { pop end } if end end Adobe_CoolType_Core_Defined { /systemfindfont exch def } { /findfont 1 index def /systemfindfont exch def } ifelse /undefinefont { pop } ndf /copyfont { currentglobal 3 1 roll 1 index gcheck setglobal dup null eq { 0 } { dup length } ifelse 2 index length add 1 add dict begin exch { 1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { def } ifelse } forall dup null eq { pop } { { def } forall } ifelse currentdict end exch setglobal } bind def /copyarray { currentglobal exch dup gcheck setglobal dup length array copy exch setglobal } bind def /newencodedfont { currentglobal { SharedFontDirectory 3 index known { SharedFontDirectory 3 index get /FontReferenced known } { false } ifelse } { FontDirectory 3 index known { FontDirectory 3 index get /FontReferenced known } { SharedFontDirectory 3 index known { SharedFontDirectory 3 index get /FontReferenced known } { false } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse dup { 3 index findfont /FontReferenced get 2 index dup type /nametype eq {findfont} if ne { pop false } if } if { pop 1 index findfont /Encoding get exch 0 1 255 { 2 copy get 3 index 3 1 roll put } for pop pop pop } { dup type /nametype eq { findfont } if dup dup maxlength 2 add dict begin exch { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall /FontReferenced exch def /Encoding exch dup length array copy def /FontName 1 index dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if def dup currentdict end definefont def } ifelse } bind def /SetSubstituteStrategy { $SubstituteFont begin dup type /dicttype ne { 0 dict } if currentdict /$Strategies known { exch $Strategies exch 2 copy known { get 2 copy maxlength exch maxlength add dict begin { def } forall { def } forall currentdict dup /$Init known { dup /$Init get exec } if end /$Strategy exch def } { pop pop pop } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse end } bind def /scff { $SubstituteFont begin dup type /stringtype eq { dup length exch } { null } ifelse /$sname exch def /$slen exch def /$inVMIndex $sname null eq { 1 index $str cvs dup length $slen sub $slen getinterval cvn } { $sname } ifelse def end { findfont } @Stopped { dup length 8 add string exch 1 index 0 (BadFont:) putinterval 1 index exch 8 exch dup length string cvs putinterval cvn { findfont } @Stopped { pop /Courier findfont } if } if $SubstituteFont begin /$sname null def /$slen 0 def /$inVMIndex null def end } bind def /isWidthsOnlyFont { dup /WidthsOnly known { pop pop true } { dup /FDepVector known { /FDepVector get { isWidthsOnlyFont dup { exit } if } forall } { dup /FDArray known { /FDArray get { isWidthsOnlyFont dup { exit } if } forall } { pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /?str1 256 string def /?set { $SubstituteFont begin /$substituteFound false def /$fontname 4 index def /$doSmartSub false def end 3 index currentglobal false setglobal exch /CompatibleFonts /ProcSet resourcestatus { pop pop /CompatibleFonts /ProcSet findresource begin dup /CompatibleFont currentexception 1 index /CompatibleFont true setexception 1 index /Font resourcestatus { pop pop 3 2 roll setglobal end exch dup findfont /CompatibleFonts /ProcSet findresource begin 3 1 roll exch /CompatibleFont exch setexception end } { 3 2 roll setglobal 1 index exch /CompatibleFont exch setexception end findfont $SubstituteFont /$substituteFound true put } ifelse } { exch setglobal findfont } ifelse $SubstituteFont begin $substituteFound { false (%%[Using embedded font ) print 5 index ?str1 cvs print ( to avoid the font substitution problem noted earlier.]%%\n) print } { dup /FontName known { dup /FontName get $fontname eq 1 index /DistillerFauxFont known not and /currentdistillerparams where { pop false 2 index isWidthsOnlyFont not and } if } { false } ifelse } ifelse exch pop /$doSmartSub true def end { exch pop exch pop exch 2 dict dup /Found 3 index put exch findfont exch } { exch exec exch dup findfont dup /FontType get 3 eq { exch ?str1 cvs dup length 1 sub -1 0 { exch dup 2 index get 42 eq { exch 0 exch getinterval cvn 4 1 roll 3 2 roll pop exit } {exch pop} ifelse }for } { exch pop } ifelse 2 dict dup /Downloaded 6 5 roll put } ifelse dup /FontName 4 index put copyfont definefont pop } bind def /?str2 256 string def /?add { 1 index type /integertype eq { exch true 4 2 } { false 3 1 } ifelse roll 1 index findfont dup /Widths known { Adobe_CoolType_Data /AddWidths? true put gsave dup 1000 scalefont setfont } if /Downloaded known { exec exch { exch ?str2 cvs exch findfont /Downloaded get 1 dict begin /Downloaded 1 index def ?str1 cvs length ?str1 1 index 1 add 3 index putinterval exch length 1 add 1 index add ?str1 2 index (*) putinterval ?str1 0 2 index getinterval cvn findfont ?str1 3 index (+) putinterval 2 dict dup /FontName ?str1 0 6 index getinterval cvn put dup /Downloaded Downloaded put end copyfont dup /FontName get exch definefont pop pop pop } { pop } ifelse } { pop exch { findfont dup /Found get dup length exch ?str1 cvs pop ?str1 1 index (+) putinterval ?str1 1 index 1 add 4 index ?str2 cvs putinterval ?str1 exch 0 exch 5 4 roll ?str2 cvs length 1 add add getinterval cvn 1 dict exch 1 index exch /FontName exch put copyfont dup /FontName get exch definefont pop } { pop } ifelse } ifelse Adobe_CoolType_Data /AddWidths? get { grestore Adobe_CoolType_Data /AddWidths? false put } if } bind def /?sh { currentfont /Downloaded known { exch } if pop } bind def /?chp { currentfont /Downloaded known { pop } { false chp } ifelse } bind def /?mv { currentfont /Downloaded known { moveto pop pop } { pop pop moveto } ifelse } bind def setpacking userdict /$SubstituteFont 25 dict put 1 dict begin /SubstituteFont dup $error exch 2 copy known { get } { pop pop { pop /Courier } bind } ifelse def /currentdistillerparams where dup { pop pop currentdistillerparams /CannotEmbedFontPolicy 2 copy known { get /Error eq } { pop pop false } ifelse } if not { countdictstack array dictstack 0 get begin userdict begin $SubstituteFont begin /$str 128 string def /$fontpat 128 string def /$slen 0 def /$sname null def /$match false def /$fontname null def /$substituteFound false def /$inVMIndex null def /$doSmartSub true def /$depth 0 def /$fontname null def /$italicangle 26.5 def /$dstack null def /$Strategies 10 dict dup begin /$Type3Underprint { currentglobal exch false setglobal 11 dict begin /UseFont exch $WMode 0 ne { dup length dict copy dup /WMode $WMode put /UseFont exch definefont } if def /FontName $fontname dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [ .001 0 0 .001 0 0 ] def /Encoding 256 array dup 0 1 255 { /.notdef put dup } for pop def /FontBBox [ 0 0 0 0 ] def /CCInfo 7 dict dup begin /cc null def /x 0 def /y 0 def end def /BuildChar { exch begin CCInfo begin 1 string dup 0 3 index put exch pop /cc exch def UseFont 1000 scalefont setfont cc stringwidth /y exch def /x exch def x y setcharwidth $SubstituteFont /$Strategy get /$Underprint get exec 0 0 moveto cc show x y moveto end end } bind def currentdict end exch setglobal } bind def /$GetaTint 2 dict dup begin /$BuildFont { dup /WMode known { dup /WMode get } { 0 } ifelse /$WMode exch def $fontname exch dup /FontName known { dup /FontName get dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if } { /unnamedfont } ifelse exch Adobe_CoolType_Data /InVMDeepCopiedFonts get 1 index /FontName get known { pop Adobe_CoolType_Data /InVMDeepCopiedFonts get 1 index get null copyfont } { $deepcopyfont } ifelse exch 1 index exch /FontBasedOn exch put dup /FontName $fontname dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if put definefont Adobe_CoolType_Data /InVMDeepCopiedFonts get begin dup /FontBasedOn get 1 index def end } bind def /$Underprint { gsave x abs y abs gt { /y 1000 def } { /x -1000 def 500 120 translate } ifelse Level2? { [ /Separation (All) /DeviceCMYK { 0 0 0 1 pop } ] setcolorspace } { 0 setgray } ifelse 10 setlinewidth x .8 mul [ 7 3 ] { y mul 8 div 120 sub x 10 div exch moveto 0 y 4 div neg rlineto dup 0 rlineto 0 y 4 div rlineto closepath gsave Level2? { .2 setcolor } { .8 setgray } ifelse fill grestore stroke } forall pop grestore } bind def end def /$Oblique 1 dict dup begin /$BuildFont { currentglobal exch dup gcheck setglobal null copyfont begin /FontBasedOn currentdict /FontName known { FontName dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if } { /unnamedfont } ifelse def /FontName $fontname dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if def /currentdistillerparams where { pop } { /FontInfo currentdict /FontInfo known { FontInfo null copyfont } { 2 dict } ifelse dup begin /ItalicAngle $italicangle def /FontMatrix FontMatrix [ 1 0 ItalicAngle dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 ] matrix concatmatrix readonly end 4 2 roll def def } ifelse FontName currentdict end definefont exch setglobal } bind def end def /$None 1 dict dup begin /$BuildFont {} bind def end def end def /$Oblique SetSubstituteStrategy /$findfontByEnum { dup type /stringtype eq { cvn } if dup /$fontname exch def $sname null eq { $str cvs dup length $slen sub $slen getinterval } { pop $sname } ifelse $fontpat dup 0 (fonts/*) putinterval exch 7 exch putinterval /$match false def $SubstituteFont /$dstack countdictstack array dictstack put mark { $fontpat 0 $slen 7 add getinterval { /$match exch def exit } $str filenameforall } stopped { cleardictstack currentdict true $SubstituteFont /$dstack get { exch { 1 index eq { pop false } { true } ifelse } { begin false } ifelse } forall pop } if cleartomark /$slen 0 def $match false ne { $match (fonts/) anchorsearch pop pop cvn } { /Courier } ifelse } bind def /$ROS 1 dict dup begin /Adobe 4 dict dup begin /Japan1 [ /Ryumin-Light /HeiseiMin-W3 /GothicBBB-Medium /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 /HeiseiMaruGo-W4 /Jun101-Light ] def /Korea1 [ /HYSMyeongJo-Medium /HYGoThic-Medium ] def /GB1 [ /STSong-Light /STHeiti-Regular ] def /CNS1 [ /MKai-Medium /MHei-Medium ] def end def end def /$cmapname null def /$deepcopyfont { dup /FontType get 0 eq { 1 dict dup /FontName /copied put copyfont begin /FDepVector FDepVector copyarray 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 2 copy get $deepcopyfont dup /FontName /copied put /copied exch definefont 3 copy put pop pop } for def currentdict end } { $Strategies /$Type3Underprint get exec } ifelse } bind def /$buildfontname { dup /CIDFont findresource /CIDSystemInfo get begin Registry length Ordering length Supplement 8 string cvs 3 copy length 2 add add add string dup 5 1 roll dup 0 Registry putinterval dup 4 index (-) putinterval dup 4 index 1 add Ordering putinterval 4 2 roll add 1 add 2 copy (-) putinterval end 1 add 2 copy 0 exch getinterval $cmapname $fontpat cvs exch anchorsearch { pop pop 3 2 roll putinterval cvn /$cmapname exch def } { pop pop pop pop pop } ifelse length $str 1 index (-) putinterval 1 add $str 1 index $cmapname $fontpat cvs putinterval $cmapname length add $str exch 0 exch getinterval cvn } bind def /$findfontByROS { /$fontname exch def $ROS Registry 2 copy known { get Ordering 2 copy known { get } { pop pop [] } ifelse } { pop pop [] } ifelse false exch { dup /CIDFont resourcestatus { pop pop save 1 index /CIDFont findresource dup /WidthsOnly known { dup /WidthsOnly get } { false } ifelse exch pop exch restore { pop } { exch pop true exit } ifelse } { pop } ifelse } forall { $str cvs $buildfontname } { false (*) { save exch dup /CIDFont findresource dup /WidthsOnly known { dup /WidthsOnly get not } { true } ifelse exch /CIDSystemInfo get dup /Registry get Registry eq exch /Ordering get Ordering eq and and { exch restore exch pop true exit } { pop restore } ifelse } $str /CIDFont resourceforall { $buildfontname } { $fontname $findfontByEnum } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end end currentdict /$error known currentdict /languagelevel known and dup { pop $error /SubstituteFont known } if dup { $error } { Adobe_CoolType_Core } ifelse begin { /SubstituteFont /CMap /Category resourcestatus { pop pop { $SubstituteFont begin /$substituteFound true def dup length $slen gt $sname null ne or $slen 0 gt and { $sname null eq { dup $str cvs dup length $slen sub $slen getinterval cvn } { $sname } ifelse Adobe_CoolType_Data /InVMFontsByCMap get 1 index 2 copy known { get false exch { pop currentglobal { GlobalFontDirectory 1 index known { exch pop true exit } { pop } ifelse } { FontDirectory 1 index known { exch pop true exit } { GlobalFontDirectory 1 index known { exch pop true exit } { pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } forall } { pop pop false } ifelse { exch pop exch pop } { dup /CMap resourcestatus { pop pop dup /$cmapname exch def /CMap findresource /CIDSystemInfo get { def } forall $findfontByROS } { 128 string cvs dup (-) search { 3 1 roll search { 3 1 roll pop { dup cvi } stopped { pop pop pop pop pop $findfontByEnum } { 4 2 roll pop pop exch length exch 2 index length 2 index sub exch 1 sub -1 0 { $str cvs dup length 4 index 0 4 index 4 3 roll add getinterval exch 1 index exch 3 index exch putinterval dup /CMap resourcestatus { pop pop 4 1 roll pop pop pop dup /$cmapname exch def /CMap findresource /CIDSystemInfo get { def } forall $findfontByROS true exit } { pop } ifelse } for dup type /booleantype eq { pop } { pop pop pop $findfontByEnum } ifelse } ifelse } { pop pop pop $findfontByEnum } ifelse } { pop pop $findfontByEnum } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { //SubstituteFont exec } ifelse /$slen 0 def end } } { { $SubstituteFont begin /$substituteFound true def dup length $slen gt $sname null ne or $slen 0 gt and { $findfontByEnum } { //SubstituteFont exec } ifelse end } } ifelse bind readonly def Adobe_CoolType_Core /scfindfont /systemfindfont load put } { /scfindfont { $SubstituteFont begin dup systemfindfont dup /FontName known { dup /FontName get dup 3 index ne } { /noname true } ifelse dup { /$origfontnamefound 2 index def /$origfontname 4 index def /$substituteFound true def } if exch pop { $slen 0 gt $sname null ne 3 index length $slen gt or and { pop dup $findfontByEnum findfont dup maxlength 1 add dict begin { 1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { def } ifelse } forall currentdict end definefont dup /FontName known { dup /FontName get } { null } ifelse $origfontnamefound ne { $origfontname $str cvs print ( substitution revised, using ) print dup /FontName known { dup /FontName get } { (unspecified font) } ifelse $str cvs print (.\n) print } if } { exch pop } ifelse } { exch pop } ifelse end } bind def } ifelse end end Adobe_CoolType_Core_Defined not { Adobe_CoolType_Core /findfont { $SubstituteFont begin $depth 0 eq { /$fontname 1 index dup type /stringtype ne { $str cvs } if def /$substituteFound false def } if /$depth $depth 1 add def end scfindfont $SubstituteFont begin /$depth $depth 1 sub def $substituteFound $depth 0 eq and { $inVMIndex null ne { dup $inVMIndex $AddInVMFont } if $doSmartSub { currentdict /$Strategy known { $Strategy /$BuildFont get exec } if } if } if end } bind put } if } if end /$AddInVMFont { exch /FontName 2 copy known { get 1 dict dup begin exch 1 index gcheck def end exch Adobe_CoolType_Data /InVMFontsByCMap get exch $DictAdd } { pop pop pop } ifelse } bind def /$DictAdd { 2 copy known not { 2 copy 4 index length dict put } if Level2? not { 2 copy get dup maxlength exch length 4 index length add lt 2 copy get dup length 4 index length add exch maxlength 1 index lt { 2 mul dict begin 2 copy get { forall } def 2 copy currentdict put end } { pop } ifelse } if get begin { def } forall end } bind def end end %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_CoolType_Utility_MAKEOCF 1.21 0 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated. %%Version: 1.21 0 systemdict /languagelevel known dup { currentglobal false setglobal } { false } ifelse exch userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Utility 2 copy known { 2 copy get dup maxlength 27 add dict copy } { 27 dict } ifelse put Adobe_CoolType_Utility begin /@eexecStartData def /@recognizeCIDFont null def /ct_Level2? exch def /ct_Clone? 1183615869 internaldict dup /CCRun known not exch /eCCRun known not ct_Level2? and or def ct_Level2? { globaldict begin currentglobal true setglobal } if /ct_AddStdCIDMap ct_Level2? { { mark Adobe_CoolType_Utility /@recognizeCIDFont currentdict put { ((Hex) 57 StartData 0615 1e27 2c39 1c60 d8a8 cc31 fe2b f6e0 7aa3 e541 e21c 60d8 a8c9 c3d0 6d9e 1c60 d8a8 c9c2 02d7 9a1c 60d8 a849 1c60 d8a8 cc36 74f4 1144 b13b 77) 0 () /SubFileDecode filter cvx exec } stopped { cleartomark Adobe_CoolType_Utility /@recognizeCIDFont get countdictstack dup array dictstack exch 1 sub -1 0 { 2 copy get 3 index eq { 1 index length exch sub 1 sub { end } repeat exit } { pop } ifelse } for pop pop Adobe_CoolType_Utility /@eexecStartData get eexec } { cleartomark } ifelse } } { { Adobe_CoolType_Utility /@eexecStartData get eexec } } ifelse bind def userdict /cid_extensions known dup { cid_extensions /cid_UpdateDB known and } if { cid_extensions begin /cid_GetCIDSystemInfo { 1 index type /stringtype eq { exch cvn exch } if cid_extensions begin dup load 2 index known { 2 copy cid_GetStatusInfo dup null ne { 1 index load 3 index get dup null eq { pop pop cid_UpdateDB } { exch 1 index /Created get eq { exch pop exch pop } { pop cid_UpdateDB } ifelse } ifelse } { pop cid_UpdateDB } ifelse } { cid_UpdateDB } ifelse end } bind def end } if ct_Level2? { end setglobal } if /ct_UseNativeCapability? systemdict /composefont known def /ct_MakeOCF 35 dict def /ct_Vars 25 dict def /ct_GlyphDirProcs 6 dict def /ct_BuildCharDict 15 dict dup begin /charcode 2 string def /dst_string 1500 string def /nullstring () def /usewidths? true def end def ct_Level2? { setglobal } { pop } ifelse ct_GlyphDirProcs begin /GetGlyphDirectory { systemdict /languagelevel known { pop /CIDFont findresource /GlyphDirectory get } { 1 index /CIDFont findresource /GlyphDirectory get dup type /dicttype eq { dup dup maxlength exch length sub 2 index lt { dup length 2 index add dict copy 2 index /CIDFont findresource/GlyphDirectory 2 index put } if } if exch pop exch pop } ifelse + } def /+ { systemdict /languagelevel known { currentglobal false setglobal 3 dict begin /vm exch def } { 1 dict begin } ifelse /$ exch def systemdict /languagelevel known { vm setglobal /gvm currentglobal def $ gcheck setglobal } if ? { $ begin } if } def /? { $ type /dicttype eq } def /| { userdict /Adobe_CoolType_Data known { Adobe_CoolType_Data /AddWidths? known { currentdict Adobe_CoolType_Data begin begin AddWidths? { Adobe_CoolType_Data /CC 3 index put ? { def } { $ 3 1 roll put } ifelse CC charcode exch 1 index 0 2 index 256 idiv put 1 index exch 1 exch 256 mod put stringwidth 2 array astore currentfont /Widths get exch CC exch put } { ? { def } { $ 3 1 roll put } ifelse } ifelse end end } { ? { def } { $ 3 1 roll put } ifelse } ifelse } { ? { def } { $ 3 1 roll put } ifelse } ifelse } def /! { ? { end } if systemdict /languagelevel known { gvm setglobal } if end } def /: { string currentfile exch readstring pop } executeonly def end ct_MakeOCF begin /ct_cHexEncoding [/c00/c01/c02/c03/c04/c05/c06/c07/c08/c09/c0A/c0B/c0C/c0D/c0E/c0F/c10/c11/c12 /c13/c14/c15/c16/c17/c18/c19/c1A/c1B/c1C/c1D/c1E/c1F/c20/c21/c22/c23/c24/c25 /c26/c27/c28/c29/c2A/c2B/c2C/c2D/c2E/c2F/c30/c31/c32/c33/c34/c35/c36/c37/c38 /c39/c3A/c3B/c3C/c3D/c3E/c3F/c40/c41/c42/c43/c44/c45/c46/c47/c48/c49/c4A/c4B /c4C/c4D/c4E/c4F/c50/c51/c52/c53/c54/c55/c56/c57/c58/c59/c5A/c5B/c5C/c5D/c5E /c5F/c60/c61/c62/c63/c64/c65/c66/c67/c68/c69/c6A/c6B/c6C/c6D/c6E/c6F/c70/c71 /c72/c73/c74/c75/c76/c77/c78/c79/c7A/c7B/c7C/c7D/c7E/c7F/c80/c81/c82/c83/c84 /c85/c86/c87/c88/c89/c8A/c8B/c8C/c8D/c8E/c8F/c90/c91/c92/c93/c94/c95/c96/c97 /c98/c99/c9A/c9B/c9C/c9D/c9E/c9F/cA0/cA1/cA2/cA3/cA4/cA5/cA6/cA7/cA8/cA9/cAA /cAB/cAC/cAD/cAE/cAF/cB0/cB1/cB2/cB3/cB4/cB5/cB6/cB7/cB8/cB9/cBA/cBB/cBC/cBD /cBE/cBF/cC0/cC1/cC2/cC3/cC4/cC5/cC6/cC7/cC8/cC9/cCA/cCB/cCC/cCD/cCE/cCF/cD0 /cD1/cD2/cD3/cD4/cD5/cD6/cD7/cD8/cD9/cDA/cDB/cDC/cDD/cDE/cDF/cE0/cE1/cE2/cE3 /cE4/cE5/cE6/cE7/cE8/cE9/cEA/cEB/cEC/cED/cEE/cEF/cF0/cF1/cF2/cF3/cF4/cF5/cF6 /cF7/cF8/cF9/cFA/cFB/cFC/cFD/cFE/cFF] def /ct_CID_STR_SIZE 8000 def /ct_mkocfStr100 100 string def /ct_defaultFontMtx [.001 