695 lines
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695 lines
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// (C) 2002 Marshall Tappen, MIT AI Lab mtappen@mit.edu
#include <limits>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "MaxProdBP.h"
#include "assert.h"
int numIterRun;
// Some of the GBP code has been disabled here
#define mexPrintf printf
#define mexErrMsgTxt printf
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
#define LEFT 2
#define RIGHT 3
int OneNodeCluster::numStates;
FLOATTYPE vec_min(FLOATTYPE *vec, int length)
FLOATTYPE min = vec[0];
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(vec[i] < min)
min = vec[i];
return min;
FLOATTYPE vec_max(FLOATTYPE *vec, int length)
FLOATTYPE max = vec[0];
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if(vec[i] > max)
max = vec[i];
return max;
void getPsiMat(OneNodeCluster &/*cluster*/, FLOATTYPE *&destMatrix,
int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf, int direction, FLOATTYPE &var_weight)
int mrfHeight = mrf->getHeight();
int mrfWidth = mrf->getWidth();
int numLabels = mrf->getNLabels();
int x=c;
int y=r;
int i;
FLOATTYPE *currMatrix = mrf->getScratchMatrix();
if(mrf->getSmoothType() != MRF::FUNCTION)
if(((direction==UP) &&(r==0)) ||
((direction==DOWN) &&(r==(mrfHeight-1)))||
((direction==LEFT) &&(c==0))||
((direction==RIGHT) &&(c==(mrfWidth-1))))
for( i=0; i < numLabels * numLabels; i++)
currMatrix[i] = 0;
MRF::CostVal weight_mod = 1;
weight_mod = mrf->getHorizWeight(r,c-1);
else if (direction ==RIGHT)
weight_mod = mrf->getHorizWeight(r,c);
else if (direction ==UP)
weight_mod = mrf->getVertWeight(r-1,c);
else if (direction == DOWN)
weight_mod = mrf->getVertWeight(r,c);
for( i = 0; i < numLabels*numLabels; i++)
currMatrix[i] = FLOATTYPE(mrf->m_V[i]*weight_mod);
currMatrix[i] = FLOATTYPE(mrf->m_V[i]);
destMatrix = currMatrix;
var_weight = (float)weight_mod;
if(((direction==UP) &&(r==0)) ||
((direction==DOWN) &&(r==(mrfHeight-1)))||
((direction==LEFT) &&(c==0))||
((direction==RIGHT) &&(c==(mrfWidth-1))))
for( i=0; i < numLabels * numLabels; i++)
currMatrix[i] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numLabels; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < numLabels; j++)
MRF::CostVal cCost;
cCost = mrf->m_smoothFn(x+y*mrf->m_width,
x+y*mrf->m_width-1 , j, i);
else if (direction ==RIGHT)
cCost = mrf->m_smoothFn(x+y*mrf->m_width,
x+y*mrf->m_width+1 , i, j);
else if (direction ==UP)
cCost = mrf->m_smoothFn(x+y*mrf->m_width,
x+(y-1)*mrf->m_width , j, i);
else if (direction == DOWN)
cCost = mrf->m_smoothFn(x+y*mrf->m_width,
x+(y+1)*mrf->m_width , i, j);
cCost = mrf->m_smoothFn(x+y*mrf->m_width,
x+(y+1)*mrf->m_width-1 , j, i);
currMatrix[i*numLabels+j] = (float)cCost;
destMatrix = currMatrix;
void getVarWeight(OneNodeCluster &/*cluster*/, int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf, int direction, FLOATTYPE &var_weight)
MRF::CostVal weight_mod = 1;
weight_mod = mrf->getHorizWeight(r,c-1);
else if (direction ==RIGHT)
weight_mod = mrf->getHorizWeight(r,c);
else if (direction ==UP)
weight_mod = mrf->getVertWeight(r-1,c);
else if (direction == DOWN)
weight_mod = mrf->getVertWeight(r,c);
var_weight = (FLOATTYPE) weight_mod;
// printf("%d\n",weight_mod);
void initOneNodeMsgMem(OneNodeCluster *nodeArray, FLOATTYPE *memChunk,
const int numNodes, const int msgChunkSize)
FLOATTYPE *currPtr = memChunk;
OneNodeCluster *currNode = nodeArray;
FLOATTYPE *nextRoundChunk = new FLOATTYPE[nodeArray[1].numStates];
// MEMORY LEAK? where does this ever get deleted??
