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/* GCoptimization.h */
/* Olga Veksler, 2005, olga@csd.uwo.ca */
/* Copyright 2005 Olga Veksler (olga@csd.uwo.ca)*/
/* email olga@csd.uwo.ca for any questions, suggestions and bug reports */
/* See file README.txt for instructions on using this library */
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "LinkedBlockList.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "graph.h"
#include "energy.h"
#define m_datacost(pix,lab) (m_datacost[(pix)*m_nLabels+(lab)] )
#define m_smoothcost(lab1,lab2) (m_smoothcost[(lab1)+(lab2)*m_nLabels] )
class GCoptimization:public MRF
// First define needed data types //
/* Type for the total energy calculation. Change it in Graph.h */
typedef Graph::flowtype EnergyType;
/* Type for the individual terms in the energy function.Change it in Graph.h */
typedef Graph::captype EnergyTermType;
/* Type of label. Can be set to char, short, int, long */
typedef int LabelType;
/* Type for pixel. Can be set to short, int, long */
typedef int PixelType;
// Next define constructors //
/* Use this constructor only for grid of size width by height. If you use this constructor, */
/* 4 connected grid neigbhorhood structure is assumed. num_labels is the number of labels, */
/* Labels are assumed to be in {0, 1, 2,....num_labels-1} */
/* dataSetup and smoothSetup can take only 2 values, namely USE_MEMBER_FUNCTION (0) and */
/* In case dataSetup = USE_MEMBER_FUNCTION, to set the data cost you must use the */
/* member function setDataCost(pixel,label,cost). If dataSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER, */
/* to set the data costs you must use any of the setData() functions. */
/* In case smoothSetup = USE_MEMBER_FUNCTION, to set the smooth cost you must use the */
/* member function setSmoothCost(label1,label2,cost). If smoothSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER, */
/* to set the smoothness costs you must use any of the setSmoothness() functions. */
GCoptimization(PixelType width,PixelType height,int num_labels,EnergyFunction *eng);
/* This is the constructor for non-grid graphs. Everything is the same as in the constructor */
/* above, but neighborhood structure must be specified by any of the two setNeighbors() */
/* functions */
GCoptimization(PixelType num_pixels,int nLabels, EnergyFunction *eng);
/* Returns current label assigned to input pixel */
inline LabelType getLabel(PixelType pixel){assert(pixel >= 0 && pixel < m_nPixels);return(m_labeling[pixel]);};
/* Sets data cost of pixel to label */
/* returns pointer to the answer */
Label* getAnswerPtr(){return(m_labeling);}
// Sets answer to zeros
void clearAnswer();
/* Makes pixel1 and pixel2 neighbors of each other. Can be called only 1 time for each */
/* unordered pair of pixels. Parameter weight can be used to set spacially varying terms */
/* If the desired penalty for neighboring pixels pixel1 and pixel2 is */
/* V(label1,label2) = weight*SmoothnessPenalty(label1,label2), then */
/* member function setLabel should be called as: setLabel(pixel1,pixel2,weight) */
void setNeighbors(PixelType pixel1, PixelType pixel2, EnergyTermType weight);
/* This function can be used to change the label of any pixel at any time */
inline void setLabel(PixelType pixel, LabelType label){
assert(label >= 0 && label < m_nLabels && pixel >= 0 && pixel < m_nPixels);m_labeling[pixel] = label;};
/* By default, the labels are visited in random order for both the swap and alpha-expansion moves */
/* Use this function with boolean argument 0 to fix the order to be not random */
/* Use this function with argumnet 1 to fix the order back to random */
void setLabelOrder(bool RANDOM_LABEL_ORDER);
void setParameters(int numParam, void *param);
/* Returns Data Energy of current labeling */
EnergyType dataEnergy();
/* Returns Smooth Energy of current labeling */
EnergyType smoothnessEnergy();
void initializeAlg() {};
/* This function is used to set the data term, and it can be used only if dataSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER */
/* DataCost is an array s.t. the data cost for pixel p and label l is stored at */
/* DataCost[pixel*num_labels+l]. If the current neighborhood system is a grid, then */
/* the data term for label l and pixel with coordinates (x,y) is stored at */
/* DataCost[(x+y*width)*num_labels + l]. Thus the size of array DataCost is num_pixels*num_labels */
void setData(EnergyTermType *DataCost);
/* This function is used to set the data term, and it can be used only if dataSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER */
/* dataFn is a pointer to a function f(Pixel p, Label l), s.t. the data cost for pixel p to have */
/* label l is given by f(p,l) */
void setData(DataCostFn dataFn);
/* This function is used to set the smoothness term, and it can be used only if */
/* smoothSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER */
/* V is an array of costs, such that V(label1,label2) is stored at V[label1+num_labels*label2] */
/* If graph is a grid, then using this function only if the smooth costs are not spacially varying */
/* that is the smoothness penalty V depends only on labels, but not on pixels */
void setSmoothness(EnergyTermType* V);
void setSmoothness(int smoothExp,CostVal smoothMax, CostVal lambda);
/* This function is used to set the smoothness term, and it can be used only if */
/* smoothSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER AND the graph is a grid */
/* hCue(x,y,label1,label2) is the smoothness penalty for pixels (x,y) and (x+1,y) to have labels */
/* label1 and label2, correspondingly. */
/* vCue(x,y,label1,label2) is the smoothness penalty for pixels (x,y) and (x,y+1) to have labels */
/* label1 and label2, correspondingly. */
void setCues(CostVal* hCue, CostVal* vCue); // hCue and vCue must be arrays of size width*height in row major order.