0 0 .001 0 0] def /ct_1000Mtx [1000 0 0 1000 0 0] def /ct_raise {exch cvx exch errordict exch get exec stop} bind def /ct_reraise { cvx $error /errorname get (Error: ) print dup ( ) cvs print errordict exch get exec stop } bind def /ct_cvnsi { 1 index add 1 sub 1 exch 0 4 1 roll { 2 index exch get exch 8 bitshift add } for exch pop } bind def /ct_GetInterval { Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_BuildCharDict get begin /dst_index 0 def dup dst_string length gt { dup string /dst_string exch def } if 1 index ct_CID_STR_SIZE idiv /arrayIndex exch def 2 index arrayIndex get 2 index arrayIndex ct_CID_STR_SIZE mul sub { dup 3 index add 2 index length le { 2 index getinterval dst_string dst_index 2 index putinterval length dst_index add /dst_index exch def exit } { 1 index length 1 index sub dup 4 1 roll getinterval dst_string dst_index 2 index putinterval pop dup dst_index add /dst_index exch def sub /arrayIndex arrayIndex 1 add def 2 index dup length arrayIndex gt { arrayIndex get } { pop exit } ifelse 0 } ifelse } loop pop pop pop dst_string 0 dst_index getinterval end } bind def ct_Level2? { /ct_resourcestatus currentglobal mark true setglobal { /unknowninstancename /Category resourcestatus } stopped { cleartomark setglobal true } { cleartomark currentglobal not exch setglobal } ifelse { { mark 3 1 roll /Category findresource begin ct_Vars /vm currentglobal put ({ResourceStatus} stopped) 0 () /SubFileDecode filter cvx exec { cleartomark false } { { 3 2 roll pop true } { cleartomark false } ifelse } ifelse ct_Vars /vm get setglobal end } } { { resourcestatus } } ifelse bind def /CIDFont /Category ct_resourcestatus { pop pop } { currentglobal true setglobal /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy dup /InstanceType /dicttype put /CIDFont exch /Category defineresource pop setglobal } ifelse ct_UseNativeCapability? { /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin /Registry (Adobe) def /Ordering (Identity) def /Supplement 0 def end def /CMapName /Identity-H def /CMapVersion 1.000 def /CMapType 1 def 1 begincodespacerange <0000> endcodespacerange 1 begincidrange <0000> 0 endcidrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end } if } { /ct_Category 2 dict begin /CIDFont 10 dict def /ProcSet 2 dict def currentdict end def /defineresource { ct_Category 1 index 2 copy known { get dup dup maxlength exch length eq { dup length 10 add dict copy ct_Category 2 index 2 index put } if 3 index 3 index put pop exch pop } { pop pop /defineresource /undefined ct_raise } ifelse } bind def /findresource { ct_Category 1 index 2 copy known { get 2 index 2 copy known { get 3 1 roll pop pop} { pop pop /findresource /undefinedresource ct_raise } ifelse } { pop pop /findresource /undefined ct_raise } ifelse } bind def /resourcestatus { ct_Category 1 index 2 copy known { get 2 index known exch pop exch pop { 0 -1 true } { false } ifelse } { pop pop /findresource /undefined ct_raise } ifelse } bind def /ct_resourcestatus /resourcestatus load def } ifelse /ct_CIDInit 2 dict begin /ct_cidfont_stream_init { { dup (Binary) eq { pop null currentfile ct_Level2? { { cid_BYTE_COUNT () /SubFileDecode filter } stopped { pop pop pop } if } if /readstring load exit } if dup (Hex) eq { pop currentfile ct_Level2? { { null exch /ASCIIHexDecode filter /readstring } stopped { pop exch pop (>) exch /readhexstring } if } { (>) exch /readhexstring } ifelse load exit } if /StartData /typecheck ct_raise } loop cid_BYTE_COUNT ct_CID_STR_SIZE le { 2 copy cid_BYTE_COUNT string exch exec pop 1 array dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put } { cid_BYTE_COUNT ct_CID_STR_SIZE div ceiling cvi dup array exch 2 sub 0 exch 1 exch { 2 copy 5 index ct_CID_STR_SIZE string 6 index exec pop put pop } for 2 index cid_BYTE_COUNT ct_CID_STR_SIZE mod string 3 index exec pop 1 index exch 1 index length 1 sub exch put } ifelse cid_CIDFONT exch /GlyphData exch put 2 index null eq { pop pop pop } { pop /readstring load 1 string exch { 3 copy exec pop dup length 0 eq { pop pop pop pop pop true exit } if 4 index eq { pop pop pop pop false exit } if } loop pop } ifelse } bind def /StartData { mark { currentdict dup /FDArray get 0 get /FontMatrix get 0 get 0.001 eq { dup /CDevProc known not { /CDevProc 1183615869 internaldict /stdCDevProc 2 copy known { get } { pop pop { pop pop pop pop pop 0 -1000 7 index 2 div 880 } } ifelse def } if } { /CDevProc { pop pop pop pop pop 0 1 cid_temp /cid_CIDFONT get /FDArray get 0 get /FontMatrix get 0 get div 7 index 2 div 1 index 0.88 mul } def } ifelse /cid_temp 15 dict def cid_temp begin /cid_CIDFONT exch def 3 copy pop dup /cid_BYTE_COUNT exch def 0 gt { ct_cidfont_stream_init FDArray { /Private get dup /SubrMapOffset known { begin /Subrs SubrCount array def Subrs SubrMapOffset SubrCount SDBytes ct_Level2? { currentdict dup /SubrMapOffset undef dup /SubrCount undef /SDBytes undef } if end /cid_SD_BYTES exch def /cid_SUBR_COUNT exch def /cid_SUBR_MAP_OFFSET exch def /cid_SUBRS exch def cid_SUBR_COUNT 0 gt { GlyphData cid_SUBR_MAP_OFFSET cid_SD_BYTES ct_GetInterval 0 cid_SD_BYTES ct_cvnsi 0 1 cid_SUBR_COUNT 1 sub { exch 1 index 1 add cid_SD_BYTES mul cid_SUBR_MAP_OFFSET add GlyphData exch cid_SD_BYTES ct_GetInterval 0 cid_SD_BYTES ct_cvnsi cid_SUBRS 4 2 roll GlyphData exch 4 index 1 index sub ct_GetInterval dup length string copy put } for pop } if } { pop } ifelse } forall } if cleartomark pop pop end CIDFontName currentdict /CIDFont defineresource pop end end } stopped { cleartomark /StartData ct_reraise } if } bind def currentdict end def /ct_saveCIDInit { /CIDInit /ProcSet ct_resourcestatus { true } { /CIDInitC /ProcSet ct_resourcestatus } ifelse { pop pop /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource ct_UseNativeCapability? { pop null } { /CIDInit ct_CIDInit /ProcSet defineresource pop } ifelse } { /CIDInit ct_CIDInit /ProcSet defineresource pop null } ifelse ct_Vars exch /ct_oldCIDInit exch put } bind def /ct_restoreCIDInit { ct_Vars /ct_oldCIDInit get dup null ne { /CIDInit exch /ProcSet defineresource pop } { pop } ifelse } bind def /ct_BuildCharSetUp { 1 index begin CIDFont begin Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_BuildCharDict get begin /ct_dfCharCode exch def /ct_dfDict exch def CIDFirstByte ct_dfCharCode add dup CIDCount ge { pop 0 } if /cid exch def { GlyphDirectory cid 2 copy known { get } { pop pop nullstring } ifelse dup length FDBytes sub 0 gt { dup FDBytes 0 ne { 0 FDBytes ct_cvnsi } { pop 0 } ifelse /fdIndex exch def dup length FDBytes sub FDBytes exch getinterval /charstring exch def exit } { pop cid 0 eq { /charstring nullstring def exit } if /cid 0 def } ifelse } loop } def /ct_SetCacheDevice { 0 0 moveto dup stringwidth 3 -1 roll true charpath pathbbox 0 -1000 7 index 2 div 880 setcachedevice2 0 0 moveto } def /ct_CloneSetCacheProc { 1 eq { stringwidth pop -2 div -880 0 -1000 setcharwidth moveto } { usewidths? { currentfont /Widths get cid 2 copy known { get exch pop aload pop } { pop pop stringwidth } ifelse } { stringwidth } ifelse setcharwidth 0 0 moveto } ifelse } def /ct_Type3ShowCharString { ct_FDDict fdIndex 2 copy known { get } { currentglobal 3 1 roll 1 index gcheck setglobal ct_Type1FontTemplate dup maxlength dict copy begin FDArray fdIndex get dup /FontMatrix 2 copy known { get } { pop pop ct_defaultFontMtx } ifelse /FontMatrix exch dup length array copy def /Private get /Private exch def /Widths rootfont /Widths get def /CharStrings 1 dict dup /.notdef dup length string copy put def currentdict end /ct_Type1Font exch definefont dup 5 1 roll put setglobal } ifelse dup /CharStrings get 1 index /Encoding get ct_dfCharCode get charstring put rootfont /WMode 2 copy known { get } { pop pop 0 } ifelse exch 1000 scalefont setfont ct_str1 0 ct_dfCharCode put ct_str1 exch ct_dfSetCacheProc ct_SyntheticBold { currentpoint ct_str1 show newpath moveto ct_str1 true charpath ct_StrokeWidth setlinewidth stroke } { ct_str1 show } ifelse } def /ct_Type4ShowCharString { ct_dfDict ct_dfCharCode charstring FDArray fdIndex get dup /FontMatrix get dup ct_defaultFontMtx ct_matrixeq not { ct_1000Mtx matrix concatmatrix concat } { pop } ifelse /Private get Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_Level2? get not { ct_dfDict /Private 3 -1 roll { put } 1183615869 internaldict /superexec get exec } if 1183615869 internaldict Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_Level2? get { 1 index } { 3 index /Private get mark 6 1 roll } ifelse dup /RunInt known { /RunInt get } { pop /CCRun } ifelse get exec Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_Level2? get not { cleartomark } if } bind def /ct_BuildCharIncremental { { Adobe_CoolType_Utility /ct_MakeOCF get begin ct_BuildCharSetUp ct_ShowCharString } stopped { stop } if end end end end } bind def /BaseFontNameStr (BF00) def /ct_Type1FontTemplate 14 dict begin /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-250 -250 1250 1250] def /Encoding ct_cHexEncoding def /PaintType 0 def currentdict end def /BaseFontTemplate 11 dict begin /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-250 -250 1250 1250] def /Encoding ct_cHexEncoding def /BuildChar /ct_BuildCharIncremental load def ct_Clone? { /FontType 3 def /ct_ShowCharString /ct_Type3ShowCharString load def /ct_dfSetCacheProc /ct_CloneSetCacheProc load def /ct_SyntheticBold false def /ct_StrokeWidth 1 def } { /FontType 4 def /Private 1 dict dup /lenIV 4 put def /CharStrings 1 dict dup /.notdef put def /PaintType 0 def /ct_ShowCharString /ct_Type4ShowCharString load def } ifelse /ct_str1 1 string def currentdict end def /BaseFontDictSize BaseFontTemplate length 5 add def /ct_matrixeq { true 0 1 5 { dup 4 index exch get exch 3 index exch get eq and dup not { exit } if } for exch pop exch pop } bind def /ct_makeocf { 15 dict begin exch /WMode exch def exch /FontName exch def /FontType 0 def /FMapType 2 def dup /FontMatrix known { dup /FontMatrix get /FontMatrix exch def } { /FontMatrix matrix def } ifelse /bfCount 1 index /CIDCount get 256 idiv 1 add dup 256 gt { pop 256} if def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 bfCount 1 sub { 2 copy dup put pop } for bfCount 1 255 { 2 copy bfCount put pop } for def /FDepVector bfCount dup 256 lt { 1 add } if array def BaseFontTemplate BaseFontDictSize dict copy begin /CIDFont exch def CIDFont /FontBBox known { CIDFont /FontBBox get /FontBBox exch def } if CIDFont /CDevProc known { CIDFont /CDevProc get /CDevProc exch def } if currentdict end BaseFontNameStr 3 (0) putinterval 0 1 bfCount dup 256 eq { 1 sub } if { FDepVector exch 2 index BaseFontDictSize dict copy begin dup /CIDFirstByte exch 256 mul def FontType 3 eq { /ct_FDDict 2 dict def } if currentdict end 1 index 16 BaseFontNameStr 2 2 getinterval cvrs pop BaseFontNameStr exch definefont put } for ct_Clone? { /Widths 1 index /CIDFont get /GlyphDirectory get length dict def } if FontName currentdict end definefont ct_Clone? { gsave dup 1000 scalefont setfont ct_BuildCharDict begin /usewidths? false def currentfont /Widths get begin exch /CIDFont get /GlyphDirectory get { pop dup charcode exch 1 index 0 2 index 256 idiv put 1 index exch 1 exch 256 mod put stringwidth 2 array astore def } forall end /usewidths? true def end grestore } { exch pop } ifelse } bind def /ct_ComposeFont { ct_UseNativeCapability? { 2 index /CMap ct_resourcestatus { pop pop exch pop } { /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CMapName 3 index def /CMapVersion 1.000 def /CMapType 1 def exch /WMode exch def /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin /Registry (Adobe) def /Ordering CMapName ct_mkocfStr100 cvs (Adobe-) search { pop pop (-) search { dup length string copy exch pop exch pop } { pop (Identity)} ifelse } { pop (Identity) } ifelse def /Supplement 0 def end def 1 begincodespacerange <0000> endcodespacerange 1 begincidrange <0000> 0 endcidrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end } ifelse composefont } { 3 2 roll pop 0 get /CIDFont findresource ct_makeocf } ifelse } bind def /ct_MakeIdentity { ct_UseNativeCapability? { 1 index /CMap ct_resourcestatus { pop pop } { /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CMapName 2 index def /CMapVersion 1.000 def /CMapType 1 def /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin /Registry (Adobe) def /Ordering CMapName ct_mkocfStr100 cvs (Adobe-) search { pop pop (-) search { dup length string copy exch pop exch pop } { pop (Identity) } ifelse } { pop (Identity) } ifelse def /Supplement 0 def end def 1 begincodespacerange <0000> endcodespacerange 1 begincidrange <0000> 0 endcidrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end } ifelse composefont } { exch pop 0 get /CIDFont findresource ct_makeocf } ifelse } bind def currentdict readonly pop end end %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_CoolType_Utility_T42 1.0 0 %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. %%Version: 1.0 0 userdict /ct_T42Dict 15 dict put ct_T42Dict begin /Is2015? { version cvi 2015 ge } bind def /AllocGlyphStorage { Is2015? { pop } { {string} forall } ifelse } bind def /Type42DictBegin { 25 dict begin /FontName exch def /CharStrings 256 dict begin /.notdef 0 def currentdict end def /Encoding exch def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 42 def /FontMatrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] def 4 array astore cvx /FontBBox exch def /sfnts } bind def /Type42DictEnd { currentdict dup /FontName get exch definefont end ct_T42Dict exch dup /FontName get exch put } bind def /RD {string currentfile exch readstring pop} executeonly def /PrepFor2015 { Is2015? { /GlyphDirectory 16 dict def sfnts 0 get dup 2 index (glyx) putinterval 2 index (locx) putinterval pop pop } { pop pop } ifelse } bind def /AddT42Char { Is2015? { /GlyphDirectory get begin def end pop pop } { /sfnts get 4 index get 3 index 2 index putinterval pop pop pop pop } ifelse } bind def /T0AddT42Mtx2 { /CIDFont findresource /Metrics2 get begin def end }bind def end %%EndResource Adobe_CoolType_Core begin /$Oblique SetSubstituteStrategy end %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_AGM_Image 1.0 0 %%Version: 1.0 0 %%Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Adobe Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. systemdict /setpacking known { currentpacking true setpacking } if userdict /Adobe_AGM_Image 75 dict dup begin put /Adobe_AGM_Image_Id /Adobe_AGM_Image_1.0_0 def /nd{ null def }bind def /AGMIMG_&image nd /AGMIMG_&colorimage nd /AGMIMG_&imagemask nd /AGMIMG_mbuf () def /AGMIMG_ybuf () def /AGMIMG_kbuf () def /AGMIMG_c 0 def /AGMIMG_m 0 def /AGMIMG_y 0 def /AGMIMG_k 0 def /AGMIMG_tmp nd /AGMIMG_imagestring0 nd /AGMIMG_imagestring1 nd /AGMIMG_imagestring2 nd /AGMIMG_imagestring3 nd /AGMIMG_imagestring4 nd /AGMIMG_imagestring5 nd /AGMIMG_cnt nd /AGMIMG_fsave nd /AGMIMG_colorAry nd /AGMIMG_override nd /AGMIMG_name nd /AGMIMG_maskSource nd /AGMIMG_flushfilters nd /invert_image_samples nd /knockout_image_samples nd /img nd /sepimg nd /devnimg nd /idximg nd /doc_setup { Adobe_AGM_Core begin Adobe_AGM_Image begin /AGMIMG_&image systemdict/image get def /AGMIMG_&imagemask systemdict/imagemask get def /colorimage where{ pop /AGMIMG_&colorimage /colorimage ldf }if end end }def /page_setup { Adobe_AGM_Image begin /AGMIMG_ccimage_exists {/customcolorimage where { pop /Adobe_AGM_OnHost_Seps where { pop false }{ /Adobe_AGM_InRip_Seps where { pop false }{ true }ifelse }ifelse }{ false }ifelse }bdf level2{ /invert_image_samples { Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_tmp Decode length ddf /Decode [ Decode 1 get Decode 0 get] def }def /knockout_image_samples { Operator/imagemask ne{ /Decode [1 1] def }if }def }{ /invert_image_samples { {1 exch sub} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer }def /knockout_image_samples { { pop 1 } currenttransfer addprocs settransfer }def }ifelse /img /imageormask ldf /sepimg /sep_imageormask ldf /devnimg /devn_imageormask ldf /idximg /indexed_imageormask ldf /_ctype 7 def currentdict{ dup xcheck 1 index type dup /arraytype eq exch /packedarraytype eq or and{ bind }if def }forall }def /page_trailer { end }def /doc_trailer { }def /AGMIMG_flushfilters { dup type /arraytype ne {1 array astore}if aload length { dup type /filetype eq { dup status 1 index currentfile ne and {dup flushfile closefile} {pop} ifelse }{pop}ifelse } repeat }def /imageormask_sys { begin save mark level2{ currentdict Operator /imagemask eq{ AGMIMG_&imagemask }{ use_mask { level3 {process_mask_L3 AGMIMG_&image}{masked_image_simulation}ifelse }{ AGMIMG_&image }ifelse }ifelse }{ Width Height Operator /imagemask eq{ Decode 0 get 1 eq Decode 1 get 0 eq and ImageMatrix /DataSource load AGMIMG_&imagemask }{ BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix /DataSource load AGMIMG_&image }ifelse }ifelse currentdict /_Filters known {_Filters AGMIMG_flushfilters} if cleartomark restore end }def /overprint_plate { currentoverprint { 0 get dup type /nametype eq { dup /DeviceGray eq{ pop AGMCORE_black_plate not }{ /DeviceCMYK eq{ AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep not }if }ifelse }{ false exch { AGMOHS_sepink eq or } forall not } ifelse }{ pop false }ifelse }def /process_mask_L3 { dup begin /ImageType 1 def end 4 dict begin /DataDict exch def /ImageType 3 def /InterleaveType 3 def /MaskDict 9 dict begin /ImageType 1 def /Width DataDict dup /MaskWidth known {/MaskWidth}{/Width} ifelse get def /Height DataDict dup /MaskHeight known {/MaskHeight}{/Height} ifelse get def /ImageMatrix [Width 0 0 Height neg 0 Height] def /NComponents 1 def /BitsPerComponent 1 def /Decode [0 1] def /DataSource AGMIMG_maskSource def currentdict end def currentdict end }def /use_mask { dup type /dicttype eq { dup /Mask known { dup /Mask get { level3 {true} { dup /MaskWidth known {dup /MaskWidth get 1 index /Width get eq}{true}ifelse exch dup /MaskHeight known {dup /MaskHeight get 1 index /Height get eq}{true}ifelse 3 -1 roll and } ifelse } {false} ifelse } {false} ifelse } {false} ifelse }def /make_line_source { begin MultipleDataSources { [ Decode length 2 div cvi {Width string} repeat ] }{ Width Decode length 2 div mul cvi string }ifelse end }def /datasource_to_str { exch dup type dup /filetype eq { pop exch readstring }{ /arraytype eq { exec exch copy }{ pop }ifelse }ifelse pop }def /masked_image_simulation { 3 dict begin dup make_line_source /line_source xdf /mask_source AGMIMG_maskSource /LZWDecode filter def dup /Width get 8 div ceiling cvi string /mask_str xdf begin gsave 0 1 translate 1 -1 Height div scale 1 1 Height { pop gsave MultipleDataSources { 0 1 DataSource length 1 sub { dup DataSource exch get exch line_source exch get datasource_to_str } for }{ DataSource line_source datasource_to_str } ifelse << /PatternType 1 /PaintProc [ /pop cvx << /ImageType 1 /Width Width /Height 1 /ImageMatrix Width 1.0 sub 1 matrix scale 0.5 0 matrix translate matrix concatmatrix /MultipleDataSources MultipleDataSources /DataSource line_source /BitsPerComponent BitsPerComponent /Decode Decode >> /image cvx ] cvx /BBox [0 0 Width 1] /XStep Width /YStep 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 2 >> matrix makepattern set_pattern << /ImageType 1 /Width Width /Height 1 /ImageMatrix Width 1 matrix scale /MultipleDataSources false /DataSource mask_source mask_str readstring pop /BitsPerComponent 1 /Decode [0 1] >> imagemask grestore 0 1 translate } for grestore end end }def /imageormask { begin SkipImageProc { currentdict consumeimagedata } { save mark level2 AGMCORE_host_sep not and{ currentdict Operator /imagemask eq DeviceN_PS2 not and { imagemask }{ AGMCORE_in_rip_sep currentoverprint and currentcolorspace 0 get /DeviceGray eq and{ [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace /Decode [ Decode 1 get Decode 0 get ] def }if use_mask { level3 {process_mask_L3 image}{masked_image_simulation}ifelse }{ DeviceN_NoneName DeviceN_PS2 Indexed_DeviceN level3 not and or or AGMCORE_in_rip_sep and { Names convert_to_process not { 2 dict begin /imageDict xdf /names_index 0 def gsave imageDict write_image_file { Names { dup (None) ne { [/Separation 3 -1 roll /DeviceGray {1 exch sub}] setcolorspace Operator imageDict read_image_file names_index 0 eq {true setoverprint} if /names_index names_index 1 add def }{ pop } ifelse } forall close_image_file } if grestore end }{ Operator /imagemask eq { imagemask }{ image } ifelse } ifelse }{ Operator /imagemask eq { imagemask }{ image } ifelse } ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }{ Width Height Operator /imagemask eq{ Decode 0 get 1 eq Decode 1 get 0 eq and ImageMatrix /DataSource load /Adobe_AGM_OnHost_Seps where { pop imagemask }{ currentgray 1 ne{ currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentoverprint not{ 1 AGMCORE_&setgray currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentdict ignoreimagedata }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }{ BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix MultipleDataSources{ 0 1 NComponents 1 sub{ DataSource exch get }for }{ /DataSource load }ifelse Operator /colorimage eq{ AGMCORE_host_sep{ MultipleDataSources level2 or NComponents 4 eq and{ AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep{ MultipleDataSources{ /DataSource [ DataSource 0 get /exec cvx DataSource 1 get /exec cvx DataSource 2 get /exec cvx DataSource 3 get /exec cvx /AGMCORE_get_ink_data cvx ] cvx def }{ /DataSource Width BitsPerComponent mul 7 add 8 idiv Height mul 4 mul /DataSource load filter_cmyk 0 () /SubFileDecode filter def }ifelse /Decode [ Decode 0 get Decode 1 get ] def /MultipleDataSources false def /NComponents 1 def /Operator /image def invert_image_samples 1 AGMCORE_&setgray currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentoverprint not Operator/imagemask eq and{ 1 AGMCORE_&setgray currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentdict ignoreimagedata }ifelse }ifelse }{ MultipleDataSources NComponents AGMIMG_&colorimage }ifelse }{ true NComponents colorimage }ifelse }{ Operator /image eq{ AGMCORE_host_sep{ /DoImage true def HostSepColorImage{ invert_image_samples }{ AGMCORE_black_plate not Operator/imagemask ne and{ /DoImage false def currentdict ignoreimagedata }if }ifelse 1 AGMCORE_&setgray DoImage {currentdict imageormask_sys} if }{ use_mask { level3 {process_mask_L3 image}{masked_image_simulation}ifelse }{ image }ifelse }ifelse }{ Operator/knockout eq{ pop pop pop pop pop currentcolorspace overprint_plate not{ knockout_unitsq }if }if }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse cleartomark restore }ifelse currentdict /_Filters known {_Filters AGMIMG_flushfilters} if end }def /sep_imageormask { /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin CSA map_csa begin SkipImageProc { currentdict consumeimagedata } { save mark AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space{ /Decode [ Decode 0 get 255 mul Decode 1 get 255 mul ] def }if AGMIMG_ccimage_exists MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and currentdict/Components known and Name () ne and Name (All) ne and Operator /image eq and AGMCORE_producing_seps not and level2 not and { Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix [ /DataSource load /exec cvx { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub{ 1 index exch 2 copy get 255 xor put }for } /exec cvx ] cvx bind MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{ Components aload pop }{ 0 0 0 Components aload pop 1 exch sub }ifelse Name findcmykcustomcolor customcolorimage }{ AGMCORE_producing_seps not{ level2{ AGMCORE_avoid_L2_sep_space not currentcolorspace 0 get /Separation ne and{ [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch 0 get exch load ] setcolorspace_opt /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget setcolor }if currentdict imageormask }{ currentdict Operator /imagemask eq{ imageormask }{ sep_imageormask_lev1 }ifelse }ifelse }{ AGMCORE_host_sep{ Operator/knockout eq{ currentdict/ImageMatrix get concat knockout_unitsq }{ currentgray 1 ne{ AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep Name (All) ne and{ level2{ Name AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor { Operator /imagemask eq{ /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget 1 exch sub AGMCORE_&setcolor }{ invert_image_samples }ifelse }{ [ /Separation Name [/DeviceGray] { sep_colorspace_proc AGMCORE_get_ink_data 1 exch sub } bind ] AGMCORE_&setcolorspace /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget AGMCORE_&setcolor }ifelse currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentdict Operator /imagemask eq{ imageormask_sys }{ sep_image_lev1_sep }ifelse }ifelse }{ Operator/imagemask ne{ invert_image_samples }if currentdict imageormask_sys }ifelse }{ currentoverprint not Name (All) eq or Operator/imagemask eq and{ currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentoverprint not { gsave knockout_unitsq grestore }if currentdict consumeimagedata }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }{ currentcolorspace 0 get /Separation ne{ [/Separation Name MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch 0 get exch load ] setcolorspace_opt /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget setcolor }if currentoverprint MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq and Name AGMCORE_IsSeparationAProcessColor not and Name inRip_spot_has_ink not and Name (All) ne and { imageormask_l2_overprint }{ currentdict imageormask }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse cleartomark restore }ifelse currentdict /_Filters known {_Filters AGMIMG_flushfilters} if end end }def /decode_image_sample { 4 1 roll exch dup 5 1 roll sub 2 4 -1 roll exp 1 sub div mul add } bdf /colorSpaceElemCnt { mark currentcolor counttomark dup 2 add 1 roll cleartomark } bdf /devn_sep_datasource { 1 dict begin /dataSource xdf [ 0 1 dataSource length 1 sub { dup currentdict /dataSource get /exch cvx /get cvx /exec cvx /exch cvx names_index /ne cvx [ /pop cvx ] cvx /if cvx } for ] cvx bind end } bdf /devn_alt_datasource { 11 dict begin /convProc xdf /origcolorSpaceElemCnt xdf /origMultipleDataSources xdf /origBitsPerComponent xdf /origDecode xdf /origDataSource xdf /dsCnt origMultipleDataSources {origDataSource length}{1}ifelse def /DataSource origMultipleDataSources { [ BitsPerComponent 8 idiv origDecode length 2 idiv mul string 0 1 origDecode length 2 idiv 1 sub { dup 7 mul 1 add index exch dup BitsPerComponent 8 idiv mul exch origDataSource exch get 0 () /SubFileDecode filter BitsPerComponent 8 idiv string /readstring cvx /pop cvx /putinterval cvx }for ]bind cvx }{origDataSource}ifelse 0 () /SubFileDecode filter def [ origcolorSpaceElemCnt string 0 2 origDecode length 2 sub { dup origDecode exch get dup 3 -1 roll 1 add origDecode exch get exch sub 2 BitsPerComponent exp 1 sub div 1 BitsPerComponent 8 idiv {DataSource /read cvx /not cvx{0}/if cvx /mul cvx}repeat /mul cvx /add cvx }for /convProc load /exec cvx origcolorSpaceElemCnt 1 sub -1 0 { /dup cvx 2 /add cvx /index cvx 3 1 /roll cvx /exch cvx 255 /mul cvx /cvi cvx /put cvx }for ]bind cvx 0 () /SubFileDecode filter end } bdf /devn_imageormask { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin CSA map_csa 2 dict begin dup /srcDataStrs [ 3 -1 roll begin currentdict /MultipleDataSources known {MultipleDataSources {DataSource length}{1}ifelse}{1} ifelse { Width Decode length 2 div mul cvi { dup 65535 gt {1 add 2 div cvi}{exit}ifelse } loop string } repeat end ] def /dstDataStr srcDataStrs 0 get length string def begin SkipImageProc { currentdict consumeimagedata } { save mark AGMCORE_producing_seps not { level3 not { Operator /imagemask ne { /DataSource [ [ DataSource Decode BitsPerComponent currentdict /MultipleDataSources known {MultipleDataSources}{false} ifelse colorSpaceElemCnt /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintTransform get devn_alt_datasource 1 /string cvx /readstring cvx /pop cvx] cvx colorSpaceElemCnt 1 sub{dup}repeat] def /MultipleDataSources true def /Decode colorSpaceElemCnt [ exch {0 1} repeat ] def } if }if currentdict imageormask }{ AGMCORE_host_sep{ Names convert_to_process { CSA get_csa_by_name 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq { /DataSource Width BitsPerComponent mul 7 add 8 idiv Height mul 4 mul DataSource Decode BitsPerComponent currentdict /MultipleDataSources known {MultipleDataSources}{false} ifelse 4 /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintTransform get devn_alt_datasource filter_cmyk 0 () /SubFileDecode filter def /MultipleDataSources false def /Decode [1 0] def /DeviceGray setcolorspace currentdict imageormask_sys }{ AGMCORE_report_unsupported_color_space AGMCORE_black_plate { /DataSource DataSource Decode BitsPerComponent currentdict /MultipleDataSources known {MultipleDataSources}{false} ifelse CSA get_csa_by_name 0 get /DeviceRGB eq{3}{1}ifelse /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /TintTransform get devn_alt_datasource /MultipleDataSources false def /Decode colorSpaceElemCnt [ exch {0 1} repeat ] def currentdict imageormask_sys } { gsave knockout_unitsq grestore currentdict consumeimagedata } ifelse } ifelse } { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /names_index known { Operator/imagemask ne{ MultipleDataSources { /DataSource [ DataSource devn_sep_datasource /exec cvx ] cvx def /MultipleDataSources false def }{ /DataSource /DataSource load dstDataStr srcDataStrs 0 get filter_devn def } ifelse invert_image_samples } if currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentoverprint not Operator/imagemask eq and{ currentdict imageormask_sys }{ currentoverprint not { gsave knockout_unitsq grestore }if currentdict consumeimagedata }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }{ currentdict imageormask }ifelse }ifelse cleartomark restore }ifelse currentdict /_Filters known {_Filters AGMIMG_flushfilters} if end end end }def /imageormask_l2_overprint { currentdict currentcmykcolor add add add 0 eq{ currentdict consumeimagedata }{ level3{ currentcmykcolor /AGMIMG_k xdf /AGMIMG_y xdf /AGMIMG_m xdf /AGMIMG_c xdf Operator/imagemask eq{ [/DeviceN [ AGMIMG_c 0 ne {/Cyan} if AGMIMG_m 0 ne {/Magenta} if AGMIMG_y 0 ne {/Yellow} if AGMIMG_k 0 ne {/Black} if ] /DeviceCMYK {}] setcolorspace AGMIMG_c 0 ne {AGMIMG_c} if AGMIMG_m 0 ne {AGMIMG_m} if AGMIMG_y 0 ne {AGMIMG_y} if AGMIMG_k 0 ne {AGMIMG_k} if setcolor }{ /Decode [ Decode 0 get 255 mul Decode 1 get 255 mul ] def [/Indexed [ /DeviceN [ AGMIMG_c 0 ne {/Cyan} if AGMIMG_m 0 ne {/Magenta} if AGMIMG_y 0 ne {/Yellow} if AGMIMG_k 0 ne {/Black} if ] /DeviceCMYK { AGMIMG_k 0 eq {0} if AGMIMG_y 0 eq {0 exch} if AGMIMG_m 0 eq {0 3 1 roll} if AGMIMG_c 0 eq {0 4 1 roll} if } ] 255 { 255 div mark exch dup dup dup AGMIMG_k 0 ne{ /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch pop load exec 4 1 roll pop pop pop counttomark 1 roll }{ pop }ifelse AGMIMG_y 0 ne{ /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch pop load exec 4 2 roll pop pop pop counttomark 1 roll }{ pop }ifelse AGMIMG_m 0 ne{ /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch pop load exec 4 3 roll pop pop pop counttomark 1 roll }{ pop }ifelse AGMIMG_c 0 ne{ /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul MappedCSA sep_proc_name exch pop load exec pop pop pop counttomark 1 roll }{ pop }ifelse counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop } ] setcolorspace }ifelse imageormask_sys }{ write_image_file{ currentcmykcolor 0 ne{ [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace gsave /Black [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 1 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx] cvx modify_halftone_xfer Operator currentdict read_image_file grestore }if 0 ne{ [/Separation /Yellow /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace gsave /Yellow [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 2 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx] cvx modify_halftone_xfer Operator currentdict read_image_file grestore }if 0 ne{ [/Separation /Magenta /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace gsave /Magenta [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {4 3 roll pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx] cvx modify_halftone_xfer Operator currentdict read_image_file grestore }if 0 ne{ [/Separation /Cyan /DeviceGray {}] setcolorspace gsave /Cyan [{1 exch sub /sep_tint AGMCORE_gget mul} /exec cvx MappedCSA sep_proc_name cvx exch pop {pop pop pop 1 exch sub} /exec cvx] cvx modify_halftone_xfer Operator currentdict read_image_file grestore } if close_image_file }{ imageormask }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse } def /indexed_imageormask { begin save mark currentdict AGMCORE_host_sep{ Operator/knockout eq{ /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget dup /CSA known { /CSA get get_csa_by_name }{ /Names get } ifelse overprint_plate not{ knockout_unitsq }if }{ Indexed_DeviceN { /devicen_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget /names_index known { indexed_image_lev2_sep }{ currentoverprint not{ knockout_unitsq }if currentdict consumeimagedata } ifelse }{ AGMCORE_is_cmyk_sep{ Operator /imagemask eq{ imageormask_sys }{ level2{ indexed_image_lev2_sep }{ indexed_image_lev1_sep }ifelse }ifelse }{ currentoverprint not{ knockout_unitsq }if currentdict consumeimagedata }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }{ level2{ Indexed_DeviceN { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin }{ /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin CSA get_csa_by_name 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq ps_level 3 ge and ps_version 3015.007 lt and { [/Indexed [/DeviceN [/Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black] /DeviceCMYK {}] HiVal Lookup] setcolorspace } if end } ifelse imageormask Indexed_DeviceN { end } if }{ Operator /imagemask eq{ imageormask }{ indexed_imageormask_lev1 }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse cleartomark restore currentdict /_Filters known {_Filters AGMIMG_flushfilters} if end }def /indexed_image_lev2_sep { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin begin Indexed_DeviceN not { currentcolorspace dup 1 /DeviceGray put dup 3 currentcolorspace 2 get 1 add string 0 1 2 3 AGMCORE_get_ink_data 4 currentcolorspace 3 get length 1 sub { dup 4 idiv exch currentcolorspace 3 get exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for put setcolorspace } if currentdict Operator /imagemask eq{ AGMIMG_&imagemask }{ use_mask { level3 {process_mask_L3 AGMIMG_&image}{masked_image_simulation}ifelse }{ AGMIMG_&image }ifelse }ifelse end end }def /OPIimage { dup type /dicttype ne{ 10 dict begin /DataSource xdf /ImageMatrix xdf /BitsPerComponent xdf /Height xdf /Width xdf /ImageType 1 def /Decode [0 1 def] currentdict end }if dup begin /NComponents 1 cdndf /MultipleDataSources false cdndf /SkipImageProc {false} cdndf /HostSepColorImage false cdndf /Decode [ 0 currentcolorspace 0 get /Indexed eq{ 2 BitsPerComponent exp 1 sub }{ 1 }ifelse ] cdndf /Operator /image cdndf end /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget null eq{ imageormask }{ gsave dup begin invert_image_samples end sep_imageormask grestore }ifelse }def /cachemask_level2 { 3 dict begin /LZWEncode filter /WriteFilter xdf /readBuffer 256 string def /ReadFilter currentfile 0 (%EndMask) /SubFileDecode filter /ASCII85Decode filter /RunLengthDecode filter def { ReadFilter readBuffer readstring exch WriteFilter exch writestring not {exit} if }loop WriteFilter closefile end }def /cachemask_level3 { currentfile << /Filter [ /SubFileDecode /ASCII85Decode /RunLengthDecode ] /DecodeParms [ << /EODCount 0 /EODString (%EndMask) >> null null ] /Intent 1 >> /ReusableStreamDecode filter }def /spot_alias { /mapto_sep_imageormask { dup type /dicttype ne{ 12 dict begin /ImageType 1 def /DataSource xdf /ImageMatrix xdf /BitsPerComponent xdf /Height xdf /Width xdf /MultipleDataSources false def }{ begin }ifelse /Decode [/customcolor_tint AGMCORE_gget 0] def /Operator /image def /HostSepColorImage false def /SkipImageProc {false} def currentdict end sep_imageormask }bdf /customcolorimage { Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_colorAry xddf /customcolor_tint AGMCORE_gget << /Name AGMIMG_colorAry 4 get /CSA [ /DeviceCMYK ] /TintMethod /Subtractive /TintProc null /MappedCSA null /NComponents 4 /Components [ AGMIMG_colorAry aload pop pop ] >> setsepcolorspace mapto_sep_imageormask }ndf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_&customcolorimage /customcolorimage load put /customcolorimage { Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_override false put current_spot_alias{dup 4 get map_alias}{false}ifelse { false set_spot_alias /customcolor_tint AGMCORE_gget exch setsepcolorspace pop mapto_sep_imageormask true set_spot_alias }{ AGMIMG_&customcolorimage }ifelse }bdf }def /snap_to_device { 6 dict begin matrix currentmatrix dup 0 get 0 eq 1 index 3 get 0 eq and 1 index 1 get 0 eq 2 index 2 get 0 eq and or exch pop { 1 1 dtransform 0 gt exch 0 gt /AGMIMG_xSign? exch def /AGMIMG_ySign? exch def 0 0 transform AGMIMG_ySign? {floor 0.1 sub}{ceiling 0.1 add} ifelse exch AGMIMG_xSign? {floor 0.1 sub}{ceiling 0.1 add} ifelse exch itransform /AGMIMG_llY exch def /AGMIMG_llX exch def 1 1 transform AGMIMG_ySign? {ceiling 0.1 add}{floor 0.1 sub} ifelse exch AGMIMG_xSign? {ceiling 0.1 add}{floor 0.1 sub} ifelse exch itransform /AGMIMG_urY exch def /AGMIMG_urX exch def [AGMIMG_urX AGMIMG_llX sub 0 0 AGMIMG_urY AGMIMG_llY sub AGMIMG_llX AGMIMG_llY] concat }{ }ifelse end } def level2 not{ /colorbuf { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub{ dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for }def /tint_image_to_color { begin Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix /DataSource load end Adobe_AGM_Image begin /AGMIMG_mbuf 0 string def /AGMIMG_ybuf 0 string def /AGMIMG_kbuf 0 string def { colorbuf dup length AGMIMG_mbuf length ne { dup length dup dup /AGMIMG_mbuf exch string def /AGMIMG_ybuf exch string def /AGMIMG_kbuf exch string def } if dup AGMIMG_mbuf copy AGMIMG_ybuf copy AGMIMG_kbuf copy pop } addprocs {AGMIMG_mbuf}{AGMIMG_ybuf}{AGMIMG_kbuf} true 4 colorimage end } def /sep_imageormask_lev1 { begin MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or has_color not and{ { 255 mul round cvi GrayLookup exch get } currenttransfer addprocs settransfer currentdict imageormask }{ /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget/Components known{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq{ Components aload pop }{ 0 0 0 Components aload pop 1 exch sub }ifelse Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_k xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_y xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_m xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_c xddf AGMIMG_y 0.0 eq AGMIMG_m 0.0 eq and AGMIMG_c 0.0 eq and{ {AGMIMG_k mul 1 exch sub} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer currentdict imageormask }{ currentcolortransfer {AGMIMG_k mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {AGMIMG_y mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {AGMIMG_m mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {AGMIMG_c mul 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer currentdict tint_image_to_color }ifelse }{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceGray eq { {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer currentdict imageormask }{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq { currentcolortransfer {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 3 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer currentdict tint_image_to_color }{ currentcolortransfer {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get} exch addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer currentdict tint_image_to_color }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse end }def /sep_image_lev1_sep { begin /sep_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget/Components known{ Components aload pop Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_k xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_y xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_m xddf Adobe_AGM_Image/AGMIMG_c xddf {AGMIMG_c mul 1 exch sub} {AGMIMG_m mul 1 exch sub} {AGMIMG_y mul 1 exch sub} {AGMIMG_k mul 1 exch sub} }{ {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 0 get 1 exch