for(int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
currNode->receivedMsgs[0] = currPtr; currPtr+=msgChunkSize;
currNode->receivedMsgs[1] = currPtr; currPtr+=msgChunkSize;
currNode->receivedMsgs[2] = currPtr; currPtr+=msgChunkSize;
currNode->receivedMsgs[3] = currPtr; currPtr+=msgChunkSize;
currNode->nextRoundReceivedMsgs[0] = nextRoundChunk;
currNode->nextRoundReceivedMsgs[1] = nextRoundChunk;
currNode->nextRoundReceivedMsgs[2] = nextRoundChunk;
currNode->nextRoundReceivedMsgs[3] = nextRoundChunk;
inline void l1_dist_trans_comp(FLOATTYPE smoothMax, FLOATTYPE c, FLOATTYPE* tmpMsgDest, FLOATTYPE * msgProd, int numStates)
int q;
for(int i=0; i < numStates; i++)
tmpMsgDest[i] = msgProd[i];
for (q = 1; q <= numStates-1; q++)
if (tmpMsgDest[q] > tmpMsgDest[q-1]+c)
tmpMsgDest[q] = tmpMsgDest[q-1]+c;
for (q = numStates-2; q >= 0; q--)
if (tmpMsgDest[q] > tmpMsgDest[q+1]+c)
tmpMsgDest[q] = tmpMsgDest[q+1]+c;
FLOATTYPE minPotts = msgProd[0] + smoothMax;
for(q = 0; q <= numStates -1; q++)
if((msgProd[q]+smoothMax) < minPotts)
minPotts = msgProd[q]+smoothMax;
for(q = 0; q <= numStates -1; q++)
if((tmpMsgDest[q]) > minPotts)
tmpMsgDest[q] = minPotts;
tmpMsgDest[q] = -tmpMsgDest[q];
// printf("%f %f %f\n",smoothMax,c,minPotts);
inline void l2_dist_trans_comp(FLOATTYPE smoothMax, FLOATTYPE c, FLOATTYPE* tmpMsgDest, FLOATTYPE * msgProd, int numStates)
FLOATTYPE *z = new FLOATTYPE[numStates];
int *v = new int[numStates];
int j=0;
FLOATTYPE INFINITY_ =std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
int q;
FLOATTYPE minVal = msgProd[0];
for (q = 0; q < numStates; q++)
if(msgProd[q] < minVal)
minVal = msgProd[q];
for (q = 0; q < numStates; q++)
delete [] z;
delete [] v;
for(q = 1; q <= numStates -1; q++)
while( (s = ((msgProd[q] + c*q*q) - (msgProd[v[j]] + c*v[j]*v[j]))/
(2*c*q-2*c*v[j])) <= z[j])
j -=1;
j += 1;
v[j] = q;
z[j] = s;
z[j+1] = INFINITY_;
j = 0;
FLOATTYPE minPotts = msgProd[0] + smoothMax;
for(q = 0; q <= numStates -1; q++)
while(z[j+1] < q)
j +=1;
tmpMsgDest[q] = c*(q-v[j])*(q-v[j]) + msgProd[v[j]];
if((msgProd[q]+smoothMax) < minPotts)
minPotts = msgProd[q]+smoothMax;
for(q = 0; q <= numStates -1; q++)
if((tmpMsgDest[q]) > minPotts)
tmpMsgDest[q] = minPotts;
tmpMsgDest[q] = -tmpMsgDest[q];
delete [] z;
delete [] v;
void OneNodeCluster::ComputeMsgRight(FLOATTYPE *msgDest, int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf)
FLOATTYPE *nodeLeftMsg = receivedMsgs[LEFT],
*nodeDownMsg = receivedMsgs[DOWN],
*nodeUpMsg = receivedMsgs[UP];
FLOATTYPE weight_mod;
FLOATTYPE *tmpMsgDest =msgDest;
if(mrf->m_type==MaxProdBP::L1 || mrf->m_type==MaxProdBP::L2)
FLOATTYPE *msgProd = new FLOATTYPE[numStates];
const FLOATTYPE lambda = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_lambda;
const FLOATTYPE smoothMax = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_smoothMax;
for(int leftNodeInd = 0; leftNodeInd < numStates; leftNodeInd++)
msgProd[leftNodeInd] = -nodeLeftMsg[leftNodeInd] +
-nodeUpMsg[leftNodeInd] +
-nodeDownMsg[leftNodeInd] + localEv[leftNodeInd];
l1_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
