899 lines
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899 lines
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# File: Jpeg2000.pm
# Description: Read JPEG 2000 meta information
# Revisions: 02/11/2005 - P. Harvey Created
# 06/22/2007 - PH Added write support (EXIF, IPTC and XMP only)
# References: 1) http://www.jpeg.org/public/fcd15444-2.pdf
# 2) ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/jpeg2000/fcd15444-1.pdf
package Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
$VERSION = '1.26';
sub ProcessJpeg2000Box($$$);
my %resolutionUnit = (
-3 => 'km',
-2 => '100 m',
-1 => '10 m',
0 => 'm',
1 => '10 cm',
2 => 'cm',
3 => 'mm',
4 => '0.1 mm',
5 => '0.01 mm',
6 => 'um',
# map of where information is written in JPEG2000 image
my %jp2Map = (
'UUID-IPTC' => 'JP2',
'UUID-EXIF' => 'JP2',
'UUID-XMP' => 'JP2',
# jp2h => 'JP2', (not yet functional)
# ICC_Profile => 'jp2h', (not yet functional)
IFD1 => 'IFD0',
EXIF => 'IFD0', # to write EXIF as a block
ExifIFD => 'IFD0',
GPS => 'IFD0',
SubIFD => 'IFD0',
GlobParamIFD => 'IFD0',
PrintIM => 'IFD0',
InteropIFD => 'ExifIFD',
MakerNotes => 'ExifIFD',
# UUID's for writable UUID directories (by tag name)
my %uuid = (
'UUID-EXIF' => 'JpgTiffExif->JP2',
'UUID-EXIF2' => '', # (flags a warning when writing)
'UUID-EXIF_bad' => '0', # (flags a warning when reading and writing)
'UUID-IPTC' => "\x33\xc7\xa4\xd2\xb8\x1d\x47\x23\xa0\xba\xf1\xa3\xe0\x97\xad\x38",
'UUID-XMP' => "\xbe\x7a\xcf\xcb\x97\xa9\x42\xe8\x9c\x71\x99\x94\x91\xe3\xaf\xac",
# (can't yet write GeoJP2 information)
# 'UUID-GeoJP2' => "\xb1\x4b\xf8\xbd\x08\x3d\x4b\x43\xa5\xae\x8c\xd7\xd5\xa6\xce\x03",
# JPEG2000 codestream markers (ref ISO/IEC FCD15444-1/2)
my %j2cMarker = (
0x4f => 'SOC', # start of codestream
0x51 => 'SIZ', # image and tile size
0x52 => 'COD', # coding style default
0x53 => 'COC', # coding style component
0x55 => 'TLM', # tile-part lengths
0x57 => 'PLM', # packet length, main header
0x58 => 'PLT', # packet length, tile-part header
0x5c => 'QCD', # quantization default
0x5d => 'QCC', # quantization component
0x5e => 'RGN', # region of interest
0x5f => 'POD', # progression order default
0x60 => 'PPM', # packed packet headers, main
0x61 => 'PPT', # packed packet headers, tile-part
0x63 => 'CRG', # component registration
0x64 => 'CME', # comment and extension
0x90 => 'SOT', # start of tile-part
0x91 => 'SOP', # start of packet
0x92 => 'EPH', # end of packet header
0x93 => 'SOD', # start of data
# extensions (ref ISO/IEC FCD15444-2)
0x70 => 'DCO', # variable DC offset
0x71 => 'VMS', # visual masking
0x72 => 'DFS', # downsampling factor style
0x73 => 'ADS', # arbitrary decomposition style
# 0x72 => 'ATK', # arbitrary transformation kernels ?
0x78 => 'CBD', # component bit depth
0x74 => 'MCT', # multiple component transformation definition
0x75 => 'MCC', # multiple component collection
0x77 => 'MIC', # multiple component intermediate collection
0x76 => 'NLT', # non-linearity point transformation
# JPEG 2000 "box" (ie. atom) names
# Note: only tags with a defined "Format" are extracted
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::Main = (
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&ProcessJpeg2000Box,
WRITE_PROC => \&ProcessJpeg2000Box,
PREFERRED => 1, # always add these tags when writing
NOTES => q{
The tags below are extracted from JPEG 2000 images, however ExifTool
currently writes only EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags in these images.