sub} {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 1 get 1 exch sub} {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 2 get 1 exch sub} {255 mul round cvi ColorLookup exch get 3 get 1 exch sub} }ifelse AGMCORE_get_ink_data currenttransfer addprocs settransfer currentdict imageormask_sys end }def /indexed_imageormask_lev1 { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin begin currentdict MappedCSA 0 get dup /DeviceRGB eq exch /DeviceCMYK eq or has_color not and{ {HiVal mul round cvi GrayLookup exch get HiVal div} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer imageormask }{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceGray eq { {HiVal mul round cvi Lookup exch get HiVal div} currenttransfer addprocs settransfer imageormask }{ MappedCSA 0 get /DeviceCMYK eq { currentcolortransfer {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 3 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} exch addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer tint_image_to_color }{ currentcolortransfer {pop 1} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll {3 mul HiVal mul round cvi Lookup exch get HiVal div} exch addprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer tint_image_to_color }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse end end }def /indexed_image_lev1_sep { /indexed_colorspace_dict AGMCORE_gget begin begin {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 1 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 2 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} {4 mul HiVal mul round cvi 3 add Lookup exch get HiVal div 1 exch sub} AGMCORE_get_ink_data currenttransfer addprocs settransfer currentdict imageormask_sys end end }def }if end systemdict /setpacking known { setpacking } if %%EndResource currentdict Adobe_AGM_Utils eq {end} if %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_AGM_Utils begin 2 2010 Adobe_AGM_Core/doc_setup get exec Adobe_CoolType_Core/doc_setup get exec 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+ sortingnamekeytemplatename + uniquename + familyinits + giveninits + prefixinits + suffixinits + terseinits + useprefix + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + prefix + family + + + + + shorthand + label + labelname + labelname + + + year + + + + + + labelyear + year + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + prefix + family + given + + + + + prefix + family + + + given + + + suffix + + + prefix + + + mm + + + + sf,sm,sn,pf,pm,pn,pp + family,given,prefix,suffix + boolean,integer,string,xml + default,transliteration,transcription,translation + + + article + artwork + audio + bibnote + book + bookinbook + booklet + collection + commentary + customa + customb + customc + customd + custome + customf + dataset + inbook + incollection + inproceedings + inreference + image + jurisdiction + legal + legislation + letter + manual + misc + movie + music + mvcollection + mvreference + mvproceedings + mvbook + online + patent + performance + periodical + proceedings + reference + report + review + set + software + standard + suppbook + suppcollection + suppperiodical + thesis + unpublished + video + xdata + + + sortyear + volume + volumes + abstract + addendum + annotation + booksubtitle + booktitle + booktitleaddon + chapter + edition + eid + entrysubtype + eprintclass + eprinttype + eventtitle + eventtitleaddon + gender + howpublished + indexsorttitle + indextitle + isan + isbn + ismn + isrn + issn + issue + issuesubtitle + issuetitle + issuetitleaddon + iswc + journalsubtitle + journaltitle + journaltitleaddon + label + langid + langidopts + library + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + nameaddon + note + number + origtitle + pagetotal + part + relatedstring + relatedtype + reprinttitle + series + shorthandintro + subtitle + title + titleaddon + usera + userb + userc + userd + usere + userf + venue + version + shorthand + shortjournal + shortseries + shorttitle + sorttitle + sortshorthand + sortkey + presort + institution + lista + listb + listc + listd + liste + listf + location + organization + origlocation + origpublisher + publisher + afterword + annotator + author + bookauthor + commentator + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + foreword + holder + introduction + namea + nameb + namec + translator + shortauthor + shorteditor + sortname + authortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + editortype + bookpagination + nameatype + namebtype + namectype + pagination + pubstate + type + language + origlanguage + crossref + xref + date + endyear + year + month + day + hour + minute + second + timezone + season + endmonth + endday + endhour + endminute + endsecond + endtimezone + endseason + eventdate + eventendyear + eventyear + eventmonth + eventday + eventhour + eventminute + eventsecond + eventtimezone + eventseason + eventendmonth + eventendday + eventendhour + eventendminute + eventendsecond + eventendtimezone + eventendseason + origdate + origendyear + origyear + origmonth + origday + orighour + origminute + origsecond + origtimezone + origseason + origendmonth + origendday + origendhour + origendminute + origendsecond + origendtimezone + origendseason + urldate + urlendyear + urlyear + urlmonth + urlday + urlhour + urlminute + urlsecond + urltimezone + urlseason + urlendmonth + urlendday + urlendhour + urlendminute + urlendsecond + urlendtimezone + urlendseason + doi + eprint + file + verba + verbb + verbc + url + xdata + ids + entryset + related + keywords + options + relatedoptions + pages + execute + + + abstract + annotation + authortype + bookpagination + crossref + day + doi + eprint + eprintclass + eprinttype + endday + endhour + endminute + endmonth + endseason + endsecond + endtimezone + endyear + entryset + entrysubtype + execute + file + gender + hour + ids + indextitle + indexsorttitle + isan + ismn + iswc + keywords + label + langid + langidopts + library + lista + listb + listc + listd + liste + listf + minute + month + namea + nameb + namec + nameatype + namebtype + namectype + nameaddon + options + origday + origendday + origendhour + origendminute + origendmonth + origendseason + origendsecond + origendtimezone + origendyear + orighour + origminute + origmonth + origseason + origsecond + origtimezone + origyear + origlocation + origpublisher + origtitle + pagination + presort + related + relatedoptions + relatedstring + relatedtype + season + second + shortauthor + shorteditor + shorthand + shorthandintro + shortjournal + shortseries + shorttitle + sortkey + sortname + sortshorthand + sorttitle + sortyear + timezone + url + urlday + urlendday + urlendhour + urlendminute + urlendmonth + urlendsecond + urlendtimezone + urlendyear + urlhour + urlminute + urlmonth + urlsecond + urltimezone + urlyear + usera + userb + userc + userd + usere + userf + verba + verbb + verbc + xdata + xref + year + + + set + entryset + + + article + addendum + annotator + author + commentator + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + eid + issn + issue + issuetitle + issuesubtitle + issuetitleaddon + journalsubtitle + journaltitle + journaltitleaddon + language + note + number + origlanguage + pages + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + version + volume + + + bibnote + note + + + book + author + addendum + afterword + annotator + chapter + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + eid + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + maintitle + maintitleaddon + mainsubtitle + note + number + origlanguage + pages + pagetotal + part + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + mvbook + addendum + afterword + annotator + author + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + note + number + origlanguage + pagetotal + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + inbook + bookinbook + suppbook + addendum + afterword + annotator + author + booktitle + bookauthor + booksubtitle + booktitleaddon + chapter + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + eid + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + note + number + origlanguage + part + publisher + pages + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + booklet + addendum + author + chapter + editor + editortype + eid + howpublished + language + location + note + pages + pagetotal + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + + + collection + reference + addendum + afterword + annotator + chapter + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + eid + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + note + number + origlanguage + pages + pagetotal + part + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + mvcollection + mvreference + addendum + afterword + annotator + author + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + note + number + origlanguage + publisher + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + incollection + suppcollection + inreference + addendum + afterword + annotator + author + booksubtitle + booktitle + booktitleaddon + chapter + commentator + edition + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + eid + foreword + introduction + isbn + language + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + note + number + origlanguage + pages + part + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + volume + volumes + + + dataset + addendum + author + edition + editor + editortype + language + location + note + number + organization + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + version + + + manual + addendum + author + chapter + edition + editor + editortype + eid + isbn + language + location + note + number + organization + pages + pagetotal + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + version + + + misc + software + addendum + author + editor + editortype + howpublished + language + location + note + organization + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + version + + + online + addendum + author + editor + editortype + language + note + organization + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + version + + + patent + addendum + author + holder + location + note + number + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + version + + + periodical + addendum + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + editortype + editoratype + editorbtype + editorctype + issn + issue + issuesubtitle + issuetitle + issuetitleaddon + language + note + number + pubstate + season + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + volume + + + mvproceedings + addendum + editor + editortype + eventday + eventendday + eventendhour + eventendminute + eventendmonth + eventendseason + eventendsecond + eventendtimezone + eventendyear + eventhour + eventminute + eventmonth + eventseason + eventsecond + eventtimezone + eventyear + eventtitle + eventtitleaddon + isbn + language + location + note + number + organization + pagetotal + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + venue + volumes + + + proceedings + addendum + chapter + editor + editortype + eid + eventday + eventendday + eventendhour + eventendminute + eventendmonth + eventendseason + eventendsecond + eventendtimezone + eventendyear + eventhour + eventminute + eventmonth + eventseason + eventsecond + eventtimezone + eventyear + eventtitle + eventtitleaddon + isbn + language + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + note + number + organization + pages + pagetotal + part + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + venue + volume + volumes + + + inproceedings + addendum + author + booksubtitle + booktitle + booktitleaddon + chapter + editor + editortype + eid + eventday + eventendday + eventendhour + eventendminute + eventendmonth + eventendseason + eventendsecond + eventendtimezone + eventendyear + eventhour + eventminute + eventmonth + eventseason + eventsecond + eventtimezone + eventyear + eventtitle + eventtitleaddon + isbn + language + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + note + number + organization + pages + part + publisher + pubstate + series + subtitle + title + titleaddon + venue + volume + volumes + + + report + addendum + author + chapter + eid + institution + isrn + language + location + note + number + pages + pagetotal + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + version + + + thesis + addendum + author + chapter + eid + institution + language + location + note + pages + pagetotal + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + + + unpublished + addendum + author + eventday + eventendday + eventendhour + eventendminute + eventendmonth + eventendseason + eventendsecond + eventendtimezone + eventendyear + eventhour + eventminute + eventmonth + eventseason + eventsecond + eventtimezone + eventyear + eventtitle + eventtitleaddon + howpublished + language + location + note + pubstate + subtitle + title + titleaddon + type + venue + + + abstract + addendum + afterword + annotator + author + bookauthor + booksubtitle + booktitle + booktitleaddon + chapter + commentator + editor + editora + editorb + editorc + foreword + holder + institution + introduction + issuesubtitle + issuetitle + issuetitleaddon + journalsubtitle + journaltitle + journaltitleaddon + location + mainsubtitle + maintitle + maintitleaddon + nameaddon + note + organization + origlanguage + origlocation + origpublisher + origtitle + part + publisher + relatedstring + series + shortauthor + shorteditor + shorthand + shortjournal + shortseries + shorttitle + sortname + sortshorthand + sorttitle + subtitle + title + titleaddon + translator + venue + + + article + book + inbook + bookinbook + suppbook + booklet + collection + incollection + suppcollection + manual + misc + mvbook + mvcollection + online + patent + periodical + suppperiodical + proceedings + inproceedings + reference + inreference + report + set + thesis + unpublished + + + date + year + + + + + set + + entryset + + + + article + + author + journaltitle + title + + + + book + mvbook + + author + title + + + + inbook + bookinbook + suppbook + + author + title + booktitle + + + + booklet + + + author + editor + + title + + + + collection + reference + mvcollection + mvreference + + editor + title + + + + incollection + suppcollection + inreference + + author + editor + title + booktitle + + + + dataset + + title + + + + manual + + title + + + + misc + software + + title + + + + online + + title + + url + doi + eprint + + + + + patent + + author + title + number + + + + periodical + + editor + title + + + + proceedings + mvproceedings + + title + + + + inproceedings + + author + title + booktitle + + + + report + + author + title + type + institution + + + + thesis + + author + title + type + institution + + + + unpublished + + author + title + + + + + isbn + + + issn + + + ismn + + + gender + + + + + + + bibliography.bib + + + + + + + presort + + + labelalpha + + + sortkey + + + sortname + author + editor + translator + sorttitle + title + + + sortyear + year + + + sorttitle + title + + + volume + 0 + + + + diff --git a/slides.blg b/slides.blg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3369012 --- /dev/null +++ b/slides.blg @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[0]> INFO - This is Biber 2.15 +[0]> INFO - Logfile is 'slides.blg' +[52] biber:330> INFO - === Di Sep 14, 2021, 20:15:13 +[62]> INFO - Reading 'slides.bcf' +[114]> INFO - Found 0 citekeys in bib section 0 +[119]> WARN - The file 'slides.bcf' does not contain any citations! +[125]> INFO - Writing 'slides.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8' +[125]> INFO - Output to slides.bbl +[126]> INFO - WARNINGS: 1 diff --git a/slides.log b/slides.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d012dd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/slides.log @@ -0,0 +1,3943 @@ +This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.13.0 (TeX Live 2021/Arch Linux) (format=lualatex 2021.6.8) 14 SEP 2021 20:15 + system commands enabled. +**slides +(./slides.tex +LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> patch level 4 +Lua module: luaotfload 2021-01-08 3.17 Lua based OpenType font support +Lua module: lualibs 2020-12-30 2.73 ConTeXt Lua standard libraries. +Lua module: lualibs-extended 2020-12-30 2.73 ConTeXt Lua libraries -- extended c +ollection. +luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is "/home/psorus/.texlive/texmf-var/lua +tex-cache/generic/names". +luaotfload | init : Loading fontloader "fontloader-2021-01-07.lua" from kpse-res +olved path "/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/ +a". +Lua-only attribute luaotfload@noligature = 1 +Lua-only attribute luaotfload@syllabe = 2 +luaotfload | init : Context OpenType loader version 0x1.8e76c8b439581p+1 +Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 1 in `pre_linebreak_filter'. +Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 1 in `hpack_filter'. +Inserting `luaotfload.glyph_stream' at position 1 in `glyph_stream_provider'. +Inserting `luaotfload.define_font' at position 1 in `define_font'. +Lua-only attribute luaotfload_color_attribute = 3 +luaotfload | conf : Root cache 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`luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' at position 4 in `luaotfload.patch_font +'. +Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_xheight' at position 5 in `luaotfload.patch_font'. +Inserting `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' at position 6 in `luaotfload.patch_font' +. 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Info: Redefining \dots on input line 499. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 620. +\Mathstrutbox@=\box70 +\strutbox@=\box71 +\big@size=\dimen275 +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 743. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 744. +\macc@depth=\count310 +\c@MaxMatrixCols=\count311 +\dotsspace@=\muskip17 +\c@parentequation=\count312 +\dspbrk@lvl=\count313 +\tag@help=\toks35 +\row@=\count314 +\column@=\count315 +\maxfields@=\count316 +\andhelp@=\toks36 +\eqnshift@=\dimen276 +\alignsep@=\dimen277 +\tagshift@=\dimen278 +\tagwidth@=\dimen279 +\totwidth@=\dimen280 +\lineht@=\dimen281 +\@envbody=\toks37 +\multlinegap=\skip59 +\multlinetaggap=\skip60 +\mathdisplay@stack=\toks38 +LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2923. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2924. +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amscls/amsthm.sty +Package: amsthm 2020/05/29 v2.20.6 +\thm@style=\toks39 +\thm@bodyfont=\toks40 +\thm@headfont=\toks41 +\thm@notefont=\toks42 +\thm@headpunct=\toks43 +\thm@preskip=\skip61 +\thm@postskip=\skip62 +\thm@headsep=\skip63 +\dth@everypar=\toks44 +) +\c@theorem=\count317 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamerbasethemes.sty)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamerthemedefault.sty +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamerfontthemedefault.sty) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamercolorthemedefault.sty) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamerinnerthemedefault.sty +\beamer@dima=\dimen282 +\beamer@dimb=\dimen283 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/beamer/beamerouterthemedefault.sty))) +(./configsupport.tex (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.sty +Package: expl3 2021-02-18 L3 programming layer (loader) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3backend/l3backend-luatex.def +File: l3backend-luatex.def 2021-03-18 L3 backend support: PDF output (LuaTeX) +\l__color_backend_stack_int=\count318 +\l__pdf_internal_box=\box72 +)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse.sty +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse-2020-10-01.sty +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse-generic.tex)))) +(./config.tex) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty +Package: fontspec 2020/02/21 v2.7i Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX +Lua module: fontspec 2020/02/21 2.7i Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-luatex.sty +Package: fontspec-luatex 2020/02/21 v2.7i Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaT +eX +\l__fontspec_script_int=\count319 +\l__fontspec_language_int=\count320 +\l__fontspec_strnum_int=\count321 +\l__fontspec_tmp_int=\count322 +\l__fontspec_tmpa_int=\count323 +\l__fontspec_tmpb_int=\count324 +\l__fontspec_tmpc_int=\count325 +\l__fontspec_em_int=\count326 +\l__fontspec_emdef_int=\count327 +\l__fontspec_strong_int=\count328 +\l__fontspec_strongdef_int=\count329 +\l__fontspec_tmpa_dim=\dimen284 +\l__fontspec_tmpb_dim=\dimen285 +\l__fontspec_tmpc_dim=\dimen286 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty +Package: fontenc 2020/08/10 v2.0s Standard LaTeX package +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.cfg))) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/subfiles/subfiles.sty +Package: subfiles 2020/11/14 v2.2 Multi-file projects (package) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/import/import.sty +Package: import 2020/04/01 v 6.2 +)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math.sty +Package: unicode-math 2020/01/31 v0.8q Unicode maths in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-luatex.sty +Package: unicode-math-luatex 2020/01/31 v0.8q Unicode maths in XeLaTeX and LuaL +aTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/l3keys2e/l3keys2e.sty +Package: l3keys2e 2021-03-12 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fix-cm.sty +Package: fix-cm 2015/01/14 v1.1t fixes to LaTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1enc.def +File: ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding TS1 on input line 47. +)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/lualatex/lualatex-math/lualatex-math.sty +Package: lualatex-math 2020/09/25 v1.9 Patches for mathematics typesetting with + LuaLaTeX +Lua module: lualatex-math 2013/08/03 1.3 Patches for mathematics typesetting wit +h LuaLaTeX) +\g__um_fam_int=\count330 +\g__um_fonts_used_int=\count331 +\l__um_primecount_int=\count332 +\g__um_primekern_muskip=\muskip18 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/unicode-math/unicode-math-table.tex))) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinus/libertinus.sty +Package: libertinus 2020/05/06 v. 0.02 (Herbert Voss) Supports libertinus fonts + for pdflatex/lualatex/xelatex + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xkeyval/xkeyval.sty +Package: xkeyval 2020/11/20 v2.8 package option processing (HA) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/xkeyval.tex +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/xkvutils.tex +\XKV@toks=\toks45 +\XKV@tempa@toks=\toks46 +) +\XKV@depth=\count333 +File: xkeyval.tex 2014/12/03 v2.7a key=value parser (HA) +)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinus-otf/libertinus-otf.sty +Package: libertinus-otf 2021/01/11 v. 0.28 (Herbert Voss) Supports libertinus f +onts for lualatex and xelatex. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/iftex/ifxetex.sty +Package: ifxetex 2019/10/25 v0.7 ifxetex legacy package. Use iftex instead. +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/iftex/ifluatex.sty +Package: ifluatex 2019/10/25 v1.5 ifluatex legacy package. Use iftex instead. +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/textcomp.sty +Package: textcomp 2020/02/02 v2.0n Standard LaTeX package +) + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerif(0)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSerif' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Ligatures=TeX, +RawFeature +(fontspec) = {+tnum;+lnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic,BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic },BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold},SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerif(1)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSerif' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,RawFeature +(fontspec) = {+tnum;+lnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic,BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic },BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold},SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=base;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=base;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" + +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathrm' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmr/m/n --> TU/LibertinusSerif(1)/m/n on input line + 113. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmr/m/it --> TU/LibertinusSerif(1)/m/it on input li +ne 113. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbf' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmr/bx/n --> TU/LibertinusSerif(1)/b/n on input lin +e 113. + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerif(2)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSerif' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},RawFeature = +(fontspec) {+tnum;+lnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Semibold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Semibold +(fontspec) },BoldItalicFont = *-SemiboldItalic,BoldItalicFeatures +(fontspec) = { SmallCapsFont = *-SemiboldItalic },BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Semibold,BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Semibold },SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Semibold.otf]:mode=node;script +=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Semibold.otf]:mode=node;script +=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-SemiboldItalic.otf]:mode=node; +script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-SemiboldItalic.otf]:mode=node; +script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Semibold.otf]:mode=node;script +=latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Semibold.otf]:mode=node;script +=latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerif(3)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSerif' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},RawFeature = +(fontspec) {+onum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = *-Regular,ItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Italic +(fontspec) },SlantedFont = *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= +(fontspec) {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic,BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic },BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold},SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerif(4)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSerif' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},RawFeature = +(fontspec) {+tnum;-onum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic,BoldItalicFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-BoldItalic },BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold},SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script= +latn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-BoldItalic.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSerif-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=lat +n;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;-onum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSans(0)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSans' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Ligatures=TeX, +Extension +(fontspec) = .otf,RawFeature = {+tnum;+lnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Bold +(fontspec) },BoldItalicFont = *-Italic,BoldItalicFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3},SmallCapsFont = *-Italic +(fontspec) },BoldSlantedFont= *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = +(fontspec) {FakeSlant=0.2, SmallCapsFont = *-Bold },SmallCapsFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;embolden=3;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSans(1)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSans' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,Extension +(fontspec) = .otf,RawFeature = {+tnum;+lnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Bold +(fontspec) },BoldItalicFont = *-Italic,BoldItalicFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3},SmallCapsFont = *-Italic +(fontspec) },BoldSlantedFont= *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = +(fontspec) {FakeSlant=0.2, SmallCapsFont = *-Bold },SmallCapsFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=base;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;embolden=3;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=base;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum;+lnum;+smcp;" + +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmss/m/n --> TU/LibertinusSans(1)/m/n on input line + 193. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmss/bx/n --> TU/LibertinusSans(1)/b/n on input lin +e 193. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 9.0pt on input line 193. + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSans(2)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSans' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},RawFeature = +(fontspec) {+onum;+pnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Bold +(fontspec) },BoldItalicFont = *-Italic,BoldItalicFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3}},BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold },SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;embolden=3;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+onum;+pnum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSans(3)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusSans' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},RawFeature = +(fontspec) {+lnum;-onum;+tnum},Scale = 1,UprightFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFont = *-Italic,ItalicFeatures = { +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Italic },SlantedFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldFeatures = { SmallCapsFont = *-Bold +(fontspec) },BoldItalicFont = *-Italic,BoldItalicFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3}},BoldSlantedFont= +(fontspec) *-Bold,BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2, +(fontspec) SmallCapsFont = *-Bold },SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Extensio +n +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Italic.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=l +atn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;embolden=3;+smcp;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted' (b/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;" +(fontspec) - 'bold slanted small caps' (b/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[1]"[LibertinusSans-Bold.otf]:mode=node;script=latn +;language=dflt;slant=0.2;+tlig;+lnum;-onum;+tnum;+smcp;" + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 53 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 53 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 53 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 53 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 53 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMono(0)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusMono' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},WordSpace={1,0 +,0},HyphenChar=None,PunctuationSpace=WordSpace,RawFeature +(fontspec) = {+tnum; +lnum},Scale = MatchLowercase,FakeStretch = +(fontspec) 0.9,UprightFont = *-Regular,ItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2},SlantedFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,BoldFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3}},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,BoldItalicFeatures={FakeSlant=0.2,RawFeature={ +embolden=3}},Extension +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \fontdimen 2\font =1\fontdimen 2\font \fontdimen 3\font +(fontspec) =0\fontdimen 3\font \fontdimen 4\font =0\fontdimen +(fontspec) 4\font \fontdimen 7\font =0\fontdimen 2\font +(fontspec) \tex_hyphenchar:D \font =-1\scan_stop: +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \fontdimen 2\font =1\fontdimen 2\font \fontdimen 3\font +(fontspec) =0\fontdimen 3\font \fontdimen 4\font =0\fontdimen +(fontspec) 4\font \fontdimen 7\font =0\fontdimen 2\font +(fontspec) \tex_hyphenchar:D \font =-1\scan_stop: +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \fontdimen 2\font =1\fontdimen 2\font \fontdimen 3\font +(fontspec) =0\fontdimen 3\font \fontdimen 4\font =0\fontdimen +(fontspec) 4\font \fontdimen 7\font =0\fontdimen 2\font +(fontspec) \tex_hyphenchar:D \font =-1\scan_stop: +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \fontdimen 2\font =1\fontdimen 2\font \fontdimen 3\font +(fontspec) =0\fontdimen 3\font \fontdimen 4\font =0\fontdimen +(fontspec) 4\font \fontdimen 7\font =0\fontdimen 2\font +(fontspec) \tex_hyphenchar:D \font =-1\scan_stop: +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \fontdimen 2\font =1\fontdimen 2\font \fontdimen 3\font +(fontspec) =0\fontdimen 3\font \fontdimen 4\font =0\fontdimen +(fontspec) 4\font \fontdimen 7\font =0\fontdimen 2\font +(fontspec) \tex_hyphenchar:D \font =-1\scan_stop: + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 56 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 56 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 56 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 56 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMono-Regular scale = 0.9292892274389994. + +luaotfload | aux : font no 56 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMono(1)' created for font +(fontspec) 'LibertinusMono' with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,RawFeature +(fontspec) = {+tnum; +lnum},Scale = MatchLowercase,FakeStretch = +(fontspec) 0.9,UprightFont = *-Regular,ItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,ItalicFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.2},SlantedFont +(fontspec) = *-Regular,SlantedFeatures= {FakeSlant=0.2},BoldFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,BoldFeatures = +(fontspec) {RawFeature={embolden=3}},BoldItalicFont = +(fontspec) *-Regular,BoldItalicFeatures={FakeSlant=0.2,RawFeature={ +embolden=3}},Extension +(fontspec) = .otf]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=base;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=base;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=base;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) - 'slanted' (m/sl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=base;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;" +(fontspec) - 'slanted small caps' (m/scsl) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->s*[0.9292892274389994]"[LibertinusMono-Regular.otf]:m +ode=base;script=latn;language=dflt;extend=0.9;slant=0.2;+tlig;+tnum; +(fontspec) +lnum;embolden=3;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: + +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMono(1)/m/n on input line + 250. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMono(1)/b/n on input line + 250. + +************************************* +* Using libertinus math * +************************************* + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(0)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;l +anguage=dflt;+tlig;;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(1)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=mat +h;language=dflt;+tlig;;"<6.3-8.1>"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script +=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=0;"<-6.3>"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=ba +se;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `operators' in the math version `normal' on input line 428. + +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmr/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(1)/m/n on + input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `operators' in the math version `bold' on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmr/bx/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(1)/b/n o +n input line 428. + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={},ScaleAgain=1.0001,FontAdjustment={\fontd +imen +(fontspec) 8\font =5.21999pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font +(fontspec) =4.31999pt\relax \fontdimen 10\font =4.23pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 11\font =6.29999pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font +(fontspec) =4.31999pt\relax \fontdimen 13\font =3.375pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 14\font =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 15\font +(fontspec) =2.79pt\relax \fontdimen 16\font =1.89pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 17\font =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 18\font +(fontspec) =2.06999pt\relax \fontdimen 19\font =0.405pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 22\font =2.34pt\relax \fontdimen 20\font +(fontspec) =0pt\relax \fontdimen 21\font =0pt\relax }]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->s*[1.0001]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base; +script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;"<6.3-8.1>s*[1.0001]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.o +tf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=0;"<-6.3>s*[1.0001]"[Liber +tinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: \fontdimen 8\font +(fontspec) =5.21999pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font =4.31999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 10\font =4.23pt\relax \fontdimen 11\font +(fontspec) =6.29999pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font =4.31999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 13\font =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 14\font +(fontspec) =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 15\font =2.79pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 16\font =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 17\font +(fontspec) =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 18\font =2.06999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 19\font =0.405pt\relax \fontdimen 22\font +(fontspec) =2.34pt\relax \fontdimen 20\font =0pt\relax \fontdimen +(fontspec) 21\font =0pt\relax + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMS' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `symbols' in the math version `normal' on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `symbols' in version `normal' +(Font) OMS/cmsy/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)/m/n o +n input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMS' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `symbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `symbols' in version `bold' +(Font) OMS/cmsy/b/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)/b/n o +n input line 428. + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={},ScaleAgain=0.9999,FontAdjustment={\fontd +imen +(fontspec) 8\font =0.58499pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font +(fontspec) =1.34999pt\relax \fontdimen 10\font =1.34999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 11\font =2.25pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font +(fontspec) =5.57999pt\relax \fontdimen 13\font =0pt\relax }]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->s*[0.9999]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base; +script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;"<6.3-8.1>s*[0.9999]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.o +tf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=0;"<-6.3>s*[0.9999]"[Liber +tinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: \fontdimen 8\font +(fontspec) =0.58499pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font =1.34999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 10\font =1.34999pt\relax \fontdimen 11\font +(fontspec) =2.25pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font =5.57999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 13\font =0pt\relax + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMX' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `largesymbols' in the math version `normal' on input line 4 +28. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `largesymbols' in version `normal' +(Font) OMX/cmex/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)/m/n o +n input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMX' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `largesymbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 428 +. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `largesymbols' in version `bold' +(Font) OMX/cmex/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)/b/n o +n input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 9.00096pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 7.20076pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(2)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 5.40056pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 8.99904pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 7.19922pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(3)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 5.39941pt on input line 428. +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for U+msa on input line 428 +. +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd +File: umsa.fd 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS symbols A +) +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for U+msb on input line 428 +. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd +File: umsb.fd 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS symbols B +) +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math version `bold' on input line 430. + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(4)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={embolden=3,}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;l +anguage=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(5)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={embolden=3,}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=mat +h;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;"<6.3-8.1>"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode= +base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=0;"<-6.3>"[LibertinusMat +h-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `operators' in the math version `bold' on input line 430. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmr/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(5)/m/n on + input line 430. + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 1.0001. + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(6)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={embolden=3,},ScaleAgain=1.0001,FontAdjustm +ent={\fontdimen +(fontspec) 8\font =5.21999pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font +(fontspec) =4.31999pt\relax \fontdimen 10\font =4.23pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 11\font =6.29999pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font +(fontspec) =4.31999pt\relax \fontdimen 13\font =3.375pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 14\font =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 15\font +(fontspec) =2.79pt\relax \fontdimen 16\font =1.89pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 17\font =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 18\font +(fontspec) =2.06999pt\relax \fontdimen 19\font =0.405pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 22\font =2.34pt\relax \fontdimen 20\font +(fontspec) =0pt\relax \fontdimen 21\font =0pt\relax }]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->s*[1.0001]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base; +script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;"<6.3-8.1>s*[1.0001]"[LibertinusMat +h-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=0;"< +-6.3>s*[1.0001]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dfl +t;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: \fontdimen 8\font +(fontspec) =5.21999pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font =4.31999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 10\font =4.23pt\relax \fontdimen 11\font +(fontspec) =6.29999pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font =4.31999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 13\font =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 14\font +(fontspec) =3.375pt\relax \fontdimen 15\font =2.79pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 16\font =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 17\font +(fontspec) =1.89pt\relax \fontdimen 18\font =2.06999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 19\font =0.405pt\relax \fontdimen 22\font +(fontspec) =2.34pt\relax \fontdimen 20\font =0pt\relax \fontdimen +(fontspec) 21\font =0pt\relax + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMS' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `symbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 430. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `symbols' in version `bold' +(Font) OMS/cmsy/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(6)/m/n o +n input line 430. + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: LibertinusMath-Regular scale = 0.9999. + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(7)' created for +(fontspec) font 'LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},Renderer=Basic +,BoldItalicFont={},ItalicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},Script=Math,SizeFeatures={{Si +ze=8.1-},{Size=6.3-8.1,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScript},{Size= +-6.3,Font=LibertinusMath-Regular.otf,Style=MathScriptScript}},FontAdjustment={\ +__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: +(fontspec) },RawFeature={embolden=3,},ScaleAgain=0.9999,FontAdjustm +ent={\fontdimen +(fontspec) 8\font =0.58499pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font +(fontspec) =1.34999pt\relax \fontdimen 10\font =1.34999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 11\font =2.25pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font +(fontspec) =5.57999pt\relax \fontdimen 13\font =0pt\relax }]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <8.1->s*[0.9999]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base; +script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;"<6.3-8.1>s*[0.9999]"[LibertinusMat +h-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=0;"< +-6.3>s*[0.9999]"[LibertinusMath-Regular.otf]:mode=base;script=math;language=dfl +t;+tlig;embolden=3,;+ssty=1;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) and font adjustment code: +(fontspec) \__um_luatex_copy_fontdimens: \fontdimen 8\font +(fontspec) =0.58499pt\relax \fontdimen 9\font =1.34999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 10\font =1.34999pt\relax \fontdimen 11\font +(fontspec) =2.25pt\relax \fontdimen 12\font =5.57999pt\relax +(fontspec) \fontdimen 13\font =0pt\relax + +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OMX' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `largesymbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 430 +. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `largesymbols' in version `bold' +(Font) OMX/cmex/m/n --> TU/LibertinusMath-Regular.otf(7)/m/n o +n input line 430. + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusKeyboard-Regular.otf(0)' created +(fontspec) for font 'LibertinusKeyboard-Regular.otf' with options +(fontspec) [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps},BoldFont={},It +alicFont={},SmallCapsFont={},RawFeature=+liga]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"[LibertinusKeyboard-Regular.otf]:mode=node;script=la +tn;language=dflt;+tlig;+liga;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: + +luaotfload | aux : font no 84 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerifDisplay-Regular.otf(0)' +(fontspec) created for font 'LibertinusSerifDisplay-Regular.otf' +(fontspec) with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"[LibertinusSerifDisplay-Regular.otf]:mode=node;scrip +t=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: + +luaotfload | aux : font no 87 (nil) does not define feature smcp for script latn + with language dflt + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'LibertinusSerifInitials-Regular.otf(0)' +(fontspec) created for font 'LibertinusSerifInitials-Regular.otf' +(fontspec) with options [Ligatures = +(fontspec) TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"[LibertinusSerifInitials-Regular.otf]:mode=node;scri +pt=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: + +)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polyglossia/polyglossia.sty +Package: polyglossia 2021/03/16 v1.52 Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLa +TeX and LuaLaTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/makecmds/makecmds.sty +Package: makecmds 2009/09/03 v1.0a extra command making commands +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luatexbase/luatexbase.sty +Package: luatexbase 2015/10/04 v1.3 luatexbase interface to LuaTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/ctablestack/ctablestack.sty +Package: ctablestack 2015/10/01 v1.0 Catcode table stable support +\@catcodetablestackcnt=\count334 +) +\CatcodeTableOther=\catcodetable12 +\CatcodeTableExpl=\catcodetable13 +) +Lua module: polyglossia 2013/05/11 1.3 Polyglossia +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polyglossia/gloss-latex.ldf +File: gloss-latex.ldf polyglossia: module for default language +The property list \polyglossia@langsetup contains the pairs (without outer +braces): +> {latex/script} => {latin} +> {latex/lcscript} => {latin} +> {latex/scripttag} => {} +> {latex/language} => {Latex} +> {latex/langtag} => {ENG} +> {latex/bcp47} => {} +> {latex/hyphennames} => {english} +> {latex/direction} => {LR} +> {latex/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {latex/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {latex/indentfirst} => {false} +> {latex/fontsetup} => {true} +> {latex/envname} => {latex} +> {latex/babelname} => {latex} +> {latex/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {latex/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral}. +) +Package polyglossia Info: Default language is latex. +Package polyglossia Info: Setting LuaTeX font renderer to Harfbuzz. +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polyglossia/gloss-english.ldf +File: gloss-english.ldf polyglossia: module for english +The property list \polyglossia@langsetup contains the pairs (without outer +braces): +> {latex/script} => {latin} +> {latex/lcscript} => {latin} +> {latex/scripttag} => {} +> {latex/language} => {Latex} +> {latex/langtag} => {ENG} +> {latex/bcp47} => {} +> {latex/hyphennames} => {english} +> {latex/direction} => {LR} +> {latex/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {latex/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {latex/indentfirst} => {false} +> {latex/fontsetup} => {true} +> {latex/envname} => {latex} +> {latex/babelname} => {latex} +> {latex/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {latex/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/script} => {latin} +> {english/lcscript} => {latin} +> {english/scripttag} => {} +> {english/language} => {English} +> {english/langtag} => {ENG} +> {english/bcp47} => {en-US} +> {english/hyphennames} => {english,american,usenglish,USenglish} +> {english/direction} => {LR} +> {english/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {english/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {english/indentfirst} => {false} +> {english/fontsetup} => {true} +> {english/envname} => {english} +> {english/babelname} => {english} +> {english/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral}. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: English, variant=american. +) +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Module polyglossia Info: Language data for usenglishmax +(polyglossia) hyphenation hyph-en-us.hyp.txt +(polyglossia) loader loadhyph-en-us.tex +(polyglossia) righthyphenmin 3 +(polyglossia) patterns hyph-en-us.pat.txt +(polyglossia) synonyms +(polyglossia) lefthyphenmin 2 on input line 35 +Module polyglossia Info: Language usenglishmax was not yet loaded; created with +id 2 on input line 35 +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Default language is english. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polyglossia/gloss-german.ldf +File: gloss-german.ldf polyglossia: module for german +The property list \polyglossia@langsetup contains the pairs (without outer +braces): +> {latex/script} => {latin} +> {latex/lcscript} => {latin} +> {latex/scripttag} => {} +> {latex/language} => {Latex} +> {latex/langtag} => {ENG} +> {latex/bcp47} => {} +> {latex/hyphennames} => {english} +> {latex/direction} => {LR} +> {latex/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {latex/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {latex/indentfirst} => {false} +> {latex/fontsetup} => {true} +> {latex/envname} => {latex} +> {latex/babelname} => {latex} +> {latex/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {latex/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/script} => {latin} +> {english/lcscript} => {latin} +> {english/scripttag} => {} +> {english/language} => {English} +> {english/langtag} => {ENG} +> {english/bcp47} => {en-US} +> {english/hyphennames} => {english,american,usenglish,USenglish} +> {english/direction} => {LR} +> {english/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {english/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {english/indentfirst} => {false} +> {english/fontsetup} => {true} +> {english/envname} => {english} +> {english/babelname} => {american} +> {english/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {german/script} => {latin} +> {german/lcscript} => {latin} +> {german/scripttag} => {} +> {german/language} => {German} +> {german/langtag} => {DEU} +> {german/bcp47} => {de-DE} +> {german/hyphennames} => {} +> {german/direction} => {LR} +> {german/hyphenmins} => {2,2} +> {german/frenchspacing} => {true} +> {german/indentfirst} => {false} +> {german/fontsetup} => {true} +> {german/envname} => {german} +> {german/babelname} => {ngerman} +> {german/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {german/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral}. +Module polyglossia Info: Language data for german +(polyglossia) hyphenation +(polyglossia) loader loadhyph-de-1901.tex +(polyglossia) righthyphenmin 2 +(polyglossia) patterns hyph-de-1901.pat.txt +(polyglossia) synonyms +(polyglossia) lefthyphenmin 2 on input line 10 +Module polyglossia Info: Language german was not yet loaded; created with id 3 o +n input line 10 +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, spelling=new. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, script=latin. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, variant=german. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, variant=german. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, spelling=new. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, script=latin. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polyglossia/babelsh.def +File: babelsh.def 2019/09/30 Babel common definitions for shorthands + Taken verbatim from babel files (2019/09/27 v3.34) +) +Package polyglossia Info: Making " an active character on input line 177. +) +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, variant=german. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, variant=german. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: German, variant=german. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/datetime2/datetime2.sty +Package: datetime2 2021/03/21 v1.5.7 (NLCT) date and time formats + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tracklang/tracklang.sty +Package: tracklang 2020/06/30 v1.5 (NLCT) Track Languages + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tracklang/tracklang.tex)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/datetime2-english/datetime2-english.ldf +File: datetime2-english.ldf 2019/10/21 v1.05 (NLCT) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/datetime2-english/datetime2-english-base.ldf +File: datetime2-english-base.ldf 2019/10/21 v1.05 (NLCT) +))) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/algorithm2e/algorithm2e.sty +Package: algorithm2e 2017/07/18 v5.2 algorithms environments +\c@AlgoLine=\count335 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ifthen.sty +Package: ifthen 2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC) +) +\algocf@hangindent=\skip64 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ifoddpage/ifoddpage.sty +Package: ifoddpage 2016/04/23 v1.1 Conditionals for odd/even page detection +\c@checkoddpage=\count336 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/xspace.sty +Package: xspace 2014/10/28 v1.13 Space after command names (DPC,MH) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/relsize/relsize.sty +Package: relsize 2013/03/29 ver 4.1 +) +\skiptotal=\skip65 +\skiplinenumber=\skip66 +\skiprule=\skip67 +\skiphlne=\skip68 +\skiptext=\skip69 +\skiplength=\skip70 +\algomargin=\skip71 +\skipalgocfslide=\skip72 +\algowidth=\dimen287 +\inoutsize=\dimen288 +\inoutindent=\dimen289 +\interspacetitleruled=\dimen290 +\interspacealgoruled=\dimen291 +\interspacetitleboxruled=\dimen292 +\algocf@ruledwidth=\skip73 +\algocf@inoutbox=\box73 +\algocf@inputbox=\box74 +\AlCapSkip=\skip74 +\AlCapHSkip=\skip75 +\algoskipindent=\skip76 +\algocf@nlbox=\box75 +\algocf@hangingbox=\box76 +\algocf@untilbox=\box77 +\algocf@skipuntil=\skip77 +\algocf@capbox=\box78 +\algocf@lcaptionbox=\skip78 +\algoheightruledefault=\skip79 +\algoheightrule=\skip80 +\algotitleheightruledefault=\skip81 +\algotitleheightrule=\skip82 +\c@algocfline=\count337 +\c@algocfproc=\count338 +\c@algocf=\count339 +\algocf@algoframe=\box79 +\algocf@algobox=\box80 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/authoraftertitle/authoraftertitle.sty +Package: authoraftertitle 2020/07/20 v1.0 package for Author after Titlepage +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/biblatex.sty +Package: biblatex 2020/12/31 v3.16 programmable bibliographies (PK/MW) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logreq/logreq.sty +Package: logreq 2010/08/04 v1.0 xml request logger +\lrq@indent=\count340 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/logreq/logreq.def +File: logreq.def 2010/08/04 v1.0 logreq spec v1.0 +)) +\c@tabx@nest=\count341 +\c@listtotal=\count342 +\c@listcount=\count343 +\c@liststart=\count344 +\c@liststop=\count345 +\c@citecount=\count346 +\c@citetotal=\count347 +\c@multicitecount=\count348 +\c@multicitetotal=\count349 +\c@instcount=\count350 +\c@maxnames=\count351 +\c@minnames=\count352 +\c@maxitems=\count353 +\c@minitems=\count354 +\c@citecounter=\count355 +\c@maxcitecounter=\count356 +\c@savedcitecounter=\count357 +\c@uniquelist=\count358 +\c@uniquename=\count359 +\c@refsection=\count360 +\c@refsegment=\count361 +\c@maxextratitle=\count362 +\c@maxextratitleyear=\count363 +\c@maxextraname=\count364 +\c@maxextradate=\count365 +\c@maxextraalpha=\count366 +\c@abbrvpenalty=\count367 +\c@highnamepenalty=\count368 +\c@lownamepenalty=\count369 +\c@maxparens=\count370 +\c@parenlevel=\count371 +\blx@tempcnta=\count372 +\blx@tempcntb=\count373 +\blx@tempcntc=\count374 +\blx@maxsection=\count375 +\blx@maxsegment@0=\count376 +\blx@notetype=\count377 +\blx@parenlevel@text=\count378 +\blx@parenlevel@foot=\count379 +\blx@sectionciteorder@0=\count380 +\blx@entrysetcounter=\count381 +\blx@biblioinstance=\count382 +\labelnumberwidth=\skip83 +\labelalphawidth=\skip84 +\biblabelsep=\skip85 +\bibitemsep=\skip86 +\bibnamesep=\skip87 +\bibinitsep=\skip88 +\bibparsep=\skip89 +\bibhang=\skip90 +\blx@bcfin=\read3 +\blx@bcfout=\write5 +\blx@langwohyphens=\language4 +\c@mincomprange=\count383 +\c@maxcomprange=\count384 +\c@mincompwidth=\count385 +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/blx-dm.def +File: blx-dm.def 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'alphabetic.dbx' not found. +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found. +\c@afterword=\count386 +\c@savedafterword=\count387 +\c@annotator=\count388 +\c@savedannotator=\count389 +\c@author=\count390 +\c@savedauthor=\count391 +\c@bookauthor=\count392 +\c@savedbookauthor=\count393 +\c@commentator=\count394 +\c@savedcommentator=\count395 +\c@editor=\count396 +\c@savededitor=\count397 +\c@editora=\count398 +\c@savededitora=\count399 +\c@editorb=\count400 +\c@savededitorb=\count401 +\c@editorc=\count402 +\c@savededitorc=\count403 +\c@foreword=\count404 +\c@savedforeword=\count405 +\c@holder=\count406 +\c@savedholder=\count407 +\c@introduction=\count408 +\c@savedintroduction=\count409 +\c@namea=\count410 +\c@savednamea=\count411 +\c@nameb=\count412 +\c@savednameb=\count413 +\c@namec=\count414 +\c@savednamec=\count415 +\c@translator=\count416 +\c@savedtranslator=\count417 +\c@shortauthor=\count418 +\c@savedshortauthor=\count419 +\c@shorteditor=\count420 +\c@savedshorteditor=\count421 +\c@labelname=\count422 +\c@savedlabelname=\count423 +\c@institution=\count424 +\c@savedinstitution=\count425 +\c@lista=\count426 +\c@savedlista=\count427 +\c@listb=\count428 +\c@savedlistb=\count429 +\c@listc=\count430 +\c@savedlistc=\count431 +\c@listd=\count432 +\c@savedlistd=\count433 +\c@liste=\count434 +\c@savedliste=\count435 +\c@listf=\count436 +\c@savedlistf=\count437 +\c@location=\count438 +\c@savedlocation=\count439 +\c@organization=\count440 +\c@savedorganization=\count441 +\c@origlocation=\count442 +\c@savedoriglocation=\count443 +\c@origpublisher=\count444 +\c@savedorigpublisher=\count445 +\c@publisher=\count446 +\c@savedpublisher=\count447 +\c@language=\count448 +\c@savedlanguage=\count449 +\c@origlanguage=\count450 +\c@savedoriglanguage=\count451 +\c@pageref=\count452 +\c@savedpageref=\count453 +\shorthandwidth=\skip91 +\shortjournalwidth=\skip92 +\shortserieswidth=\skip93 +\shorttitlewidth=\skip94 +\shortauthorwidth=\skip95 +\shorteditorwidth=\skip96 +\locallabelnumberwidth=\skip97 +\locallabelalphawidth=\skip98 +\localshorthandwidth=\skip99 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+(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.cfg +File: csquotes.cfg +)) (./beamerthemeTUDo.sty (./beamerinnerthemeTUDo.sty) (./beamerouterthemeTUDo. +sty) +(./beamercolorthemeTUDo.sty) (./beamerfontthemeTUDo.sty)) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.sty +Package: tcolorbox 2020/10/09 version 4.42 text color boxes + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/verbatim.sty +Package: verbatim 2020-07-07 v1.5u LaTeX2e package for verbatim enhancements +\every@verbatim=\toks58 +\verbatim@line=\toks59 +\verbatim@in@stream=\read6 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/environ/environ.sty +Package: environ 2014/05/04 v0.3 A new way to define environments + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/trimspaces/trimspaces.sty +Package: trimspaces 2009/09/17 v1.1 Trim spaces around a token list +)) +\tcb@titlebox=\box96 +\tcb@upperbox=\box97 +\tcb@lowerbox=\box98 +\tcb@phantombox=\box99 +\c@tcbbreakpart=\count526 +\c@tcblayer=\count527 +\c@tcolorbox@number=\count528 +\tcb@temp=\box100 +\tcb@temp=\box101 +\tcb@temp=\box102 +\tcb@temp=\box103 +\tcb@out=\write8 +\tcb@record@out=\write9 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistings.code.tex +Library (tcolorbox): 'tcblistings.code.tex' version '4.42' +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/listings.sty +\lst@mode=\count529 +\lst@gtempboxa=\box104 +\lst@token=\toks60 +\lst@length=\count530 +\lst@currlwidth=\dimen356 +\lst@column=\count531 +\lst@pos=\count532 +\lst@lostspace=\dimen357 +\lst@width=\dimen358 +\lst@newlines=\count533 +\lst@lineno=\count534 +\lst@maxwidth=\dimen359 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstmisc.sty +File: lstmisc.sty 2020/03/24 1.8d (Carsten Heinz) +\c@lstnumber=\count535 +\lst@skipnumbers=\count536 +\lst@framebox=\box105 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/listings.cfg +File: listings.cfg 2020/03/24 1.8d listings configuration +)) +Package: listings 2020/03/24 1.8d (Carsten Heinz) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingscore.code.tex +Library (tcolorbox): 'tcblistingscore.code.tex' version '4.42' +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbprocessing.code.tex +Library (tcolorbox): 'tcbprocessing.code.tex' version '4.42' +) +\c@tcblisting=\count537 +)) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbtheorems.code.tex +Library (tcolorbox): 'tcbtheorems.code.tex' version '4.42' +)) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/textpos/textpos.sty +Package: textpos 2020/09/26 v1.10 + +Package: textpos 2020/09/26 1.10, absolute positioning of text on the page +Package textpos Info: choosing support for LaTeX3 on input line 61. +\TP@textbox=\box106 +\TP@holdbox=\box107 +\TPHorizModule=\dimen360 +\TPVertModule=\dimen361 +\TP@margin=\dimen362 +\TP@absmargin=\dimen363 +Grid set 16 x 16 = 28.45274pt x 16.00467pt +\TPboxrulesize=\dimen364 +\TP@ox=\dimen365 +\TP@oy=\dimen366 +\TP@tbargs=\toks61 +TextBlockOrigin set to 0pt x 0pt +) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty +Package: inputenc 2020/08/01 v1.3d Input encoding file +\inpenc@prehook=\toks62 +\inpenc@posthook=\toks63 + + +Package inputenc Warning: inputenc package ignored with utf8 based engines. + +)) +runsystem(which pygmentize && touch slides.aex)...executed +runsystem(rm slides.aex)...executed + + +Package csquotes Warning: Load 'inputenc' before 'csquotes' on input line 15. + +Package csquotes Info: Checking for multilingual support... +Package csquotes Info: ... found 'polyglossia' package. +Package csquotes Info: Adjusting default style. +Package csquotes Info: Redefining alias 'default' -> 'american'. +(./slides.aux +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +LaTeX Info: Redefining \rmfamily on input line 25. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \sffamily on input line 25. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ttfamily on input line 25. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSerif(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 9.0pt on input line 25. +luaotfload | aux : font no 88 (nil) defines no feature for script latn with lang +uage eng +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +) +\openout1 = slides.aux + +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TS1/cmr/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TU/lmr/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for PD1/pdf/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for PU/pdf/m/n on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 15. + +*geometry* driver: auto-detecting +*geometry* detected driver: luatex +*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result: +* driver: luatex +* paper: custom +* layout: +* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt) +* modes: includehead includefoot +* h-part:(L,W,R)=(18.0pt, 419.24408pt, 18.0pt) +* v-part:(T,H,B)=(0.0pt, 256.0748pt, 0.0pt) +* \paperwidth=455.24408pt +* \paperheight=256.0748pt +* \textwidth=419.24408pt +* \textheight=227.62207pt +* \oddsidemargin=-54.26999pt +* \evensidemargin=-54.26999pt +* \topmargin=-72.26999pt +* \headheight=14.22636pt +* \headsep=0.0pt +* \topskip=9.0pt +* \footskip=14.22636pt +* \marginparwidth=4.0pt +* \marginparsep=10.0pt +* \columnsep=10.0pt +* \skip\footins=8.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt +* \hoffset=0.0pt +* \voffset=0.0pt +* \mag=1000 +* \@twocolumnfalse +* \@twosidefalse +* \@mparswitchfalse +* \@reversemarginfalse +* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii +[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] +\scratchcounter=\count538 +\scratchdimen=\dimen367 +\scratchbox=\box108 +\nofMPsegments=\count539 +\nofMParguments=\count540 +\everyMPshowfont=\toks64 +\MPscratchCnt=\count541 +\MPscratchDim=\dimen368 +\MPnumerator=\count542 +\makeMPintoPDFobject=\count543 +\everyMPtoPDFconversion=\toks65 +) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/epstopdf-pkg/epstopdf-base.sty +Package: epstopdf-base 2020-01-24 v2.11 Base part for package epstopdf + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/grfext/grfext.sty +Package: grfext 2019/12/03 v1.3 Manage graphics extensions (HO) +) +Package epstopdf-base Info: Redefining graphics rule for `.eps' on input line 4 +85. +Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list: +(grfext) [.pdf,.png,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,.PDF,.PNG,.JPG,.JPE +G,.JBIG2,.JB2,.eps] +(grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 504. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg +File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv +e +)) +Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 15. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/nameref.sty +Package: nameref 2021-04-02 v2.47 Cross-referencing by name of section + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/refcount/refcount.sty +Package: refcount 2019/12/15 v3.6 Data extraction from label references (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/gettitlestring/gettitlestring.sty +Package: gettitlestring 2019/12/15 v1.6 Cleanup title references (HO) +) +\c@section@level=\count544 +) +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 15. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 15. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \nameref on input line 15. + +(./slides.out) (./slides.out) +\@outlinefile=\write10 + +\openout10 = slides.out + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-basic-dictionary-English +.dict +Dictionary: translator-basic-dictionary, Language: English +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-bibliography-dictionary- +English.dict +Dictionary: translator-bibliography-dictionary, Language: English +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-environment-dictionary-E +nglish.dict +Dictionary: translator-environment-dictionary, Language: English +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-months-dictionary-Englis +h.dict +Dictionary: translator-months-dictionary, Language: English +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-numbers-dictionary-Engli +sh.dict +Dictionary: translator-numbers-dictionary, Language: English +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/translator/translator-theorem-dictionary-Engli +sh.dict +Dictionary: translator-theorem-dictionary, Language: English +) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'ngerman'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'ngerman.lbx' found. + (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/ngerman.lbx +File: ngerman.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'german'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'german.lbx' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/german.lbx +File: german.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +Module polyglossia Info: Language data for ngerman +(polyglossia) hyphenation +(polyglossia) loader loadhyph-de-1996.tex +(polyglossia) righthyphenmin 2 +(polyglossia) patterns hyph-de-1996.pat.txt +(polyglossia) synonyms +(polyglossia) lefthyphenmin 2 on input line 561 +Module polyglossia Info: Language ngerman was not yet loaded; created with id 5 +on input line 561 +) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'german'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'german.lbx' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/german.lbx +File: german.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +Module polyglossia Info: Language ngerman already loaded; id is 5 on input line +561 +) +Module polyglossia Info: Language ngerman already loaded; id is 5 on input line +19 +) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'american'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'american.lbx' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/american.lbx +File: american.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'english'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'english.lbx' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/english.lbx +File: english.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +) +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'english'... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'english.lbx' found. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/lbx/english.lbx +File: english.lbx 2020/12/31 v3.16 biblatex localization (PK/MW) +)) +Package biblatex Info: LuaTeX detected. +(biblatex) Assuming input encoding 'utf8'. +Package biblatex Info: Automatic encoding selection. +(biblatex) Assuming data encoding 'utf8'. +Package biblatex Info: Document encoding is UTF8 .... +Package biblatex Info: ... and expl3 +(biblatex) 2021-02-18 L3 programming layer (loader) +(biblatex) is new enough (at least 2020/04/06), +(biblatex) setting 'casechanger=expl3'. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex/blx-case-expl3.sty +Package: blx-case-expl3 2020/12/31 v3.16 expl3 case changing code for biblatex +) +\openout5 = slides.bcf + +Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliographic data... +Package biblatex Info: ... file 'slides.bbl' found. + (./slides.bbl) +Package biblatex Info: Reference section=0 on input line 15. +Package biblatex Info: Reference segment=0 on input line 15. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \microtypecontext on input line 15. +Package microtype Info: Generating PDF output. +Package microtype Info: Character protrusion enabled (level 2). +Package microtype Info: Using default protrusion set `alltext'. +Package microtype Info: Automatic font expansion enabled (level 2), +(microtype) stretch: 20, shrink: 20, step: 1, non-selected. +Package microtype Info: Using default expansion set `alltext-nott'. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \showhyphens on input line 15. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of tracking. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of spacing. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of kerning. +Package microtype Info: Loading generic protrusion settings for font family +(microtype) `LibertinusSans' (encoding: TU). +(microtype) For optimal results, create family-specific settings. +(microtype) See the microtype manual for details. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdflscape/pdflscape.sty +Package: pdflscape 2019/12/05 v0.12 Display of landscape pages in PDF (HO) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/lscape.sty +Package: lscape 2020/05/28 v3.02 Landscape Pages (DPC) +) +Package pdflscape Info: Auto-detected driver: pdftex on input line 81. +) +Package pgfplots notification 'compat/show suggested version=true': document ha +s been generated with the most recent feature set (\pgfplotsset{compat=1.17}). + +\c@lstlisting=\count545 +(./slides.nav) +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 5.0pt on input line 15. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 7.0pt on input line 15. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 15. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. + +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 15. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +LaTeX Info: Redefining \rmfamily on input line 15. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \sffamily on input line 15. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ttfamily on input line 15. +luaotfload | aux : font no 50 (nil) defines no feature for script latn with lang +uage eng +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). + +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 28. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 19.91684pt x 21.57872pt. + +File: illustrations/swans.jpg Graphic file (type jpg) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/swans.jpg used on input line 28. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 243.474pt x 136.9613pt. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 17.28pt on input line 28. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 10.95pt on input line 28. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 4.0pt on input line 28. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 28. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 28. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 28. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/} + +<./ls9.png><./illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf><./illustrations/ +swans.jpg>] +Package microtype Info: Loading generic protrusion settings for font family +(microtype) `LibertinusMath-Regular.otf' (encoding: TU). +(microtype) For optimal results, create family-specific settings. +(microtype) See the microtype manual for details. + (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-msa.cfg +File: mt-msa.cfg 2006/02/04 v1.1 microtype config. file: AMS symbols (a) (RS) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-msb.cfg +File: mt-msb.cfg 2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS symbols (b) (RS) +) +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 57. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 57. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 57. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [2 + +] +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 8.0pt on input line 78. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 78. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 78. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 78. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [3 + +] +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 6.0pt on input line 90. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 90. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 90. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 90. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [4 + +] +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 110. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 110. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 110. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [5 + +] +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 121. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 121. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 121. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [6 + +] +(./topics/jelle2.tex +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/b/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 10.95pt on input line 13. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/m/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 12.0pt on input line 13. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/LibertinusSans(0)/b/n' will be +(Font) scaled to size 12.0pt on input line 13. + +File: illustrations/jelle2.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/jelle2.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 260.18503pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output1.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output1.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [7 + +<./illustrations/jelle2.png><./clock/output1.pdf>]) +(./topics/simon1.tex + +File: illustrations/simon1.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/simon1.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 154.33574pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output2.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output2.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [8 + +<./illustrations/simon1.png><./clock/output2.pdf>]) +(./topics/simon3.tex + +File: illustrations/simon3.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/simon3.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 114.37723pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output3.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output3.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [9 + +<./illustrations/simon3.png><./clock/output3.pdf>]) +(./topics/daniel1.tex + +File: illustrations/daniel1.jpeg Graphic file (type jpg) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/daniel1.jpeg used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 151.73839pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output4.