
173 lines
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2022-02-24 11:53:43 +01:00
% !TEX root = slides.tex
%draft, % enable for quick rendering
%handout, % enable for uncover suppression
% Load used-defined config
% Packages %
% Should go first:
% Font control
% Subfiles
% Math support
% Font selection (needs to go before polyglossia)
% Language control
% Date formats
% Algorithms
\usepackage[linesnumbered, vlined]{algorithm2e}
% Author and title reuse
% Bibliography
% Print-quality tables
% Watermarks for draft versions
%\SetWatermarkText{ENTWURF \(\alpha\).1}
% Image inclusion
% Enable microtypography support
% Listings with syntax highlighting; requires --shell-escape
% Fine spacing control for math
% PDF inclusion
% Relative font sizes
% Drawings and Graphs
\usetikzlibrary{external} % requires --shell-escape
% \tikzexternalize Render TikZ externally, fails for some references
% Needs to go last:
% Language-sensitive quotation marks
% Break URLs at / and -
% Style and layout %
% Load Theme
% Neat + for et al
\renewcommand*{\labelalphaothers}{\raisebox{.3ex}{\relsize{-3}{\bfseries +}}}
% Remove algorithm captions, see examples
% Use minted's line numbers for algorithm2e
% Pastel colored listings
% German strings
% Content %
% Load external resources
% Internal metadata setup
% \begin{frame}<beamer>
% \frametitle{\contentsname}
% \tableofcontents[
% currentsection,
% currentsubsection,
% hideothersubsections,
% sectionstyle=show/shaded,
% ]
% \end{frame}
\usebeamerfont{framesource}\usebeamercolor[fg!66]{framesource} Source: {#1}