'jP ' => 'JP2Signature', # (ref 1)
"jP\x1a\x1a" => 'JP2Signature', # (ref 2)
prfl => 'Profile',
ftyp => {
Name => 'FileType',
SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::FileType' },
rreq => 'ReaderRequirements',
jp2h => {
Name => 'JP2Header',
SubDirectory => { },
# JP2Header sub boxes...
ihdr => {
Name => 'ImageHeader',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::ImageHeader',
bpcc => 'BitsPerComponent',
colr => {
Name => 'ColorSpecification',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::ColorSpec',
pclr => 'Palette',
cdef => 'ComponentDefinition',
'res '=> {
Name => 'Resolution',
SubDirectory => { },
# Resolution sub boxes...
resc => {
Name => 'CaptureResolution',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::CaptureResolution',
resd => {
Name => 'DisplayResolution',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::DisplayResolution',
jpch => {
Name => 'CodestreamHeader',
SubDirectory => { },
# CodestreamHeader sub boxes...
'lbl '=> {
Name => 'Label',
Format => 'string',
cmap => 'ComponentMapping',
roid => 'ROIDescription',
jplh => {
Name => 'CompositingLayerHeader',
SubDirectory => { },
# CompositingLayerHeader sub boxes...
cgrp => 'ColorGroup',
opct => 'Opacity',
creg => 'CodestreamRegistration',
dtbl => 'DataReference',
ftbl => {
Name => 'FragmentTable',
Subdirectory => { },
# FragmentTable sub boxes...
flst => 'FragmentList',
cref => 'Cross-Reference',
mdat => 'MediaData',
comp => 'Composition',
copt => 'CompositionOptions',
inst => 'InstructionSet',
asoc => 'Association',
nlst => 'NumberList',
bfil => 'BinaryFilter',
drep => 'DesiredReproductions',
# DesiredReproductions sub boxes...
gtso => 'GraphicsTechnologyStandardOutput',
chck => 'DigitalSignature',
mp7b => 'MPEG7Binary',
free => 'Free',
jp2c => 'ContiguousCodestream',
jp2i => {
Name => 'IntellectualProperty',
SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main' },
'xml '=> {
Name => 'XML',
Writable => 'undef',
Flags => [ 'Binary', 'Protected', 'BlockExtract' ],
List => 1,
Notes => q{
by default, the XML data in this tag is parsed using the ExifTool XMP module
to to allow individual tags to be accessed when reading, but it may also be
extracted as a block via the "XML" tag, which is also how this tag is
written and copied. This is a List-type tag because multiple XML blocks may
SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main' },
uuid => [
Name => 'UUID-EXIF',
# (this is the EXIF that we create)
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^JpgTiffExif->JP2(?!Exif\0\0)/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main',
ProcessProc => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessTIFF,
WriteProc => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteTIFF,
DirName => 'EXIF',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-EXIF2',
# written by Photoshop 7.01+Adobe JPEG2000-plugin v1.5
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\x05\x37\xcd\xab\x9d\x0c\x44\x31\xa7\x2a\xfa\x56\x1f\x2a\x11\x3e/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main',
ProcessProc => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessTIFF,
WriteProc => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteTIFF,
DirName => 'EXIF',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-EXIF_bad',
# written by Digikam
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^JpgTiffExif->JP2/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main',