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output4.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [10 + +<./illustrations/daniel1.jpeg><./clock/output4.pdf>]) +(./topics/daniel2.tex + +File: illustrations/daniel2.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/daniel2.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 234.37724pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output5.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output5.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [11 + +<./illustrations/daniel2.png><./clock/output5.pdf>]) +(./topics/bin1.tex + +File: illustrations/bin1.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/bin1.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 221.4062pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output6.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output6.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [12 + +<./illustrations/bin1.png><./clock/output6.pdf>]) +(./topics/simon2.tex + +File: illustrations/simon2.jpg Graphic file (type jpg) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/simon2.jpg used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 89.64192pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output7.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output7.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [13 + +<./illustrations/simon2.jpg><./clock/output7.pdf>]) +(./topics/simon4.tex + +File: illustrations/simon4.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/simon4.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 116.3925pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output8.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output8.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [14 + +<./illustrations/simon4.png><./clock/output8.pdf>]) +(./topics/benedikt1.tex + +File: illustrations/benedikt1.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/benedikt1.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 292.56647pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output9.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output9.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [15 + +<./illustrations/benedikt1.png><./clock/output9.pdf>]) (./topics/chiara.tex + +File: illustrations/chiara.jpeg Graphic file (type jpg) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/chiara.jpeg used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 188.77773pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output10.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output10.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [16 + +<./illustrations/chiara.jpeg><./clock/output10.pdf>]) (./topics/bin2.tex + +File: illustrations/bin2.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/bin2.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 170.71794pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output11.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output11.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [17 + +<./illustrations/bin2.png><./clock/output11.pdf>]) +(./topics/jelle1.tex + +File: illustrations/jelle1.jpeg Graphic file (type jpg) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/jelle1.jpeg used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 121.50926pt x 85.35826pt. + +File: clock/output12.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output12.pdf used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 85.35284pt x 85.35826pt. +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 13. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 13. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. + [18 + +<./illustrations/jelle1.jpeg><./clock/output12.pdf>]) + +File: clock/output.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: clock/output.pdf used on input line 154. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 199.16547pt x 199.16928pt. + +Overfull \vbox (23.54204pt too high) detected at line 154 + [] + +File: ls9.png Graphic file (type png) + +Package luatex.def Info: ls9.png used on input line 154. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 28.45274pt x 30.83527pt. +Package epstopdf Info: Source file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 339494 bytes +(epstopdf) Output file: +(epstopdf) date: 2021-08-17 16:51:37 +(epstopdf) size: 14274 bytes +(epstopdf) Command: +(epstopdf) \includegraphics on input line 154. +Package epstopdf Info: Output file is already uptodate. +File: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) + +Package luatex.def Info: illustrations/tud_logo_cmyk-eps-converted-to.pdf used + on input line 154. +(luatex.def) Requested size: 131.13866pt x 21.33955pt. +[19 + +<./clock/output.pdf>] +\tf@nav=\write11 + +\openout11 = slides.nav +\tf@toc=\write12 + +\openout12 = slides.toc +\tf@snm=\write13 + +\openout13 = slides.snm +The property list \polyglossia@langsetup contains the pairs (without outer +braces): +> {latex/script} => {latin} +> {latex/lcscript} => {latin} +> {latex/scripttag} => {} +> {latex/language} => {Latex} +> {latex/langtag} => {ENG} +> {latex/bcp47} => {} +> {latex/hyphennames} => {english} +> {latex/direction} => {LR} +> {latex/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {latex/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {latex/indentfirst} => {false} +> {latex/fontsetup} => {true} +> {latex/envname} => {latex} +> {latex/babelname} => {latex} +> {latex/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {latex/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/script} => {latin} +> {english/lcscript} => {latin} +> {english/scripttag} => {} +> {english/language} => {English} +> {english/langtag} => {ENG} +> {english/bcp47} => {en-US} +> {english/hyphennames} => {english,american,usenglish,USenglish} +> {english/direction} => {LR} +> {english/hyphenmins} => {2,3} +> {english/frenchspacing} => {false} +> {english/indentfirst} => {false} +> {english/fontsetup} => {true} +> {english/envname} => {english} +> {english/babelname} => {american} +> {english/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {english/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {german/script} => {latin} +> {german/lcscript} => {latin} +> {german/scripttag} => {} +> {german/language} => {German} +> {german/langtag} => {DEU} +> {german/bcp47} => {de-DE} +> {german/hyphennames} => {} +> {german/direction} => {LR} +> {german/hyphenmins} => {2,2} +> {german/frenchspacing} => {true} +> {german/indentfirst} => {false} +> {german/fontsetup} => {true} +> {german/envname} => {german} +> {german/babelname} => {ngerman} +> {german/localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral} +> {german/Localnumeral} => {polyglossia@C@localnumeral}. + (./slides.aux +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +LaTeX Info: Redefining \rmfamily on input line 25. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \sffamily on input line 25. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ttfamily on input line 25. +luaotfload | aux : font no 50 (nil) defines no feature for script latn with lang +uage eng +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +Package polyglossia Info: Option: english variant=american (with additional pat +terns). +) +Package rerunfilecheck Info: File `slides.out' has not changed. +(rerunfilecheck) Checksum: D395C493A5A275FD802C1EB3D96647C2;176. +Package logreq Info: Writing requests to ''. + +\openout1 = +) + +Here is how much of LuaTeX's memory you used: + 65786 strings out of 478531 + 125189,2848258 words of node,token memory allocated + 2812 words of node memory still in use: + 48 hlist, 9 vlist, 7 rule, 5 disc, 6 local_par, 77 glue, 15 kern, 16 penalty, + 1 margin_kern, 65 glyph, 87 attribute, 92 glue_spec, 87 attribute_list, 4 write +, 30 pdf_colorstack, 2 pdf_setmatrix, 2 pdf_save, 2 pdf_restore nodes + avail lists: 1:3,2:624,3:221,4:416,5:224,6:54,7:2905,8:9,9:462,10:22,11:198,1 +2:1 + 81264 multiletter control sequences out of 65536+600000 + 98 fonts using 28101435 bytes + 136i,20n,154p,819b,2327s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s + +Output written on slides.pdf (19 pages, 1549334 bytes). + +PDF statistics: 758 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607) + 261 compressed objects within 3 object streams + 41 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 131072) + 32 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 100000000) + diff --git a/slides.nav b/slides.nav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aad4723 --- /dev/null +++ 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Formal Stuff + \item Short Overview of the Topics + \end{itemize} + \end{column} + + \begin{column}{.475\textwidth} + \begin{itemize} + \item Choose a couple topics + \item Send your choice to (till tomorrow 02.09.2021 23:59) + \item You will be assigned one the next day + \end{itemize} + + \end{column} + \end{columns} + \end{frame} + + \begin{frame} + \frametitle{Objective of this Seminar} + + \begin{itemize} + + \item Introduction to some fundamental research problems + \begin{itemize} + + \item Researching current scientific ideas + \item Understanding benefits and drawbacks of state-of-the-art techniques + \item Writing a clear and concisive scientific report + \item Presenting and discussing your findings + + + \end{itemize} + + \end{itemize} + \rightarrow Great start for a masters thesis.. or even a PhD in anomaly detection + + \end{frame} + + \begin{frame} + \frametitle{Grading} + \begin{enumerate} + \item Presentation in Class + \item Writing of your Report + \item Discussion of your Findings + \end{enumerate} + \begin{itemize} + \item All parts required and graded equally + \end{itemize} + \end{frame} + + \begin{frame} + \frametitle{Tasks of this Seminar} + \begin{itemize} + \item Required: willingless to learn something new + \item Also useful: A basic understanding of machine learning, statistics and linear algebra + \begin{enumerate} + \item Choose a couple of Topics from our list, you will be assigned to one of them + \item Read and understand the Paper given to you + \item Find, read and understand related literature. It is probably impossible to get a good picture about your Topic from just one Paper + \item Critically analyze the suggested Ideas and compare them to the literature + \end{enumerate} + \item Final Results: + \begin{itemize} + \item Presentation (30min +10min discussion) + \item Written Report (at least 6 Pages double column, ACM template) + \end{itemize} + \end{itemize} + + \end{frame} + \begin{frame} + \frametitle{Research Culture} + This course is Research oriented + \begin{itemize} + \item Feel free to ask as many Questions as you want + \item If you want to discuss your Topic with somebody, make an appointment with your Supervisor + \item the same holds for your Presentation/Report + \item Also any Feedback is always appreciated + + \end{itemize} + \end{frame} + + %\begin{frame} + % \frametitle{\contentsname} + % \tableofcontents[hideothersubsections] + %\end{frame} + + \section{Topics} + + %Data Concepts + \subfile{topics/jelle2.tex} + \subfile{topics/simon1.tex} + \subfile{topics/simon3.tex} + + %Model Concepts + \subfile{topics/daniel1.tex} + \subfile{topics/daniel2.tex} + \subfile{topics/bin1.tex} + \subfile{topics/simon2.tex} + \subfile{topics/simon4.tex} + + %Interpretability + \subfile{topics/benedikt1.tex} + \subfile{topics/chiara.tex} + + %Application + \subfile{topics/bin2.tex} + \subfile{topics/jelle1.tex} + + \begin{frame} + \begin{center} + \includegraphics[height=7cm]{clock/output.pdf} + \end{center} + \end{frame} + + + +\end{document} + diff --git a/slides.toc b/slides.toc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94a444b --- /dev/null +++ b/slides.toc @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +\boolfalse {citerequest}\boolfalse {citetracker}\boolfalse {pagetracker}\boolfalse {backtracker}\relax +\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax +\selectlanguage *[variant=usmax]{english} +\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax +\beamer@sectionintoc {1}{Organisation}{2}{0}{1} +\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax +\beamer@sectionintoc {2}{Topics}{7}{0}{2} diff --git a/slides.vrb b/slides.vrb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e9687 --- /dev/null +++ b/slides.vrb @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +\frametitle{Quellcode} + + \begin{minted}[xleftmargin=18pt, fontsize=\small, linenos]{python3} +def fib(n): + a, b = 0, 1 + while a < n: + print(a, end=' ') + a, b = b, a+b + print() +fib(1000) + \end{minted} diff --git a/topics/benedikt1.tex b/topics/benedikt1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9e9fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/benedikt1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 9: Interpretation} + +\Large \textbf{Contextual Outlier Interpretation} (Liu et al, 2017)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Benedikt Böing (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/benedikt1.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output9.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/bin1.tex b/topics/bin1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb98eaf --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/bin1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 6: Transformations for Anomaly Detection} + +\Large \textbf{Neural Transformation Learning for Deep Anomaly Detection Beyond Images} (Qui et al, 2021)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Bin Li (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/bin1.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output6.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/bin2.tex b/topics/bin2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca3bc4b --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/bin2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 11: Application: Interpretable Device Failure} + +\Large \textbf{Interpretable, Multidimensional, Multimodal Anomaly Detection with Negative Sampling for Detection of Device Failure} (Sipple et al, 2020)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Bin Li (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/bin2.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output11.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/chiara.tex b/topics/chiara.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3a12ac --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/chiara.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 10: Explainability} + +\Large \textbf{Additive Explanations for Anomalies Detected from Multivariate Temporal Data } (Giurgiu, Schumann et al, 2019)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Chiara Balestra (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/chiara.jpeg} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output10.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/daniel1.tex b/topics/daniel1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..846e496 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/daniel1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 4: Density based Outlier Detection} + +\Large \textbf{LOF: Identifying Density-Based Local Outliers} (Breunig et al, 2000)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Daniel Wilmes (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/daniel1.jpeg} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output4.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/daniel2.tex b/topics/daniel2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3466439 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/daniel2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 5: Subspace preprocessing} + +\Large \textbf{HiCS: High Contrast Subspaces for Density-Based Outlier Ranking} (Keller, Müller et al, 2012)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Daniel Wilmes (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/daniel2.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output5.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/jelle1.tex b/topics/jelle1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..587f838 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/jelle1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 12: Application: Video Data} + +\Large \textbf{Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos} (Doshi et al, 2020)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Jelle Hüntelmann (jelle.hü\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/jelle1.jpeg} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output12.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/jelle2.tex b/topics/jelle2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a8df6f --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/jelle2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 1: High dimensional Data} + +\Large \textbf{A comprehensive survey of anomaly detection techniques for high dimensional big data} (Thudumu et al, 2020)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Jelle Hüntelmann (jelle.hü\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/jelle2.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output1.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/shema.tex b/topics/shema.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbe7ff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/shema.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic ##index##: ##title##} + +\Large \textbf{##paper##} (##by##, ##when##)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} ##who## (##mail##)\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/##name##.##ext##} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output##index##.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/simon1.tex b/topics/simon1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab9739c --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/simon1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 2: Text Data} + +\Large \textbf{Outlier Detection for Text Data} (Kannan et al, 2017)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Simon Klüttermann (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/simon1.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output2.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/simon2.tex b/topics/simon2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f13220 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/simon2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 7: Anomaly Ensembles} + +\Large \textbf{Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Ensembles using Item Response Theory} (Kandanaarachchi1, 2021)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Simon Klüttermann (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/simon2.jpg} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output7.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/simon3.tex b/topics/simon3.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6af7b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/simon3.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 3: Graph Data} + +\Large \textbf{A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning} (Ma et al, 2021)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Simon Klüttermann (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/simon3.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output3.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame} diff --git a/topics/simon4.tex b/topics/simon4.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d717fdc --- /dev/null +++ b/topics/simon4.tex @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Topic 8: Active Anomaly Detection} + +\Large \textbf{Active Anomaly Detection via Ensembles: Insights, Algorithms, and Interpretability} (Das et al, 2019)\\ +\LARGE \textbf{Supervisor:} Simon Klüttermann (\\ + + \begin{center} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/simon4.png} +\includegraphics[height=3cm]{clock/output8.pdf} + \end{center} + + +\end{frame}