l2_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
delete [] msgProd;
else if ((mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::FUNCTION)||(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::ARRAY))
FLOATTYPE *psiMat, var_weight;
getPsiMat(*this,psiMat,r,c,mrf,RIGHT, var_weight);
FLOATTYPE *cmessage = msgDest;
for(int rightNodeInd = 0; rightNodeInd < numStates; rightNodeInd++)
*cmessage = 0;
for(int leftNodeInd = 0; leftNodeInd < numStates; leftNodeInd++)
FLOATTYPE tmp = nodeLeftMsg[leftNodeInd] +
nodeUpMsg[leftNodeInd] +
- localEv[leftNodeInd]
- psiMat[leftNodeInd * numStates + rightNodeInd];
if((tmp > *cmessage)||(leftNodeInd==0))
*cmessage = tmp;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "not implemented!\n");
FLOATTYPE max = msgDest[0];
for(int i=0; i < numStates; i++)
msgDest[i] -= max;
// This means, "Compute the message to send left."
void OneNodeCluster::ComputeMsgLeft(FLOATTYPE *msgDest, int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf)
FLOATTYPE *nodeRightMsg = receivedMsgs[RIGHT],
*nodeDownMsg = receivedMsgs[DOWN],
*nodeUpMsg = receivedMsgs[UP];
int do_dist=(int)(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::THREE_PARAM);
FLOATTYPE *tmpMsgDest=msgDest;
FLOATTYPE weight_mod;
getVarWeight(*this,r,c,mrf,LEFT, weight_mod);
FLOATTYPE *msgProd = new FLOATTYPE[numStates];
const FLOATTYPE lambda = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_lambda;
const FLOATTYPE smoothMax = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_smoothMax;
for(int rightNodeInd = 0; rightNodeInd < numStates; rightNodeInd++)
msgProd[rightNodeInd] = -nodeRightMsg[rightNodeInd] +
-nodeUpMsg[rightNodeInd] +
+localEv[rightNodeInd] ;
{ l1_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
l2_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
delete [] msgProd;
else if ((mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::FUNCTION)||(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::ARRAY))
FLOATTYPE *psiMat, var_weight;
getPsiMat(*this,psiMat,r,c,mrf,LEFT, var_weight);
FLOATTYPE *cmessage = msgDest;
for(int leftNodeInd = 0; leftNodeInd < numStates; leftNodeInd++)
*cmessage = 0;
for(int rightNodeInd = 0; rightNodeInd < numStates; rightNodeInd++)
FLOATTYPE tmp = nodeRightMsg[rightNodeInd] +
nodeUpMsg[rightNodeInd] +
- psiMat[leftNodeInd * numStates + rightNodeInd] ;
if((tmp > *cmessage)||(rightNodeInd==0))
*cmessage = tmp;
// FLOATTYPE max = vec_max(msgDest,numStates);
FLOATTYPE max = msgDest[0];
for(int i=0; i < numStates; i++)
msgDest[i] -= max;
void OneNodeCluster::ComputeMsgUp(FLOATTYPE *msgDest, int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf)
FLOATTYPE *nodeRightMsg = receivedMsgs[RIGHT],
*nodeDownMsg = receivedMsgs[DOWN],
*nodeLeftMsg = receivedMsgs[LEFT];
int do_dist=(int)(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::THREE_PARAM);
FLOATTYPE weight_mod;
FLOATTYPE *tmpMsgDest = msgDest;
FLOATTYPE *msgProd = new FLOATTYPE[numStates];
const FLOATTYPE lambda = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_lambda;