ProcessProc => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessTIFF,
WriteProc => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteTIFF,
DirName => 'EXIF',
Start => '$valuePtr + 22',
Name => 'UUID-IPTC',
# (this is the IPTC that we create)
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\x33\xc7\xa4\xd2\xb8\x1d\x47\x23\xa0\xba\xf1\xa3\xe0\x97\xad\x38/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::IPTC::Main',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-IPTC2',
# written by Photoshop 7.01+Adobe JPEG2000-plugin v1.5
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\x09\xa1\x4e\x97\xc0\xb4\x42\xe0\xbe\xbf\x36\xdf\x6f\x0c\xe3\x6f/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::IPTC::Main',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-XMP',
# ref http://www.adobe.com/products/xmp/pdfs/xmpspec.pdf
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\xbe\x7a\xcf\xcb\x97\xa9\x42\xe8\x9c\x71\x99\x94\x91\xe3\xaf\xac/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-GeoJP2',
# ref http://www.remotesensing.org/jpeg2000/
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\xb1\x4b\xf8\xbd\x08\x3d\x4b\x43\xa5\xae\x8c\xd7\xd5\xa6\xce\x03/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main',
ProcessProc => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessTIFF,
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-Photoshop',
# written by Photoshop 7.01+Adobe JPEG2000-plugin v1.5
Condition => '$$valPt=~/^\x2c\x4c\x01\x00\x85\x04\x40\xb9\xa0\x3e\x56\x21\x48\xd6\xdf\xeb/',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::Main',
Start => '$valuePtr + 16',
Name => 'UUID-Unknown',
# also written by Adobe JPEG2000 plugin v1.5:
# 3a 0d 02 18 0a e9 41 15 b3 76 4b ca 41 ce 0e 71 - 1 byte (01)
# 47 c9 2c cc d1 a1 45 81 b9 04 38 bb 54 67 71 3b - 1 byte (01)
# bc 45 a7 74 dd 50 4e c6 a9 f6 f3 a1 37 f4 7e 90 - 4 bytes (00 00 00 32)
# d7 c8 c5 ef 95 1f 43 b2 87 57 04 25 00 f5 38 e8 - 4 bytes (00 00 00 32)
uinf => {
Name => 'UUIDInfo',
SubDirectory => { },
# UUIDInfo sub boxes...
ulst => 'UUIDList',
'url '=> {
Name => 'URL',
Format => 'string',
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::ImageHeader = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' },
0 => {
Name => 'ImageHeight',
Format => 'int32u',
4 => {
Name => 'ImageWidth',
Format => 'int32u',
8 => {
Name => 'NumberOfComponents',
Format => 'int16u',
10 => {
Name => 'BitsPerComponent',
PrintConv => q{
$val == 0xff and return 'Variable';
my $sign = ($val & 0x80) ? 'Signed' : 'Unsigned';
return (($val & 0x7f) + 1) . " Bits, $sign";
11 => {
Name => 'Compression',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Uncompressed',
1 => 'Modified Huffman',
2 => 'Modified READ',
3 => 'Modified Modified READ',
4 => 'JBIG',
5 => 'JPEG',
6 => 'JPEG-LS',
7 => 'JPEG 2000',
8 => 'JBIG2',
# (ref fcd15444-1/2/6.pdf)
# (also see http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap1/qtff1.html)
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::FileType = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Video' },
FORMAT => 'int32u',
0 => {
Name => 'MajorBrand',
Format => 'undef[4]',
PrintConv => {
'jp2 ' => 'JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2)', # image/jp2
'jpm ' => 'JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM)', # image/jpm
'jpx ' => 'JPEG 2000 with extensions (.JPX)', # image/jpx
1 => {
Name => 'MinorVersion',
