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/* energy.h */
/* Slight modification of the file energy.h by Vladimir Kolmogorov,
from energy-v1.1.src.tar.gz, available at
In this version of the file submodularity is ensured by adjusting ("truncating")
the values A, B, C, D in add_term2.
It is also possible to count the number of times this occurs using global variables
by uncommenting the two lines below
//extern int truncCnt, totalCnt;
/* Vladimir Kolmogorov (vnk@cs.cornell.edu), 2003. */
This software minimizes certain energy functions of binary variables, as described in
What Energy Functions can be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), February 2004.
It uses maxflow algorithm described in
An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision
Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), September 2004.
More specifically, it computes the global minimum of a function E of binary
variables x_1, ..., x_n which can be written as a sum of terms involving
at most three variables at a time:
E(x_1, ..., x_n) = \sum_{i} E^{i} (x_i)
+ \sum_{i,j} E^{i,j} (x_i, x_j)
+ \sum_{i,j,k} E^{i,j,k}(x_i, x_j, x_k)
The method works only if each term is "submodular". Definitions of submodularity
for terms E^{i}, E^{i,j}, E^{i,j,k} are given below as comments to functions
add_term1(), add_term2(), add_term3().
This software can be used only for research purposes. IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE,
In order to use it, you will also need a MAXFLOW software which can be
obtained from http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/vnk/software.html
NOTE: This software minimizes functions of BINARY variables only.
However, it can also be used for minimizing certain functions of non-binary
(multi-label) variables via a sequence of binary moves (alpha-expansion,
alpha-beta swap, k-jumps, etc.) as proposed in
Efficient Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, Ramin Zabih,
IEEE transactions on PAMI, vol. 20, no. 12, p. 1222-1239, November 2001.
Also note that an implementation of minimization techniques for non-binary variables
can be downloaded from O. Veksler's homepage: http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/olga/code.html .
Example usage
(Minimizes the following function of 3 binary variables:
E(x, y, z) = x - 2*y + 3*(1-z) - 4*x*y + 5*|y-z|):
#include <stdio.h>
#include "energy.h"
void main()
// Minimize the following function of 3 binary variables:
// E(x, y, z) = x - 2*y + 3*(1-z) - 4*x*y + 5*|y-z|
Energy::Var varx, vary, varz;
Energy *e = new Energy();
varx = e -> add_variable();
vary = e -> add_variable();
varz = e -> add_variable();
e -> add_term1(varx, 0, 1); // add term x
e -> add_term1(vary, 0, -2); // add term -2*y
e -> add_term1(varz, 3, 0); // add term 3*(1-z)
e -> add_term2(x, y, 0, 0, 0, -4); // add term -4*x*y
e -> add_term2(y, z, 0, 5, 5, 0); // add term 5*|y-z|
Energy::TotalValue Emin = e -> minimize();
printf("Minimum = %d\n", Emin);
printf("Optimal solution:\n");
printf("x = %d\n", e->get_var(varx));
printf("y = %d\n", e->get_var(vary));
printf("z = %d\n", e->get_var(varz));
delete e;
#ifndef __ENERGY_H__
#define __ENERGY_H__
#include <assert.h>
#include "graph.h"
class Energy : Graph
typedef node_id Var;
/* Types of energy values.
Value is a type of a value in a single term
TotalValue is a type of a value of the total energy.
By default Value = short, TotalValue = int.
To change it, change the corresponding types in graph.h */
typedef captype Value;
typedef flowtype TotalValue;
/* interface functions */
/* Constructor. Optional argument is the pointer to the
function which will be called if an error occurs;
an error message is passed to this function. If this
argument is omitted, exit(1) will be called. */
Energy(void (*err_function)(const char *) = NULL);
/* Destructor */
/* Adds a new binary variable */
Var add_variable();
/* Adds a constant E to the energy function */
void add_constant(Value E);
/* Adds a new term E(x) of one binary variable
to the energy function, where
E(0) = E0, E(1) = E1
E0 and E1 can be arbitrary */
void add_term1(Var x,
Value E0, Value E1);
/* Adds a new term E(x,y) of two binary variables
to the energy function, where
E(0,0) = E00, E(0,1) = E01
E(1,0) = E10, E(1,1) = E11
The term must be submodular, i.e. E00 + E11 <= E01 + E10 */
void add_term2(Var x, Var y,
Value E00, Value E01,
Value E10, Value E11);
/* Adds a new term E(x,y,z) of three binary variables
to the energy function, where
E(0,0,0) = E000, E(0,0,1) = E001
E(0,1,0) = E010, E(0,1,1) = E011
E(1,0,0) = E100, E(1,0,1) = E101
E(1,1,0) = E110, E(1,1,1) = E111
The term must be submodular. It means that if one
of the variables is fixed (for example, y=1), then
the resulting function of two variables must be submodular.
