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/* graph.h */
This software library implements the maxflow algorithm
described in
An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms
for Energy Minimization in Vision.
Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),
September 2004
This algorithm was developed by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov
at Siemens Corporate Research. To make it available for public use,
it was later reimplemented by Vladimir Kolmogorov based on open publications.
If you use this software for research purposes, you should cite
the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication.
Copyright 2001 Vladimir Kolmogorov (vnk@cs.cornell.edu), Yuri Boykov (yuri@csd.uwo.ca).
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
For description, example usage, discussion of graph representation
and memory usage see README.TXT.
#ifndef __GRAPH_H__
#define __GRAPH_H__
#ifndef USE_64_BIT_PTR_CAST
#define PTR_CAST int
#define PTR_CAST long
#include "block.h"
#include "mrf.h"
Nodes, arcs and pointers to nodes are
added in blocks for memory and time efficiency.
Below are numbers of items in blocks
#define NODE_BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define ARC_BLOCK_SIZE 1024
class Graph
typedef enum
SINK = 1
} termtype; /* terminals */
typedef MRF::CostVal captype;
/* Type of total flow */
typedef MRF::EnergyVal flowtype;
typedef void * node_id;
/* interface functions */
/* Constructor. Optional argument is the pointer to the
function which will be called if an error occurs;
an error message is passed to this function. If this
argument is omitted, exit(1) will be called. */
Graph(void (*err_function)(const char *) = NULL);
/* Destructor */
/* Adds a node to the graph */
node_id add_node();
/* Adds a bidirectional edge between 'from' and 'to'
with the weights 'cap' and 'rev_cap' */
void add_edge(node_id from, node_id to, captype cap, captype rev_cap);
/* Sets the weights of the edges 'SOURCE->i' and 'i->SINK'
Can be called at most once for each node before any call to 'add_tweights'.
Weights can be negative */
void set_tweights(node_id i, captype cap_source, captype cap_sink);
/* Adds new edges 'SOURCE->i' and 'i->SINK' with corresponding weights
Can be called multiple times for each node.
Weights can be negative */
void add_tweights(node_id i, captype cap_source, captype cap_sink);
/* After the maxflow is computed, this function returns to which
segment the node 'i' belongs (Graph::SOURCE or Graph::SINK) */
termtype what_segment(node_id i);
/* Computes the maxflow. Can be called only once. */
flowtype maxflow();
/* internal variables and functions */
struct arc_forward_st;
struct arc_reverse_st;
#define IS_ODD(a) ((PTR_CAST)(a) & 1)
#define MAKE_ODD(a) ((arc_forward *) ((PTR_CAST)(a) | 1))
#define MAKE_EVEN(a) ((arc_forward *) ((PTR_CAST)(a) & (~1)))
#define MAKE_ODD_REV(a) ((arc_reverse *) ((PTR_CAST)(a) | 1))
#define MAKE_EVEN_REV(a) ((arc_reverse *) ((PTR_CAST)(a) & (~1)))
/* node structure */
typedef struct node_st
Usually i->first_out is the first outgoing
arc, and (i+1)->first_out-1 is the last outgoing arc.
However, it is not always possible, since
arcs are allocated in blocks, so arcs corresponding
to two consecutive nodes may be in different blocks.
If outgoing arcs for i are last in the arc block,
then a different mechanism is used. i->first_out
is odd in this case; the first outgoing arc
is (a+1), and the last outgoing arc is
((arc_forward *)(a->shift))-1, where
a = (arc_forward *) (((char *)(i->first_out)) + 1);
Similar mechanism is used for incoming arcs.
arc_forward_st *first_out; /* first outcoming arc */
arc_reverse_st *first_in; /* first incoming arc */
arc_forward_st *parent; /* describes node's parent
if IS_ODD(parent) then MAKE_EVEN(parent) points to 'arc_reverse',
otherwise parent points to 'arc_forward' */
node_st *next; /* pointer to the next active node
(or to itself if it is the last node in the list) */
int TS; /* timestamp showing when DIST was computed */
int DIST; /* distance to the terminal */
short is_sink; /* flag showing whether the node is in the source or in the sink tree */
captype tr_cap; /* if tr_cap > 0 then tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc SOURCE->node
otherwise -tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc node->SINK */
} node;
/* arc structures */
#define NEIGHBOR_NODE(i, shift) ((node *) ((char *)(i) + (shift)))
#define NEIGHBOR_NODE_REV(i, shift) ((node *) ((char *)(i) - (shift)))
typedef struct arc_forward_st
PTR_CAST shift; /* node_to = NEIGHBOR_NODE(node_from, shift) */
captype r_cap; /* residual capacity */
captype r_rev_cap; /* residual capacity of the reverse arc*/
} arc_forward;
typedef struct arc_reverse_st
arc_forward *sister; /* reverse arc */
} arc_reverse;
/* 'pointer to node' structure */
typedef struct nodeptr_st
node_st *ptr;
nodeptr_st *next;
} nodeptr;
typedef struct node_block_st
node *current;
struct node_block_st *next;
node nodes[NODE_BLOCK_SIZE];
} node_block;
#define last_node LAST_NODE.LAST_NODE
typedef struct arc_for_block_st
char *start; /* the actual start address of this block.
May be different from 'this' since 'this'
must be at an even address. */
arc_forward *current;
struct arc_for_block_st *next;
arc_forward arcs_for[ARC_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* all arcs must be at even addresses */
arc_forward dummy;
node *LAST_NODE; /* used in graph consruction */
} arc_for_block;
typedef struct arc_rev_block_st
char *start; /* the actual start address of this block.
May be different from 'this' since 'this'
must be at an even address. */
arc_reverse *current;
struct arc_rev_block_st *next;
arc_reverse arcs_rev[ARC_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* all arcs must be at even addresses */
arc_reverse dummy;
node *LAST_NODE; /* used in graph consruction */
} arc_rev_block;
node_block *node_block_first;
arc_for_block *arc_for_block_first;
arc_rev_block *arc_rev_block_first;
DBlock<nodeptr> *nodeptr_block;
void (*error_function)(const char *); /* this function is called if a error occurs,
with a corresponding error message
(or exit(1) is called if it's NULL) */
flowtype flow; /* total flow */
node *queue_first[2], *queue_last[2]; /* list of active nodes */
nodeptr *orphan_first, *orphan_last; /* list of pointers to orphans */
int TIME; /* monotonically increasing global counter */
/* functions for processing active list */
void set_active(node *i);
node *next_active();
void prepare_graph();
void maxflow_init();
void augment(node *s_start, node *t_start, captype *cap_middle, captype *rev_cap_middle);
void process_source_orphan(node *i);
void process_sink_orphan(node *i);