740 lines
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# File: Real.pm
# Description: Read Real audio/video meta information
# Revisions: 05/16/2006 - P. Harvey Created
# References: 1) http://www.getid3.org/
# 2) https://common.helixcommunity.org/nonav/2003/HCS_SDK_r5/htmfiles/rmff.htm
package Image::ExifTool::Real;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::Canon;
$VERSION = '1.06';
sub ProcessRealMeta($$$);
sub ProcessRealProperties($$$);
# Real property types (ref PH)
my %propertyType = (
0 => 'int32u',
2 => 'string',
# Real Metadata property types
my %metadataFormat = (
1 => 'string', # text
2 => 'string', # text list
3 => 'flag', # 1 or 4 byte integer
4 => 'int32u', # 4-byte integer
5 => 'undef', # binary data
6 => 'string', # URL
7 => 'string', # date
8 => 'string', # file name
9 => undef, # grouping
10 => undef, # reference
# Real Metadata property flag bit descriptions
my %metadataFlag = (
0 => 'Read Only',
1 => 'Private',
2 => 'Type Descriptor',
# tags used in RealMedia (RM, RV and RMVB) files
%Image::ExifTool::Real::Media = (
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Video' },
NOTES => q{
These B<Tag ID>'s are Chunk ID's used in RealMedia and RealVideo (RM, RV and
RMVB) files.
CONT => { SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::ContentDescr' } },
MDPR => { SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::MediaProps' } },
PROP => { SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::Properties' } },
RJMD => { SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::Metadata' } },
# pseudo-tags used in RealAudio (RA) files
%Image::ExifTool::Real::Audio = (
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' },
NOTES => q{
Tags in the following table reference information extracted from various
versions of RealAudio (RA) files.
'.ra3' => { Name => 'RA3', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV3' } },
'.ra4' => { Name => 'RA4', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV4' } },
'.ra5' => { Name => 'RA5', SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV5' } },
# pseudo-tags used in RealMedia Metafiles and RealMedia Plug-in Metafiles (RAM and RPM)
%Image::ExifTool::Real::Metafile = (
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Video' },
NOTES => q{
Tags representing information extracted from Real Audio Metafile and
RealMedia Plug-in Metafile (RAM and RPM) files.
txt => 'Text',
url => 'URL',
%Image::ExifTool::Real::Properties = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-PROP', 2 => 'Video' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int32u',
0 => { Name => 'MaxBitrate', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)' },
1 => { Name => 'AvgBitrate', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)' },
2 => 'MaxPacketSize',
3 => 'AvgPacketSize',
4 => 'NumPackets',
5 => { Name => 'Duration', ValueConv => '$val / 1000', PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val)' },
6 => { Name => 'Preroll', ValueConv => '$val / 1000', PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val)' },
7 => { Name => 'IndexOffset', Unknown => 1 },
8 => { Name => 'DataOffset', Unknown => 1 },
9 => { Name => 'NumStreams', Format => 'int16u' },
10 => {
Name => 'Flags',
Format => 'int16u',
PrintConv => { BITMASK => {
0 => 'Allow Recording',
1 => 'Perfect Play',
2 => 'Live',
3 => 'Allow Download', #PH (from rmeditor dump)
} },
%Image::ExifTool::Real::MediaProps = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-MDPR', 2 => 'Video' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int32u',
PRIORITY => 0, # first stream takes priority
0 => { Name => 'StreamNumber', Format => 'int16u' },
1 => { Name => 'StreamMaxBitrate', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)' },
2 => { Name => 'StreamAvgBitrate', PrintConv => 'ConvertBitrate($val)' },
3 => { Name => 'StreamMaxPacketSize' },
4 => { Name => 'StreamAvgPacketSize' },
5 => { Name => 'StreamStartTime' },
6 => { Name => 'StreamPreroll', ValueConv => '$val / 1000', PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val)' },
7 => { Name => 'StreamDuration',ValueConv => '$val / 1000', PrintConv => 'ConvertDuration($val)' },
8 => { Name => 'StreamNameLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
9 => { Name => 'StreamName', Format => 'string[$val{8}]' },
10 => { Name => 'StreamMimeLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
11 => {
Name => 'StreamMimeType',
Format => 'string[$val{10}]',
RawConv => '$self->{RealStreamMime} = $val',
12 => { Name => 'FileInfoLen', Unknown => 1 },
13 => {
Name => 'FileInfoLen2',
# if this condition fails, subsequent tags will not be processed
Condition => '$self->{RealStreamMime} eq "logical-fileinfo"',
Unknown => 1,
14 => {
Name => 'FileInfoVersion',
Format => 'int16u',
15 => {
Name => 'PhysicalStreams',
Format => 'int16u',
Unknown => 1,
16 => {
Name => 'PhysicalStreamNumbers',
Format => 'int16u[$val{15}]',
Unknown => 1,
17 => {
Name => 'DataOffsets',
Format => 'int32u[$val{15}]',
Unknown => 1,
18 => {
Name => 'NumRules',
Format => 'int16u',
Unknown => 1,
19 => {
Name => 'PhysicalStreamNumberMap',
Format => 'int16u[$val{18}]',
Unknown => 1,
20 => {
Name => 'NumProperties',
Format => 'int16u',
Unknown => 1,
21 => {
Name => 'FileInfoProperties',
Format => 'undef[$val{13}-$val{15}*6-$val{18}*2-12]',
SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::Real::FileInfo' },
# Observed FileInfo properties (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::Real::FileInfo = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-MDPR', 2 => 'Video' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&ProcessRealProperties,
NOTES => q{
The following tags have been observed in the FileInfo properties, but any
other existing information will also be extracted.