Format => 'undef[4]',
ValueConv => 'sprintf("%x.%x.%x", unpack("nCC", $val))',
2 => {
Name => 'CompatibleBrands',
Format => 'undef[$size-8]',
# ignore any entry with a null, and return others as a list
ValueConv => 'my @a=($val=~/.{4}/sg); @a=grep(!/\0/,@a); \@a',
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::CaptureResolution = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' },
FORMAT => 'int8s',
0 => {
Name => 'CaptureYResolution',
Format => 'rational32u',
4 => {
Name => 'CaptureXResolution',
Format => 'rational32u',
8 => {
Name => 'CaptureYResolutionUnit',
SeparateTable => 'ResolutionUnit',
PrintConv => \%resolutionUnit,
9 => {
Name => 'CaptureXResolutionUnit',
SeparateTable => 'ResolutionUnit',
PrintConv => \%resolutionUnit,
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::DisplayResolution = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' },
FORMAT => 'int8s',
0 => {
Name => 'DisplayYResolution',
Format => 'rational32u',
4 => {
Name => 'DisplayXResolution',
Format => 'rational32u',
8 => {
Name => 'DisplayYResolutionUnit',
SeparateTable => 'ResolutionUnit',
PrintConv => \%resolutionUnit,
9 => {
Name => 'DisplayXResolutionUnit',
SeparateTable => 'ResolutionUnit',
PrintConv => \%resolutionUnit,
%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::ColorSpec = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Image' },
FORMAT => 'int8s',
0 => {
Name => 'ColorSpecMethod',
RawConv => '$$self{ColorSpecMethod} = $val',
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Enumerated',
2 => 'Restricted ICC',
3 => 'Any ICC',
4 => 'Vendor Color',
1 => 'ColorSpecPrecedence',
2 => {
Name => 'ColorSpecApproximation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Not Specified',
1 => 'Accurate',
2 => 'Exceptional Quality',
3 => 'Reasonable Quality',
4 => 'Poor Quality',
3 => [
Name => 'ICC_Profile',
Condition => q{
$$self{ColorSpecMethod} == 2 or
$$self{ColorSpecMethod} == 3
Format => 'undef[$size-3]',
SubDirectory => {
TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::Main',
Name => 'ColorSpace',
Condition => '$$self{ColorSpecMethod} == 1',
Format => 'int32u',
PrintConv => { # ref 15444-2 2002-05-15
0 => 'Bi-level',
1 => 'YCbCr(1)',
3 => 'YCbCr(2)',
4 => 'YCbCr(3)',
9 => 'PhotoYCC',
11 => 'CMY',
12 => 'CMYK',
13 => 'YCCK',
14 => 'CIELab',
15 => 'Bi-level(2)', # (incorrectly listed as 18 in 15444-2 2000-12-07)
16 => 'sRGB',
17 => 'Grayscale',
18 => 'sYCC',
19 => 'CIEJab',
20 => 'e-sRGB',
21 => 'ROMM-RGB',
# incorrect in 15444-2 2000-12-07
#22 => 'sRGB based YCbCr',
#23 => 'YPbPr(1125/60)',
#24 => 'YPbPr(1250/50)',
22 => 'YPbPr(1125/60)',
23 => 'YPbPr(1250/50)',
24 => 'e-sYCC',
Name => 'ColorSpecData',
Format => 'undef[$size-3]',
Binary => 1,
# Create new JPEG 2000 boxes when writing
# (Currently only supports adding top-level Writable JPEG2000 tags and certain UUID boxes)
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) Output file or scalar ref
# Returns: 1 on success
sub CreateNewBoxes($$)
my ($et, $outfile) = @_;
my $addTags = $$et{AddJp2Tags};
my $addDirs = $$et{AddJp2Dirs};
delete $$et{AddJp2Tags};
delete $$et{AddJp2Dirs};
my ($tag, $dirName);
# add JPEG2000 tags
foreach $tag (sort keys %$addTags) {
my $tagInfo = $$addTags{$tag};
my $nvHash = $et->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
# (native JPEG2000 information is always preferred, so don't check IsCreating)
next unless $$tagInfo{List} or $et->IsOverwriting($nvHash) > 0;