/* This function is used to set the smoothness term, and it can be used only if */
/* smoothSetup = PASS_AS_PARAMETER AND the graph is a grid */
/* horz_cost is a function f(x,y,label1,label2) such that smoothness penalty for neigboring pixels */
/* (x,y) and (x+1,y) to have labels, respectively, label1 and label2 is f(x,y,label1,label2) */
/* vert_cost is a function f(x,y,label1,label2) such that smoothness penalty for neigboring pixels */
/* (x,y) and (x,y+1) to have labels, respectively, label1 and label2 is f(x,y,label1,label2) */
void setSmoothness(SmoothCostGeneralFn cost);
virtual void optimizeAlg(int nIterations) = 0;
typedef struct NeighborStruct{
PixelType to_node;
EnergyTermType weight;
} Neighbor;
LabelType *m_labeling;
bool m_random_label_order;
bool m_needToFreeV;
EnergyTermType *m_datacost;
EnergyTermType *m_smoothcost;
EnergyTermType *m_vertWeights;
EnergyTermType *m_horizWeights;
LinkedBlockList *m_neighbors;
LabelType *m_labelTable;
PixelType *m_lookupPixVar;
EnergyTermType m_weight;
/* Pointers to function for energy terms */
DataCostFn m_dataFnPix;
SmoothCostGeneralFn m_smoothFnPix;
void commonGridInitialization( PixelType width, PixelType height, int nLabels);
void commonNonGridInitialization(PixelType num_pixels, int num_labels);
void commonInitialization();
void scramble_label_table();
EnergyType giveDataEnergyArray();
EnergyType giveDataEnergyFnPix();
EnergyType giveSmoothEnergy_G_ARRAY_VW();
EnergyType giveSmoothEnergy_G_ARRAY();
EnergyType giveSmoothEnergy_G_FnPix();
EnergyType giveSmoothEnergy_NG_ARRAY();
EnergyType giveSmoothEnergy_NG_FnPix();
void add_t_links_ARRAY(Energy *e,Energy::Var *variables,int size,LabelType alpha_label);
void add_t_links_FnPix(Energy *e,Energy::Var *variables,int size,LabelType alpha_label);
void initialize_memory();
void terminateOnError(bool error_condition,const char *message);
class Swap: public GCoptimization
Swap(PixelType width,PixelType height,int num_labels, EnergyFunction *eng);
Swap(PixelType nPixels, int num_labels, EnergyFunction *eng);
/* Peforms swap algorithm. Runs it the specified number of iterations */
EnergyType swap(int max_num_iterations);
/* Peforms swap algorithm. Runs it until convergence */
EnergyType swap();
/* Peforms one iteration (one pass over all labels) of swap algorithm.*/
EnergyType oneSwapIteration();
/* Peforms swap on a pair of labels, specified by the input parameters alpha_label, beta_label */
EnergyType alpha_beta_swap(LabelType alpha_label, LabelType beta_label);
void optimizeAlg(int nIterations);
PixelType *m_pixels;
void set_up_swap_energy_G_ARRAY_VW(int size, LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_swap_energy_G_ARRAY(int size, LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_swap_energy_G_FnPix(int size, LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_swap_energy_NG_ARRAY(int size, LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_swap_energy_NG_FnPix(int size, LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
EnergyType start_swap(int max_iterations);
void add_t_links_ARRAY_swap(Energy *e,Energy::Var *variables,int size,LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels);
void add_t_links_FnPix_swap(Energy *e,Energy::Var *variables,int size,LabelType alpha_label,LabelType beta_label,PixelType *pixels);
void perform_alpha_beta_swap(LabelType alpha_label, LabelType beta_label);
class Expansion: public GCoptimization
Expansion(PixelType width,PixelType height,int num_labels,EnergyFunction *eng):GCoptimization(width,height,num_labels,eng){};
Expansion(PixelType nPixels, int num_labels,EnergyFunction *eng):GCoptimization(nPixels,num_labels,eng){};
/* Peforms expansion algorithm. Runs the number of iterations specified by max_num_iterations */
/* Returns the total energy of labeling */
EnergyType expansion(int max_num_iterations);
/* Peforms expansion algorithm. Runs it until convergence */
/* Returns the total energy of labeling */
EnergyType expansion();
/* Peforms one iteration (one pass over all labels) of expansion algorithm.*/
EnergyType oneExpansionIteration();
/* Peforms expansion on one label, specified by the input parameter alpha_label */
EnergyType alpha_expansion(LabelType alpha_label);
void optimizeAlg(int nIterations);
void set_up_expansion_energy_G_ARRAY_VW(int size, LabelType alpha_label,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_expansion_energy_G_ARRAY(int size, LabelType alpha_label,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_expansion_energy_G_FnPix(int size, LabelType alpha_label,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_expansion_energy_NG_ARRAY(int size, LabelType alpha_label,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void set_up_expansion_energy_NG_FnPix(int size, LabelType alpha_label,Energy* e, Energy::Var *variables);
void perform_alpha_expansion(LabelType label);
EnergyType start_expansion(int max_iterations);