Indexable => { PrintConv => { 0 => 'False', 1 => 'True' } },
Keywords => { },
Description => { },
'File ID' => { Name => 'FileID' },
'Content Rating' => {
Name => 'ContentRating',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Rating',
1 => 'All Ages',
2 => 'Older Children',
3 => 'Younger Teens',
4 => 'Older Teens',
5 => 'Adult Supervision Recommended',
6 => 'Adults Only',
Audiences => { },
audioMode => { Name => 'AudioMode' },
'Creation Date' => {
Name => 'CreateDate',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
ValueConv => q{
$val =~ m{(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)} ?
sprintf("%.4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",$3,$2,$1,$4,$5,$6) : $val
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
'Generated By' => { Name => 'Software' },
'Modification Date' => {
Name => 'ModifyDate',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
ValueConv => q{
$val =~ m{(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)} ?
sprintf("%.4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",$3,$2,$1,$4,$5,$6) : $val
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
'Target Audiences' => { Name => 'TargetAudiences' },
'Audio Format' => { Name => 'AudioFormat' },
'Video Quality' => { Name => 'VideoQuality' },
videoMode => { Name => 'VideoMode' },
%Image::ExifTool::Real::ContentDescr = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-CONT', 2 => 'Video' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int16u',
0 => { Name => 'TitleLen', Unknown => 1 },
1 => { Name => 'Title', Format => 'string[$val{0}]' },
2 => { Name => 'AuthorLen', Unknown => 1 },
3 => { Name => 'Author', Format => 'string[$val{2}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
4 => { Name => 'CopyrightLen', Unknown => 1 },
5 => { Name => 'Copyright', Format => 'string[$val{4}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
6 => { Name => 'CommentLen', Unknown => 1 },
7 => { Name => 'Comment', Format => 'string[$val{6}]' },
# Real RJMD meta information (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::Real::Metadata = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-RJMD', 2 => 'Video' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&ProcessRealMeta,
NOTES => q{
The tags below represent information which has been observed in the Real
Metadata format, but ExifTool will extract any information it finds in this
format. (As far as I can tell from the referenced documentation, string
values should be plain text, but this is not the case for the only sample
file I have been able to obtain containing this information. These tags
could also be split into separate sub-directories, but this will wait until
I have better documentation or a more complete set of samples.)