next if $$nvHash{EditOnly};
my @vals = $et->GetNewValue($nvHash);
my $val;
foreach $val (@vals) {
my $boxhdr = pack('N', length($val) + 8) . $$tagInfo{TagID};
Write($outfile, $boxhdr, $val) or return 0;
$et->VerboseValue("+ Jpeg2000:$$tagInfo{Name}", $val);
# add UUID boxes
foreach $dirName (sort keys %$addDirs) {
next unless $uuid{$dirName};
my $tagInfo;
foreach $tagInfo (@{$Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::Main{uuid}}) {
next unless $$tagInfo{Name} eq $dirName;
my $subdir = $$tagInfo{SubDirectory};
my $tagTable = GetTagTable($$subdir{TagTable});
my %dirInfo = (
DirName => $$subdir{DirName} || $dirName,
Parent => 'JP2',
# remove "UUID-" from start of directory name to allow appropriate
# directories to be written as a block
$dirInfo{DirName} =~ s/^UUID-//;
my $newdir = $et->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTable, $$subdir{WriteProc});
if (defined $newdir and length $newdir) {
my $boxhdr = pack('N', length($newdir) + 24) . 'uuid' . $uuid{$dirName};
Write($outfile, $boxhdr, $newdir) or return 0;
return 1;
# Process JPEG 2000 box
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference, 2) Pointer to tag table
# Returns: 1 on success when reading, or -1 on write error
# (or JP2 box or undef when writing from buffer)
sub ProcessJpeg2000Box($$$)
my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $dataLen = $$dirInfo{DataLen};
my $dataPos = $$dirInfo{DataPos};
my $dirLen = $$dirInfo{DirLen} || 0;
my $dirStart = $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0;
my $base = $$dirInfo{Base} || 0;
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile};
my $dirEnd = $dirStart + $dirLen;
my ($err, $outBuff, $verbose);
if ($outfile) {
unless ($raf) {
# buffer output to be used for return value
$outBuff = '';
$outfile = \$outBuff;
} else {
# (must not set verbose flag when writing!)
$verbose = $$et{OPTIONS}{Verbose};
$et->VerboseDir($$dirInfo{DirName}) if $verbose;
# loop through all contained boxes
my ($pos, $boxLen);
for ($pos=$dirStart; ; $pos+=$boxLen) {
my ($boxID, $buff, $valuePtr);
my $hdrLen = 8; # the box header length
if ($raf) {
$dataPos = $raf->Tell() - $base;
my $n = $raf->Read($buff,$hdrLen);
unless ($n == $hdrLen) {
$n and $err = '', last;
if ($outfile) {
CreateNewBoxes($et, $outfile) or $err = 1;
$dataPt = \$buff;
$dirLen = $dirEnd = $hdrLen;
$pos = 0;
} elsif ($pos >= $dirEnd - $hdrLen) {
$err = '' unless $pos == $dirEnd;
$boxLen = unpack("x$pos N",$$dataPt); # (length includes header and data)
$boxID = substr($$dataPt, $pos+4, 4);
$pos += $hdrLen; # move to end of box header
if ($boxLen == 1) {
# box header contains an additional 8-byte integer for length
$hdrLen += 8;
if ($raf) {
my $buf2;
if ($raf->Read($buf2,8) == 8) {
$buff .= $buf2;
$dirLen = $dirEnd = $hdrLen;
$pos > $dirEnd - 8 and $err = '', last;
my ($hi, $lo) = unpack("x$pos N2",$$dataPt);
$hi and $err = "Can't currently handle JPEG 2000 boxes > 4 GB", last;
$pos += 8; # move to end of extended-length box header
$boxLen = $lo - $hdrLen; # length of remaining box data
} elsif ($boxLen == 0) {
if ($raf) {
if ($outfile) {
CreateNewBoxes($et, $outfile) or $err = 1;
# copy over the rest of the file
Write($outfile, $$dataPt) or $err = 1;
while ($raf->Read($buff, 65536)) {
Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1;
} elsif ($verbose) {
my $msg = sprintf("offset 0x%.4x to end of file", $dataPos + $base + $pos);