const FLOATTYPE smoothMax = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_smoothMax;
for(int downNodeInd = 0; downNodeInd < numStates; downNodeInd++)
msgProd[downNodeInd] = -nodeRightMsg[downNodeInd] +
-nodeLeftMsg[downNodeInd] +
-nodeDownMsg[downNodeInd] +
+localEv[downNodeInd] ;
// printf("%f %f %f %f\n",nodeLeftMsg[leftNodeInd] ,
// nodeUpMsg[leftNodeInd] ,
// nodeDownMsg[leftNodeInd] ,localEv[leftNodeInd]);
{ l1_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
l2_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
delete [] msgProd;
else if ((mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::FUNCTION)||(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::ARRAY))
FLOATTYPE *psiMat, var_weight;
getPsiMat(*this,psiMat,r,c,mrf,UP, var_weight);
FLOATTYPE *cmessage = msgDest;
for(int upNodeInd = 0; upNodeInd < numStates; upNodeInd++)
*cmessage = 0;
for(int downNodeInd = 0; downNodeInd < numStates; downNodeInd++)
FLOATTYPE tmp = nodeRightMsg[downNodeInd] +
nodeLeftMsg[downNodeInd] +
nodeDownMsg[downNodeInd] +
-psiMat[upNodeInd * numStates + downNodeInd] ;
if((tmp > *cmessage)||(downNodeInd==0))
*cmessage = tmp;
FLOATTYPE max = msgDest[0];
// FLOATTYPE max = vec_max(msgDest,numStates);
for(int i=0; i < numStates; i++)
msgDest[i] -=max;
void OneNodeCluster::ComputeMsgDown(FLOATTYPE *msgDest, int r, int c, MaxProdBP *mrf)
FLOATTYPE *nodeRightMsg = receivedMsgs[RIGHT],
*nodeUpMsg = receivedMsgs[UP],
*nodeLeftMsg = receivedMsgs[LEFT];
int do_dist=(int)(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::THREE_PARAM);
FLOATTYPE weight_mod;
FLOATTYPE *tmpMsgDest = msgDest;
FLOATTYPE *msgProd = new FLOATTYPE[numStates];
const FLOATTYPE lambda = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_lambda;
const FLOATTYPE smoothMax = (FLOATTYPE)mrf->m_smoothMax;
for(int upNodeInd = 0; upNodeInd < numStates; upNodeInd++)
msgProd[upNodeInd] = -nodeRightMsg[upNodeInd] +
-nodeLeftMsg[upNodeInd] +
-nodeUpMsg[upNodeInd] +
+localEv[upNodeInd] ;
{ l1_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
l2_dist_trans_comp( weight_mod*smoothMax*lambda, lambda*weight_mod, tmpMsgDest, msgProd, numStates);
delete [] msgProd;
else if((mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::FUNCTION)||(mrf->getSmoothType()==MRF::ARRAY))
FLOATTYPE *psiMat, var_weight;
getPsiMat(*this,psiMat,r,c,mrf,DOWN, var_weight);
FLOATTYPE *cmessage = msgDest;
for(int downNodeInd = 0; downNodeInd < numStates; downNodeInd++)
*cmessage = 0;
for(int upNodeInd = 0; upNodeInd < numStates; upNodeInd++)
FLOATTYPE tmp = nodeRightMsg[upNodeInd] +
nodeLeftMsg[upNodeInd] +
nodeUpMsg[upNodeInd] +
-psiMat[upNodeInd * numStates + downNodeInd] ;
if((tmp > *cmessage)||(upNodeInd==0))
*cmessage = tmp;
FLOATTYPE max = msgDest[0];
// FLOATTYPE max = vec_max(msgDest,numStates);
for(int i=0; i < numStates; i++)
msgDest[i] -=max;
void OneNodeCluster::getBelief(FLOATTYPE *beliefVec)
for(int i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
beliefVec[i] = receivedMsgs[UP][i] + receivedMsgs[DOWN][i] +
receivedMsgs[LEFT][i] + receivedMsgs[RIGHT][i] - localEv[i];