Since there are 6 ways to fix one variable
(3 variables times 2 binary values - 0 and 1),
this is equivalent to 6 inequalities */
void add_term3(Var x, Var y, Var z,
Value E000, Value E001,
Value E010, Value E011,
Value E100, Value E101,
Value E110, Value E111);
/* After the energy function has been constructed,
call this function to minimize it.
Returns the minimum of the function */
TotalValue minimize();
/* After 'minimize' has been called, this function
can be used to determine the value of variable 'x'
in the optimal solution.
Returns either 0 or 1 */
int get_var(Var x);
/* internal variables and functions */
TotalValue Econst;
void (*error_function)(const char *); /* this function is called if a error occurs,
with a corresponding error message
(or exit(1) is called if it's NULL) */
/************************ Implementation ******************************/
inline Energy::Energy(void (*err_function)(const char *)) : Graph(err_function)
Econst = 0;
error_function = err_function;
inline Energy::~Energy() {}
inline Energy::Var Energy::add_variable() { return add_node(); }
inline void Energy::add_constant(Value A) { Econst += A; }
inline void Energy::add_term1(Var x,
Value A, Value B)
add_tweights(x, B, A);
inline void Energy::add_term2(Var x, Var y,
Value A, Value B,
Value C, Value D)
/* Added "truncation" code below to ensure regularity / submodularity */
if ( A+D > C+B) {
Value delta = A+D-C-B;
Value subtrA = delta/3;
A = A-subtrA;
C = C+subtrA;
B = B+(delta-subtrA*2);
E = A A + 0 B-A
D D C-D 0
Add edges for the first term
add_tweights(x, D, A);
B -= A; C -= D;
/* now need to represent
0 B
C 0
assert(B + C >= 0); /* check regularity */
if (B < 0)
/* Write it as
B B + -B 0 + 0 0
0 0 -B 0 B+C 0
add_tweights(x, 0, B); /* first term */
add_tweights(y, 0, -B); /* second term */
add_edge(x, y, 0, B+C); /* third term */
else if (C < 0)
/* Write it as
-C -C + C 0 + 0 B+C
0 0 C 0 0 0
add_tweights(x, 0, -C); /* first term */
add_tweights(y, 0, C); /* second term */
add_edge(x, y, B+C, 0); /* third term */
else /* B >= 0, C >= 0 */
add_edge(x, y, B, C);
inline void Energy::add_term3(Var x, Var y, Var z,
Value E000, Value E001,
Value E010, Value E011,
Value E100, Value E101,
Value E110, Value E111)
register Value pi = (E000 + E011 + E101 + E110) - (E100 + E010 + E001 + E111);
register Value delta;
register Var u;
if (pi >= 0)
Econst += E111 - (E011 + E101 + E110);
add_tweights(x, E101, E001);
add_tweights(y, E110, E100);
add_tweights(z, E011, E010);
delta = (E010 + E001) - (E000 + E011); /* -pi(E[x=0]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(y, z, delta, 0);
delta = (E100 + E001) - (E000 + E101); /* -pi(E[y=0]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(z, x, delta, 0);
delta = (E100 + E010) - (E000 + E110); /* -pi(E[z=0]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(x, y, delta, 0);
if (pi > 0)
u = add_variable();
add_edge(x, u, pi, 0);
add_edge(y, u, pi, 0);
add_edge(z, u, pi, 0);
add_tweights(u, 0, pi);
Econst += E000 - (E100 + E010 + E001);
add_tweights(x, E110, E010);
add_tweights(y, E011, E001);
add_tweights(z, E101, E100);
delta = (E110 + E101) - (E100 + E111); /* -pi(E[x=1]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(z, y, delta, 0);
delta = (E110 + E011) - (E010 + E111); /* -pi(E[y=1]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(x, z, delta, 0);
delta = (E101 + E011) - (E001 + E111); /* -pi(E[z=1]) */
assert(delta >= 0); /* check regularity */
add_edge(y, x, delta, 0);
u = add_variable();
add_edge(u, x, -pi, 0);
add_edge(u, y, -pi, 0);
add_edge(u, z, -pi, 0);
add_tweights(u, -pi, 0);
inline Energy::TotalValue Energy::minimize() { return Econst + maxflow(); }
inline int Energy::get_var(Var x) { return (int)what_segment(x); }