$et->VPrint(0, "$$et{INDENT}- Tag '${boxID}' ($msg)\n");
last; # (ignore the rest of the file when reading)
$boxLen = $dirEnd - $pos; # data runs to end of file
} else {
$boxLen -= $hdrLen; # length of remaining box data
$boxLen < 0 and $err = 'Invalid JPEG 2000 box length', last;
my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $boxID);
unless (defined $tagInfo or $verbose) {
# no need to process this box
if ($raf) {
if ($outfile) {
Write($outfile, $$dataPt) or $err = 1;
$raf->Read($buff,$boxLen) == $boxLen or $err = '', last;
Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1;
} else {
$raf->Seek($boxLen, 1) or $err = 'Seek error', last;
} elsif ($outfile) {
Write($outfile, substr($$dataPt, $pos-$hdrLen, $boxLen+$hdrLen)) or $err = '', last;
if ($raf) {
# read the box data
$dataPos = $raf->Tell() - $base;
$raf->Read($buff,$boxLen) == $boxLen or $err = '', last;
$valuePtr = 0;
$dataLen = $boxLen;
} elsif ($pos + $boxLen > $dirEnd) {
$err = '';
} else {
$valuePtr = $pos;
if (defined $tagInfo and not $tagInfo) {
# GetTagInfo() required the value for a Condition
my $tmpVal = substr($$dataPt, $valuePtr, $boxLen < 128 ? $boxLen : 128);
$tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $boxID, \$tmpVal);
# delete all UUID boxes and any writable box if deleting all information
if ($outfile and $tagInfo) {
if ($boxID eq 'uuid' and $$et{DEL_GROUP}{'*'}) {
$et->VPrint(0, " Deleting $$tagInfo{Name}\n");
} elsif ($$tagInfo{Writable}) {
my $isOverwriting;
if ($$et{DEL_GROUP}{Jpeg2000}) {
$isOverwriting = 1;
} else {
my $nvHash = $et->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
$isOverwriting = $et->IsOverwriting($nvHash);
if ($isOverwriting) {
my $val = substr($$dataPt, $valuePtr, $boxLen);
$et->VerboseValue("- Jpeg2000:$$tagInfo{Name}", $val);
} elsif (not $$tagInfo{List}) {
delete $$et{AddJp2Tags}{$boxID};
if ($verbose) {
$et->VerboseInfo($boxID, $tagInfo,
Table => $tagTablePtr,
DataPt => $dataPt,
Size => $boxLen,
Start => $valuePtr,
Addr => $valuePtr + $dataPos + $base,
next unless $tagInfo;
if ($$tagInfo{SubDirectory}) {
my $subdir = $$tagInfo{SubDirectory};
my $subdirStart = $valuePtr;
if (defined $$subdir{Start}) {
#### eval Start ($valuePtr)
$subdirStart = eval($$subdir{Start});
my $subdirLen = $boxLen - ($subdirStart - $valuePtr);
my %subdirInfo = (
Parent => 'JP2',
DataPt => $dataPt,
DataPos => -$subdirStart, # (relative to Base)
DataLen => $dataLen,
DirStart => $subdirStart,
DirLen => $subdirLen,
DirName => $$subdir{DirName} || $$tagInfo{Name},
OutFile => $outfile,
Base => $base + $dataPos + $subdirStart,
my $uuid = $uuid{$$tagInfo{Name}};
# remove "UUID-" prefix to allow appropriate directories to be written as a block
$subdirInfo{DirName} =~ s/^UUID-//;
my $subTable = GetTagTable($$subdir{TagTable}) || $tagTablePtr;
if ($outfile) {
# remove this directory from our create list
delete $$et{AddJp2Dirs}{$$tagInfo{Name}};
my $newdir;
# only edit writable UUID boxes
if ($uuid) {
$newdir = $et->WriteDirectory(\%subdirInfo, $subTable, $$subdir{WriteProc});
next if defined $newdir and not length $newdir; # next if deleting the box
} elsif (defined $uuid) {
$et->Warn("Not editing $$tagInfo{Name} box", 1);
# use old box data if not changed
defined $newdir or $newdir = substr($$dataPt, $subdirStart, $subdirLen);
my $prefixLen = $subdirStart - $valuePtr;
my $boxhdr = pack('N', length($newdir) + 8 + $prefixLen) . $boxID;
$boxhdr .= substr($$dataPt, $valuePtr, $prefixLen) if $prefixLen;