'Album/Name' => 'AlbumName',
'Track/Category' => 'TrackCategory',
'Track/Comments' => 'TrackComments',
'Track/Lyrics' => 'TrackLyrics',
%Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV3 = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-RA3', 2 => 'Audio' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int8u',
0 => { Name => 'Channels', Format => 'int16u' },
1 => { Name => 'Unknown', Format => 'int16u[3]', Unknown => 1 },
2 => { Name => 'BytesPerMinute', Format => 'int16u' },
3 => { Name => 'AudioBytes', Format => 'int32u' },
4 => { Name => 'TitleLen', Unknown => 1 },
5 => { Name => 'Title', Format => 'string[$val{4}]' },
6 => { Name => 'ArtistLen', Unknown => 1 },
7 => { Name => 'Artist', Format => 'string[$val{6}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
8 => { Name => 'CopyrightLen', Unknown => 1 },
9 => { Name => 'Copyright', Format => 'string[$val{8}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
10 => { Name => 'CommentLen', Unknown => 1 },
11 => { Name => 'Comment', Format => 'string[$val{10}]' },
%Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV4 = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-RA4', 2 => 'Audio' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int16u',
0 => { Name => 'FourCC1', Format => 'undef[4]', Unknown => 1 },
1 => { Name => 'AudioFileSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
2 => { Name => 'Version2', Unknown => 1 },
3 => { Name => 'HeaderSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
4 => { Name => 'CodecFlavorID', Unknown => 1 },
5 => { Name => 'CodedFrameSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
6 => { Name => 'AudioBytes', Format => 'int32u' },
7 => { Name => 'BytesPerMinute', Format => 'int32u' },
8 => { Name => 'Unknown', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
9 => { Name => 'SubPacketH', Unknown => 1 },
10 => 'AudioFrameSize',
11 => { Name => 'SubPacketSize', Unknown => 1 },
12 => { Name => 'Unknown', Unknown => 1 },
13 => 'SampleRate',
14 => { Name => 'Unknown', Unknown => 1 },
15 => 'BitsPerSample',
16 => 'Channels',
17 => { Name => 'FourCC2Len', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
18 => { Name => 'FourCC2', Format => 'undef[4]', Unknown => 1 },
19 => { Name => 'FourCC3Len', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
20 => { Name => 'FourCC3', Format => 'undef[4]', Unknown => 1 },
21 => { Name => 'Unknown', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
22 => { Name => 'Unknown', Unknown => 1 },
23 => { Name => 'TitleLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
24 => { Name => 'Title', Format => 'string[$val{23}]' },
25 => { Name => 'ArtistLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
26 => { Name => 'Artist', Format => 'string[$val{25}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
27 => { Name => 'CopyrightLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
28 => { Name => 'Copyright', Format => 'string[$val{27}]', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
29 => { Name => 'CommentLen', Format => 'int8u', Unknown => 1 },
30 => { Name => 'Comment', Format => 'string[$val{29}]' },
%Image::ExifTool::Real::AudioV5 = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'Real-RA5', 2 => 'Audio' },
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::Canon::ProcessSerialData,
VARS => { ID_LABEL => 'Sequence' },
FORMAT => 'int16u',
0 => { Name => 'FourCC1', Format => 'undef[4]', Unknown => 1 },
1 => { Name => 'AudioFileSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
2 => { Name => 'Version2', Unknown => 1 },
3 => { Name => 'HeaderSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
4 => { Name => 'CodecFlavorID', Unknown => 1 },
5 => { Name => 'CodedFrameSize', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
6 => { Name => 'AudioBytes', Format => 'int32u' },
7 => { Name => 'BytesPerMinute', Format => 'int32u' },
8 => { Name => 'Unknown', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
9 => { Name => 'SubPacketH', Unknown => 1 },
10 => { Name => 'FrameSize', Unknown => 1 },
11 => { Name => 'SubPacketSize', Unknown => 1 },
12 => 'SampleRate',
13 => { Name => 'SampleRate2', Unknown => 1 },
14 => { Name => 'BitsPerSample', Format => 'int32u' },
15 => 'Channels',
16 => { Name => 'Genr', Format => 'int32u', Unknown => 1 },
17 => { Name => 'FourCC3', Format => 'undef[4]', Unknown => 1 },
# Process Real NameValueProperties
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref
# Returns: 1 on success
sub ProcessRealProperties($$$)
my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $dirLen = $$dirInfo{DirLen};
my $pos = $$dirInfo{DirStart};
my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose');
$verbose and $et->VerboseDir('RealProperties', undef, $dirLen);
while ($pos + 6 <= $dirLen) {
# get property size and version
my ($size, $vers) = unpack("x${pos}Nn", $$dataPt);
