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2022-10-24 14:52:37 +02:00
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\title[Anomaly Detection and AutoML]{Anomaly Detection and AutoML}
\author{Simon Kluettermann}
\institute{ls9 tu Dortmund}
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\usebeamerfont{framesource}\usebeamercolor[fg!66]{framesource} Source: {#1}
%from file ../case2/data/000.txt
{\huge\bfseries \par}
{\LARGE\itshape Simon Kluettermann\par}
{\scshape\Large Master Thesis in Physics\par}
{\Large submitted to the \par}
{\scshape\Large Faculty of Mathematics Computer Science and Natural Sciences \par}
{\Large \par}
{\scshape\Large RWTH Aachen University}
{\scshape\Large Department of Physics\par}
{\scshape\Large Insitute for theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology\par}
{ \Large\par}
{\Large First Referee: Prof. Dr. Michael Kraemer \par}
{\Large Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Felix Kahlhoefer}
% Bottom of the page
{\large November 2020 \par}
%from file ../case2/data/001Anomaly Detection.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Anomaly Detection]
\frametitle{Anomaly Detection}
\item Find strange (unexpected) samples.
\item $\Rightarrow$If a traffic light is constantly yellow, probably something broke
\item But this could happen in a lot of different ways
\item $\Rightarrow$Most likely the traffic light is just off. But it could also fluctuate quickly or start smoking
\item How to cover all possible anomalies?
\item $\Rightarrow$Unsupervised Machine Learning
%from file ../case2/data/002Unsupervised Machine Learning.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Unsupervised Machine Learning]
\frametitle{Unsupervised Machine Learning}
\item Normal machine learning: Input - Label
\item Here: Only Input.
\item $\Rightarrow$Instead of classifying different types, try to understand your given dataset
\item Deviations from this understanding are anomalies
\item x: training samples
\item tx: test samples
\item ty: test labels (is a certain sample an anomaly or not)
\item Useful: \emph{peak /global/cardio.npz}
%from file ../case2/data/003kNN.txt
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item How to do this? Here one algorithm: kNN
\item Goal: Generate an anomaly score (high value$\Rightarrow$highly anomalous)
\item Here: The anomaly score is the distance to the kth closest samples
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{..//prep/03kNN/yanghuang 08.png}
\label{fig:prep03kNNyanghuang 08png}
\caption{[Yang, Huang 08]}
%from file ../case2/data/004kNN.txt
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item How to do this? Here one algorithm: kNN
\item Goal: Generate an anomaly score (high value$\Rightarrow$highly anomalous)
\item Here: The anomaly score is the distance to the kth closest samples
%from file ../case2/data/005.txt
%from file ../case2/data/006AUC Score.txt
\begin{frame}[label=AUC Score]
\frametitle{AUC Score}
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
%from file ../case2/data/007AUC Score.txt
\begin{frame}[label=AUC Score]
\frametitle{AUC Score}
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item Iterate every threshold
\item Plot fpr vs tpr
\item False Positive Rate
\item $\frac{FP}{FP+TN}$
\item True Positive Rate
\item $\frac{TP}{TP+FN}$
\item ROC-AUC: Integral of this curve!
%from file ../case2/data/008AUC Score.txt
\begin{frame}[label=AUC Score]
\frametitle{AUC Score}
\item calculcate with \emph{sklearn.metrics.roc\_auc\_score}
\item Higher AUC score$\Rightarrow$better
\item $AUC=1.0$$\Rightarrow$Perfect seperation
\item $AUC=0.5$$\Rightarrow$Random model
\item $AUC=0.0$$\Rightarrow$Inverse seperation (every anomaly is normal, and every normal sample is anomalous)
%from file ../case2/data/009AUC Scores.txt
\begin{frame}[label=AUC Scores]
\frametitle{AUC Scores}
%from file ../case2/data/010AutoML.txt
\item But: We can beat this!
\item How? Hyperparameter
\item Every algorithm has hyperparameter that control how it works
\item For example: k in kNN (number of close points considered)
\item Lets take the worst algorithm (kNN: $0.927$) and try to improve it
%from file ../case2/data/011Optimize.txt
%from file ../case2/data/012Optimize.txt
%from file ../case2/data/013flaml.txt
\begin{columns}[c] % align columns
\item \emph{source folder/bin/activate}
\item \emph{pip install flaml}
%from file ../case2/data/014flaml.txt
%from file ../case2/data/015.txt
%from file ../case2/data/016Your Turn.txt
\begin{frame}[label=Your Turn]
\frametitle{Your Turn}
\item Remember your last algorithm
\item Find its hyperparameters (Tip: pyod website)
\item Optimize your algorithm and give me a new AUC!
\item Bonus Question: Is there a problem with what we are doing?