int OneNodeCluster::getBeliefMaxInd()
FLOATTYPE currBelief,bestBelief;
int bestInd = 0;
int i = 0;
bestBelief = receivedMsgs[UP][i] + receivedMsgs[DOWN][i] +
receivedMsgs[LEFT][i] + receivedMsgs[RIGHT][i] - localEv[i];
for(int i = 1; i < numStates; i++)
currBelief = receivedMsgs[UP][i] + receivedMsgs[DOWN][i] +
receivedMsgs[LEFT][i] + receivedMsgs[RIGHT][i] - localEv[i];
if(currBelief > bestBelief)
bestBelief = currBelief;
return bestInd;
void computeMessagesLeftRight(OneNodeCluster *nodeArray, const int numCols, const int /*numRows*/, const int currRow, const FLOATTYPE alpha, MaxProdBP *mrf)
const int numStates = OneNodeCluster::numStates;
const FLOATTYPE omalpha = 1.0f - alpha;
int i;
int col;
for( col = 0; col < numCols-1; col++)
nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col].ComputeMsgRight(nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col+1].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[LEFT],currRow, col, mrf);
for(i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col+1].receivedMsgs[LEFT][i] =
omalpha * nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col+1].receivedMsgs[LEFT][i] +
alpha * nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col+1].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[LEFT][i];
for( col = numCols-1; col > 0; col--)
nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col].ComputeMsgLeft(nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col-1].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[RIGHT],currRow, col, mrf);
for(i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col-1].receivedMsgs[RIGHT][i] =
omalpha * nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col-1].receivedMsgs[RIGHT][i] +
alpha * nodeArray[currRow * numCols + col-1].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[RIGHT][i];
void computeMessagesUpDown(OneNodeCluster *nodeArray, const int numCols, const int numRows, const int currCol, const FLOATTYPE alpha, MaxProdBP *mrf)
const int numStates = OneNodeCluster::numStates;
const FLOATTYPE omalpha = 1.0f - alpha;
int i;
int row;
for(row = 0; row < numRows-1; row++)
nodeArray[row * numCols + currCol].ComputeMsgDown(nodeArray[(row+1) * numCols + currCol].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[UP],row, currCol, mrf);
for(i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
nodeArray[(row+1) * numCols + currCol].receivedMsgs[UP][i] =
omalpha * nodeArray[(row+1) * numCols + currCol].receivedMsgs[UP][i] +
alpha * nodeArray[(row+1) * numCols + currCol].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[UP][i];
for( row = numRows-1; row > 0; row--)
nodeArray[row * numCols + currCol].ComputeMsgUp(nodeArray[(row-1) * numCols + currCol].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[DOWN], row, currCol, mrf);
for(i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
nodeArray[(row-1) * numCols + currCol].receivedMsgs[DOWN][i] =
omalpha * nodeArray[(row-1) * numCols + currCol].receivedMsgs[DOWN][i] +
alpha * nodeArray[(row-1) * numCols + currCol].nextRoundReceivedMsgs[DOWN][i];