last if $size < 6;
unless ($vers == 0) {
$pos += $size;
$pos += 6;
my $tagLen = unpack("x${pos}C", $$dataPt);
last if $pos + $tagLen > $dirLen;
my $tag = substr($$dataPt, $pos, $tagLen);
$pos += $tagLen;
last if $pos + 6 > $dirLen;
my ($type, $valLen) = unpack("x${pos}Nn", $$dataPt);
$pos += 6;
last if $pos + $valLen > $dirLen;
my $format = $propertyType{$type} || 'undef';
my $count = int($valLen / Image::ExifTool::FormatSize($format));
my $val = ReadValue($dataPt, $pos, $format, $count, $dirLen-$pos);
my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag);
unless ($tagInfo) {
my $tagName;
($tagName = $tag) =~ s/\s+//g;
next unless $tagName =~ /^\w+$/; # ignore crazy names
$tagInfo = { Name => ucfirst($tagName) };
AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tag, $tagInfo);
if ($verbose) {
$et->VerboseInfo($tag, $tagInfo,
Table => $tagTablePtr,
Value => $val,
DataPt => $dataPt,
Size => $valLen,
Start => $pos,
Addr => $pos + $$dirInfo{DataPos},
Format => $format,
Count => $count,
$et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val);
$pos += $valLen;
return 1;
# Process Real metadata properties
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref
# Returns: 1 on success
sub ProcessRealMeta($$$)
my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $dataPos = $$dirInfo{DataPos};
my $pos = $$dirInfo{DirStart};
my $dirEnd = $pos + $$dirInfo{DirLen};
my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose');
my $prefix = $$dirInfo{Prefix} || '';
$prefix and $prefix .= '/';
$verbose and $et->VerboseDir('RealMetadata', undef, $$dirInfo{DirLen});
for (;;) {
last if $pos + 28 > $dirEnd;
# extract fixed-position metadata structure members
my ($size, $type, $flags, $valuePos, $subPropPos, $numSubProps, $nameLen)
= unpack("x${pos}N7", $$dataPt);
# make pointers relative to data start
$valuePos += $pos;
$subPropPos += $pos;
# validate what we have read so far
last if $pos + $size > $dirEnd;
last if $pos + 28 + $nameLen > $dirEnd;
last if $valuePos < $pos + 28 + $nameLen;
last if $valuePos + 4 > $dirEnd;
my $tag = substr($$dataPt, $pos + 28, $nameLen);
$tag =~ s/\0.*//s; # truncate at null
$tag = $prefix . $tag;
my $valueLen = unpack("x${valuePos}N", $$dataPt);
$valuePos += 4; # point at value itself
last if $valuePos + $valueLen > $dirEnd;
my $format = $metadataFormat{$type};
my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag);
unless ($tagInfo) {
my $tagName = $tag;
$tagName =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9//dc;
$tagInfo = { Name => ucfirst($tagName) };
AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tag, $tagInfo);
if ($verbose) {
$format = 'undef' unless defined $format;
$flags = Image::ExifTool::DecodeBits($flags, \%metadataFlag);
if ($valueLen and $format) {
# (a flag can be 1 or 4 bytes)
if ($format eq 'flag') {
$format = ($valueLen == 4) ? 'int32u' : 'int8u';
} elsif ($type == 7 and $tagInfo) {
# add PrintConv and ValueConv for "date" type
$$tagInfo{ValueConv} or $$tagInfo{ValueConv} = q{
$val =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ ?
sprintf("%.4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) :
$$tagInfo{PrintConv} or $$tagInfo{PrintConv} = '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)';
my $count = int($valueLen / Image::ExifTool::FormatSize($format));
my $val = ReadValue($dataPt, $valuePos, $format, $count, $dirEnd-$valuePos);
$et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, $val,
DataPt => $dataPt,
DataPos => $dataPos,
Start => $valuePos,
Size => $valueLen,
Format => "type=$type, flags=$flags",
# extract sub-properties
if ($numSubProps) {
my $dirStart = $valuePos + $valueLen + $numSubProps * 8;
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $dataPt,
DataPos => $dataPos,
DirStart => $dirStart,
DirLen => $pos + $size - $dirStart,
Prefix => $tag,
$et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
$pos += $size; # step to next Metadata structure
unless ($pos == $dirEnd) {
$et->Warn('Format error in Real Metadata');
return 0;
return 1;
# Read information frame a Real file
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Directory information reference
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid Real file
sub ProcessReal($$)
my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_;
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my ($buff, $tag, $vers, $extra, @mimeTypes, %dirCount);
$raf->Read($buff, 8) == 8 or return 0;
$buff =~ m{^(\.RMF|\.ra\xfd|pnm://|rtsp://|http://)} or return 0;
my $fast3 = $$et{OPTIONS}{FastScan} && $$et{OPTIONS}{FastScan} == 3;
my ($type, $tagTablePtr);
if ($1 eq '.RMF') {
$tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Real::Media');
$type = 'RM';
} elsif ($1 eq ".ra\xfd") {
$tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Real::Audio');
$type = 'RA';
} else {
$tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Real::Metafile');
my $ext = $$et{FILE_EXT};
$type = ($ext and $ext eq 'RPM') ? 'RPM' : 'RAM';
require Image::ExifTool::PostScript;
local $/ = Image::ExifTool::PostScript::GetInputRecordSeparator($raf) || "\n";
while ($raf->ReadLine($buff)) {
last if length $buff > 256;
next unless $buff ;
chomp $buff;
if ($type) {
# must be a Real file type if protocol is http
return 0 if $buff =~ /^http/ and $buff !~ /\.(ra|rm|rv|rmvb|smil)$/i;
return 1 if $fast3;
undef $type;
# save URL or Text from RAM file
my $tag = $buff =~ m{^[a-z]{3,4}://} ? 'url' : 'txt';
$et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, $buff);
return 1;
return 1 if $fast3;
my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose');
# Process RealAudio file
if ($type eq 'RA') {
($vers, $extra) = unpack('x4nn', $buff);
$tag = ".ra$vers";
my $fpos = $raf->Tell();
unless ($raf->Read($buff, 512)) {
$et->Warn('Error reading audio header');
return 1;
my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag);
if ($verbose > 2) {
$et->VerboseInfo($tag, $tagInfo, DataPt => \$buff, DataPos => $fpos);
if ($tagInfo) {
my $subTablePtr = GetTagTable($tagInfo->{SubDirectory}->{TagTable});
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => \$buff,
DataPos => $fpos,
DirLen => length $buff,
DirStart => 0,
$et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $subTablePtr);
} else {
$et->Warn('Unsupported RealAudio version');
return 1;
# Process RealMedia file
# skip the rest of the RM header
my $size = unpack('x4N', $buff);
unless ($raf->Seek($size - 8, 1)) {
$et->Warn('Error seeking in file');
return 0;
# Process RealMedia chunks
for (;;) {
$raf->Read($buff, 10) == 10 or last;
($tag, $size, $vers) = unpack('a4Nn', $buff);
last if $tag eq "\0\0\0\0";
if ($verbose) {
$et->VPrint(0, "$tag chunk ($size bytes):\n");
} else {
last if $tag eq 'DATA'; # stop normal parsing at DATA tag
if ($size & 0x80000000) {
$et->Warn('Bad chunk header');
my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag);
if ($tagInfo and $$tagInfo{SubDirectory}) {
my $fpos = $raf->Tell();
unless ($raf->Read($buff, $size-10) == $size-10) {
$et->Warn("Error reading $tag chunk");
if ($verbose > 2) {
$et->VerboseInfo($tag, $tagInfo, DataPt => \$buff, DataPos => $fpos);
my $subTablePtr = GetTagTable($tagInfo->{SubDirectory}->{TagTable});
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => \$buff,
DataPos => $fpos,
DirLen => length $buff,
DirStart => 0,
if ($dirCount{$tag}) {
$$et{SET_GROUP1} = '+' . ++$dirCount{$tag};
} else {
$dirCount{$tag} = 1;
$et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $subTablePtr);
delete $$et{SET_GROUP1};
# keep track of stream MIME types
my $mime = $$et{RealStreamMime};
if ($mime) {
delete $$et{RealStreamMime};
$mime =~ s/\0.*//s;
push @mimeTypes, $mime unless $mime =~ /^logical-/;
} else {
unless ($raf->Seek($size-10, 1)) {
$et->Warn('Error seeking in file');
# override MIMEType with stream MIME type if we only have one stream
if (@mimeTypes == 1 and length $mimeTypes[0]) {
$$et{VALUE}{MIMEType} = $mimeTypes[0];
$et->VPrint(0, " MIMEType = $mimeTypes[0]\n");
# Process footer containing Real metadata and ID3 information
if ($raf->Seek(-140, 2) and $raf->Read($buff, 12) == 12 and $buff =~ /^RMJE/) {
my $metaSize = unpack('x8N', $buff);
if ($raf->Seek(-$metaSize-12, 1) and
$raf->Read($buff, $metaSize) == $metaSize and
$buff =~ /^RJMD/)
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => \$buff,
DataPos => $raf->Tell() - $metaSize,
DirStart => 8,
DirLen => length($buff) - 8,
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Real::Metadata');
$et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} else {
$et->Warn('Bad metadata footer');
if ($raf->Seek(-128, 2) and $raf->Read($buff, 128) == 128 and $buff =~ /^TAG/) {
$et->VPrint(0, "ID3v1:\n");
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => \$buff,
DirStart => 0,
DirLen => length($buff),
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ID3::v1');
$et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
return 1;
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::Real - Read Real audio/video meta information
This module is used by Image::ExifTool
This module contains the routines required by Image::ExifTool to read meta
information in RealAudio (RA), RealMedia (RM, RV and RMVB) and RealMedia
Metafile (RAM and RPM) files.
=head1 NOTES
There must be a bug in the software that wrote the Metadata used in the test
file t/images/Real.rm because the TrackLyricsDataSize word is written
little-endian, but the Real format is big-endian.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2018, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<http://www.getid3.org/>
=item L<https://common.helixcommunity.org/nonav/2003/HCS_SDK_r5/htmfiles/rmff.htm>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/Real Tags>,