Write($outfile, $boxhdr, $newdir) or $err = 1;
} else {
# extract as a block if specified
$subdirInfo{BlockInfo} = $tagInfo if $$tagInfo{BlockExtract};
$et->Warn("Reading non-standard $$tagInfo{Name} box") if defined $uuid and $uuid eq '0';
unless ($et->ProcessDirectory(\%subdirInfo, $subTable, $$subdir{ProcessProc})) {
if ($subTable eq $tagTablePtr) {
$err = 'JPEG 2000 format error';
$et->Warn("Unrecognized $$tagInfo{Name} box");
} elsif ($$tagInfo{Format} and not $outfile) {
# only save tag values if Format was specified
my $rational;
my $val = ReadValue($dataPt, $valuePtr, $$tagInfo{Format}, undef, $boxLen, \$rational);
if (defined $val) {
my $key = $et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val);
# save Rational value
$$et{RATIONAL}{$key} = $rational if defined $rational and defined $key;
} elsif ($outfile) {
my $boxhdr = pack('N', $boxLen + 8) . $boxID;
Write($outfile, $boxhdr, substr($$dataPt, $valuePtr, $boxLen)) or $err = 1;
if (defined $err) {
$err or $err = 'Truncated JPEG 2000 box';
if ($outfile) {
$et->Error($err) unless $err eq '1';
return $raf ? -1 : undef;
return $outBuff if $outfile and not $raf;
return 1;
# Read/write meta information from a JPEG 2000 image
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid JPEG 2000 file, or -1 on write error
sub ProcessJP2($$)
local $_;
my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_;
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile};
my $hdr;
# check to be sure this is a valid JPG2000 file
return 0 unless $raf->Read($hdr,12) == 12;
unless ($hdr eq "\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a" or # (ref 1)
$hdr eq "\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP\x1a\x1a\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a") # (ref 2)
return 0 unless $hdr =~ /^\xff\x4f\xff\x51\0/; # check for JP2 codestream format
if ($outfile) {
$et->Error('Writing of J2C files is not yet supported');
return 0
# add J2C markers if not done already
unless ($Image::ExifTool::jpegMarker{0x4f}) {
$Image::ExifTool::jpegMarker{$_} = $j2cMarker{$_} foreach keys %j2cMarker;
return $et->ProcessJPEG($dirInfo); # decode with JPEG processor
if ($outfile) {
Write($outfile, $hdr) or return -1;
# save list of directories to create
my %addDirs = %{$$et{ADD_DIRS}};
$$et{AddJp2Dirs} = \%addDirs;
$$et{AddJp2Tags} = $et->GetNewTagInfoHash(\%Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::Main);
} else {
my ($buff, $fileType);
# recognize JPX and JPM as unique types of JP2
if ($raf->Read($buff, 12) == 12 and $buff =~ /^.{4}ftyp(.{4})/s) {
$fileType = 'JPX' if $1 eq 'jpx ';
$fileType = 'JPM' if $1 eq 'jpm ';
$raf->Seek(-length($buff), 1) if defined $buff;
SetByteOrder('MM'); # JPEG 2000 files are big-endian
my %dirInfo = (
RAF => $raf,
DirName => 'JP2',
OutFile => $$dirInfo{OutFile},
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::Main');
return $et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000 - Read JPEG 2000 meta information
This module is used by Image::ExifTool
This module contains routines required by Image::ExifTool to read JPEG 2000
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2018, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<http://www.jpeg.org/public/fcd15444-2.pdf>
=item L<ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/jpeg2000/fcd15444-1.pdf>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/Jpeg2000 Tags>,